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Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 22:50 (7 Years ago)

Artemis' Art Gallery and Shop

Hey people of Pokeheroes! Now that Inktober is over, I need a constant flow of things to draw so I don't go back to barely drawing again. I only do traditional art as I do not have the means for digital art (though if you know of a free digital art program i could use either on mac or ipad, let me know!). As of now, its only black and white drawings, but I am working on implementing color in my work. Feel free to comment/ask questions/give advice! I'm nice, I swear.

If you are interested in some art, send me a message or post it here!

AsguardianDogGod - Pet Dog
SensGirl25 - Panther and Falcon
Mom- - OC Avery

What I can draw:
Original Characters of any kind

Payment Accepted

Please make an offer of a price when contacting me!

Inktober Day 1/3

Inktober Day 2/31

Inktober Day 4/31

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Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 18:55 (7 Years ago)
Andromeda breathed a sigh of relief as she caught sight of the others. She sidled up to the tree where Kat stood, leaning against the other side. " No costume for you?," she asked, smirking at Kat.

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Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 18:53 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt put a paw around Bramblekit, pulling him close to her. " That is very unlike you...," she mewed. " Would you two like to visit your father? I can escort you to the medicine cat's den for an official visit, " she meowed. Sunkit peeked suspiciously out of Flowerheart's fur. " But...isn't it safer in here?," she mewed. Dawnpelt smiled, " You will be safe with me, " she meowed.

Duskwind had also scented the remains of the night's battle, but didn't sense any immediate threat. " We'll need to stay alert in this area, even if it seems quiet at the moment " he mewed, padding forward. The line of trees along this border was unnaturally straight, as the two legs had cut down most of the trees in their territory. Duskwind stayed in the treeline, padding through the bushes softly.

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Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 18:28 (7 Years ago)
It's about time, Beverly thought as she walked at the tail end of the group. She was unaccustomed to moving group this size, and with this much diversity. She wondered if she would be able to gather much information about the prophet they were to face when they did move through the towns. People may be too suspicious to speak to us, Beverly thought to herself. She became lost in thought as she walked.

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Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 18:17 (7 Years ago)
Ugh, I guess I'll go in. It's dark, maybe no one will interact with me..., Andromeda thought begrudgingly. She slowly transformed back into her human form, stumbling out of the bushes due to being slightly unbalanced by her bipedal gait. She retained her wolfish sense of smell, and the semblance of her sharp canine teeth, and headed into the town, following a scent she recognized from the group.

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Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 18:15 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt flicked her tail as Ashpelt greeted her, signaling that she heard. Dawnpelt stuck her head into the nursery, her whiskers twitching. She saw that Bramblekit and Sunkit were awake, but still bundled near Flowerheart. " It's only me, " she mewed when she saw Bramblekit's face. She padded into the nursery and sat beside Flowerheart. " Did everyone sleep alright?, " she asked.

Duskwind moved briskly through this part of the territory, enjoying the small hills and dips in the land. Before long, they had reached another border marker - a long, short evergreen that stood between the mountains and the forest. Duskwind paused to bark the boundary and turned to speak to the Hawkpool, " This next stretch of our territory goes near the two leg place, so keep an ear out for their kits or their dogs, " he mewed. Or the rogues, he added in his head.

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Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 16:42 (7 Years ago)
(I don’t want this to die lol is something going to happen while they trick r treat?)

Andromeda lingered by the town entrance, laying amongst large bushes and foliage, making herself out of sight in the night. She was debating whether or not to go into the town and find the others, listing pros and cons in her head.

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Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 16:40 (7 Years ago)
Duskwind tilted his head as he watched Hawkpool move,” We’ll follow this foothill around the base of the mountain, then start turning back towards camp where the trees thin again,” he meowed. Duskwind got to his feet and walked away from turtle rock , further along the border.

Not to worry would be foolish, Dawnwind thought to herself, but decided against voicing this opinion. She nodded and got to her paws, “ May Starclan watch over us as well, “ she mewed before taking her leave. She padded away down the tall rock, in a somewhat darker mood. She paused to watch the camp, seeing cats moving to and fro, repairing the damage from the battle. If I feel this way, I can only imagine how the kits feel..., she thought, heading towards the nursery.

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Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 16:00 (7 Years ago)
“I usually don’t see you in th daylight either,” Duskwind said, smiling while returning Hawkpool’s gaze. Much of their meetings had been during the dead of night or at the gatherings. To be sitting near Hawkpool in the day, and because his deputy ordered him, was humorous to Duskwind.

“Perbaps,” Dawnpelt mewed. She was quiet for a moment, looking out of the leaders den to the camp. Her tail tip thumped the ground lightly as she thought. “ I’m disturbed by that thought,” she said. “ But I suppose their motives aren’t that important - we simply need to be ready next time they come,”

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Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 15:01 (7 Years ago)
Beverly nodded as Alex spoke, " Only a few days travel and many towns in between, " she said, repeating the information for her own sake. " Sounds more than a decent journey to me. Of course, that's given nothing eventful happens to us during that time." Beverly pushed a lock of ginger hair behind her ear before pulling her hood back over her head. " Shall we begin?, " she said, more or less to the whole group.

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Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 13:58 (7 Years ago)
Kara’s hair was blown aside slightly from the force of Aeryn’s wind, amazed by the display before her. Her eyes were wide with wonder, looking at Aeryn with new fascination.

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Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 13:52 (7 Years ago)
Duskwind marked the border than stood beside Hawkpool. “How does it feel to be looking up from this side?” He asked. Duskwind could smell the pine forest up ahead, still green in contrast to the bare trees in the forest.

Dawnpelt nodded, “ Sounds good to me,” She mewed. “ I’m going to the nursery, the wall was hit the hardest there,” she explained. She paused before leaving. “ Flamestar, why do you think they tried to take our kits?” She asked.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 17:54 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt mewed, “ I’m alright, just a few wounds that are healing nicely,” she said. “ I sent a morning patrol out, with Duskwind and Hawkpool. Mudfrather is overseeing camp repairs, I figured I’d have the Pineclan cats help out there,” she reported.

Duskwind moved swiftly over the rocky ground, his paws missing the feel of the sandy terrain. They reached the river , and he paused to mark the border. “ Well follow this back into the forest, and that will bring us to the moutainous area, by turtle rock. “ he mewed to Hawkpool. “ you’ll get a glimpse of Home,” he chirped.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 17:29 (7 Years ago)
Beverly nodded, then also looked to Alex as he spoke. “ Where are we headed to first?,” she asked, taking a step towards him, peering at the map that he unfolded.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 17:25 (7 Years ago)
(Keep us on our toes!)

Duskwind flicked his tail, “ It was nice. But the river floods spontaneously, doesn’t make for a good permanent home,” he mewed. Duskwind took one last look before standing, “ Might as well keep going,” he meowed, signaling for the others to follow him through the sandy area.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 17:05 (7 Years ago)
(Well see what characters we have when the kits are of age, I don’t plan these things, they just happen)

Dawnpelt flicked an ear as Flamestar spoke and walked into the leaders den. “ Good morning, “ She mewed. “ How are you fairing today?,” she asked, sitting down and wrapping her tail neatly around her paws.

Duskwind padded thought he forest, his paws brushing through the dried leaves that covered the forest floor. The air smelled crisp, with a light breeze blowing through the trees. Soon, the trees began to thin and the ground turned from dirt to rock, as they neared the desert area. Duskwind paused at the twisted trees that stood at the border and marked the boundary. “ Our camp used to be down over there,” he pointed out to Hawkpool. “ since we moved, we don’t use this territory as much now, “ he mewed.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 16:40 (7 Years ago)
( HAha yet another ship is setting sail, while my own ship goes up in flames )

" Well, we don't have anything else as cool as turtle rock, unfortunately. It's all twigs and stones, " Duskwind said smirking. He looked over as Stonetail and Shadowpelt emerged from the warriors den, approaching his side. " Alright, let's go to the desert border and start from there, " he suggested to the others and padeded out of the bramble tunnel.

Dawnpelt eyed Mudfeather, chuckling, " You young warriors are so authoritative," she mewed. " If you need any assistance, find me. I won't be leaving camp much today, " she said, as she padded off towards the leader den. She padded up the tall rock, and sat by the entrance, listening to hear if Flamestar was awake yet.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 16:21 (7 Years ago)
( man, you're evil lol no objection, im a sucker for tragedy )

Dawnpelt nodded, " Feel free to put some of these Pineclan warriors to work as well. They're here to help, anyway, " she suggested. Dawnpelt's muzzle itched and she pawed at the cobwebs that were loosely attached at this point. " It appears that the nursery needs the most work. Maybe there's a way we can reinforce it from future attacks?," She pondered.

Duskwind watched Feathercloud exit the den as he swallowed his last pieces of the fresh-kill. " Stonetail, Shadowpelt, get up, we're patrolling, " he meowed. Duskwind cleaned his paws and face before walking out to the center of the camp as well, standing near Hawkpool. " Ready to see our borders?, " he mewed.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 16:11 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt watched the Pineclan cats emerge from the elders den, wondering how these cats would fare in the forest. We are in Pineclan's debt now, that's for sure, she thought to herself. She glanced over at Mudfeather and padded towards her. " Thank you for hunting so early, " she mewed. " Could you oversee some cats in repairing the damaged walls today? I know it's apprentice work, but we are out of apprentices, " Dawnpelt gestured the large pile of branches and brush that Feathercloud had feverishly collected during the night. " At least you don't need to forage too much, " she meowed.

Duskwind entered the warrior's den, placing one of the birds he collected near Feathercloud. He sat down near the entrance of the den and worked on his meal.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 15:56 (7 Years ago)
Duskwind rolled his eyes, " Don't make me put all these burrs back into your fur, " he said. Duskwind licked his paw, grooming behind his ear one before standing. " I'm going to get some food from the fresh-kill pile, I'll bring you something," he mewed, padding out of the den.

Dawnpelt smiled as Tigerstripe commanded Ashpelt. She got to her paws, and stretched slightly. " I'm going to send out a patrol, " she mewed, and padded out of the medicine cat's den. She walked into the center of camp, thinking about who she could send. Definitely Stonetail and Shadowpelt, she thought as she pondered. Her ears flicked as she saw Duskwind padding to the freshkill pile, picking out a few birds. " Duskwind," She mewed, catching his attention. " You, Stonetail, Shadowpelt, and Hawkpool will go on first patrol today, " She meowed. Duskwind nodded, and walked back to the warriors' den.

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