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Posted: Wed, 31/07/2013 14:13 (11 Years ago)
x3 Yeah I noticed. I was scrolling through the front page to look at something and then I blinked and I was like...Whut? Cause I saw Envy's form not in the spoiler, so I kept refreshing the page to watch you fix it. lol

Later I'm probably going to make a female Traveler so derp. =3

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Posted: Wed, 31/07/2013 14:11 (11 Years ago)
Banned because I did what now?

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Posted: Wed, 31/07/2013 01:04 (11 Years ago)
x3 lol Yeah, I kinda figured with her being the first fortune teller. So I figured; Well....If she's accepted, let's say she baught the building it was in that was about to be torn down and we'll go from there....*snickers* x3

Yeah, I know. I need a good name for him! *falls over* Names are important to me to help with the background and personality. I kinda want him to weird, and kinda sadistic I guess...Not sure.


Username: InfinityLove
Sin: Envy
Nickname(s): N
Appeared Age: Between his late teens and early twenties.
Appeared Gender: Male
Mostly Human Appearance:
Beast/Monster Appearance:
Personality: He's very complex. Being Envy he's a sort of mixture of some of the others sins. He's mainly a dark kind of guy, who hates good things. He has a sort of sadistic outlook on things, and likes to cause as much pain as he can.
Favorite Spells: Illusions; he changes his whole appearance to copy anothers, gaining their strength, but not their personal abilities, and summons electric balls into his hands to launch at his opponent
Magic Accessory: A pure black choker with nothing on it.
Strengths: Large amount of stamina, strength, and will power. Because his illusions are actually him turning himself into a copy of another person, it recquires a lot of strength and will power especially in a battle.
Weaknesses: If he doesn't take a break doing illusions, he'll start to decay. Because it takes up so much power, it'll take a toll on the user if not given a break. When he transforms into someone with a lesser amount of strength then his human form, his physical strength decreases until it matches the original.
Fears: Being loved, even though that's what he really wants
Likes: Hate, Pain, and Desires for things people can't have
Dislikes: Goody two-shoes, and all around good people
Orientation: Straight
Crush/Lover: None, but he might consider kidnapping someone....
Other: Hates both llamas and moose

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[center][b]Username: [/b]InfinityLove
[b]Sin: [/b]Envy
[b]Nickname(s): [/b]N
[b]Appeared Age: [/b]Between his late teens and early twenties.
[b]Appeared Gender: [/b]Male
[b]Mostly Human Appearance: [/b][img]http://www.cutehotguys.com/902-1/Anime+guys+_107_.jpg[/img]
[b]Beast/Monster Appearance: [/b][img]http://wakka.isay.no/files/2010/10/neither__wolf_nor_monster_by_akreon.jpg[/img]
[b]Personality: [/b]He's very complex. Being Envy he's a sort of mixture of some of the others sins. He's mainly a dark kind of guy, who hates good things. He has a sort of sadistic outlook on things, and likes to cause as much pain as he can.
[b]Favorite Spells: [/b]Illusions; he changes his whole appearance to copy anothers, gaining their strength, but not their personal abilities, and summons electric balls into his hands to launch at his opponent
[b]Magic Accessory: [/b]A pure black choker with nothing on it.
[b]Strengths: [/b]Large amount of stamina, strength, and will power. Because his illusions are actually him turning himself into a copy of another person, it recquires a lot of strength and will power especially in a battle.
[b]Weaknesses: [/b]If he doesn't take a break doing illusions, he'll start to decay. Because it takes up so much power, it'll take a toll on the user if not given a break. When he transforms into someone with a lesser amount of strength then his human form, his physical strength decreases until it matches the original.
[b]Fears: [/b]Being loved, even though that's what he really wants
[b]Likes: [/b]Hate, Pain, and Desires for things people can't have
[b]Dislikes: [/b]Goody two-shoes, and all around good people
[b]Orientation: [/b]Straight
[b]Crush/Lover: [/b]None, but he might consider kidnapping someone....
[b]Other: [/b]Hates both llamas and moose

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 23:56 (11 Years ago)
((Stupid Cocoa...[My puppy].. She looks like a real poodle now so I can't call her Puff Puff any more cause she's not puffy like she used to be. *pouts))

"Of course I wouldn't know anything about this island! Whenever I asked I was threatened!" he yelled. "I tried to respect all of you and give you the answers you wanted, but you attacked me!" he shouted, before just giving up and leaning back against the wall. "What exactly is it you want from us?" he muttered as he forced them all to return into their pokeballs. "We didn't come here by choice, and we don't know how to get home..." he muttered then faced Lein.

"Did anyone even ask for your help?" he let out a choked laugh, before closing his eyes and rested his head against the wall.

((You're right, we probably should stop.))

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 23:41 (11 Years ago)
((It's fine just stings a lot. And it feels uncomfortable if I have my leg straight. Stupid little brat doesn't care, she just kept gnawing on my hand. >.>))

Takumi snarled. "I don't really care what you think of me! You wanted me to tell you and I told you! You assumed things and then attacked me and my partner! You dare say I'm shallow and cruel! I could put them all inside their pokeballs but do you think right now they'd listen to me?! Or do you want me to force them?! Like SLAVES! Is that what you want?! For me to treat my best friends as slaves?!"

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 23:25 (11 Years ago)
((I didn't see that part, but I was implying that he was unconscious. x3))

Reiji snarled at her while Rairakku growled at her. They both barked at her, telling her to be quiet. "We came out because our friend is in pain!"

Takumi finally looked up. "You think a stupid berry from here would help him?!" he snarled, finally standing up. He didn't bother to wipe his tears away. "Where I come from, there is medicine specifically made for pokemon, and that's what he takes when injured! Berries barely help any pokemon from where I come from!" he snarled, before he turned his glare on Di. "If you understood ANYTHING about what I've been telling you, you could've figured out they would protect me! We've been through our whole lives together! I told you that some pokemon can come ut on their own if their will is strong enough. And guess what? They did." he snarled.

Akane snarled at her, not trusting the he-oo-man in front of her. Rei growled lowly in her throat, the fur on her tails standing up straight as she glared down at the Sableye.

"Who are you?" Akane demanded, her glare growing fiercer.

((Dear lord, my knees hurt! >.< I had to drop to the floor and skid across the rug to catch my puppy before she got to far into this room...Owie...))
((EDIT: I'll be back soon! Dinner))

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 23:09 (11 Years ago)
Takumi ignored her as he kept his eyes on Kyuzo. "Hey buddy. Come on, look at me..." he muttered. When Kyuzo refused to respond a tear fell down his face, and soon others followed. He cursed before digging in his bag, looking for something stronger to feed him. "Come on, Kyuzo! Wake up!" he shouted, his voice filled with pain.

At his cry, Rairakku and Reiji appeared, standing on each side of Takumi, nudging him gently with their noses, while Rin and Kusa stood in front of them, watching them warily to see if they would attack again.

Kyuzo groaned, and Takumi breathed a sigh in relief, his head hanging down, his bangs covering his eyes. "D-don't....don't you ever....ever do something like that again! You idiot!" Takumi shouted at him. "We've already been over this! You don't do something so stupid!" he shouted at Kyuzo, lifting his head to glare weakly at the Typhlosion.

Reiji sighed and looked over at Ichigo and Di with hard gaze, Rairakku coming up next to him. They hadn't come out earlier because they knew of Takumi's wish not to hurt her emotionally any more, but this they couldn't stand.

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 22:57 (11 Years ago)
Rei noticed Rosanna drag Aramina behind the tree. She flicked her gaze towards Akane who gave a subtle nod. She nodded back. "Don't just hide behind it." Rei whispered, her voice loud enough so only the gijinka's could hear it. "Climb it as high as you can." she said, before turning her back to them as she continued to scan the area.

Takumi narrowed his eyes, watching her rush at him, and before he could say anything Kyuzo was in between them. "No!" he shouted, his eyes wide with worry as the Typhlosion took the attack.

He froze as Kyuzo fell to the side from the attack he wasn't fully prepared for. "No!" he shouted again and ran to his partner. Reaching into his bag he pulled out a bottle that held a potion. He quickly poured a small amount into his partner's mouth, hoping it would help him.

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 22:49 (11 Years ago)
Takumi growled before returning Furaito, so he could get rid of the Attract condition. "Try that again, and that'll be you acting like a love sick fool." he snarled. "We didn't plan to come here. We don't mean any harm. But now we're stuck here. So unless you can help us get away from this island, then we're stuck here."

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 22:38 (11 Years ago)
Kyuzo growled, and readied an attack at her if she so much as harmed him. Kusa following his example. Rin emerged from her pokeball as well, sparks emitting from her body as she growled lowly at Di. Takumi's eyes widened as he heard both of their claims before they hardened.

His voice was filled with rage at their suggestions and implications that they killed pokemon. "How dare you make assumptions!" he snarled, his legs reaching up and kicking her in the stomach, causing her to let go of his shirt. (That's all I'm doing for your character! x3) He glared at the two as Kyuzo, Kusa, and Rin surrounded him, with Furaito circling them above. Reiji and Rairakku would've come out as well, but they didn't want to upset the eevee gijinka anymore.

His eyes were blazing with an angry fire as he glared at the two. "The battles always stop once a pokemon FAINTS! They are returned into their pokeballs where they can rest until they are taken to a Pokémon Center where they can be healed by the combined efforts of both Pokémon and Humans!" he shouted. "I saw an Audino on my way here. Audino's are one of the types of pokemon that work with the nurses at the Center's to heal pokemon. Most pokemon are healed within the same day as they are brought in." he growled.

Rei let out a soft growl, trying to ward off any danger. Akane did the same. The two of them were pretty powerful against each other, but on their own, they were even worse. They'd fight if they had too. And it wouldn't be pretty if they did. They would protect these two.

((Gah! Stop posting! I had to rewrite my whole post! x3 lol))

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 22:18 (11 Years ago)
Takumi watched her amused. It was obvious they didn't trust him. "It's possible because that's the way the pokeballs were made. They were made to fit a pokemon of any size inside of them." he explained. He was quiet for a moment, as he lifted the arm that held Furaito and watched him fly up into the air and wander off.

"Well it depends on the person. Some people keep pokemon as companions so they don't get lonely. Those pokemon usually have good lives. There are people like me and Artemis who collect pokemon and we battle others like us. We have pokemon battles, where two or more pokemon fight against each other to test their skills and grow stronger. Some also have pokemon for protection. There are some wild pokemon that will attack for no reason, and could kill us. So, we have pokemon to help protect us." he explained.

((I just thought of something he would do if one of you thought he meant killing them...Can someone do that...? Pwetty pwease? x3 lol It's fine if you don't but I thought it'd be cool.))

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 22:02 (11 Years ago)
Kyuzo let out a small roar as he landed next to Takumi, stretching his muscles. It had been a while since he'd been outside.

Takumi smiled. "This is my partner. Kyuzo, the Typhlosion. He's been with me ever since we were kids." he said standing up, and patting Kyuzo on the arm. "When a pokemon trainer captures a pokemon in a pokeball, the trainer tries to befriend them, and get them to listen to them. Sometimes a pokemon doesn't want to listen to the trainer so the trainer releases it, and it goes back into the wild. Now not everybody does that, some try to force the pokemon to listen, but not many do that I believe." he said. "The pokeball was made so that when a pokemon is inside, they have plenty of room. They're not squished or trapped. Sometimes pokemon even come out of a pokeball on their own." he said, and looked down as he watched as Furaito and Kusa came out on their own.

Takumi put his arm out to the side and watched as Furaito landed on his arm and calmly started to look around. Kusa stayed by his feet, watching everyone with a seemingly uninterested look.

Rei blinked, looking around. "Akane did you..." she said softly.

The Mightyena gijinka nodded, and took a step closer to the two girls by them. Rei did the same. The two were tense as they scanned their surroundings, looking for any possible sign of danger.

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 21:43 (11 Years ago)
Takumi smiled softly at her show of bravery. "Don't worry. You can only have six at a time. I have six." he said, and lifted the bottom of his jacket and shirt to show them the six pokeballs on his belt.

He turned his head from side to side, making a cracking noise and he sighed in comfort. "That's better." he said. "They aren't cages. Where I'm from, we call them pokeballs." he said and picked up Kyuzo's pokeball in it's small form. "This is the form we keep the pokeball in normally." he explained and pressed the button in the middle, causing the pokeball to grow. "This is the form the pokeball needs to be in to either send out a pokemon, or to try and capture one." he said and tossed the pokeball into the air above him.

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 21:20 (11 Years ago)
Takumi's eyes widened. "I can't read your mind. I swear." he said, raising his hands up. "And I won't. I promise I won't. I took a guess. You're an eevee....What was it...gijinka right? You reacted badly to Reiji and Rairakku, so I assumed it was your parents." he said., staying where he was on the ground. If she wanted to be far away then he'd let her.

Rei sighed and dropped down from the branch she was on. Seconds later Akane skidded to a halt beside her. The two looked around. "Now what?" Rei moaned, not knowing what they where going to do. It was all so confusing.

Akane shrugged, before she looked around and realized she knew the Furret and Minun gijinka in front of them. "Rei, it's those two again."

"Huh?" Rei said, turning around. Her eyes widened a fraction. "Ah, we know you two!" she said with a smile.

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 21:03 (11 Years ago)
(Reiji and Rairakku were with Hikaru lol)

Takumi nodded before returning them to their pokeballs. He sighed, and sat down in front of the wall, with his legs crossed. "There. They're gone now. Are you okay?" he asked. Why was she so upset over an Umbreon and Espeon...Unless....He looked closer at her. She was an eevee....Did that mean that her parents were an Umbreon and Espeon? "Did they remind you of your parents...?" he asked softly, taking a chance and hoping he didn't mess up and make her even more upset.

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 20:39 (11 Years ago)
"Rei-neechan and Akane-neechan are somewhere like always. They're probably fighting like always." Hikaru said as he played with Reiji and Rairakku. It was obvious he didn't know that Ichigo was upset.

Takumi chuckled at Ichigo's comments, at Artemis. It was kinda true. He did understand what was going on a bit before he did. He turned around to say something when he noticed she was crying, before she slipped behind Di.

His eyes widened. Quickly, he walked over to her. "Are you okay? What's wrong. Did I do something that upset you?" he asked, worried. He really hoped he didn't upset her...

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 20:25 (11 Years ago)
x3 lol Yeah crush is fine. =3

When I think of Envy I think of the one from FMA and FMA Brotherhood, so yeah. x3 Forgive me if my Envy is like him. I also can't think of a nickname for him...Gah! *fall over*
Alright, I'll start working on him again. Hopefully he'll be posted by later today.

Username: InfinityLove
Name: Tsukiakari (Tsuki)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Personality: Tsuki is sweet and calm, but slightly mysterious. She doesn't always answer questions given to her straight on. Sometimes she's just not able to answer the questions straight on, and she hates that fact. She doesn't really have a temper, and it takes a lot to get her angry, but get her going and it's like a disaster hit. She also tends to slap people if they're being rude, or said something that was completely stupid.
Background: As a young girl she fell in love with the idea of telling people their fortunes, and at first her parents let her, thinking it was a child obsession that wasn't real and would pass with time. But they started to fear her when after about 5 years, she didn't stop trying, and her fortunes started to become right. During school she was considered a type of exotic beauty. People thought that she was beautiful, but they didn't dare approach her in fear of what would be said, because the people who didn't care about her looks, labeled her a freak. She never cared, just continued to tell fortunes in a small shope she'd made, and once she had enough money from reading fortunes, she graduated high school, and promptly moved out of her parents house, much to their relief. She lives in an appartment complex and now has a brand new shop that she bought from someone who was thinking about tearing the building down. She did some repairs, and it looks good as new.
Likes: Fortune Telling, cute boys, good food, and good omens
Dislikes: Rude people, ugly people who think they're all that, bad food, spiders, and bad omens
Orientation: Straight
Crush/Lover: None
Other: Often ponders about llamas and moose...

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[center][b]Username: [/b]InfinityLove
[b]Name: [/b]Tsukiakari (Tsuki)
[b]Age: [/b]26
[b]Gender: [/b]Female
[b]Appearance: [/b][img]http://stuffpoint.com/anime-paradise/image/22043-anime-paradise-white-hair-anime-girl.jpg[/img]
[b]Personality: [/b]Tsuki is sweet and calm, but slightly mysterious. She doesn't always answer questions given to her straight on. Sometimes she's just not able to answer the questions straight on, and she hates that fact. She doesn't really have a temper, and it takes a lot to get her angry, but get her going and it's like a disaster hit. She also tends to slap people if they're being rude, or said something that was completely stupid.
[b]Background: [/b]As a young girl she fell in love with the idea of telling people their fortunes, and at first her parents let her, thinking it was a child obsession that wasn't real and would pass with time. But they started to fear her when after about 5 years, she didn't stop trying, and her fortunes started to become right. During school she was considered a type of exotic beauty. People thought that she was beautiful, but they didn't dare approach her in fear of what would be said, because the people who didn't care about her looks, labeled her a freak. She never cared, just continued to tell fortunes in a small shope she'd made, and once she had enough money from reading fortunes, she graduated high school, and promptly moved out of her parents house, much to their relief. She lives in an appartment complex and now has a brand new shop that she bought from someone who was thinking about tearing the building down. She did some repairs, and it looks good as new.
[b]Likes: [/b]Fortune Telling, cute boys, good food, and good omens
[b]Dislikes: [/b]Rude people, ugly people who think they're all that, bad food, spiders, and bad omens
[b]Orientation: [/b]Straight
[b]Crush/Lover: [/b]None
[b]Other: [/b]Often ponders about llamas and moose...

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 20:23 (11 Years ago)
Tsuki chuckled. "No, Aurora has nothing to do with aura. Aurora's name has the same name as certain types of lights in the sky in certain far off areas. When I say aura, I meant my energy, I guess. Auras are what psychic types are able to see. I can use it to tell what type of pokemon you are." she explained. "Maggie your aura is a dark purple, telling me that you're a ghost type." she said. "Does that make any sense?" she asked.

Yoru grinned. "Distraction? Yeah that'll work too." he said before thinking again. If Rinny went up first and made a distraction then he could slip out and start casting an illusion....Yeah, that could work. He nodded. "Yeah, we can do that." he looked over at Rinny. "You ready?" he asked, a gleam in his eyes.

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 20:16 (11 Years ago)
Takumi smiled. "Nice to meet Di." he said, before looking over at Hikaru. "Oh I don't think he's stupid. Just curious is all. Many people would think that's a fine trait to have." he said, before tossing Reiji and Rairakku's pokeballs in the air. "Reiji. Rairakku." he said, watching with a soft smile on his face, as they approached Hikaru.

Hikaru smiled, before running over to the two, petting them. "Reiji seems to like you as well as Rairakku Hikaru." Takumi said as the Umbreon and Espeon took turns lightly head butting him, trying to get his attention. Hikaru laughed, before using both hands to pet them.

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 17:50 (11 Years ago)

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