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Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 23:21 (4 Years ago)

(Joking I love your name)

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Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 14:40 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 14:39 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 14:39 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 19/06/2020 18:22 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 18/06/2020 12:01 (4 Years ago)
No one has posted here in a while so... Bippity beep bop bump

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Posted: Thu, 18/06/2020 11:43 (4 Years ago)
username: MeAgainstTheWorld
What season are you on: 4
Did ye subscribe: Duh
How often are you on ph: As often as possible
Are ye a weeb (it’s yes or no): obviously XD
Password: Deku and King Explosion Death Lord (only true fans know that reference)
Sub or dub: Both.

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Posted: Thu, 18/06/2020 10:43 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 18/06/2020 10:43 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2020 19:53 (4 Years ago)
The only problem I have with this is the master ball one. The items you say are required for it seem to be too cheap, as a master ball is quite difficult to obtain in game. Perhaps it should be a trade of 50 ultra balls, or even 100 just so the economy doesn't die. And that's if this suggestion is added at all. Since master balls are not in game yet, I would think they should have a special quest or be an extremely rare find when rumbling.

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2020 05:28 (4 Years ago)
This is pretty much exactly what the name suggests. It is a bit odd how summon items don't have their own bag category and are just put in the Valuables category along with pearls and relic items. Why not change the current valuables category to Treasure and move summon items into their own category, perhaps putting vouchers with them as a sub category below them, or making a new category for vouchers entirely.

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2020 10:55 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2020 10:54 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2020 10:50 (4 Years ago)
Wow. I never see risk comments when I'm online. I feel slightly accomplished (and disappointed because I'm up at 4am and haven't slept)

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2020 11:35 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 05/06/2020 19:32 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 05/06/2020 19:32 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 05/06/2020 07:18 (4 Years ago)
The image is as big as it is. Basically, a 97x97 image will be 97x97 pixels, and a 500x500 image will be 500x500 pixels.

and for uploading sites, ImgBB works well as it's not blocked for many people, like devianart and imgurr.

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Posted: Tue, 02/06/2020 17:26 (4 Years ago)
I am currently Hunting...
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Shiny Slots:

Payment: 100k PD or 66 Nuggets

Mega Able Slots:

Payment: 75k PD or 50 Nuggets

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Posted: Fri, 29/05/2020 22:50 (4 Years ago)
What I can Do:
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Pretty much anything! Just ask!

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