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Searching for: Posts from Shinymew3217.
Posted: Tue, 07/08/2018 16:29 (6 Years ago)
No brace we need more ppl to help (edit: I can open early tho

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Posted: Mon, 06/08/2018 13:39 (6 Years ago)
Flaming monkey

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Posted: Sun, 05/08/2018 21:15 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 05/08/2018 21:09 (6 Years ago)
Right now I can breed a lot of Pokémon so ask for any Pokémon!
This is a place where you can adopt normal event Pokémon! im short on staff so please be patient ^^ * NEW MEBERS TO PH PLEASE READ*
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anyone who orders and there account is under 3 months old can get there’s 50% off and + a second Pokémon for free!
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Hey! I know it’s not close to Christmas yet but who cares!
If the Pokémon is for a friend in the other section put for a friend! Also put there username! I can send them the Pokémon and the price for it is... FREE! If you order for a friend and want to send a msg with it on me!

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1. Be nice don’t rush the breeders it may take awhile ^^
2. If you need a gender specific Pokémon please tell the breeder
3. All PH rules ^^
4. After 3 warnings = 3 month ban. More than 3 is perm ban
5. Please let the people who order updates about once every 3 days ( not really reinforced )

*NEW READ Please!*
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Ok so for a breeding pair it’s double the price if you ordered before I made this part you can still pay for the amount of one.

Warned people
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No one yay!

Ban people

Here are the prices!
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Easy= 5K Pd
Medium = 15K Pd
Hard= 20K Pd
Rare=25K Pd
Unknown= 35K Pd
Breeders can change the prices but not to much!

Pokémon we can breed
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Breeder: shinymew3217
A lot of Pokémon just ask for any Pokémon!

Here is the order fourm!
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Pokémon you want:

Breeder fourm
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That’s it! Bye!

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Posted: Sun, 05/08/2018 20:11 (6 Years ago)
This is my shiny shop here are da rules 1:be nice and don't heras or yell at are shiny hunts 2:all ph rules
Also we sell event and normal Pokemon! Are moderators can and will ban you if you brake the rules they will need to give a pic of what the person has done and a fals report will NOT resort of a ban but the monderater will be fired.
If you have a report tell me or a moderated. Ban or word ppl (none) moderators none sellers none shiny ppl none
Here is the thing to apply to be shiny hunter monderater or a event or normal Pokemon seller
Why do want to be mod/event/shiny/normal:
What is it you want to be:
And here is the thing to get a Pokemon
Event shiny or normal:
And tats all you need to no! P.s you may get mega chance!
Also here is if I leave here are the ppl next in line to run it: none yet

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Posted: Sun, 05/08/2018 19:35 (6 Years ago)
Shiny you want:eevee
Breeder of shiny:evil-
Have you read the rules and agree with them?: yes
Other:this is so cool :3

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Posted: Wed, 11/07/2018 02:34 (6 Years ago)
I like ur art can u draw naruto and one punch man looking at echothere thx! OWO

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Posted: Tue, 03/07/2018 18:11 (6 Years ago)
Win win win me

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Posted: Tue, 03/07/2018 13:17 (6 Years ago)
Can I join? :3

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Posted: Tue, 03/07/2018 02:41 (6 Years ago)
Welcome to the mew VS shaymin fan club! We have trades events battles going on every ware! We (of corse) are the mews! Want to be a shaymin well go to the shaymin VS mew! Now all we need u to do is fill out this form!!! Username: Fave animals:
Shaymin or mew: Best item and Pokemon u want:
Now that u are resisterd we can get in to the rules.the rules are: all PH rules. Now to the events! We do give always and fun things to do! But one thing we do for fun is battle echo other and some times we do clash of shaymins and mews! We battle the shaymins if we win everyone on mews team gets a prize! U can role play! If u need any thing or have qwestens don't post here ask me! If there is news I well put it here! Well I think u have everything u need! Go start of on your andvencher of the mews! Oh and one more thing have fun! We have a leag beat everyone get to the top and be crowned the best!

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Posted: Sun, 01/07/2018 17:31 (6 Years ago)
I am making animashins with Pokemon and with songs! If u want one all u have to do is fill out this.
How many Pokemon:
Pay meant:
I take nuggets as pay meant PD and Pokemon! It depends how many Pokemon u want if u pay with nuggets... Like if u hade 4 Pokemon u whould have to pay 4 nuggets ect if u need more Pokemon than the form says the add more. I will try to put a link for my Chanel but if u see the vid then post a coment and I will pin it!
To get to my Chanel if link not work: 1 go to UT and tipe in silly pepper farts if u see one but Cholatedounutdog the click it go to the chanile and look for the vid
Rules: all PH rules
If u don't pay I will take the vid down and report u
Don't corwaporate after the 2st time then i will report
I have the wight to refuse your order

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Posted: Sun, 01/07/2018 17:09 (6 Years ago)
Can I have 2 plz :3

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Posted: Sun, 01/07/2018 17:07 (6 Years ago)
Look a crossover episode!
Bace Pokemon:mew
2 Pokemon:shaymin
Extra: I love your art!

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Posted: Sun, 01/07/2018 13:35 (6 Years ago)
Thank u so so so much! I love it! Is it ok if I use it as my profile?

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Posted: Fri, 29/06/2018 23:49 (6 Years ago)
I would like a mew that is digital with a creepy smile and a knife and the mood is scary my payment is a shaymin idk if u take Pokemon as payment

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Posted: Fri, 29/06/2018 23:34 (6 Years ago)
They fell in love!
Pokemon 1:mew
Pokemon2:shaymin (Sky)
Harts: 3 and red
Eye pokemon 1:closed
Eyes Pokemon 2:closed

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Posted: Fri, 29/06/2018 20:39 (6 Years ago)
Your ban cuz u have too much wolf

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Posted: Tue, 26/06/2018 02:36 (6 Years ago)
Hey this summer I'm doing a thing called cups for pups! It's a lemonade stand the sells pink and normal lemaneade. All the money goes to animal shelters so all the dogs have food water medicine ect! If u want to sport u can donet 3 PD or just subscribe or like! There will be a dog boul for dogs filed with water if u have a dog with u. I will cost 50 cents for lemanade. And with a glass of lemanade u will get a free dog treat! Have any sugjestins for the futer of cups for pups coment! If u happen to see sings come no stop by! More news will be added later
Have a grate day/afternoon/night

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Posted: Fri, 22/06/2018 15:17 (6 Years ago)
Hi I'm shinymew3217 I was wondering if you could draw a mew that's rainbow with some shading I can pay you a ester digersby and a woopice also can you make mew have a pink flower on its head

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Posted: Mon, 14/05/2018 20:35 (6 Years ago)

Title: Plz

Can I have a shaymin drawing
Payment a hoopa

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