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Posted: Wed, 25/10/2017 01:48 (7 Years ago)
( Perfect exchange is perfect lol )

Dawnpelt gave a small smile as she resisted the urge to chuckle, " Feathercloud, wait for Mudfeather to eat, and go with the patrol, " she meowed. Dawnpelt remembered Duskwind, who was Starclan knows where at this time. " Feathercloud, one more thing. " She mewed, walking closer to she-cat. " Keep an ear out for Duskwind, he hasn't returned yet from the morning patrol, " she said, her voice low.

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Posted: Wed, 25/10/2017 01:18 (7 Years ago)
Inktober day 24/31 NEW

Inktober day 16/31

Inktober day 12/31

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Posted: Wed, 25/10/2017 00:26 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt stared at Feathercloud with mild concern. " I'd like to consult with Greenbush if you wish to hunt, " she mewed. " I know you were working well into the night already," Dawnpelt admired her clanmate's spirit, but didn't want to see her hurt herself.

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Posted: Wed, 25/10/2017 00:06 (7 Years ago)
Sunkit's ears drooped, seeing how sad the thought made Tigerstripe. " I'm sorry, " she mewed, padding up to Tigerstripe's front paws. " I'm sure you did your best,"

Dawnpelt nodded, smiling. " Fantastic, " she meowed. " All of you should take a break, eat, " Dawnpelt said, glancing at the other warriors mending the wall, "and then I'd like you to take another Desertclan warrior out with 2 Pineclan warriors for the next patrol."

Dustwind gave a small smile, " Of course, that makes sense, " he said, gazing at Hawkpool while she had looked the other way.

(Sorry I'm so slow tonight, it's literally taking me such a long time to write my posts. I keep getting distracted )

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 23:30 (7 Years ago)
( ha it can have no meaning. Just another non sequitur event in our adventure )

Andromeda yawned widely, " Well, we may not cross paths with him again, if the humans got him. We'll move on, and worry about a new thing tomorrow, " she said.

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 23:28 (7 Years ago)
Sunkit tilted her head curiously, " Why are there berries that no cat should eat?" She was perplexed by that idea - she imagined that maybe other animals could eat them

Duskwind sighed, " Fine, at least you two did your jobs. After you've had a rest, feel free to help out the other warriors in repairs, " she said, padding off. What is Duskwind thinking, going off with a Pineclan cat? They maybe allies, but they are still another clan..., she thought to herself. Dawnpelt saw Mudfeather a few others working at reinforcing the walls around the nursery and headed towards them. " Mudfeather, " she mewed, getting the cat's attention. " How goes your progress?," she asked.

Duskwind pondered for a moment, " Monsoon...that's a great word, " he mewed. " I just hope we don't have any more flooding problems at our new camp. I don't want to have to move our whole clan again, " he said, his tail flicking as he spoke.

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 22:49 (7 Years ago)
" Better clean it before you sleep, " Andromeda said as she laid her head on her paws. "Bites are dirty, and can become infected." She had chosen a spot against the cave wall, leaning slightly up against it. She looked out of the cave entrance, seeing a sliver of moonlight coming through the trees. I wonder who that wolf was..., she pondered.

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 22:43 (7 Years ago)
( Sure! I love sibling connections )

Sunkit was beaming at Tigerstripe, pleased with the praise. " Do all plants do something for medicine?," she asked, glancing at the stores of herbs in the back of the den.

Duskwind nodded, " Yeah. You wouldn't think flooding would be a problem in the desert - but there you go, " he mewed as they approached the old cave. The river appeared to have changed its course slightly, now permanently flowing close to the former Desertclan camp cave. Duskwind paused by the fallen tree that still lay across the entrance to the cave, sniffing at the still charred remnants of the tree's trunk.

Dawnpelt padded into the camp, heading towards Shadowpelt and Stoneclaw as she noticed them sharing tongues. " Where are Duskwind and Hawkpool? Didn't they return from patrol with you?", she asked, her tail flicking in slight annoyance,

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 15:54 (7 Years ago)
New! Commission for AsguardianDogGod

Inktober Day Day 9/31

Inktober Day Day 12/31

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 14:37 (7 Years ago)
Andromeda padded silently to the back end of the cave and laid down, stretching her paws out in front of her. " Is that bad?, she asked, glancing at Kat's injured paw.

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 14:25 (7 Years ago)
" The marigold!, " Sunkit mewled excitedly. She remembered the pungent smelling stuff from earlier, and was surprised to have recalled the name of the herb already.

Duskwind thought about the matter quietly as he padded through the desert. " Well, I guess I'd like to keep our name. Helps us remember where we came from," he meowed leaping over a small crevice in the ground. " There's our old camp, just up ahead, " he mewed, seeing the cave come into view.

Dawnpelt sighed, " We'll see, " she mewed. " If you need anything, there will be warriors around the nursery today doing repairs, " she meowed, exiting the den.

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 13:42 (7 Years ago)
Andromeda nodded and turned off the main road into the snowy forest. Her paws crunched into the frozen snow lightly, moving swiftly ahead of the others. The moonlight filtered through the trees, slightly illuminating parts of Andromeda's fur. Soon, a rocky mound appeared in the land before them. Andromeda headed towards the opening in the rocks and disappeared inside.

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 13:31 (7 Years ago)
Sunkit padded around Ashpelt, sniffing and inspecting various parts of his body. " This small scratch under his arm smells funny, " she said, tilting her head while looking to Tigerstripe. This is so fun! I feel like a real part of the clan, Sunkit thought excitedly to herself.

Duskwind walked by a thorny bush, his paws lightly scratching the ground. " Well, there aren't enough of us to really defend and patrol this whole area, so we have been neglecting these parts. " He explained. " What do you remember from that time, when you were a kit? If you don't mind me asking, of course, " he mewed, looking curiously at Hawkpool.

Dawnpelt gave a reassuring look to Flowerheart, " Sunkit is perfectly alright, she just wanted to spend more time with Ashpelt, and give Tigerstripe a paw. " She was mildly concerned by Sunkit's interest in the medicine cat. Dawnpelt imagined both her kits as strong future warriors of Desertclan. She's still young..., Dawnpelt thought to herself. We'll see how she feels in a few moons,

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 13:20 (7 Years ago)
Andromeda paused in her step, looking back to the others, " I noticed an abandoned den up ahead somewhat, when I was wandering out here waiting for you guys," she said. [/i]" The smell of bear still lingers in the cave, but the animal is long gone," [/i]

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 11:36 (7 Years ago)
Sunkit picked up the moss ball in her mouth. “ Don’t worry Dad, I won’t let you be thirsty!,” She mewed and padded to th stream. She carefully held the moss ball in the running water, letting it soak up as much as possible, then returned to Ashpelt’s side.

Duskwind got to his paws, “ Great. I haven’t had a chance to go back there lately,” he said, heading in the direction towards the desert, heading away from the river. “ Almost feels like we should change our clan name now,” he meowed, as the ground changed from soft dirt and leaves to sand and rock.

Dawnpelt walked with Bramblekit back to the nursery, pausing at the entrance as her kit walked in. “ Flowerheart, Sunkit opted to stay in the medicine cat’s den. She’ll be back a bit later,” she explained.

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 02:42 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt stared at Sunkit for a moment before answering, " I suppose it's fine. " She said, looking to Ashpelt. " I'll see you later, " Dawnpelt mewed, a little pained to see her mate looking so ragged. Already better than last night..., she reassured herself, stepping out of the den. She lead the way to the nursery with Bramblekit in tow.

Sunkit perked up, not having expected his kind of privilege. " Ashpelt did you hear? I get to help you get better!" she mewed, licking his face.

Duskwind licked his paw, cleaning his face from the meal. " Well, I do have an idea of one more thing we could do before sunhigh, " he said, standing up. " Would you want to see some of the desert?" he asked, his tail raised into a curl.

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 01:59 (7 Years ago)
Andromeda's eyes also followed the deer as it ran by, but she was still full from the deer she had eaten earlier this evening. Wonder if they knew eachother..., she thought aimlessly. She looked up at the night sky, admiring the clear quality it had this evening.

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 01:56 (7 Years ago)
" Wow, it's kind of like magic, " Sunkit mewed, tilting her head as she watched curiously.

Dawnpelt purred with laughter, " One day soon, Bramblekit. I'd trust you on a patrol more than most, " she said, wrapping her tail around her kit. " Say your goodbyes to Ashpelt and Tigerstripe, my loves. We're going back to the nursery soon, " she mewed.

" I can handle my sister. " Duskwind mewed. " Or, at least I can distract her while you get away, " he said, smiling mischievously.

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 00:48 (7 Years ago)
Beverly adjusted her pace to match Versul's, giving him a curious look. " I was wondering...," she began. " Why did you agree to go on this quest? This can't have been convenient for you in any way." It was one thing to travel by the river, but she was curious as to what Versul and his crab would do once they had to leave it behind.

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 00:46 (7 Years ago)
Andromeda made a face, grimacing and baring a few teeth, " Junk food is a good name for it, " she said. She shook her head, ridding the smell of the candy from her nose, and padded forward a few lengths ahead of the group.

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