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Himari ONLINE Forum Posts: 128 |
Posted: Sat, 04/04/2015 12:38 (9 Years ago) |
Title: PrizesPlease post it here so I can take note of your names. [Read more] |
Himari ONLINE Forum Posts: 128 |
Posted: Sat, 04/04/2015 12:37 (9 Years ago) |
Himari ONLINE Forum Posts: 128 |
Posted: Sat, 04/04/2015 12:31 (9 Years ago) |
-All PH rules apply -Do not post unnecessary stuff here please -If you have/had any problems with a quiz, contact me or the Quiz Master -Only Hosts, Co-hosts and Quiz Master use Bold, Italic, and Underlined please Hosts* and Co-Hosts*** These will be the ones managing this forum and making the quizzes Show
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~Ash megaabsol Mawilemaster DragonSumedh AlifAnowar destinys-call NickTheGreek lloydthunderstorm1234 mgmg edwardkenway prabhsimran Pokemonlover28 vaibhav1107 Dakar *Hosts will be the ones advicing and helping Co-hosts. Hosts can be Quiz Masters, but they have special privilage to help make the special quiz. They were usually the ones who helped make this thread, but a Co-host can also be a Host, of course. **Co-Hosts are the next possible Quiz Masters, meaning they will be the one making the next quiz. The QuizMaster will decide the time and date of the quiz and pick who's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners and what their prizes are. Please remember that Quiz Masters are the one managing the Quiz, not us hosts and co-hosts. Members: Show
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Mawilemaster Majestic_Star_Dragon vanillite1 Mega-Sylveon SquirtleEvolution megaabsol MegacharizardX49 piplupfan Pastelyne Nellie mgmg DragonSumedh jake3009 edwardkenway sportyamos BladerX Dustpaw Blitzle ~TheKawaiiLucario~ Ninetales101 Cyrus ninja~chu ~Ash~ ayushrathe Ahnaf Jackling prabhsimran ultronus EmperorEmpoleon vasu *Legend-Master* AlifAnowar spear Pokemonlover28 Aperture-Raika Aperture-Blaze GlaceoQuaza HaloChief117 raj_singh pitaryt Pilufa Dakar vaibhav1107 DracoZard Pinkie_pie Next Quizzes: Successful Quizzes: Show
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Quiz Master: DragonSumedh
Time: 14 PM Date: 04/Apr/2015 Winner/s: vanillite1 Prize/s: Super Honey This Quiz doesn't have any 2nd or 3rd placers Quiz Master: Mawilemaster Time: 13 PM Date: 05/Apr/2015 Winner/s: DragonSumedh Prize/s: Mega-able hunt of choice This Quiz doesn't have any 2nd or 3rd placers ??????????? Quiz Master: prabhsimran Time: 12 PM Date: 15/Apr/2015 Winner/s: vasu Prize/s: Spooky Plate This Quiz doesn't have any 2nd or 3rd placers Quiz Master: Mawilemaster Time: 15: 40 PN Date: 15/ Apr/2015 Winner/s: Aperture-Raika Prize/s: Aerodactyl, Spooky Plate This Quiz doesn't have any 2nd or 3rd placers Quiz Master: Pokemonlover28 Time: 10:30 AM Date: 16/Apr/2015 Winner/s: Dakar lloydthunderstorm1234 CookieOreoKitten Prize/s: F Charmeleon + Prism Scale UFT Pokemon + Fairy Gem 6k PD Quiz Master: vaibhav1107 Time: 9:10 AM Date: 17/Apr/2015 Winner/s: DracoZard IceBluu MegacharizardX49 Prize/s: 10k PD UFT pokemon 4k PD Special Quiz Master: Aya_Drevis Time: 10 AM Date: 20/Apr/2015 Winner/s: Jackling lloydthunderstorm1234 MegacharizardX49 Prize/s: Shiny Lucario Dragon Gem + 90k PD Star piece + 50k PD Special Quiz♪ Show
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On specific
times, a special quiz will be made. These quizzes can only be made
by hosts and this quiz is not a public quiz where everyone
can join, only a few people who had done well in the previous
quizzed can participate. Since these prizes are very good, do your
best to win!
Participants: None at the moment Previous Participants: vanillite1 DragonSumedh vasu Aperture-Raika Dakar lloydthunderstorm1234- 7 points CookieOreoKitten DracoZard IceBluu MegacharizardX49- 3 points Mawilemaster- 0 points Pokemonlover28- 2 points Jackling- 8 points Captain-Foxy- 2 points Next special quiz: secret♥ Donated Prizes Show
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Me Shiny Combee(Male)♪ Mega able Gardevoire Ho-oh♪ Mawilemaster 2 Furfrous(Star, love) Retro Delibird♪ megaabsol 2 Plates Sail Fossil Weather Balloon 15k PD Pastelyne 2 Weather Balloons Gold Key Mega-Sylveon Furfrou(Pharaoh) Majestic_Star_Dragon Weather Balloon Star Piece lloydthunderstorm1234 2 Meowths Retro Ducklett♪ 4 Male Combees, 1 Female DragonSumedh Meowth M. Meowth ~Ash~ Spiritomb Pair 30k PD MayLin NickTheGreek Spooky Plate prabhsimran A bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle, cherrubi, skarmory, eevee, sylveon, leafeon, glaceon, spiritomb, druddigon, OR a karrablast -Miko- 2 Celebi pitaryt Dark Blue mystery box Dark Blue mystery key Dakar Regirock Spring Ampharos ♪- possible Special Quiz prizes *Sometimes, we may not have good prizes and we apologize for that ^_^" Forms Show
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You want to join? Cool! Here's the form: [u]Hey! I want to join those Quizzes![/u] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Do you also want the Herochat revived?[/b] [b]Do you go to the Chat Room often?[/b] [b]Do you like PH?[/b] [b]Other:[/b] Woah! You want to be a Co-Host?! That takes a LOT of responsibility! And before you become one, you need to contact a host first. Oh well, here: [u]I want to be a Co-Host![/u] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Will you try your best in this?[/b] [b]Which Host will you contact?[/b] [b]Other:[/b] What? You want to donate? Thank you! Here's the form: [u]Hello! I would like to donate a prize![/u] [b]Username:[/b] [b]What prize you'll donate:[/b] [b]Other:[/b] That is all. Enjoy! :D Last updated: 11/May/2015 [Read more] |
Himari ONLINE Forum Posts: 128 |
Posted: Fri, 03/04/2015 09:09 (9 Years ago) |
Username: MayLin What's Your Favorite Part of Easter?: egg hunts <3 Other: "The Letter R" [Read more] |
Himari ONLINE Forum Posts: 128 |
Posted: Wed, 01/04/2015 08:43 (9 Years ago) |
Himari ONLINE Forum Posts: 128 |
Posted: Wed, 01/04/2015 08:39 (9 Years ago) |
Himari ONLINE Forum Posts: 128 |
Posted: Wed, 01/04/2015 08:36 (9 Years ago) |
Himari ONLINE Forum Posts: 128 |
Posted: Sun, 22/03/2015 12:37 (9 Years ago) |