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Posted: Tue, 23/05/2023 17:01 (1 Year ago)

Title: Sinnoh Shadows


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Posted: Tue, 23/05/2023 17:00 (1 Year ago)

Title: Hoenn Shadows


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Posted: Tue, 23/05/2023 16:54 (1 Year ago)

Title: Johto Shadows

Johto Shadows
Show hidden content
#085 Chikorita
#140 Bayleef
#050 Meganium
#083 Cyndaquil
#084 Quilava
#073 Typhlosion
#055 Totodile
#101 Croconaw
#096 Feraligatr
#002 Sentret
#005 Furret
#003 Hoothoot
#001 Noctowl
#047 Ledyba
#058 Ledian
#019 Spinarak
#134 Ariados
#004 Crobat
#117 Chinchou
#037 Lanturn
#119 Pichu
#006 Cleffa
#110 Igglybuff
#041 Togepi
#053 Togetic
#107 Natu
#015 Xatu
#010 Mareep
#108 Flaaffy
#034 Ampharos
#017 Bellossom
#008 Marill
#105 Azumarill
#039 Sudowoodo
#027 Politoed
#137 Hoppip
#136 Skiploom
#118 Jumpluff
#012 Aipom
#031 Sunkern
#025 Sunflora
#016 Yanma
#109 Wooper
#020 Quagsire
#082 Espeon
#093 Umbreon
#035 Murkrow
#070 Slowking
#045 Misdreavus
#113 Unown !
#057 Unown ?
#120 Unown A
#097 Unown B
#078 Unown C
#060 Unown D
#033 Unown E
#114 Unown F
#029 Unown G
#104 Unown H
#100 Unown I
#112 Unown J
#074 Unown K
#080 Unown L
#036 Unown M
#079 Unown N
#061 Unown O
#102 Unown P
#043 Unown Q
#048 Unown R
#088 Unown S
#111 Unown T
#098 Unown U
#103 Unown V
#049 Unown W
#099 Unown X
#066 Unown Y
#064 Unown Z
#135 Wobbuffet
#046 Girafarig
#014 Pineco
#115 Forretress
#063 Dunsparce
#065 Gligar
#021 Steelix
#028 Snubbull
#013 Granbull
#040 Qwilfish
#032 Scizor
#087 Shuckle
#052 Heracross
#009 Sneasel
#106 Teddiursa
#038 Ursaring
#018 Slugma
#138 Magcargo
#054 Swinub
#075 Piloswine
#092 Corsola
#011 Remoraid
#139 Octillery
#089 Delibird
#024 Mantine
#062 Skarmory
#051 Houndour
#030 Houndoom
#081 Kingdra
#007 Phanpy
#056 Donphan
#077 Porygon2
#044 Stantler
#026 Smeargle
#042 Tyrogue
#059 Hitmontop
#023 Smoochum
#116 Elekid
#071 Magby
#069 Miltank
#076 Blissey
#094 Raikou
#067 Entei
#086 Suicune
#072 Larvitar
#090 Pupitar
#022 Tyranitar
#095 Lugia
#068 Ho-Oh
#091 Celebi
Hardy Male, Chain # 90
Gentle Male, Chain # 15
Hardy Male, Chain # 86
Docile Male, Chain # 29
Sassy Male, Chain # 49
Quirky Male, Chain # 9
Timid Male, Chain # 12
Modest Male, Chain # 75
Gentle Female, Chain # 168
Lonely Female, Chain # 21
Timid Male, Chain # 36
Mild Male, Chain # 38
Naughty Male, Chain # 109
Modest Male, Chain # 14
Hardy Male, Chain # 112
Gentle Male, Chain # 181
Relaxed Male, Chain # 2
Quirky Female, Chain # 12
Modest Female, Chain # 28
Timid Male, Chain # 131
Serious Female, Chain # 39
Sassy Female, Chain # 6
Docile Female, Chain # 54
Naughty Male, Chain # 12
Brave Male, Chain # 23
Bold Male, Chain # 99
Bold Female, Chain # 185
Modest Male, Chain # 57
Calm Male, Chain # 77
Hasty Female, Chain # 83
Serious Female, Chain # 32
Sassy Female, Chain # 10
Careful Male, Chain # 106
Gentle Male, Chain # 71
Naughty Male, Chain # 117
Naïve Male, Chain # 156
Brave Male, Chain # 103
Serious Female, Chain # 84
Naughty Female, Chain # 171
Serious Female, Chain # 4
Quiet Female, Chain # 110
Quirky Female, Chain # 42
Serious Male, Chain # 89
Impish Female, Chain # 73
Sassy Male, Chain # 84
Hardy Male, Chain # 9
Serious Female, Chain # 46
Calm Female, Chain # 16
Naïve Female, Chain # 9
Impish Neutral, Chain # 109
Adamant Neutral, Chain # 46
Serious Neutral, Chain # 120
Docile Neutral, Chain # 132
Impish Neutral, Chain # 119
Lonely Neutral, Chain # 39
Naïve Neutral, Chain # 8
Careful Neutral, Chain # 77
Jolly Neutral, Chain # 11
Naïve Neutral, Chain # 58
Quirky Neutral, Chain # 68
Lonely Neutral, Chain # 123
Bashful Neutral, Chain # 21
Rash Neutral, Chain # 124
Careful Neutral, Chain # 88
Mild Neutral, Chain # 64
Jolly Neutral, Chain # 121
Sassy Neutral, Chain # 36
Rash Neutral, Chain # 105
Gentle Neutral, Chain # 35
Gentle Neutral, Chain # 91
Docile Neutral, Chain # 104
Hardy Neutral, Chain # 113
Relaxed Neutral, Chain # 69
Jolly Neutral, Chain # 111
Naïve Neutral, Chain # 91
Docile Neutral, Chain # 30
Mild Neutral, Chain # 40
Lonely Female, Chain # 5
Quirky Female, Chain # 26
Impish Male, Chain # 29
Relaxed Male, Chain # 142
Rash Male, Chain # 99
Impish Male, Chain # 129
Modest Male, Chain # 26
Modest Male, Chain # 114
Naïve Male, Chain # 109
Brave Female, Chain # 13
Lax Male, Chain # 13
Quiet Male, Chain # 21
Careful Male, Chain # 5
Naïve Male, Chain # 134
Careful Female, Chain # 111
Adamant Male, Chain # 86
Bold Female, Chain # 56
Serious Male, Chain # 112
Docile Female, Chain # 110
Gentle Male, Chain # 14
Rash Female, Chain # 79
Lonely Female, Chain # 93
Brave Female, Chain # 17
Hasty Female, Chain # 60
Docile Male, Chain # 18
Rash Male, Chain # 84
Timid Male, Chain # 142
Serious Male, Chain # 11
Rash Female, Chain # 95
Rash Female, Chain # 39
Careful Male, Chain # 37
Naughty Neutral, Chain # 156
Quiet Male, Chain # 94
Impish Male, Chain # 80
Naughty Male, Chain # 60
Bashful Male, Chain # 2
Quirky Female, Chain # 6
Hasty Female, Chain # 135
Modest Male, Chain # 18
Gentle Female, Chain # 34
Careful Female, Chain # 91
Rash Neutral, Chain # 101
Bold Neutral, Chain # 22
Docile Neutral, Chain # 50
Naïve Female, Chain # 69
Gentle Male, Chain # 132
Naughty Female, Chain # 33
Naïve Neutral, Chain # 19
Careful Neutral, Chain # 3
Lonely Neutral, Chain # 120

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Posted: Tue, 23/05/2023 16:50 (1 Year ago)

Title: Kanto Shadows

Kanto Shadows
Show hidden content
Caught Name
#092 Bulbasaur
#072 Ivysaur
#094 Venusaur
#054 Charmander
#148 Charmeleon
#069 Charizard
#146 Squirtle
#128 Wartortle
#078 Blastoise
#012 Caterpie
#035 Metapod
#018 Butterfree
#040 Weedle
#120 Kakuna
#016 Beedrill
#033 Pidgey
#005 Pidgeotto
#019 Pidgeot
#013 Rattata
#107 Raticate
#017 Spearow
#115 Fearow
#077 Ekans
#071 Arbok
#121 Pikachu
#002 Raichu
#070 Sandshrew
#058 Sandslash
#144 Nidoran F
#135 Nidorina
#023 Nidoqueen
#050 Nidoran M
#140 Nidorino
#008 Nidoking
#011 Clefairy
#001 Clefable
#049 Vulpix
#076 Ninetales
#020 Jigglypuff
#021 Wigglytuff
#038 Zubat
#125 Golbat
#123 Oddish
#103 Gloom
#007 Vileplume
#063 Paras
#136 Parasect
#114 Venonat
#041 Venomoth
#026 Diglett
#131 Dugtrio
#022 Meowth
#067 Persian
#118 Psyduck
#010 Golduck
#145 Mankey
#110 Primeape
#030 Growlithe
#061 Arcanine
#051 Poliwag
#081 Poliwhirl
#133 Poliwrath
#129 Abra
#047 Kadabra
#057 Alakazam
#045 Machop
#024 Machoke
#015 Machamp
#043 Bellsprout
#044 Weepinbell
#046 Victreebel
#009 Tentacool
#134 Tentacruel
#105 Geodude
#034 Graveler
#124 Golem
#116 Ponyta
#003 Rapidash
#032 Slowpoke
#065 Slowbro
#073 Magnemite
#087 Magneton
#052 Farfetch'd
#028 Doduo
#122 Dodrio
#083 Seel
#096 Dewgong
#027 Grimer
#037 Muk
#089 Shellder
#091 Cloyster
#132 Gastly
#006 Haunter
#119 Gengar
#059 Onix
#142 Drowzee
#137 Hypno
#130 Krabby
#042 Kingler
#068 Voltorb
#117 Electrode
#062 Exeggcute
#029 Exeggutor
#055 Cubone
#066 Marowak
#093 Hitmonlee
#060 Hitmonchan
#138 Lickitung
#113 Koffing
#014 Weezing
#085 Rhyhorn
#031 Rhydon
#098 Chansey
#108 Tangela
#106 Kangaskhan
#102 Horsea
#025 Seadra
#111 Goldeen
#126 Seaking
#139 Staryu
#048 Starmie
#084 Mr. Mime
#104 Scyther
#086 Jynx
#053 Electabuzz
#064 Magmar
#112 Pinsir
#143 Tauros
#109 Magikarp
#004 Gyarados
#056 Lapras
#141 Ditto
#150 Eevee
#080 Vaporeon
#082 Jolteon
#127 Flareon
#075 Porygon
#147 Omanyte
#036 Omastar
#074 Kabuto
#088 Kabutops
#101 Aerodactyl
#039 Snorlax
#100 Zapdos
#079 Moltres
#095 Dratini
#090 Dragonair
#097 Dragonite
#151 Mewtwo
#099 Mew
Chapter Link
Link Nature Chain
Quiet Male, Chain # 34
Hardy Male, Chain # 61
Jolly Male, Chain # 128
Hardy Male, Chain # 133
Modest Male, Chain # 138
Hardy Male, Chain # 31
Female Brave, Chain # 45
Male Mild, Chain # 122
Impish Male, Chain # 43
Jolly Female, Chain # 50
Docile Female, Chain # 55
Jolly Female, Chain # 109
Careful Female, Chain # 132
Naughty Male, Chain # 52
Jolly Male, Chain # 94
Naughty Female, Chain # 46
Quirky Female, Chain # 60
Naïve Female, Chain # 52
Relaxed Female, Chain # 87
Serious Female, Chain # 73
Quirky Male, Chain # 10
Bold Female, Chain # 32
Brave Female, Chain # 57
Modest Male, Chain # 121
Docile Male, Chain # 46
Serious Female, Chain # 126
Modest Male, Chain # 99
Gentle Female, Chain # 185
Impish Female, Chain # 10
Timid Female, Chain # 57
Adamant Female, Chain # 160
Impish Male, Chain # 122
Hasty Male, Chain # 99
Jolly Male, Chain # 130
Clefairy Female, Chain # 84
Impish Male, Chain # 170
Hardy Female, Chain # 68
Brave Male, Chain # 19
Brave Male, Chain # 128
Lax Male, Chain # 93
Timid Male, Chain # 174
Serious Female, Chain # 46
Gentle Female, Chain # 150
Modest Male, Chain # 91
Lax Male, Chain # 45
Lax Male, Chain # 106
Bold Male, Chain # 61
Sassy Female, Chain # 46
Quirky Female, Chain # 127
Timid Female, Chain # 61
Quirky Male, Chain # 5
Hardy Female, Chain # 19
Careful Female, Chain # 134
Calm Male, Chain # 109
Lax Male, Chain # 139
Mild Female, Chain # 134
Lax Female, Chain # 163
Modest Male, Chain # 3
Quirky Female, Chain # 88
Lonely Female, Chain # 47
Jolly Male, Chain # 116
Sassy Female, Chain # 69
Hasty Male, Chain # 127
Quiet Male, Chain # 42
Quiet Male, Chain # 144
Docile Female, Chain # 41
Lax Male, Chain # 128
Bashful Male, Chain # 53
Bashful Male, Chain # 9
Quirky Female, Chain # 16
Adamant Female, Chain # 61
Quirky Male, Chain # 102
Docile Female, Chain # 37
Serious Male, Chain # 125
Impish Male, Chain # 24
Hardy Male, Chain # 91
Lonely Female, Chain # 75
Quiet Female, Chain # 79
Quiet Male, Chain # 54
Lax Male, Chain # 57
Lax Male, Chain # 93
Serious Neutral, Chain # 20
Naughty Female, Chain # 58
Serious Male, Chain # 64
Sassy Female, Chain # 52
Lax Female, Chain # 19
Jolly Male, Chain # 23
Serious Male, Chain # 11
Timid Female, Chain # 94
Impish Male, Chain # 42
Docile Male, Chain # 11
Mild Male, Chain # 57
Impish Female, Chain # 144
Jolly Male, Chain # 91
Brave Male, Chain # 138
Lonely Male, Chain # 82
Lax Female, Chain # 8
Calm Male, Chain # 144
Careful Male, Chain # 114
Relaxed Neutral, Chain # 135
Quirky Neutral, Chain # 105
Serious Female, Chain # 9
Hasty Male, Chain # 58
Naïve Male, Chain # 35
Careful Male, Chain # 40
Mild Male, Chain # 73
Sassy Male, Chain # 16
Lax Female, Chain # 8
Relaxed Female, Chain # 178
Calm Female, Chain # 107
Lonely Male, Chain # 137
Bold Female, Chain # 52
Modest Female, Chain # 15
Jolly Female, Chain # 117
Hardy Female, Chain # 84
Quirky Male, Chain # 48
Mild Male, Chain # 83
Lonely Male, Chain # 94
Rash Female, Chain # 111
Hasty Neutral, Chain # 32
Serious Neutral, Chain # 137
Timid Female, Chain # 49
Jolly Male, Chain # 72
Calm Female, Chain # 49
Quirky Male, Chain # 71
Jolly Male, Chain # 11
Mild Female, Chain # 3
Hasty Male, Chain # 128
Naïve Female, Chain # 86
Bold Male, Chain # 44
Serious Female, Chain # 30
Hasty Neutral, Chain # 87
Bold Male, Chain # 71
Lax Male, Chain # 72
Sassy Male, Chain # 58
Lax Male, Chain # 130
Impish Neutral, Chain # 59
Sassy Male, Chain # 108
Hasty Female, Chain # 196
Adamant Male, Chain # 13
Mild Male, Chain # 173
Lax Male, Chain # 19
Lax Male, Chain # 229

Hasty Neutral, Chain # 108
Calm Neutral, Chain # 56
Lonely Male, Chain # 4
Quiet Female, Chain # 128
Naïve Female, Chain # 135
Brave Neutral, Chain # 43
Hardy Neutral, Chain # 99

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Posted: Tue, 23/05/2023 16:45 (1 Year ago)
After discovering the existence of Shadow Pokemon, and Team Rocket's nefarious plans regarding them, 23-year old Angel ends her association with the group and makes it her new life mission to rescue, protect, and ease the pain of as many Shadows as possible from all who desired them harm.

Story Begins Here: An Unexpected Visit

Angel and Main Team
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Angel joined Team Rocket at the young age of fifteen because she believed they were misunderstood in their efforts to change the world for the better. Eight years later, she's beginning to discover that their cause isn't as altruistic as she once believed. For now, she continues to fight for them, hoping her words and actions will bring back the Team Rocket she once believed in. She carefully balances her work for Team Rocket with her job as Leader of the All-Stars Gym. It took 30 years to create this masterpiece of an Island Gym. With near all-natural terrain, its two-mile length provides the perfect battleground for all eighteen types of Pokemon. Dozens of Pokemon from all eight Regions call this island home, and each of them are ready and willing to battle those who journey to test their own skills. A few Legendaries have even chosen to hide away on this island. They are aware of each others' existence and only tolerate Angel's presence because she keeps their locations secret, even from Team Rocket.

Ebony - Born with a rare pigmentation known as Melanism, his black skin has made him a target for ridicule among all Pokemon. Eventually, he learned how to stand up for himself. Half Brave, half Timid, you never know when he'll pull through for you, and when he'll run and hide. His Citrine Gem never leaves his sight.

Dreamer - Absol are naturally solitary creatures, but Angel has never seen one with a Lonely nature before. Dreamer seemed quite happy to be a part of the group, but there are many times when he takes off for a few days. He never says why, but it seems like he just gets sad on occasion and doesn't want to burden everyone else with his pain.

Rosie - Originally from a rich Trainer, this Leafeon grew quite a stuck up attitude. She has mellowed out tremendously in the year Alexandria has had her, but she can still be quite Adamant when she really wants something done a certain way.

Sylvie - This Naughty Shiny Sylveon constantly finds herself in sticky situations. Most of the messes she finds herself in are from her own curiosity, but trouble has a tendency to find her whether she goes looking for it or not. Be prepared for trouble when caught sneaking around with Unnamed.

Anya- Abandoned by her owner, the poor Litten spends most of her time hiding in the main Facility, only coming out at night or when empty to eat, drink, and play. She avoids all Pokemon except Ebony, with whom she formed a special bond at first sight. Eventually, she relaxes enough to reveal an Impish personality, regularly joining Sylvie to create messes of mischief.

Aleu - A sophisticated Lycanroc (Midday) with a Sassy attitude that regularly gets him into trouble with Rosie. The two bicker like young children, but their friendship is clear in the way they defend each other.

Angel's Alternate Team
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Unnamed Sprigatito
Amber and Topaz, Meowstic Partners
Unnamed Orthworm
Unnamed Mimikyu
(More to be added)

Asher and Team
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Asher is 31, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He has been a member of Team Rocket for as long as Angel has. He has followed her progress closely, and only recently started to idolize her. Asher has offered to help her in her quest, citing he only wants to get to know her better. What ulterior motive could he possibly have?

Mr. Mime

Nanaki Flamel and Team
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(More to be added later)
Angel's father. Scientist and co-creator of their island home.


Minor Characters
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Officer Jenny

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*As I am new to the fandom, this section is here to help me remember what items are used for and what some things are. Descriptions are based on my own google searches and discussion with avid fans

All-Star Badge - Reward for beating Nanaki, Melody, or Angel Flamel at the Blossomly Island Gym

Flamestryke - Name of the only building on Blossomly Island. The Flamel family, those responsible for the management and maintenance of the Island, and rooms for Challengers can be found there.

Flaming Cheri - A mixture of Soda Pop, Berry Juice, and Pureed Cheri Berries.

Integrity Points - A creation for the purpose of this story. Basically, a karma system for the MC, where doing good things awards 5 points, and bad things take 10 points. She must reach 5k to have Trainer rights restored to her. Current: 0/5,000

Kiosks - In a sense, telephone booths that can only communicate with other kiosks. These can be used as exchange centers if you have a need to transfer Pokémon to your Professor.

Pokédex - A device that stores the info for all Pokémon. Most info, such as height, weight, location, rarity, personality, etc. is only revealed when a Pokémon is obtained. Other than that, the only info you will be able to see is the name, region, and dex entry.

Pokénav - Its main purpose is to allow Trainers to communicate with and see the statistics of fellow League members. It also acts as a GPS, allowing you to navigate your way from Gym to Gym. Coordinators also use this to keep updated on the Contest status of their Pokémon and Contest locations/dates.

Trainer Code - The number assigned to a Trainer when they begin their Journey, from 0 to 999,999 (as of G7). Each person has a second, Hidden ID, which serves to differentiate between two people with the same name, gender, and ID. There is only a 1 in 4,294,967,296 for two Trainers to *also* have the same Hidden ID.

A Note From Angel
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Call me Angel.

I have taken as many precautions to protect myself, including providing a false appearance and name. Perhaps one day, you will learn the truth about me. For now, secrecy is best.

PokeHeroes News broke the story of the existence of Shadow Pokemon first. Since then, dozens of people have quested to find them. They're hard to find, and, like most Shiny, can be determined at a glance. These Pokemon are enshrouded in a purple aura, with a Shadow Skill based on their weakness.

I intend to save as many Shadow Pokemon as I can from the nefarious hands of Team Rocket, Magma, Aqua, and all other such groups who wish to do them harm or experiment upon them. If you are a member of any, I would urge you to reconsider. I was a loyal Agent for many years until I discovered their true purposes.

In order to prevent this from falling into the wrong hands, upon activation, the details of one adventure will be loaded. You will receive a notice when the next file is ready for download.

Due to the danger of what I do, files will be provided at least once a week, maybe longer. It's all a matter of how long I can safely stay in one place. Should silence occur without me informing you first, please come to my aid! Each file has coordinates complexly encoded within.

Would you like to know more? Reference files are found before the one titled "An Unexpected Visit". I have even created a Shadow Dex, providing you with knowledge of how to handle each Shadow should you encounter one. To minimize information obtained, the Dex is split into Regions.

As time passes, I may provide ways to contact me. For now, content yourself with receiving these classified files.

May Arceus provide.

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 23/05/2023 02:51 (1 Year ago)
Okay. For my Sly Fox Eyes fanfic (Gijinka Eeveelutions who solve crimes)...

There are going to be 19 total involved in the Detective Agency (one for each Type). Their birthdays are going to be like Ground will be Feb 2, Fairy will be Feb 14, Dark will be Oct 31, etc. Also. Eevee will be the youngest (like 13), and Sylveon will be the oldest (32, cause my age and Sylveon is my fav)

Each Eeveelution is going to have an ability that helps them solve crimes. Examples include Empathy for Espeon, Night Sight for Umbreon, Charm (basically Truth Spell) for Sylveon, etc.

Oh! Something I thought of while in the shower! What if their eye/hair color was normally like the non-Shiny version, but when they use their abilities, it changes to that of a Shiny?! Sylveon being the exception simply because, favorite.

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 01:28 (1 Year ago)
XD My brother has a phobia of moths. I came across a meme with a pic of a hand-sized moth on a window that said: "Dude! Let me in! I'm a fairy!"

To which, he replied with two gifs of a person using a flamethrower.

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Posted: Mon, 08/05/2023 06:18 (1 Year ago)
My first true relationship, I went into knowing it might be a bad idea, but wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. The one I'd been friends with off and on for the last 11 years, had wound up on the streets and had been for two years now. I, with my caring heart, opened my home to give him a chance.

Needless to say, I now understand why he went through three marriages and six relationships in the last 11 years. He never cared for me. Was just whispering sweet nothings to me while he stayed in my home. I spent at least $1k on him during those three months, trying to get him medical, glasses, and other necessities he'd been without. All he wanted to do was sleep 14 hours a day, game.

Well. His laziness and refusal to do anything to pay my kindness back was the last straw. But the way he treated me. Subtle guilt trips, manipulations, gaslighting, blameshifting, anger issues, etc. He was pretty much the entire package for narcissistic behavior. His lack of effort made it clear that he didn't want to improve his situation. After a week of discussion with dad, we sent him packing. And it hurts my heart so badly to know that I sent him back to the streets. At the same time, I can't help someone who won't help themselves. Nor can I mentally/emotionally (or dad financially) continue to invest in someone who wouldn't lift a finger to return the favor.

This honestly made me feel so used, worthless, and insignificant. Feelings I've spent years trying to get rid of. Trying to convince myself that I'm somehow worthy of love. There are a lot of emotions going on in my head right now, and it's overwhelming at times. On the other hand, several good things have come out of this, such as I started helping Dad out more around the house because I didn't want to be as lazy as my ex. I also learned a bit about time management and a few other things. It sucks that the best lessons are learned by going through the worst of times, but, without all the bad times in life, we wouldn't be able to appreciate the good times.

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Posted: Fri, 04/11/2022 04:39 (1 Year ago)
They have never gone away after fifteen minutes. I've reported this problem at least three times in the six years I've been here. Though those were probably deleted when the bug forums were cleaned out and revamped.

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Posted: Mon, 31/10/2022 19:58 (1 Year ago)
Man. If I'm not forgetting to bring my thermos with me to get a fresh cup of coffee, I don't remember to turn the coffee pot on. Both result in an additional walk to the kitchen.

Oh! I just realized that this is a perfect good in the bad moment! It might suck to have to get up and walk again or to admit how dumb I can be, but it's an extra bit of exercise I wouldn't have gotten otherwise. And at 197 pounds, I need all the help I can get. Subconscious or not. ^.^

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Posted: Fri, 05/08/2022 05:57 (2 Years ago)
Man, sometimes I feel people absolutely suck and that there's no hope for humanity.

Someone who once caused problems for me just by being too passionate in their beliefs is being attacked. Ironically, for apologizing for the same damage they caused while being passionate. And it just makes me so angry. Not just the turning on someone for apologizing for the way they went about things. But because you think apologies make someone a kissbutt or that it somehow invalidates their beliefs. Which, it doesn't. At all. It just shows that they've grown, changed, and understand that things could have been said or done differently. And it shows how much of a jerk you are, thinking that being rude and jerkwaddy are the only ways to get your point across.

I stopped hating this person for what happened long ago because I realized I played a huge part in my own downfall as well. Now, I know this person is a big kid and can handle their own problems. But to see someone I used to hate, being dragged through the mud like this? It's kind of heartbreaking, to be honest. As much as I am a firm believer of accepting the consequences of one's actions, I don't believe anyone should ever have to suffer for their choices, whether they deserve it or not.

But I just felt the need to say if you need to talk about any of it, my PMs are open. Doubt you'll take me up on the offer though, so will say. Don't let what people say about you change who you are. You're a passionate person who wants to help, but just goes too far sometimes. You actually do your research and know what you're talking about. If people can't tell you when you're approaching the point of too far, or leave you in the aftermath, they aren't real friends. Focus on those who not only stand by your side, but keep your moral compass straight. Always apologize when you realize you've done wrong, but never for what you believe. Keep your head up and don't let the naysayers bring you down.

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 09/07/2022 19:48 (2 Years ago)
As of eight years ago, I thought of trans as nothing more than crossdressers and attention seekers unless they went through the transition. I despised neo pronouns and couldn't bring myself to call someone by those terms or It/They/Them. Even though I used they/them, it was when I didn't know the preferred pronouns and not because that's what they wanted.

About five years ago, the trans community, for the most part, gained my support. I still didn't approve of access to the preferred bathrooms or the participation in sports of the opposite gender.

Three years ago, after the realization that I kept worrying about the rare case scenario, using the bathroom of choice gained my support. At this point, I also began to support women in men's sports because I felt that they had to work harder to get on the same endurance level.

Earlier today, I made a post on Facebook and it got me thinking.
If those of you who prefer to go by It/They/Them are really sure that you don't mind it then I will respect your wishes and refer to you by your preferred pronouns. The same goes for those who prefer neo pronouns. If that's what you want, then your desires will also be respected.

And because I have been disrespected so much for various things, I finally understand the anger and frustration when strangers refuse to acknowledge your preferences. For the longest time, I wondered why you got upset at strangers who you will never meet again and who chose not to respect you, but I think I do now.

It's because, if you begin to make exceptions for people you don't know, you'll start to do the same for people you do know. And then, you'll be back to letting everyone walk all over you. Not everyone is going to be like me. Who will listen and eventually come to understand and accept you. People are going to be jerks no matter what you do. So you know what? Demand that respect. Don't let anyone tear down what you have spent years building up. Let everyone see how proud you are of yourself.

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 20:55 (2 Years ago)
This is my To-Do List as of today. There may be a few others that I can't think of off the top of my head.

Please continue to be patient with your moronic friend who continues to always have so many things she wants to do that she constantly overfills her plate and then spirals downward as she freaks out about having too much to do and tries to regain a semblance of normalcy.

Library Books
Read Shadowdance series #5 and #6
Read the Arcana Chronicles #1-5
Read The Harbinger series #1-3
Read From Blood and Ash series #1-4
Read Flesh and Fire series #1
Read The Gods of HP Lovecraft

Chapter 14 in Angel of the Shadows
Chapter 3 in Guardians of Sanctuary
Chapter 1 in Terrorific Trio and Selkie Spirit
Continue work on primary project Forevermore

Try Diablo Immortal
PokeHeroes Hisuan Growlithe Event
Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
Continue Dragon Quest VIII
Continue Final Fantasy X
Play Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9, 10-2, 12, 13-1

Detail dad's car
Spend half-hour on exercise bike each day
Deal with chores and other day-to-day stress
Find the energy to take basic day-to-day care of myself and fight my depression/anxiety

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 17:40 (2 Years ago)

Title: Magikal Beach

Apricot: 8/0

Brown: 8/0

Normal: ?/0

Purple: 4/0
Blue: 9/0

Gray: 10/0

Pink: 6/0

White: 5/0
Black: 5/0

Calico: 7/0

Orange: 10/0

Violet: 9/0

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 06:17 (2 Years ago)
Trying to appeal a decision, and I'm running into some difficulty. The words are coming easily because I know what I want to say. And yet, I struggle.

On the one hand, I feel that the appeal being too short implies that I don't really care. That I haven't put much thought into actions, consequences, how it affects myself and others, etc.

But I also feel that the longer the piece, the more likely I am to destroy my chance before I get one. Even though I feel like the more said, the more it shows that I've put a great deal of thought into it and overall felt ready. Yet it also feels like trying to justify everything I've done and/or will do.

And I don't know. Maybe the amount of indecision shows how unready I am? Or maybe it shows how well I've learned my lesson if I can see the past mistakes and know how to prevent future ones?

*sighs* Why must I overanalyze everything all the time?

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Posted: Wed, 06/07/2022 22:52 (2 Years ago)
*goes to the store to get coffee creamer*
*sees Nesquik beside the creamers*
*calls dad*
Hey. Can I use Nesquik as creamer?

I have no clue.

[Based on how long it took him to answer, I wish I could have seen his face just then]

Me: Should be the same thing right? I mean. They're both flavorings.

Dad: One is for coffee, and the other for milk. You can always try it in powder, and if that doesn't work, you can make milk with it and use that as creamer.

Me: Sounds good to me!

Long story short: Guess who has Hot Fudge Sundae Nesquik to try as creamer?! That's right. This weirdo.

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Posted: Sun, 03/07/2022 23:47 (2 Years ago)
So... I was getting ready to ask what Pokes I need, then I remembered the Dex is available, so if others are curious.

Items Needed: Peat Moss, Azure Flute, and I'm sorry, but I don't remember/can't find the names of the other two items. But someone is sure to mention them in the comments.

Note 1. OS just means that I've seen it obtained on site. Whether or not its Shiny has is another matter. Though I'm pretty sure Wyrdeer is the last left of the OS for an FoS Shiny chance.

Note 2. (✓) means I have it.

Voltorb (OS)
Electrode (OS)
Typhlosion (✓) (OS)
Samurott (✓) (OS)
Lilligant (OS)
Zorua (✓) (OS)
Zoroark (✓) (OS)
Braviary (OS)
Sliggoo (OS)
Goodra (OS)
Avalugg (OS)
Decidueye (✓) (OS)
Kleavor (OS)
Ursaluna (OS)

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Posted: Sat, 02/07/2022 05:46 (2 Years ago)
So for about a year and a half now, I've supported the Hodgetwins. They had a logical way of looking at things. They did their research, they spoke out on controversial subjects. They had an interesting sense of humor. In each situation, they supported the side with the facts, and not the side that they were expected to. That said, I have slowly--well, I wouldn't necessarily say lost faith in them--but I began to feel like they weren't the types of people I should support, regardless of the fact that I could side with many of the things they said.

In the aftermath of the overturning of Roe vs Wade, I've seen two of the posts they made, and my heart broke. They are strongly against abortion. I won't go on a rant about it, because so many people have already made my point much more eloquently than I. However, I will state the following. As much as I hate the fact that people choose to do this, I respect it. And I will fight for the right for any woman who finds herself in a medical situation that necessitates the action. As well as any woman who, like myself, would not make the choice to create life and/or doesn't believe she is mentally, emotionally, physically, or financially capable.

Racism has become more loud and open since the tragedies of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. Then, we have the overturning of Roe vs Wade. Suffice it to say that I am scared. I fear the next step will be taking away all the rights the LGBT community have acquired. Then the rights of women. It feels like we as a society are slipping back into the atrocious habits of the past. Please make sure that you write to your senators and sign petitions. That you go to protests. That you make your voice respectfully heard. We can't let our leadership take away all the freedoms that we've worked so hard to acquire. We cannot allow them to tear this country apart and basically revert us back to the middle ages.

And if you feel like you as an individual can't make a difference, I want you to remember the following: You cannot save all the starfish that wash upon the shore. If you don't try, they all die. But every few seconds you spend to return another to the water is another life you save. It seemed like a small matter to you. But it was everything to the starfish. So do not for a second believe that your efforts are worthless. You might not be able to see the results, but they are there. Please. Do what you can!

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2022 05:45 (2 Years ago)
So it's now been a month without my meds, and I've established that they were, in fact, quite helpful when it came to focusing. They were not, however, helpful when it came to dealing with stress and anxiety. I also cancelled my Therapy appointments, because it had reached the point where I was shaking in dread the day of and unable to settle my nerves no matter how badly I tried.

Mom hasn't told me much of anything yet in regards to the tests for her stroke. Nor has my brother told me the results of all the tests that were run on him to see what was wrong with him. Since it's summertime, and dad cannot handle the heat well at all (probably even much less so now that his immune system is compromised), he cancelled his Immunotherapy treatments until September. I think he's also taking a page out of my book, and wants to see if the Immunotherapy is making him sickly. They also made the mistake of telling him that his cancer had a high chance of coming back. Which I think activated his depression and social anxiety and made him just not freaking care about going through the treatments anymore.

I really wanted to get more chapters done in my Fan Fics by the end of June. But it looks like it'll be another day or two before I finish this book. Then I can work on em all.

Oh! Don't think I brought it up here yet, at least not all of it, but I'm back on another exercise regimen. Both dad and I severely cut back on our portion intake. Since it's now summer, I'm riding the exercise bike for 30 minutes at a time each day while reading. I'm also back to drinking coffee (since apparently V8 was bad for me? :O ). And in one month, I've lost three pounds. Sharing this pic of me because I'm not only happy with the way it looks, but genuinely happy in it as well!

I've also been playing A LOT of Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia. A close friend of mine (my crush, really >.>) let me know of it, and it quickly took me over. Don't you dare profess your love for Zidane. I will fight you if I must! XD If you wanna add me, my ID for DFFOO is 341133293, and dad's is 320998686. Don't forget that we also play Diablo III! My tag is FyreBlossom#11412. I'm not a big chatter, and prefer doing Rifts/Grifts. I typically play actively for the first month after a new season. When Diablo IV comes out in March of 2023, you can guarantee I'll be active there for several months.

Anyways. I'm getting tired, but wanna get some more reading in. So closing this for now. Good night, everyone! And may the Force serve you well! ^.^

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Posted: Wed, 29/06/2022 07:22 (2 Years ago)
In regards to a recent post.

A longtime friend has a habit of saying that "There is never a reason that justifies hurting another human being". Ever since the first time she said that, I have done my best to treat others the way I would be treated. That includes calling them jerkwads and otherwise being polite when I really really really wanna lay into them and make them hurt as much as they've hurt me. Which, yes. I'd rather you do that to me than the reaction I usually get (harassment, slander, and stalking) when I've said/done something dumb. Dad is fond of telling me to ignore the people who are deliberately trying to get on my nerves and to remind myself that if what is said isn't true, not to let it bother me. But sometimes that can be so hard.

That said, I finally got the courage to ask a friend where I went wrong with the post, and I'm horrified. I just wanted people to realize that sometimes people are bullies because they feel bad about themselves, and that treating them unkindly because you're upset makes you just as bad as they are. I didn't realize that there was such a negative connotation to a specific term that I used. I mean. I guess I kinda did, cause I knew it wasn't much appreciated. But I just didn't know how badly the phrase would affect people.

The friend I spoke to has given me a lot to process and think about, but in the meantime, I want to apologize to anyone who was upset, offended, or otherwise hurt by my words. I see now that there is a difference in being proud of who you are/where you came from, and being proud with the intention of being a jerk, which does nothing but diminish the movement and the true meaning of pride. In the moment, I didn't see how damaging my words could be. Yeah. I know I said I knew it would get hate. But there's a difference between knowing that people will disagree with something, and knowing that people will be hurt by something. Hurting people is never, ever, EVER my intention. (Also. Apologies if this doesn't make sense. It's 12.15 am, and I couldn't get to sleep without getting this off my chest)

And I really wish I could see the problem with my words/the way I write my thoughts out before I post. Because sometimes, I can read over something 10+ times and not see/understand the problem. Just need to learn that, although embarrassing as heck, I should run things by my sister or others who are more in touch with the proper social cues and stuff who can help me learn to express myself better. In closing, I hope this makes things better. But I understand it won't for some people. That you may hate me even more now than you did before. And whatever. It's your prerogative to hate me even though you refuse to understand that I'm mentally off.

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