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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from GaleAkolt.
Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 06:16 (8 Years ago)
"Alright," She said and opened the door. "Tiger, may I speak with you?" She said still waiting at the door.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 06:13 (8 Years ago)
"Is he here?" She asked looking around.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 06:06 (8 Years ago)

Gale smiled "Thank you" She said "Can you lead me to him?" She said while turning around and giving Gus and her Pokemon the look that said "Stay here."

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 06:00 (8 Years ago)
They walked to the branch "He's probobly still upset and confused." Gale said watching Jolt. "Let's camp here for a while" She added simply wanting to apologize to Tiger.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 05:53 (8 Years ago)
They finally got down to the path Tiger used to escort the berries. They were panting hard "It's not safe to go to Snowfall now, I'll explain later." Gale said and began walking down the road away from Snowfall. She took off the bandanna and left it on the grass.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 05:39 (8 Years ago)
After the Pokemon were informed Gale and Gus went to the door. Samurott was there. Gale walked casually while Gus tried his best to hide behind Samurott as they moved towards the road. When they reached the road they began running. Dragonair and Fletchinder were waiting to stop anyone who followed them.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 05:29 (8 Years ago)
"I can't stand this anymore." Gale said after finishing the food and giving it to Gus. She called for Fletchinder and quietly discussed the escape plan. After a while Fletchinder left to tell the other Pokemon.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 05:23 (8 Years ago)
She nodded and went to the jail house, opened the cell and began making food while talking to Gus.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 05:18 (8 Years ago)
Gale followed Snow on bouffalant thinking about how much longer she'd be a part of this gang.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 05:12 (8 Years ago)
Gale looked at him "Your an idiot to come back here," She said lowly before lowering him to the ground. "Be safe next time." She whispered before following the others.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 05:04 (8 Years ago)
Gale thought of ways to not have to kill Tiger. She could suggests imprisoning him and the rare mega charizard or she could play defeated so they could have a chance to escape. Instead she waited for someone to do or say what could affect Tiger's fate.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 04:55 (8 Years ago)
Gale continued looking at Tiger and said to the Pokemon, "Attack me, I dare you."

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 04:46 (8 Years ago)
Gale looked down at him as pikachu hit him "Pathetic," She muttered and called over Fletchinder. She was about to order an attack but hesitated.

(yep and he might get a lot more)

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 04:38 (8 Years ago)
Samurott shot a scald to intercept the flamethrower, leaving a mist of warm steam. He took the chance to find Typhloquil and used megahorn. Gale walked over to Tiger and carefully picked him up "He's not dead, perhaps unconscious but his heart is still beating." She said to Snow.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 04:23 (8 Years ago)
"I said shut up!" She yelled as flaffys thunderbolts continued flying harder each time.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 04:05 (8 Years ago)
"Shut up," She said to him "Thunderbolt" Flaffy shot the bolt at Tiger to help the pikachu.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 03:54 (8 Years ago)
Gale quickly caught Snow and Dragonair wrapped around War trapping him. "Are you ok?" Gale asked Snow.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 03:32 (8 Years ago)
"Megahorn" Gale muttered and Samurott roared out charging at Cyndaquil. "Admit defeat and I'll try not to hit too hard" He taunted.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 03:27 (8 Years ago)
Gale waited next to Snow, waiting for orders. She sighed quietly Sorry she directed her thought to Tiger.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 02:31 (8 Years ago)
"Thanks," She said taking it and thought Least it's not a full uniform no wait that would've been better . She put it on.

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