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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from 96XNeko.
Posted: Wed, 05/02/2020 00:50 (5 Years ago)
Rouge lightly rested her hand on her hip once more, her eyes gently fixaed on the locket on her wrist before she perked up quickly upon hearing the familiar tattoos that only Maui had. Her eyes lightly sparkled a little in hopes that she would see him again. The last time she saw him was when she was still a Drizzile and he had just evolved into a Rillaboom after almost being killed by his tribe for breaking tradition. She lightly shook her head a little with a small smile as she looked back to Braxien.

"Those markings..they are undeniably Maui's." she gently brushed her finger over her lips, "I....can't believe he's so close. I'm so thankful he's alive..En entendant cela, mon cœur le désire une fois de plus .."

She then shook it off before she lightly looked back to Braxien with a small frown. "I am a highly trained assassin..You...would definitely not survive in my line of work." She said in a lighthearted tone and hope she didn't come off as rude, but Braxien really wouldn't survive the training and hardships they went through.

"Hmmhmm..." Rouge gave a small chuckle,"When you're in my line of work you're constantly moving and hiding, avoiding being seen and whatever else at all cost...You CAN eat if you so desire..But my body had grown so used to the berries and water over in Alola where Maui resided, it refused to eat any other sort of berry." She then gave another small chuckle before gently patting her on the head. "Just stick to being zis adventurer and you'll be fine." She continued to walk along side the skipping Braxien.

"Sounds like a plan to me." She listened to Braxien talk about Sunset Beach and how she would rather be an adventurer. The thought did cross her mind that if she wasn't an assassin, she would have loved to walk the beaches on Melemele island with Maui.

"Ah..très bon" Rouge lightly brushed her frills aside as they arrived into Akai village, tilting her head slightly as she looked towards the Scrafty in question.


"Aaahhhnn?" The Scraftly looked up a little to notice the Inteleon and Braxien wander in, he smirked lowly before standing up in his slouched posture, his hands holding up his pants. He gently started to chew the stick a little, the leaf bit lightly swaying with each motion. He carefully glanced the two girls up and down before squatting with the flyer in his hand.

"Hey! You twos a part of this adventurer gig?" he asked while waving the flyer about. "I thought yous guys split ways after the legend incident or some crap? How'd ya manage to get back on yas feet?" He tilted his head a little before lightly stomping on the ground, a bat with some nails dug inside it and a chain wrapped around it, lightly dangling on the floor appeared as he caught it and rested it on his shoulders.

"Well I ain't gots notin' betta to do sos I'll join yas guild if ya want, toots." The Scrafty smirked and winked over towards Braxien.

"Name's Yakuzo,by da way...Sos don't forget!"

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Posted: Tue, 04/02/2020 21:26 (5 Years ago)

I'm afraid she's closed for now. You'll have to try again when she's open.

And she doesn't allow waiting lists..

But she'll get back to you on that.

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Posted: Tue, 04/02/2020 19:27 (5 Years ago)
Rouge gasped lightly as she heard Braxien say that she might have seen Maui. Her eyes lit up a little before she gently set the locket back on her bracelet. "H-Have you now..?" she stammered a little, not quite wanting to give her hopes up in case Maui wasn't actually around, and it wasn't uncommon for Rillabooms of his tribe to have some tattoos of their own, but she knew Maui's were unmistakable. She watched Braxien leap up before she gently clasped her hands together.

"I certainly hope so..." she replied softly, "I.....I really do miss him."

She then gently shook off the cute girl look before she nodded, resting her hand on her hip, as Inteleon do. "Oui, Madame Braxien. If you do wish to know my profession I will tell you...however I don't think you'll like it.." she gently rested her hand over her mouth, similar to how Inteleons do in Pokemon Camp.

"It...half goes against what you stand for..." she then sighed a little before looking at Braxien's grin, it was similar to Maui's and she just couldn't find herself to be sad.

Rouge nodded upon releasing the hug from Braxien, it was so warm and comforting, something she hadn't felt in over 15 years. She lightly ran her fingers down her frill before lightly smiling.

"Ah. Food does indeed sound wonderful, ma chérie...I haven't eaten in over 2 years..I have only sustained myself on water. It would be nice to have some flavor." she chuckled quietly before raising a non-existant brow. "Sunset Beach? Ooh la la~ that sounds quite romantic."

She thanked Braxien before nodding in understanding. "That makes sense," she commented before smiling lowly, "I once knew a Scorbunny who if he got wet, he would go crazy..nearly burned an entire building down due to the shock. So that's why I've learned to keep to myself in regards to water." she lightly rested her hand on her hip once more before watching Braxien stick the branch back in her tail.

"Very well, ma chérie...Let us go~"
Meanwhile somewhere in Akai Village a Scrafty could be seen glancing at the Flyer, his seated posture that of a ruffian, similar to Toxtricity's pose. His jacket lightly wafted in the breeze before the stick he kept in his mouth fell out.

"Aaaahhnnn...?" He raised a brow before lightly standing back up, a stray part of his mohawk lightly brushed in front of his face, "Heh. Think I made a wrong turn somewhere...This ain't Rust Canyon. Ah well..." his hand still clasped the flyer as he glanced back down to it. "Wonder what this crap's about..? What the hell is a guild an' why are adventurer's a thing? Didn't they go out a while back wit that whole legend fiasco an some crap?"

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Posted: Mon, 03/02/2020 17:52 (5 Years ago)
Ah. Perhaps I can make a request before you're all filled up again.

Username: Thereckoningcatrina
Style: [sketch/inked ; Background/no background] no background please
Character(s): [Image or description; up to 3 per piece, PalPad me for extra characters!] I would love if you could draw Rouge with your Rillaboom Maui :) I love them so much~
Description of Image: I would love a cute couple-y pose...Perhaps Maui wrapping his arm around her while she's resting her hand on his chest and nuzzling under his chin? And perhaps he could be giving either a really happy derpy face or the Maui signature eyebrow raise? (I know it's technically from Dwayne Johnson..but whatever lol) I'll leave it up to you :)
Image Size: [standard is 3000x3000, Icon 150x150, signature images 284x600] Whatever size is convenient for you~
Password: It mustbe adorable...So I wish to say Snom. Speaking of I need to get more of them for you lol.

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Posted: Sat, 01/02/2020 11:21 (5 Years ago)
"That sounds grand,ma chérie..I look forward to it." she smiled lowly before her eyes glanced down to Braxien's tail wagging, causing her to chuckle slightly. "Oui...Rillaboom, a very strong and musical pokemon. I've never seen any pokemon play drums like he can." She then lightly clicked the button on her locket, causing it to open and revealling a picture of Maui as a Rillaboom.

"Zis is Maui, and also a Rillaboom." she smiled a low smile before gently holding the locket a little tighter. She truly did miss him, but she had to do her missions and he went off somewhere she didn't know. She gently shook it off before looking back down to Braxien with a small smile.

"Ah, you're welcome ma chérie~ A wonderful concept.." she nodded gently and smiled a little more to Braxien's huge smile. She then lightly ran her fingers down her frills before lightly shaking her other hand in a small 'don't worry about it' way.

"Non non..Please do not apologize..Besides...You...ermm...wouldn't approve of the types of missions I was trained to do...so it is best for you not to help." she then rubbed the back of her head, sighing once more before she gently shook it off and then was about to say something before she felt herself be hugged tightly, causing her to flinch. She hadn't been hugged that tightly since she was a Sobble. She chuckled lowly before she gently hugged Braxien back, almost not wanting to let go. Her warmth was similar to Maui's and she missed it dearly. She didn't want to cave into her emotions.

"Ah..I...I know you will, Madame Braxien.." she quickly shook off her urge to keep hugging her before she was seperated from the hug, slowly returning to earth. "Ah.." She then watched as Braxien pulled out her stick wand, watching the flames and sparkles appear. This caused her to cross her arms and shake her head playfully.

"Hmmhmm..definitely magic. I am ready to leave. I should be dry enough so I don't hurt you and wet enough to keep me from drying out. If you would be so kind to guide me."

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Posted: Sat, 01/02/2020 08:16 (5 Years ago)
"Hmmhmm...well Apples are fine. It actually does sound rather good though.." she sighed lightly with a small smile before gently nodding a little, looking to the small locket on her bracelet. "Maui is my friend yes..Albeit he is no longer a Grooky but a ruggid looking Rillaboom." she then looked back to Braxien, lightly chuckling. "I can sense that you are, ma chérie..You have no need to prove it to me."

She watched Braxien ponder the meaning of the branch before she chuckled once more. "I can accept that answer," she smiled lowly before gently waving her hand, "we'll go with zat it is magic~"

She nodded in agreeance with Braxien. She remembered the days she was picked on as a Sobble because she did cry a lot, but the tears would immediately disappear when Maui showed up and beat people with the little stick in his leafy hair tufts. The memory caused her to crack a small half smile as she chuckled softly.

"I truly admire what you're doing and what you stand for, Madame Braxien..I will wish on the Wishing Stars above that your guild will prosper with other pokemon that share your ideals.." she gave a small nod before feeling the water run down her body, it felt so nice to her since she had been without water since her mission started. "I can agree,ma chérie..some things shouldn't be thought too hard on."

Rouge then paused a minute before glancing over her shoulder to Braxien upon hearing 'mercy bucket', this caused her to raise a non-existant brow before she thought about it for a second, then busted out laughing.

"Ah! I see..you don't understand when I speak my native tongue...Do you...?" she gently stretched a little and rested her arms on the water's edge, her tail lightly wafting in the water. She closed her eyes and rested her head on her arms before one of her eyes opened to look at Braxien. She shook her head a little. "I appreciate the thought, ma chérie...but as an assassin I cannot accept outside help.....However...Do not get me wrong...had it not been mission based I would have accepted your offer." She lightly tilted her head to the side to rest it on one of her arms before smiling her motherly smile at Braxien.

"You act so much like Maui..It makes me miss him even more." she gave a small chuckle before slowly and elegantly getting out of the water, she lightly stood there to drip dry before looking down to Braxien again, seeing the eagerness in her eyes.

"How can I refuse such an offer from an eager expression like yours...?" she gently held out her hand, "Very well, ma chérie...I accept your offer of joining your guild."

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Posted: Sat, 01/02/2020 04:40 (5 Years ago)
Rouge gently nodded a little before lightly brushing her frills from her eye. "Ah indeed...however I wouldn't recommend eating a dragon...no matter how delicious it sounds.." She then blinked twice and looked back to Braxien, lightly doing the sexy lady chuckle pose again. "Big fat...doody head..That sounds like something Maui would have said when he was a Grooky.." she then lightly looked up a little with another small smile. "I appreciate that, ma chérie...But I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.."

"If I may ask...Why do you keep a branch in your tail..? does it hold some sort of magical powers..?" she tilted her head once more before she then smiled her gentle motherly smile. "We could use more pokemon like you, Madame Braxien.." She watched as Braxien jumped back up, lightly chuckling again before she looked around at the flyers before her eyes caught ahold of the village, it looked similar to what Maui described as his home in Alola, just less of a beach. She blinked again and glanced back to Braxien.

"Adventurer's guild..? Hmmhmm that sounds like quite the wonderful dream...Especially helping others..I always admire those who help the weaker pokemon and what not..very admirable~" She smiled at Braxien's proud stance before chuckling quietly at the quick expression change. She then lightly brushed her frills aside once more before she sighed a little. "I have heard of a few Psychic pokemon who can mindwipe or replace memories...It rather terrifies me if i'm being honest..." she lightly looked away for a moment before faintly smiling as she continued to hold her head. "Ah...Merci beaucoup my dear..A creek sounds absolutely wonderful.." She was about to stand up before she flinched a little as Braxien rather easily picked her up even though Rouge knew that she was twice her height. She admired that, It was similar to her friend who would pick her up.

She glanced down at the water, her eyes sparkled lightly at how clear it was indeed, similar to the waters her friend had described in Alola. "Aaahhh...~" she cooed a little as she slid herself into the water, instantly slinking to the bottom. She gently rose back up, feeling refreshed already before she smiled back to Braxien, definitely more lively than when she first saw her.

"Again..Merci beaucoup. I feel so refreshed~"

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Posted: Sat, 01/02/2020 03:46 (5 Years ago)
"It was a pokemon called 'Appletun'...A grass and dragon type..It was my first time seeing one...I was told it was only dragon.." she shivvered gently before sighing, "but then it Dynamaxed and almost defeated me to the point I almost met the heavens.." She then watched closely as Braxien added the salve, her eyes analyzing her motions before she then chuckled as Braxien fumbled with the salve. She lightly brought her hand to her mouth in that 'sexy lady chuckling' pose before she then flinched a little as some of the salve landed on her face.

"Ah.." she blinked before laughing lowly. "At least it smells nice.." she looked back to Braxien before gently tilting her head a little. "That is indeed an incredible skill indeed, Madame Braxien. And you learn a little more every day~" she made note of the berry medicine facts before she blinked a little at Braxien's expression before hers softened a little more. "Hmm...Seems you and I are not much different then, ma chérie. I'm looking for someone as well..." She then lightly rested her tail on the ground, lightly using the tip of her tail to try and fan herself. It had been a few weeks since she had last been in any body of water and her skin was definitely starting to feel and become dry. "Perhaps someday if you wish, you could tell me of this dream you two had."

She looked intently back to Braxien as she told the story about her and her partner, rather curious about how it all went down. "Very strange..." she muttered gently before bringing her hand under her chin in a small thinking pose, "Could it possibly be the work of a psychic type or--?" she looked up and noticed Braxien had trailed off, lightly giving a small smile before she chuckled once more.

"You certainly are entertaining, ma chérie..." she shook her head a little before she gently lowered her head. "However....If I may request from you once more...Do you happen to know...where....I could find a--...." she lightly held her head, "a watering hole of sorts...? I have been without any sort of water for weeks and I feel faint.."

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Posted: Sat, 01/02/2020 01:10 (5 Years ago)
"Ah...merci, my dear." the Inteleon smiled lowly as she lightly brushed her frills from her eye. "I just had a small battle with my target...I had not realized it was a grass type..." she gently rubbed the back of her head with a sigh before she then gently waved her hand. "I do appreciate your help." she said before her eyes wandered down towards the berries and the leaf, gently raising another non-existent brow before she closed her eyes and nodded gently. She winced lowly before sitting Indian style in front of Braxien. Her eyes then opened and wandered down to how Braxien was peeling the skin off of the berries, blinking twice once more, how interesting that one could do such a thing.

"I must say, mademoiselle that is impressive." She then paused a moment as Braxien directed a question to her, immediately shutting herself up before responding. "Again..I was in a battle with a very strong grass type and I mis-stepped into their power whip...A mistake I shall not make again.." she sighed once more before lightly looking back to Braxien with a low motherly smile, "Ah...Je m'excuse ma chère.." she gently placed her hand over her heart and bowed her head slightly, "I am Rouge..The pleasure is mine, Madam Braxien." she then looked back up to Braxien with a low smile, lightly resting her hand upon Braxien's cheek.

"Please be easy, Madame Braxien..I can sense your distress.." She then gave a low smile before resting her hand back in her lap. "You are...alone as well..?"

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Posted: Sat, 01/02/2020 00:50 (5 Years ago)
Show hidden content

Here is her image~

Under heavy breaths from being wounded by a stray grass type pokemon, a shiny Inteleon started to crawl her way out of the battlefield, her frills gently hung over her right eye as she glanced behind her shoulder worriedly, hoping that she had lost the pokemon in question. Moments later she looked ahead with a small frown on her face, her lemon eyes gently darkening until she shook it off, managing to get back onto her feet.

"Oh non.." she cursed under her breath, lightly running her fingers against her frills, "Zat was the target and I have failed...dear me...whatever shall I do now...? If my client finds out I....I'm not.." she instantly paused a moment as her gaze started to drift around her surroundings, a stray blossom petal gently landed on her nose, causing her to go cross-eyed, a sneeze escaping her lips.

"A cherry blossom petal...? Oh mon Dieu.." she gently grabbed it and analyzed it, raising a non-existant brow.

"I'm in unfamiliar territory...Where on earth am I...?" She started to limp a little until she found her way towards Akai Village. Upon arriving to the small village an unfamiliar pokemon had caught her attention. She blinked twice as she glanced over towards the Braxien, smiling faintly as she sighed with relief under her breath.

"Ah Dieu merci..." she then gently cleared her throat before attempting to feebly flag down the rather busy looking fox pokemon.

"Bonjour..! Bonjour mademoiselle? A little help, if I may be so kind to ask.."

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Posted: Tue, 21/01/2020 22:33 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 20/01/2020 19:37 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 20/01/2020 13:46 (5 Years ago)
Alice had found her way back to a familiar area, Viridian City, she hadn't been there since she was a kid.

"Huh...minus the cold it hasn't really changed much...Has it, Cosmos?" She had glanced over to her right shoulder, which Cosmos, her Mew, was gently sitting cutely. Cosmos gently looked around before shivering and then trying to wrap herself up in the hooded part of Alice's hoodie.

"Yeah...I getcha, Cosmos. It is really cold..Hey Ashe, think you can make us a fire?" She looked behind her to her Cinderace who was practicing her boxing moves. Without hesitation, Ashe nodded and began to go gather some wood, Acantha, on the other hand, was making sure the wood was proper and well taken care of as the flames started to grow.

"So...Any idea what we're gonna have for dinner?" Alice turned to her companions, each one shaking their head.

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Posted: Mon, 20/01/2020 13:41 (5 Years ago)
"Ah. Indeed Mi Hija...It was nice to talk to you as well. Carry on then as you were." The Espeon smiled gently underneath her mask, also curious about the other Ninetales, but decided it best not to butt into other's business unless they wanted her help.

She sighed lowly once more and started to gently walk around the area, familiarizing with her surroundings while taking moments to smell some of the flowers that were in bloom.

"Ah...Some of these to have appeared to be blessed by the goddess Celebi. Remarkable." her tail lightly flickered.

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Posted: Mon, 20/01/2020 09:45 (5 Years ago)

Unfortunately that won't work with the current pokemon. The pokemon you choose needs to start with a 'D'.

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Posted: Mon, 20/01/2020 09:14 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 20/01/2020 08:38 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 20/01/2020 04:09 (5 Years ago)
Perhaps I could join? This seems fun.

Username: thereckoningcatrina
Name: Alice
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Personality: Calm and collected, but can also be outgoing and fun
Appearence: She's a teenager with a hairstyle similar to DJ Bop's alternate style from Fortnite. She has heterochromia with one green and one blue eye. Black hoodie and tight jeans with spiked knee high converses.
Team: (Up to 6 Pokemon) Espeon, Mew, and Cinderace
Legendary: Mew
Position: Ordinary trainer
Backstory: Alice first started her pokemon journey with her Eevee, "Acantha", in Goldenrod City. She later on travelled with her newly evolved Espeon to befriend a Mew which she named "Cosmos". Upon more of her travel she found herself in the Galar region without a map, and was helped to find shelter by a friendly female Cinderace, which later on joined her and her friends and was named "Ashe"

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Posted: Sun, 19/01/2020 19:13 (5 Years ago)
Hello everyone. Since I appear to have no luck in obtaining the starters from the Auction House I figured I would try my luck here in the forums..

I am offering nuggets for them since I am low in PD.

Please let me know if you are selling and what your price is.

Thank you in advance.

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Posted: Sat, 18/01/2020 14:20 (5 Years ago)
Amy smiled as she gently threw away her smoothie cup, crossing her legs underneath the table as she stretched a little before she blinked and then nodded again, sighing gently.

"I don't blame you, Tails..I don't want him near you PERIOD. I've seen what happens when he gets violent and I don't want him to hurt you with that...and if he HAS been hurting you it needs to stop. So i'll stay with you as long as you need me too! That's a promise~ <3" She continued to hold his hand before she then gently released it, nodding as some of the icing stained the sides of her mouth.

"O.K! One adventure film coming up!" She began to do a film search on her phone for the best adventure movie to rent before she blinked twice and her ear twitched a little as she felt something behind her. She flinched and squeaked cutely before instinctively pulling out her Piko Piko Hammer about to strike before her eyes sparkled and the hammer dropped to the floor.

"Metal! My love! <3" She cooed happily as she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek furiously before nuzzling him. "Whatcha doin' here, sweets? <3 I missed you so much! <3"

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