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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 16/12/2021 06:10 (2 Years ago)
Since mom works tomorrow night, the four of us watched Solo tonight as my birthday movie. Loved it! Expected a few things based on my knowledge, but some were surprises. And that cameo at the end!!

Also. OMG! Emilia Clarke (also known as "the Dragon Lady" to dad) plays a character. I had to look her up during cause not being able to place her was making it difficult to enjoy the movie.

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Posted: Wed, 15/12/2021 22:29 (2 Years ago)
So I stopped into Mattawa Library after my dentist appointment. Avoided looking at any books because it took me four months to read the last six I checked out.

I'd just finished checking out and was preparing to leave when this older couple came in and returned some books. The title of one caught my attention: Skyborn. At first, I was thinking Star Wars. But nope. An epic fantasy series about Seraphim by David Dalglish.

With no hesitation, I asked if I could check those three out as well. The man was requesting the next three in the series. The librarian didn't have them, but since she knew at least two people would be interested, she ordered them. So by the time I'm ready, they'll have them in.

This was a great way to end my dentist trip. Went from wanting to throw up due to anxiety to excited to read a new series.

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Posted: Tue, 14/12/2021 18:30 (2 Years ago)
1. The Worldwalker series by Josephine Angelini is really good. Finished the first two books in about ten hours total?

2. Before reading the last book in the above trilogy, I'm going to finish that chapter of Forevermore and get at least T10 capable in Diablo III.

3. OMG. Cloud. Stop trying to knead my chest and walk all over my lap while I'm writing this.

4. Decided to change the name of the MC in Guardians of Sanctuary since it's just way too close to my Pokemon Trainer's name. Going with Sakura, for my love of cherry blossoms. Might go with Tempest as the last name.

5. Considering making a Facebook page to post story versions of the misadventures of my cats, cause some of the things they do are hilarious.

6. Cloud! It's been five minutes!

7. Dad got the PET scan results back. Great news in that the cancer has not spread outside of the mass in his lungs. But they discovered something in his shoulder.

8. [Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp]

The dragonfly you're talking about is right over there.
Here! Isn't this the seashell you wanted?
You're hungry? Look at all the trees nearby.

I don't mind helping out and all, but can you really not walk ten feet and get it yourself? What a great example to set for the young'uns.

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Posted: Mon, 13/12/2021 20:29 (2 Years ago)
I went into the kitchen to make lunch. Decided on a peanut butter sandwich. As I open the fridge to grab the caramel syrup, I noticed the bag of grated cheese.

Now. I'm not allowed to have cheese straight from the bag, as I'd just eat it all up due to how much I love it. But I still reaaaaally wanted some cheese.

You can probably guess what I did. And oh. It tasted so good. I think I found a new favorite snack.

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Posted: Mon, 13/12/2021 07:21 (2 Years ago)
God. I hate this. Wanting to say my piece, and yet, also knowing that anything I say will not only make things worse for those involved, but will likely bring me back into the spotlight of those who still hate me for various reasons.

I know what it's like to be witch-hunted for speaking the truth or being yourself. After months of stalking, harassment, and slander, I was so distraught that I was nearly pushed over the edge. I'm so much better now, and improving every day.

I guess, sometimes (or at least, for some people), no matter how badly you want to speak, silence is the better choice for your sanity. This also means that I need to accept that there is nothing I can do about this, and just let things play out.

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Posted: Sun, 12/12/2021 23:47 (2 Years ago)
[Diablo III]

Whoa! Do you know how I was saying that the Cosmic Wings and Rainbow Frame were drops from extremely rare spawns? We're like 150 Rainbow Portals in and still have not found those rare creatures yet.

Well. I just got a rare drop I didn't even know existed. A pennant (a banner that I equip on my char's back like wings) called The Harvest. I'm so happy right now!

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Posted: Sun, 12/12/2021 17:59 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 12/12/2021 02:39 (2 Years ago)
Been about ten weeks now since we took in Crowley and Azazel. The pair are still skittish but are loving their warmth, food, shelter, love, toys, scratchies, and fellow kitties to play with.

For four weeks now, Crowley has been willingly jumping into our laps and annoyingly seeking attention.

Azazel just jumped in my lap for the first time and spent five getting attention from me. Even gave me a love bite and rubbed her(?) head against my cheek several times.

Glad to see you're starting to trust us completely now, too! ^.^

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Posted: Fri, 10/12/2021 05:10 (2 Years ago)
Here's what my main to-do list looks like as of right now.

-Finish current Chapter of Forevermore
-Read Worldwalker Trilogy by Josephine Angelini
-Chapter 10 of Angel of the Shadows
-Chapter 02 of Guardians of Sanctuary

Once that's done, most of my time will be spent helping dad get the apartments fixed up. He wants to make sure to get at least five of them done, the biggest one of which will be mine when he's gone. Or playing Season 25 of Diablo III. And Diablo IV when it comes out.

I'll still make time for writing, focusing on Forevermore, as I want to prove to dad and my brother I can actually finish something I started. It would mean so much to me for dad to hold one of my books in his hands.

Shooting for 3 chapters in Forevermore and one each for the fanfics each month.

For now, though. I'm going to head to bed. We have to get up early tomorrow to drive an hour and a half to Wenatchee so he can get his PET scan. In less than a week, we should have a timeframe. *scared*

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Posted: Wed, 08/12/2021 20:08 (2 Years ago)
Since nobody wanted the two orange males we had, we decided to keep them. One has been named, based on the fact I thought it resembled Coffee Creamer, Mochi. Which is a combination of Mocha and Machiatto. ^.^

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Posted: Wed, 08/12/2021 17:50 (2 Years ago)
So, Cloud likes sleeping on top of my chair. Apparently, he's taken to watching my monitor and discovered my cursor. He tried crawling onto my desk to play with it easier. I told him "no", and put him on the floor. What does he do?

He looks up at my monitor, where he can still barely see the cursor, sits up, and BEGS! I had to pick him up and give him some cuddles and love cause that was just so freaking adorable!

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Posted: Wed, 08/12/2021 01:06 (2 Years ago)
After getting off the phone with the local clinic, dad informed me he got the call earlier today.

He has lung cancer. They still don't know how far along yet, or how far it's spread. But he's got blood work and other tests on the way to determine that.

Right now, I'm still hoping we caught it early enough to send it into remission and give him a few more years.

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Posted: Tue, 07/12/2021 03:44 (2 Years ago)
Warning. May not be worded well.

On today's episode of Listen to your Gut, I find that someone who I had felt uneasy around to the point of blocking them wasn't good for my life.

At first, I thought it was it was because of their uniqueness. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I've just never been comfortable around some kinds of people. Ever since I was a child and an autistic acquaintance freaked out after misunderstanding a simple question. Since then, I've been anxious being around anyone like that.

Come to find out, this person [the one from today] was a cheater and a liar. Makes me wonder if their condition was real, or just a means to cover their true nature. Sad that some people's actions ruin the image of those who have legitimate issues.

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Posted: Mon, 06/12/2021 06:18 (2 Years ago)
I'm so scared about the phone call we'll be receiving this week. Expected Tuesday, but could be as late as Thursday. I mean. I've only had seven years with dad. It's not enough. Heck. Ten more years wouldn't be enough. And I just...So many fears. I...*starts rocking back and forth*

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 20:01 (2 Years ago)
Over the last year, there have been many times where I saw someone post something on PH/PFQ. And I wanted to congratulate them, wish them well, answer their help question, or just excitedly talk about a shared interest I didn't know we had. But last I knew, they didn't want me talking to them. Or just up and stopped responding to me.

And it really sucks sometimes. I care less about this whole thing than I did several months ago. But I still care about it more than I should. Knowing that I cost myself several potentially awesome friendships. It's even worse knowing that it's all because of the problem I have putting into words my thoughts. Cause, it really seems that I was at least like 75% on the same page.

I'm glad some understood from the start. I'm glad my ability to word has improved to the point others are starting to realize what I meant. Heck. I'm even glad that others showed their true colors before I had the chance to really get hurt.

Here's to continued improvement! ^.^

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 18:51 (2 Years ago)
Chidori: *meows*
Me: *meows back*
Us: *does three more times*
Dad: *taps foot and turns to look at me*
Me: Chidori started it!

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 08:32 (2 Years ago)
"Wildfyre is someone who does a lot to grow as a person and I really admire her for it"

Thank you! It's really nice to see something like this. As so often, I truly feel like I'm not accomplishing anything, or growing as much as I'd like. I don't really know how to explain how much this means to me.

It's things like this that keep me going. I never thought I could ever be an inspiration to others. I've made so many mistakes, and half the time feel like I'm not a very good person/friend. But if my persistence and dedication can encourage even one person to keep going, that makes my struggles worth it! <3

Good night, everyone! May the Force serve you well! ^.^

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 08:17 (2 Years ago)
I hadn't written anything since the 2nd. Managed to get 1,364 words in today.

After a conversation with someone on PFQ, my subconscious said "Hey! Add a sentient rat to your story!" And I was like. Uhm. I don't really like them, but okay. In my research, I have discovered the following:

-Rats are cleaner than expected, highly intelligent, and even affectionate
-Are social animals, so should be bought originally in a pair
-A group of rats, although also referred to as "colony", "plague", "pack", or "swarm" is actually called a "mischief"
-The various sounds of communication they make. One of which is called "bruxing" aka, the rapid grinding of teeth. Doing this can be a sign of either happiness or stress. It is up to the owner to read the body language correctly. And that, if you're going to pick one up while it is hissing, it is best to wear a glove or other protective gear, as it may attack you.

Overall, I think I might look into getting a pair of rats at some point in the future.

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 06:24 (2 Years ago)

Title: Ranklist as of 12-5-21

Most Interactions (30 Days): 147. 97,984
Most Interactions: 71. 9,742,082
Most Pokémon: 241. 3,331
Most Pokédex Entries: 186. 1,307
Most Eggs Hatched: 7. 117,095
Most EggDex Entries: 73. 620
Highest Trainer Level: 14. 114
Longest Game Time: 64. 4671:24
Most Money: 37. 20,215,414
Longest Pokéradar-Chain: 433. 1,453
Royal Tunnel Explorations: 183. Level 190
Most Wonder Trades: 134. 1,952
Longest HoL-Chain: 121. 33
Most Shinies: 168. 319
Most ShinyDex Entries: 171. 229
Most Shadows: 45. 296
Most ShadowDex Entries: 34. 274
Biggest Plushie Collection: 14. 14,993
Most unique Plushies: 38. 792
Most Dream Points spent: 42. 395,455

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Posted: Sat, 04/12/2021 22:01 (2 Years ago)
[Forevermore Excerpt]

“Wait!” Anya cried out, and he paused, but did not turn back to face her until her next words. “What is your name?”

After several seconds of just staring at her in silence, he spoke. “My true name would be impossible to pronounce to most surface dwellers. The best I can translate is ‘Snow-Skinned Fanged Warrior’. It’s quite a mouthful. Tis why most people just call me the Sewer King.”

She frowned. “That doesn’t really strike fear in me. Though it does bring to mind a picture of a slime-covered monster. But I want to call you Chompbrrr. Cause, cause. You got big, sharp, teeth to go chomp with. And your fur looks like snow, which is brrr weather.”

He stared at her, head tilted slightly to the right, his nose twitching. Anya blushed, certain that he was trying to determine just how crazy she was. Finally, he burst out in laughter that took several minutes to die down. “It has been ages since I laughed that hard. Thank you. Anya. I think we’ll make great friends."

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