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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Espy2015.
Posted: Tue, 04/02/2025 21:59 (27 Days ago)
Gemstone looks at Dakota, she seems to be very scared
She let out a small whimper

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Posted: Tue, 04/02/2025 18:28 (27 Days ago)
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"Just leave me alone…"

Name: cloud

Nicknames: cloudy, misty.

Age: 18

Gender/Sexuality: male (he/him) | unknown

Species: dragapult

Appearance: slightly taller than an average dragapult, he has one large black crystal on his chest, cloud prefers to try to hide the crystal, so he wears a black bandanna around his neck. The bandanna has light blue details.
He has a large scar on his left cannon, the scar appears to glow black

Personality: he hates talking, so most of the time he is silent. Cloud is very caring and always helps his friends. He is also very shy towards people he doesn’t know. Cloudy often hides behind his friends when he is scared.

Backstory: He was born in a deep, small cave. The black crystals grew around him. He can heal certain injuries using these crystals

Voice Claim:

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Posted: Tue, 04/02/2025 12:01 (27 Days ago)

(“Are they hiding something?” Thought Gemstone)
*Gemstone stepped back and hissed scaredly*
(“Not safe, must hide” she thought )
She floated up onto the roof

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Posted: Tue, 04/02/2025 11:19 (27 Days ago)
Gemstone looks away From Sidney, a tear falls down her face
“I hope my family is safe…” she whispered to herself
Gemstone’s glow disappears, revealing her as a mewtwo, she has yellow crystals scattered around her body.
“… I-I- a-am -d-daughter of the-the- cryst- crystals-“ said Gemstone

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Posted: Tue, 04/02/2025 09:24 (28 Days ago)
“You can let me handle this, okay? After a tsunami hit me I saw Gemstone a couple of times, she helped me get to dry land again” explained Glacier
Glacier helped Gemstone get up onto her feet
“Thanks…” said Gemstone
Thorn had noticed the pain in her eyes, she was injured. Thorn looked down at Gemstone’s leg, the leg had a large bite out of it.
“Do you need some bandages for your leg?” Asked Thorn
“Yes, thank you” says Gemstone

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Posted: Mon, 03/02/2025 21:56 (28 Days ago)

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Posted: Mon, 03/02/2025 19:39 (28 Days ago)
Thanks! :)

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Posted: Mon, 03/02/2025 10:57 (28 Days ago)
“Ello, I’m gemstone “ said gemstone

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Posted: Mon, 03/02/2025 10:42 (28 Days ago)
“Mew?” Meowed Maple

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Posted: Mon, 03/02/2025 10:32 (28 Days ago)
“It’s okay, it’s friendly. It saved me before “ said Glacier

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Posted: Mon, 03/02/2025 09:55 (29 Days ago)
“We don’t know who is doing it.” Said Glacier

*a glowing yellow creature crashes nearby *
“Guys, stay here. I’m going to help the creature that crashed “ says Glacier

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Posted: Mon, 03/02/2025 09:43 (29 Days ago)
“Trust me, I’m quite strong “ said Glacier
(“ I hope I can find the creature that helped me make it to land“ he thought )
“It’s okay, vix” said Thorn

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Posted: Mon, 03/02/2025 09:31 (29 Days ago)
“Just battle them! It wasn’t too hard against the grimsnarl” said Glacier

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2025 22:08 (29 Days ago)
Glacier remembers the strange yellow glow that he had saw a few times when he was floating, he also remembered the sharpedo biting the creature that helped him

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2025 18:18 (29 Days ago)
“I mentioned there was a theory that some Pokemon were being controlled “ said Glacier

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2025 16:26 (29 Days ago)
“Look, let’s not argue “said Angel

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2025 11:31 (29 Days ago)
“Is not my fault, you should have noticed I sat on your head” mewed Maple

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2025 11:20 (29 Days ago)
“You hurt me, I don’t trust you “ meows Maple

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2025 11:12 (29 Days ago)
Maple hissed at Sidney and hides behind Thorn

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2025 11:04 (29 Days ago)
“MROW!” Yelped Maple
“Maple! Are you okay?” Said Thorn worriedly

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