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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 03:33 (11 Years ago)
Maggie reluctantly came along. If it wasn't a psychic type, she could easily have phased out of the grip. "I-I'm coming. But no sun," she whimpered loudly. Speeding up a little so Tsuki wasn't pulling so hard, she carefully kept her eyes peeled for any dusty beams. She heard the humans recovering, and sent out a Psywave to knock them back a bit. Even as she did that, a pokeball flew over head, nearly hitting her in the hat. With a jump, she flew forward faster that Tsuki, slipping out of the grip and racing ahead blindly.

Rin looked around. "Wait, where is the Furret? I thought she would have made it here first..." he commented. Taking only a second to catch his breath, he jumped back out of the hole, hiding just in time to see pokemon control zoom past. Someone must have called them on the Dragonair. Or maybe they recognized him. Either way, that wasn't good. The Furret was fast, but was she fast enough to escape their vehicles?

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 03:11 (11 Years ago)
I'd like to get Seel and Snivy (if Snivy is okay).

Sorry, I just got back from a VB tournament... we lost. :,(

But I'm ready to go whenever. ^-^

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 22:44 (11 Years ago)

Title: August 2nd

Well, volleyball went well last night. CLOSEST FRIGGIN' TOURNAMENT GAME EVER!

They won the first round, we won the second. Third was to 15, but you have to win by 2 points. We won 16 to 14. O_o

The second team we were suppose to play last night forfeited because they didn't have enough players.

Thus, I'll be leaving again tonight for a while. I'm actually leaving really soon so I can get dinner first. No promises on if I get back on at all tonight.

Oh, and I fixed my sprites that weren't working on my Not Quite Sprites thread. I was about to post more, then my mom booted me from the computer onto my tablet. T_T

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 22:31 (11 Years ago)
Yeah, it depends on the site. Certain sites Adv. Lit. also means that you make your posts really fancy. Like, you have a template for your post, or you wrap your text around (a) picture(s) of your character that you're posting as. I've been on so many, it's hard to get the lingo for each down for a while.

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 22:27 (11 Years ago)
Erm, like the pose in the link. And more like the Skitty one in the first post. :3

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 22:13 (11 Years ago)
Hay Shay! I want a Pokesona!
Description/Picture: here
Pose: Could you do kind of an over the shoulder thing. I don't know if it's too complicated, but kind of like this. No pokeball, though.
Other: If it's too complicated, feel free to deny me~

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 22:06 (11 Years ago)
Nickname: Mituna, I guess Tuna works though.
Appearance: Here. She usually wears blue outfits like the color of the flower in her hair.
Pokémon Type you want: Water
Pokémon Gender: Female
Pokémon Ability: N/A
Pokémon Nature: Quiet
Your character's name: Lyn
Your character's gender: Female
Your character's age: 15
Your characters personality: Quiet, very shy. Not easily angered, but when she is, she's not afraid to smack someone.
Your characters history: Comes from a cold region, prefers ice and water types
Password: Kanto
Other: Student

Nickname: Same as above
Appearance: Here.
Pokémon Type you want: He wants Fire, but he's getting Grass. xD
Pokémon Gender: male
Pokémon Ability: N/A
Pokémon Nature: Impish
Your character's name: Rey
Your character's gender: male
Your character's age: 12
Your characters personality: Selfish, doesn't play well with others. Easily angered when things don't go his way.
Your characters history: Grew up spoiled in a wealthy house.
Password: Same as the first profile
Other: Student

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 21:50 (11 Years ago)
The Riolu watched the girl pokemon below attack the humans. They were quite the odd bunch, but it was nice of them to help out. Standing up, he called down. "Hey, Furret girl! I'm going to make back for the hole, I'll meet you there!" he said. Not sticking around for much of an answer, Rin took off across the roof, tired now and not nearly at full speed. Reaching where he dropped down the first time, he jumped off the ledge, slowing himself of the pole before landing on all fours. It took him a minute to spot the illusion, but he then dropped down into the hole. "It looks great!" he commented.

At the idea that they should leave, Maggie looked up at the fading sunlight. "N-no. I'll stay here, sisters should go," she drifted back in the doorway. "I can hide well. But... No, no sun." She shook her head furiously, wisps floating everywhere. The sun was bad. Ghosts didn't like daylight, but she didn't really know why. Even Giratina never seemed to like even entertaining the idea of drifting into daylight. She would just have to stay behind. She could manage herself.

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 21:32 (11 Years ago)
Seya crossed her arms. "You two have friends up in the tree, Sable can tell. I don't appreciate the idea of an ambush. And I can tell I'm upsetting the pokemon! A freakin' Excadril just attacked me!" Sighing, she paused only a second to consider her options. Finally, she smirked. If she wanted to know what these things could do, trying their patience was an excellent way to find out.

"You know," she started. "Since you asked, I kind of like this place. It's a nice island, and I always wanted an island home. Hm, maybe I'll stay a while." Sable laughed hysterically, but kept it's bright eyes on the angry Gijinka's, posed for any attacks. Seya even joined in with a little giggle, ready at any moment to summon the second pokemon if the hiding Gijinka or Gijinka's joined in.

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 21:18 (11 Years ago)
I'm debating joining. Would you be upset if I posted more than 2 paragraphs? I tend to write a lot... ^^U

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 21:10 (11 Years ago)
Never hurts to try! :3 I applied, and I've never been a mod before (had to enforce rules in plenty of roleplays, but nothing big). Definitely anybody that's thinking about it but nervous at all should try. Really, the worst that happens is that you get turned down. It's not like you'll get banned from the site forever or anything.

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 15:43 (11 Years ago)
I was just thinking about doing this, but it seems you've done it better than even I would have! ^-~

Well, I haven't seen this around here yet, but from my other experiences, there are two things I'd like to mention:

Around some places, there is a difference between Lit. and Adv. Lit. (Advanced Literate). Lit. may range from 1-2 paragraph requirement, with some tolerance for typos and a few jumbles by non-English speakers. Adv. Lit. tends to be harsher on grammar and what not, and really wants the writer to be good and detailed. Some even have fairly long post requirements, but because of this MAY allow some in character control of another player's character.

The other thing is Open, Closed, Accepting, and Not Accepting roleplays. In some places, thread titles may indicate where a roleplay is currently active and members are posting (open), if the roleplay is not full enough yet or is not longer updating (Closed), as well as whether or not they are accepting profiles yet (Accepting and Not Accepting). A roleplay CAN be Closed and Accepting, it means that while the story is not happening, you can still apply for a character. (For whatever reason, that combination of words always seems to confuse some people.) Sometimes these are abbreviated in thread titles.
Not Accepting-NA

(Usually these abbreviations are used if the thread title is getting too long, I don't see them often.)

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 15:20 (11 Years ago)
Okay, thanks, that's good to know. I had to use just the mobile urls for them, but once I get on my actual compute I'll fix that. (Stupid photobucket will only let me use the mobile version on my tablet...)

and those stupid video adds every time I go to a new page... D<

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 04:53 (11 Years ago)
((It was only Sable laughing, but that's fine~))

It was clear to Seya that Sable's habit was unsettling to the girls. "Ah, sorry! She tends to do that when she knows something," she quickly apologized. Laughing again as it caught on, it pointed up at the tree with the other Gijinka's. "There are more Gijinka's up there?" At that revelation, Seya froze. That wasn't good. If they wanted to fight, they could separate her and Sable. Even being level 80, Sable could only handle so many opponents at once, and another could easily attack her directly. Her grip tightened on the little pokeball, hoping this little new addition would be enough to hold them off if things went down hill. Her surprise and fear quickly faded and turned to strong determination. "I guess my question is what are you planning? Let's not resort to fighting or ambushes, please," she demanded.

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 04:37 (11 Years ago)

Title: Spinarak

Icky... I hate spiders. Around me we get black widows every once in a while. To bad they don't make you spiderman!

For homestuck fans, I named this little one Vriska~ And the Gastly is Dead Vriska...

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 04:33 (11 Years ago)

Title: Paras

Is it bad I always name these guys "Hilton"? *shot* xD

Hey, if any of these aren't showing up, please tell me. I can't see poliwag or Weedle. I don't know why for poliwag, but right now I'm on the stupid mobile photobucket, and just taking the 'm' out of the url.

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 04:30 (11 Years ago)

Title: Weedle

Bug type time! :D Starting off this little mini type series with Weedle, because let's be honest, who hasn't gotten peeved with getting poisoned trying to get through the forest? But if you catch these guys, it's so easy to evolve them fast! They reach third stage at level 10!

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 04:18 (11 Years ago)
((My interwebs... So stupid... WHY MUST YOU REFRESH YOURSELF?! ;A;))

Hearing different shouts from the humans, Rin was surprised to see the Furret over his shoulder catching up to him and headbutting the boards. To be honest, he was jealous of her speed. When she caught up and turned, he was caught off guard, and had to put a third paw down to stop himself and turn on. Just in time, he saw a pokeball flying straight at him. The best he could do was lay down and watch it skim his nose. Pushing himself back up of his shoulders and forepaws, he made for the ally and noticed a door. About to reach it, he was totally caught off guard by the appearance of the angry looking Dragonair. In a split second reaction, he jumped to the side and onto a dumpster, then up again to a window up and across from it. A few more jumps and he was on the roof, lying on his belly and looking down on the scene.

Maggie didn't get the fuss about the humans. Whenever they came around, she just hid if they came too close. But Aurora seemed concerned, so she drifted over to the doorway lazily, checking the scene from the shadows. Indeed, it looked like the humans, some on hoverboards, were after a few small pokemon. Drifting out just barely, she used Psywave to kill the power on the boards, and make the ones standing stumble back a bit. Anything that came close, she readied a small Shadowball.

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Posted: Thu, 01/08/2013 22:44 (11 Years ago)
Seya shrugged. "Not very well. There was a bunch of us, and we come from all over the area that humans inhabit. Not to mention I don't know which two are here." She could tell the Mightyena girl didn't like her, though the Ninetails seemed nice enough. At least it was giving her a chance.

A thought crossed her mind, and she looked down at Sable, who understood immediately and laughed loudly. It was a ridiculous idea, and she couldn't test it now, not with these two around. But she had to try it. These two couldn't be the only Gijinkas on the Arceus forsaken island. "Do you know where the other two are?I'd like to see how they're doing."

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Posted: Thu, 01/08/2013 22:31 (11 Years ago)

Title: August 1st

Well, here are a few things going on that could prohibit my activity:

1. Volleyball tournament: Tonight for me, but I'll probably be getting off right around server midnight. Depending on how we do, I might be back on tonight, or I might not. Also, if we do really well, I'll be gone about the same time tomorrow, too.

2. Monday: Me and a bunch of friends are getting together before I leave. You might find me on early morning my time and later that night, but I'll be gone in the middle.

3. College transition: this is the biggie. I'm going out of state, so the ninth I'll be doing quite a bit of flying. I might be on that morning and maybe just a bit at the airport. The tenth I move in, and all the last minute stuff has to get done, not to mention I meet my roommate. After that is insanity with marching band camp and other activities until the nineteenth (I think that's the date...) when classes start. I shouldn't be to busy between the 12th and the 19th that I wouldn't be able to get on, but the 10th and 11th have no promises. When classes start, I'll be getting into the swing of things and you probably will only see me at night (early server time), and maybe during a lunch or breaks between classes.

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