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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Wed, 14/02/2024 13:05 (7 Months ago)

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Posted: Wed, 14/02/2024 13:04 (7 Months ago)
Immediately, ALeksandr was on his feet, glitching into existence next to Morpehus.

"Breakfast? Say less, dear tenant!"

He chuckled.

"Breakfast is good! Good, good, good, always good!"

And then he was knocked off balance for a moment after a loud BANG echoed throguh the house.

Stumbling down the stairs, was a soot-covered girl, hair as golden as wheat, coughing up ash and waving her hand inf ront of her face.


She said, peppily, dusting the soot off her hoodie.

"Hiya, Aleks!"

"Morning, Alyssa."


Evan could hear the chatterings of Aleksandr's guests downstairs.

So they were awake.

he shrugged quietly, focusing back in on his artwork.

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Posted: Wed, 14/02/2024 10:36 (7 Months ago)

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Posted: Tue, 13/02/2024 04:58 (7 Months ago)
cath accep

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Posted: Tue, 13/02/2024 01:11 (7 Months ago)
soju accep.

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Posted: Tue, 13/02/2024 00:07 (7 Months ago)
ugh this guy /j/j/j/j :3 accep

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Posted: Mon, 12/02/2024 23:46 (7 Months ago)

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Posted: Mon, 12/02/2024 23:14 (7 Months ago)
In the vast expanse of nothingness, on a cliff, sat a house, rustic and quaint, smoke slowly rising from the chimney like a double helix.

The sun rose upon the nothing-place, and lights in the house started to flicker on. On the top floor, there was a singular solitary light that had never seemed to turn off for more than an hour.

On the middle floor, flashes of intense colored light shot out of the window every few minutes.

ON the bottom floor, was a man, blonde in hair, black in cap, simply sitting on the couch- well, laying, more like, a remote control in hand as he flicked through channels on the TV.

He glanced up, as the tenants of his cottage started to awake.

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Posted: Mon, 12/02/2024 22:49 (7 Months ago)
Alr then, all res'd and accepted. PP group will be up shortly

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Posted: Mon, 12/02/2024 10:08 (7 Months ago)
Serqphina swung her legs as she watched the people slowly fill into the town square, ambling about like zombies.

She almost laughed to herself.

But she didn't. Didn't need to seem any more crazy, did she?

She hummed a lively tune, palms pressed against the cold wood of the bench beneath her.

The stage was set- literally. By 9 in the morning, every person in the district had come, and some ambassador from the capitol was on stage now.

Ah, capitol people, how they fascinated Sera, what with their cosmetic surgeries, over the top accessories, clear lust for blood...

Just her kind of people!

She giggled to herself, a haunting sound in and of itself.

She watched as the peacekeepers flanked the capitol representative, handing the man- or woman? Sera could never tell- their notes.

"Welcome, welcome, District 7-ers!"

Gosh, what an annoying voice, like nails to a chalkboard.

That was the one thing Seraphina disliked about the capitol-ers. Their voices. If she could, she would take her axe to their throats and carve their vocal cords out. Wouldn't be too different from those surgeries, she supposed.

What a-

Ah, she had missed the speech describing a man's grisly death! Whatever.

"... And now, we will draw the names!"

Sera hoped it was her, ohohoho! Gosh, she was excited!

"District 7 Female... Seraphina Weiss!"

And a slow smile broke through.

"... How fun."

She murmured, through her grin.

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Posted: Mon, 12/02/2024 07:19 (7 Months ago)
Trapped in a world that you don't belong to.

Rather terrifying, isn't it? The idea that you, and you alone, are tuck within an endless fake world, that you cannot escape from, because you, in the fabric of this reality, do not exist.

There's a little house for people like that.

A house for the lost, confused and aimless.

A house for those who shouldn't be here. A family of sorts, you could call it.

Some wound up there on accident. Some knew about it(and its sister locations) from the start, and others were brought there by the boss himself.

Some can see us, readers. All have powers. Some are aware of who we are. Of what we're doing.

But don't worry about that, for now.

Shall we log your person into the guestbook?

Quote from SIGN UP SHEETCharacter Name:
Description:(picrews, written, image, anything works)
Original World:
How long have they stayed at the house?

Character Name:
"El Capo, The Big Boss Man"




An amiable, cheerful man, aleksandr is best described as a elder brother figure to all in the house. He's kind hearted, loves to joke around, and talk. He loves talking.

Original World:

How long have they stayed at the house?
Since its inception.


Character Name:
Alyssa Grace



Short, blonde hair, green eyes.

A rather upbeat, cheerful girl with a heart of gold and magic that could level a continent, Alyssa is the epitome of 'I have no enemies', kind to everyone, loving, caring and cheerful.

Original World:
One of my short stories dw bout it its just a magic & swords universe

How long have they stayed at the house?
2 years


Character Name:
Evan Warner

Physically 20, realistically around 85.


Description:(picrews, written, image, anything works)

A rather quiet, introverted man, Evan keeps to himself in his own little room of the house, not doing much more than writing and drawing. Rarely interacts with anyone but Aleksandr.

Original World:

How long have they stayed at the house?
65 Years. One of the founders of the house along with Aleks, but joined shortly after he did.


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Posted: Mon, 05/02/2024 10:12 (7 Months ago)
"Tsk. What an annoyance."

He muttered quietly.

"I'm busy."

he was counting down the seconds.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

There it was.

A singular man was approaching the gates from within the city, humming a cheerful tune. He was rather average in height- a little small compared to Miyasaki, but not short- with messy, windswept blonde hair. A suit of shining silver armor was on his body, a helmet under his arm, a pen in hand.

"Hello? What's going on here?"

Miyasaki looked away from Alaire.

"Leader of the guardsmen, Elias Winter."

"Heh? How do you know that?"


"Yeah, I can tell, for sure."

Seraphina chuckled quietly.

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Posted: Sun, 04/02/2024 22:56 (7 Months ago)
"...Yeah. i guess."

Aleksandr muttered quietly, stuffing hsi hands inside his pockets. he made a point to avoid looking at Adrik.


He muttered.

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Posted: Sun, 04/02/2024 10:01 (7 Months ago)
kendo, here. I'm cis(he/him) and bi. Lmfao i cant believe i accidentally caused all this drama :skull:

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Posted: Tue, 30/01/2024 21:55 (7 Months ago)

Aleksandr spoke quietly.

"...come on, man. That's not cool."

He muttered, watching Iliya scurry away.

"...What the hell did he do to you, huh?"

aleksandr sighed.

"...Not cool, man. Not cool."

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Posted: Tue, 30/01/2024 06:14 (7 Months ago)
"...good luck, Atsushi."

Aleksandr was unnaturally still, his usual smile and little idiosyncrasies absent, as he seemed lost in thought.

He avoided looking at Adrik, hands in his pockets, before turning away.

Iliya glanced at Adrik, then Aleks.

"...Adrik...? W-what happened?"

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Posted: Tue, 30/01/2024 05:55 (7 Months ago)
"Niwa. He's with me."

Unnaturally quiet, Aleksandr spoke up once more. His gaze shifted to Iliya.

"Hey, kid."

"H-hey, Aleks!"

Iliya smiled softly. Aleks didn't reciprocate.

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Posted: Tue, 30/01/2024 05:19 (7 Months ago)
"I'm not sure- I can't really read it f-from this d-distance... sorry..."

Iliya's shoulders were slumped, a shaking hand on his camera.

Lydia was humming cheerfully, just there for the ride.

Aleksandr was just calmly sitting there, feeling rather embarrassed. And annoyed. And disappointed.

For a 29 year old, he really didn't hold himself like one, huh?

F*ck him, he guessed.

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Posted: Tue, 30/01/2024 05:11 (7 Months ago)
Aleksandr silently took a seat on a nearby bench, checking his watch.

"...how annoying."

He muttered quietly.

"Stupid Adrik and his stupid... the hell do you mean 'i don't know you'... fine, then, that's okay..."

he grumbled quietly.

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Posted: Tue, 30/01/2024 04:00 (7 Months ago)

Aleks turned away, with a click of his tongue.

"....Sure. Whatever you want."

he fell silent, no trace of his grin.

He. rushed breezily past Adrik, walkingdown the street. he glanced back.

"...hurry up."

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