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Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 01:37 (11 Years ago) |
And I was so torn in between X and Y legendaries... Yveltal is cool, but Xerneas... GAH I think I'm going with X, though, as long as the game exclusives look just as good as the legendary. But I'll be in college when it comes out, so I have to make sure I have the money for it... ;^; [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 01:08 (11 Years ago) |
(Yes, I have a thing for emo music and all that stuff from the early 2000s. -_-U) [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 22:37 (11 Years ago) |
Title: Chapter 1Out of the door came Professor Ponderosa, and the crowd fell silent, and even battles ended at the site. "I see you all have come. Please, I will take one trainer with their one pokemon at a time. To keep this running smoothly, you will exit through a back door. And please, to keep the suspense, do not share what is inside with the other trainers waiting." He winked at everyone, as a grossly muscular blue pokemon with four arms appeared behind him. "Machamp will keep a watch on you, and tell you when the next person may enter. He has a good memory and good vision as well as hearing, so don't even think about trying to sneak around to tell your friends. You may discuss everything tomorrow. Now, please form a single file line, and wait your turn. No fighting, please." The crowd forced itself into a line, with a lot of squirming and pushing. Kat and Vivienne stayed out of the rush, allowing themselves to be pushed to the back of the line, since they were among the last to arrive anyway. The Machamp was intimidating, so no one tested it's patience. The first person went in. About every five minutes or so, maybe a little less, another person would go in. There was no sign of any exiting trainers, anyone that had gone in before. They must have gone well around to avoid getting in trouble with Machamp. About an hour later, Kat and Vivienne were sitting against the wall, and Vivienne was the next in. She stood up at Machamps gesture, and walked in the door, waving at Kat as she disappeared with her Espeon. Standing by the door now, Kat listened, but all was quiet inside. Almost eerily... The Machamp stepped aside, and opened the door for her. Inside was dark, and Leona kept close to her owner's leg. The door closed behind her, cutting off almost all light except what looked like an emergency light. "H-hello?" she called. Maybe the Professor forgot that there was one more trainer... There was the sound of footsteps. "Oh! Good, someone's here still. I'm here for the-" she cut off as an odd boy stepped just barely into the light. She couldn't quite pick it out, but something was odd about him. Maybe it was the blank look on his face, or the lackluster look in his eyes... As he came more into view, she noticed something really odd. A large brown, ball like tail behind him, and... Stantler horns? Intrigued, she remembered too late the warning that she had always received about Stantler, that stairing at their horns too long could have bad effects. Suddenly, she had a feeling of vertigo, and the room seemed to spin unnaturally around the antlers. The boy approached, but Leona hissed, apparently having known better than her owner and not looking at the antlers. Still transfixed, though, Kat felt herself stumble, trying to keep her balance. There was the sound off scuffling, and Leona yowling. Kat felt herself fall over, but only because her knees grew cold and sore. The boy continued to come closer, and took her by one hand. Helping her up, he led her, still transfixed and off balance, to something she could only just see. It looked like a giant tube, or a big metal cylinder with an opening into the center of it. There is where he led her, and guided her to step inside. Holding up her hands, metal straps clamped around her wrists and ankles. Pushing a button, a glass door slid closed, and the boy turned away. After that, it took a second for the vertigo to pass, but the world came into clear focus again. The scientist was putting a cage on some sort of conveyor belt. Inside... her stomach turned to see Leona, with it's pink nose poking through the bars. It seemed to be calling for her, but whatever she was in was sound proof. "Leona! LEONA!" She screamed back, but the sound only echoed uselessly around her. The belt began to move the cage toward a large, odd machine. Tears poured uncontrolled down Kat's face. What had they gotten into? What was happening to her partner, he best friend? The cage disappeared inside the machine. Some kind of fluid flowed out of the tubes connected to it. While the belt kept turning, nothing came out the other side for a long time. Eventually, only an everstone on a string appeared, a fell to the floor. Now around her came loudly to life. A red light reflected off the glass back at her as she was scanned from behind. Arms came out of the side of the with little hooks at the end. They grabbed onto the sleeves of her shirt and pushed them back to her shoulders. Two more arms came out and rolled her shirt up to just under her chest. Then came the needles. No matter how she struggled, there was no escape. Two slipped into her inner elbows carefully, connected to odd tubes. Another she felt slide sickening into the back of her knees. Two more went into her shoulders. Only after all that, the tube fogged up with a white glass, and she slowly grew sleepy. After feeling the liquid start to push into her, she finally blacked out. [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 21:29 (11 Years ago) |
I have a number of ideas to do this: 1. Just have a list of subscribers at the bottom of the thread, or a link somewhere to let you view thread subscribers. 2. Keep it semi-private and only allow the thread creator to view the subscribers. 3. Keep it really private and just put somewhere how many subscribers the thread has 4. Allow all to see subscribers, but give the option to subscribe anonymously, so that either their username will show up as Anonymous, or there will just be a list of users +(#)Anonymous subscribers. Anybody else like any of these ideas? [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 21:17 (11 Years ago) |
When Ichigo mentioned the new human, she stopped mid-chew and looked at the haunted place suspiciously. Neither the new girl nor Artemis had come out yet, and she was really suspicious now. ((me:OH DEAR GOODNESS WUT?! YOU DIRTY MIND DI! Di: *smacks me*)) "If you don't like her, then I know somethings up. Sableye are strong pokemon. They don't have any type weakness. If something went wrong with her, it could take a lot to stop her. It looked high level from when I saw her walk in..." she shifted the berries in her lap, no longer hungry even for these things. How dare a human take a pokemon that clearly disliked them! Or worse, what if she was plotting... No, she couldn't jump to conclusions. Last time that happened, it ended badly for a pokemon. Looking over at the Typhlosion, she finished her berry and stood up. "Keep an eyes out for her, and watch all the humans. There's nothing saying she isn't just the worst actor among them. I think I should get back to training. I'm only level 28, and I won't even evolve until 50. I made a promise to myself that I would evolve one day. And now I need to be strong. Please excuse me." With that, she stood up, still carrying some of the berries in her dress. First, she would plant these. Then, she had a volcano to climb. [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 20:43 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 20:39 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 20:27 (11 Years ago) |
Title: Prologue"You know she wants whats best for you, Kat," her best friend of about the same age retorted. Katrina, Kat for short, sighed, brushing her long, side swept brown bangs out of her hazel eyes and tightening her pony tail. "I know, but you can't tell me you want to just be sitting around here forever when you already know everything you need to about pokemon! I want to be a trainer, not a researcher, Vivienne!" Vivienne shrugged, flicking her own long blond hair back over her shoulder and pushing her black rimmed glasses back up her nose for her blue eyes. "I want to breed pokemon, which means I really need to know everything about each type of pokemon. You should to, if you want to be a really good trainer. The best ones that ever get more than one or two badges all know everything they can about their pokemon." "But learning about it in a classroom is so BORING!" Kat whined as they walked into the school. Other students of all ages rushed around, playing with their pokemon or battling or trying to get to class without being challenged. The two older girls knew enough to keep their eyes ahead and ignore the shouts around them. In the class room, they found they're usual spots at the long desks that sat two people each, with enough space on the top of the table, beneath and around each for the student's pokemon to relax. The bell rang, and students filed into the class room. Out of their balls came Katrina's Glameow and Vivienne's Espeon, which greeted each other briefly before finding other friends. The Glameow leaned over the table and batted at the head of a Dratini passing by. After a few minutes of socializing and pokemon interactions, the teacher came in and called for quiet. "Today, we have a very special guest coming in!" he announced happily. Somebody nearby Kat coughed out "Gymleader!" There was a laugh around the room, because everyone knew that the guests were always a gymleader, coming to tell them to train hard and stay in school. Honestly, nobody really wanted to hear that speech for again for the umpteenth time. "Actually, no!" the teacher said happily. That made everyone quiet. If it wasn't a Gym leader, then who? "Today we have Professor Ponderosa, who has recently come up with a system to determine any Pokemon's stats and various other information!" Into the room stepped an older man, with light, white stubble around his chin and thinning white hair, looking a bit unkept. In with him floated an odd pokemon that looked kind of like a bunch of balloons attached by invisible strings. "Hello, students. As your teacher said, I'm Professor Ponderosa, and this is my pokemon, Porygon-Z," he introduced in a gruff voice. As he talked, he seemed to scan the room, his eyes stopping on certain pokemon and trainers. Kat felt a shiver go down her spine as he looked at her. "This guy is creepy..." she muttered to Vivienne, who shushed her. "However, my system is not quite done. I'm looking for one of each type of pokemon to test. I can only know that it works when I can successfully scan each and every pokemon. And what better way than to used already tamed pokemon? So, I'm offering certain trainers the opportunity to have their pokemon scanned before anybody else in the world!" A few people muttered to each other, and a few "cool!"s burst around the room. "Because you are all old enough to be responsible, I have chosen your class to be part of the selection process! You see, Porygon-Z here has all the information stored on my subjects thus far. And because I only need one of each type of pokemon, some of you will, unfortunately, not be necessary to my studies. Time is of the essence, you see." A few people with rather common pokemon moaned. "Now, Porygon-Z is going to float around. Each of you should tell it your name and what pokemon you have. I'm sure you've named your pokemon, but please, only it's type." Quite suddenly, the pokemon floated up to the nearest student, a boy with a Squirtle on his desk. "Ah! Oh! Uh... Colby, and Squirtle!" he told it. The head of the pokemon bobbed, then floated on. It did this for each student. At Kat, she paused a moment to study the odd pokemon. "I'm Katrina, and this is Leona. Er! I mean, Glameow!" she quickly corrected. A few snickers came from some classmates. "Repeat." It ordered in it's odd, digital voice. "Katrina. Glameow." Kat repeated coldly, quieter now. Vivienne went next with no problems. In fact, Kat was the only one in the class to screw up. As Porygon-Z floated back to the front of the room, the Professor began to speak again. "Now Porygon-Z is analyzing the data, and will tell me which of you will get to come visit my lab after class today. Porygon-Z?" he nodded to the pokemon as it faced the class. "The following are now accepted. Colby," it started the list of names, the first kid high fived his Squirtle, and Porygon-Z continued to list names. "Katrina. Vivienne." It finally recited. The two girls high fived, and Kat hugged Leona, who purred herself. The Espeon rubbed against it's owner's leg affectionately. The list finished, and the Professor and his pokemon left, leaving the teacher to give instructions to those selected on how to get to the lab, and to go immediately after school. And so the school day ticked by dreadfully slow. [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 19:16 (11 Years ago) |
For those of you who know me, I go by Mituna, or Tuna if you really want. One of my favorite types of roleplays are Gijinka roleplays. In fact, I've been obsessed with the human/pokemon hybrids since before I knew what they were called! One reason I love these so much is the idea of how they came to be. Science gone wrong is one of my favorite plot lines, and Gijinka lend easily to this. (If you check out my "A Gijinka Tail" roleplay here, it's kind of a debate whether science was wrong or right, though.) The idea for this fan fic comes from this basic plot type, though I developed this a while ago, before Black and White, and possibly even before Platinum (ie don't expect Unova pokemon). I've snagged little ideas from roleplays, different games, and generally here and there. At the time, I called this "493 Gijinkas", or something along those lines (I lost the original work, and I'm not sure whether that number went all the way up to Arceus or not). Now I'm rewriting this from the beginning, so you all can enjoy it. IMPORTANT NOTE: This fan fic is rated PG-13 for possible violence, and some mildly disturbing themes. Read at your own risk [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 19:04 (11 Years ago) |
Base pokemon: Dragonair Pokemon 2: Milotic Colour: Milotic [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 18:59 (11 Years ago) |
Seya thought for a second. "Oh, that guy outside. Yeah, I know the face. And I suppose berries will do for breakfast. Not exactly just going to find a five star meal lying around here. Will that be okay for you?" She looked at the Sableye, petting it's head a bit. It gave one of it's creepy laughs. "Ah, that would be a yes. Don't mind her, she tends to laugh a lot. I've gotten use to interpreting them." Sable laughed again, climbing down and approaching the Eevee gijinka and Servine, sniffing them both. Then she jumped up on the bed where Artemis was and started sniffing him a bit more than the others. For no reason, she suddenly started to mess with his hair, rubbing it around. Seya gave a small snort of a laugh. [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 18:49 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 18:15 (11 Years ago) |
Seya stepped into the room. "I'm not trying to hide," she laughed lightly. "It'd be pointless against you Gijinka, I'm sure. The last two I met seemed to know I was coming well before I could see them. Oh, but how impolite of me. I'm Seya, and this is my partner, Sable." As she introduced them, the Sableye crawled onto her back, holding onto her backpack and one shoulder while peering over at the Gijinka and the human. "I believe me and Artemis met briefly, yes. I wouldn't really say that we know each other well, though. Do you have a name, Miss Eevee?" She remembered seeing Artemis with a lot of strong dragon pokemon. This would be a very good opportunity to test her theory, but she didn't want the trainer to react badly. Once again, she'd have to wait. Too bad. [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 17:58 (11 Years ago) |
Lyn looked up quickly, glad to see the shiny white egg waiting for her. Standing up, she kept her eyes on the floor as she approached the desk. Gingerly, she picked up the egg and held it close as she returned to her seat. Rey was excited to see his egg on the desk. He better be called to get it! Wait, though... Isn't that a Snivy egg? Oh, forget that. He started to scan the back line of eggs for a Charmander he could snag. (If it isn't much trouble, could Rey get called last? That way he has no choice but to take Snivy. It would really PO him~) [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 17:53 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 16:03 (11 Years ago) |
There was new movement, though. From the edge of the foest came a girl. Clearly, she was human. A Sableye trotted along beside her, smiling creepily. Luckily, the two didn't seem to notice her... ~~~ Seya looked around the scene. She recognized... Takumi, she believed. His pokemon were scattered around, sleeping as well. There was a Shinx Gijinka with one of them. Quietly, she picked her way to the building that had to be the old lab, Sable only one step behind her. Quietly, she began to snoop. She found some old, barely readable papers. No use to her. Computers scattered around, but none working. The energy had probably come from the heat of the volcano at one time. If she could get these working, she might be able to get the information she wanted. Continuing on, she heard voices coming from one room. Approaching, she leaned in the doorway. "Hm, so someone around here is awake," she grinned. [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 15:41 (11 Years ago) |
Rey scanned the line of eggs, a bit bored. It was hard to make out what everything was from his position in the back. However, one caught his eye. It was either green or grey, with a pale yellow stripe down the center. That was it! That was his egg! And he'd put money on it being a shiny Charmander egg. Yeah, he'd be the coolest kid in the class with the only shiny. Smirking, he leaned back in his chair until the back touched the wall behind him, his arms crossed in front of his chest. [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 04:56 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 04:47 (11 Years ago) |
That night, Di had returned silently to her cave to sleep. The deinos had already mostly been asleep, so she curled up with her head rested lightly on one. A few drifted over and laid with her peacefully until her disturbed dreams woke her up late in the night. Since then, she'd been sitting on look out, thinking about them. What was it like in those little cages? What if... What if one tried to take pokemon from the island? Like her deino family, or... What if they tried to catch one of the Gijinka?! She couldn't imagine being enslaved to one of those... Those monsters! But what if it was true? What if humans looked like Gijinka because Gijinka were part human? The thought disgusted her, to relate to one of them. But it was valid. Her thoughts broke when the Eevee Gijinka woke up. She watched from the shadows of her high perch up the side of the volcano, seeing over the haunted place, the forest, and in the distance the ocean. Far away, bird pokemon were stirring, but down below all was unnaturally quiet. Once all was quiet again, she decided to get down closer. Maybe some of the pokemon were awake, and she could talk to them. Sliding down many little shirt cut paths as quietly as she could, she came around the haunted place to see the sprawled out group. It seemed most were sleeping, so she leaned against the wall and waited for more activity. ((... Where did Death disappear to? And aspen and I feel like there's someone else I'm spacing on...)) [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 04:28 (11 Years ago) |
She didn't really care much what she got, but she would love an Ice type or Water type. If she were to go home, it would fit in perfectly. Here, she was so hot the best she could do was to wear an airy blue shirt and really short white shorts, of course with flip flops. It might have been a good idea to put her hair up, but she enjoyed it down too much for that. Rey looked at the school building, unimpressed. This was the size of the house they had for the various butlers and maids. Holding his case with two fingers over his white, button up long sleeve shirt, he strode inside. Whatever pokemon they gave him, it better be fire type, or he was going to take the issue right up to the top. Maybe Torchic would be good, since Blaziken were really good. But the first evolution was just too... Girly. Cydaquil was a bit weird looking, but Typhlosion was great. And Charmander or Chimchar, though. Either of those he would take hands down. Just the thought of having a Charizard was enough to make him smirk. Finding his class, he ignored the teacher entirely as he took a seat in the back corner. The idiot had an Ivysaur, how lame. Grass starters were nothing compared to fire's brute power. (XD GUESS WHAT YOU'RE GETTING KID! And don't worry bout it. We just lost so bad, it was pretty sad... :/ ) [Read more] |