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Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 21:05 (9 Years ago)
Got a pretty XYY Silver Baby!~

He's on auction right here!

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Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 17:11 (9 Years ago)
@Kainbunny Wow! They're super pretty! *w* But I don't think I have enough space to give them a home and a mate. But they ARE really really pretty for sure!

I hatched 2 of my 5 nocturne eggs >w< One of them is a XYX

I also got some secret Santa Art! *w* SOOOOOO PRETTY!!!

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Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 02:06 (9 Years ago)
Thank you! :>

Everyone. I feel like being puny. So ahem,

I wish you all a merry christmas and a winderful new year! >w<~

Other than that, I found 5 nocturne eggs so far! *w* So happy! I'll be hatching 2 tomorrow as christmas babies. As well as a breed change scroll, but I sold it to get presents for my friends

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Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 02:02 (9 Years ago)
@Skylea95 I have a Fallbrush Fraud, my username is Harmonywish, do you mind sending a Book in return? I can't get enough of those books *w*

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Posted: Thu, 24/12/2015 02:30 (9 Years ago)
Secret Santa? :< I'm not sure wind had one, I joined an art secret santa though :> Can't wait to see the art piece~

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Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 23:33 (9 Years ago)
@ScarlettRose123 Caterpillars? You mean the ones that look like miniature Caterpies *w* Do you have any need for them? Want to trade some for a strange chest of mine? ;3 I'll have to farm it though!

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Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 22:10 (9 Years ago)
@Lucrecia The mimics don't drop familairs. They drop strange chests that can get those familairs

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Posted: Tue, 22/12/2015 00:08 (9 Years ago)
@ScarlettRose123 My favorite is cloudkeeper herald forever! :> Not because I'm in the Wind Flight and the familiar is our bear representative no! xD The blue book is my second favorite :> Spellbound Tome ^^'

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Posted: Mon, 21/12/2015 21:54 (9 Years ago)
Hatched my nocturne egg, probably saving the rest of them ^^'

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2015 22:26 (9 Years ago)
Alright! Hmm, to see if I can make those things easier for you, in here under 2015-2016 Info. Under the items listed, it tells you the percentage of the items that are dropped compared to the items that are available. So there is a 1.37% percent of a Sunbeam Ursa dropping from a chest.

But you don't need to know the percentages to have fun! :> Just go open your chests and see what's inside!

To simply put it,
The breed scroll is super rare
The egg is rare
The apparel and familiars are common.

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2015 22:08 (9 Years ago)
@SweetSacrifice Guides. Always check the guides. Like this or this

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2015 22:05 (9 Years ago)
Which shiny do you want?: The Ponyta please~
How many shinies do you have?: 33
Username?: Lupa
Other?: Thanks to you for doing this, and anyone else who donated!

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2015 20:29 (9 Years ago)
Got 2 chests, guess what was inside? Conjurior items! ;w; I should really just start selling the chests instead of opening them :'D and using the money to buy familairs.

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2015 19:12 (9 Years ago)
2 more chests and... more conjurior items =w= *sobs*

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2015 19:09 (9 Years ago)
Oh then I probably couldn't buy it if you're going to sell it for gems/treasure xD saving for a nature sprite ^^'

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2015 19:07 (9 Years ago)
Well, I'd like to trade but hte lowest AH price is 98 gems and 50k .

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2015 19:06 (9 Years ago)
@LeChatBox Can I buy a gold muck from you? :3 Or trade maybe?

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2015 18:59 (9 Years ago)
I've gotten only 1 chest and it had a conjuror's herb pouch. Sigh... What would I use THAT for?

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2015 17:36 (9 Years ago)
@-Temmie- this guide

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2015 17:25 (9 Years ago)
@Yuki-chan That's enough! :> It only takes level 3 for a strange chest. What is your username? When you're done, I'll send you more for another chest? :>

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