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Searching for: Posts from Dezrien.
Posted: Tue, 26/04/2022 23:14 (2 Years ago)
EAT IT, EAT IT, EAT IT *Chanting*]

Waiter there's a Hiohwhoawe in mys soup!
-----------------^^^Randomly typed letters- that's what came out

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Posted: Tue, 26/04/2022 22:52 (2 Years ago)

Waiter, theres a uhm a thing in my soup!!!

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Posted: Mon, 25/04/2022 23:28 (2 Years ago)
(Freed by Ash from the grasps of the Zoroark, Blissey runs to the nearest Medicham and directs them to throw her. She soars through the air and lands on Chevalli's back...)
CHEVALLI: HEY! You can't do that! *proceeds to flip over, but Blissey manages to hold on to his claws* I'll make you fall! *he manages to cut the vines and starts to soar off, but suddenly flips and launches Blissey back onto the school* Ha! Take that! And I still have your friend!
BLISSEY: Really? I hope you like hard boiled!
(Chevalli looks down and realizes that Snom has been replaced with Blissey's egg. Snom pokes his head out of Blissey's pouch and smiles as Chevalli soars away, angered.)
BLISSEY: We got lucky this time, but they'll be back. We need to boost security...
(And so, that seemed to be the end of it. But as Ash and the others turned out, Ash could've sworn she saw a mischevious glint in some Pokemon's eyes- and it had really just begun...)

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Posted: Mon, 25/04/2022 22:07 (2 Years ago)
(Silver is let in to the Pokeschool)
(Sun is greeted by the Prof.'s assistant.)
PROF.'s ASSISTANT: Oh! You must be the other one. Sun, correct? The other trainer just left. please, pick a Pokemon!
(He leads Sun to the same table Emika took her Eevee from. It now has all the same Pokemon, minus the Eevee.)
(From beside Ash, Blissey continues her work. Suddenly, a rumble can be heard from above the school and shortly after, the alarms go off. Blissey panics, grabs Snom, Ash, and the Medicham guard and rushes through a short door and up a hatch to the roof, where many Pokemon have gathered and a Corviknight looms over them. many of the Pokemon are afraid, but not Blissey...)
BLISSEY: CHEVALLI DAGON! Go back to your hoodlums' nest should'ya?! You know better than to poke your scarred face around here!
CHEVALLI: *glare intensifies* Oh, no. You should know better to show you and your patient around here! *evil laugh* As a matter of fact...
(Chevalli swoops down and steals the Snom out of her hands...)
BLISSEY: *makes growl-like noise* IVYSAUR! Vine whip!
CHEVALLI: You should well know by now the uselessness of that move on me! A grass-type move, seriously?
(Chevalli then tries to fly up, but is held in place by... He looks down and realizes the vines that are holding him... and begins to recklessly twist and turn. Blissey begins the next step of her plan, but Chevalli has different ideas, and three Zoroark attempt to apprehend her...)

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Posted: Fri, 22/04/2022 23:15 (2 Years ago)
[@GreenOwl- The RP hasn't reached 2 days yet, LOL :P Also, Master Oranguru told you to visit him in the morning.]

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Posted: Fri, 22/04/2022 23:08 (2 Years ago)
(Blissey leads her to the entrance and talks to the guards. They eventually come to a compromise and Ash is let in- however followed by a Medicham guard. They make it to sick bay where Ash is given a chair near the resting place they made for Snom and Blissey begins patching up Snom.)
Blissey: Are you tired? Would you like to rest? Snom should be better by the morning.

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Posted: Fri, 22/04/2022 23:01 (2 Years ago)
(A *shiny* Blissey walks out of the Pokeschool with a metal tray.)
BLISSEY: I will help him, come along if you wish- I'll convince them to make an exception. Clearly, if you are helping the wounded, you mean no harm.

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Posted: Fri, 22/04/2022 21:46 (2 Years ago)
PROF's ASSISTANT: Yes, you will need to find the Professor. Head over to the well, cross the bridge and you will find yourself in tall grass. You likely weren't allowed there before, but now you should go. Past this tall grass you should find the Pokemaniac's House. The Professor is likely there on his ah, business.
[Number One Rule of the Pokeschool: NO predatory species are allowed in the building without strict watch. This is due to the fact the school is intended to be the only safe haven for Pokemon who would otherwise be hunted.]

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Posted: Thu, 21/04/2022 22:56 (2 Years ago)
SNOM: Snooom!
(Snom begins to dig in, but shortly falls asleep.)
(Master Oranguru catches him at the edge of the clearing and begins to direct him to the guest dorms.)
MASTER ORANGURU: You know the rules. You can't go into the Pokeschool without being closely monitored- can't risk it with predator species. Anyways, you wanted to know about the Z-Crystals, yes?

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Posted: Thu, 21/04/2022 22:50 (2 Years ago)
(A small, injured Snom walks up to her and stares at her berries.)
SNOM: Snooom?

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Posted: Thu, 21/04/2022 22:44 (2 Years ago)
(It takes long for him to get there, as he must pass through the plains and into the forest. On the way he bumps into Lily and Cream [again])

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Posted: Thu, 21/04/2022 22:39 (2 Years ago)
PROF.'s ASSISTANT: Yes! You can have that one.
(He hands her the Eevee.)
PROF.'s ASSISTANT: Those ones... *Sighs* I don't think it's true, but the Professor says that those three Pokemon were gifts to him from Celebi. And we did research on them, and their genetic makeup is different enough from any of our previous data to suggest that they did come from a different time.
(The three Snover stared at her for a second, unsure what to think. They looked back at each other for a second and then began to shake. They each dropped two berries, a Pecha, a Cheri, a Aspear, a Chesto, a Rawst, and an Oran. They picked them up and handed them to her before heading out.)
(Sadly, it is not that easy to get a Z-Crystal. Maybe Master Oranguru knows something.)

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Posted: Thu, 21/04/2022 22:18 (2 Years ago)
(The Hippowdon are baffled by her escape. They huff at each other, and then turn ways each to scour the desert until they can find the Typhlosion who crossed them.)
(A Simisage sees Lily and Cream.)
SIMISAGE: (Offering some Sage wood to burn as incense) Sage?

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Posted: Thu, 21/04/2022 22:11 (2 Years ago)
(They take the burn... But as ground-type Pokemon they take little damage... And do more.)

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Posted: Thu, 21/04/2022 22:03 (2 Years ago)
(Suddenly both Hippowdon come to an agreement. They stop fighting. They calmly turn to Ash... And begin attacking her.)

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Posted: Thu, 21/04/2022 21:59 (2 Years ago)
(The Pokeballs are labeled with all the starters from Gen 1-8 and an extra Cyndaquil, Oshawott, and Rowlet, each with an odd appearing clock next to the name. There is also a Pichu, Eevee, Pidgey, Red Flabebe, Spheal, Aron, Shinx, Starly, Bounsweet, Marill, Mareep, and Caterpie.)

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Posted: Thu, 21/04/2022 21:53 (2 Years ago)
@ALL- Accepted!
Start RP-ing HERE

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Posted: Thu, 21/04/2022 21:49 (2 Years ago)
(A young man spots Emika and realizes she was there...)
???: Oh! Sorry, I'm the Professor's assistant. He's out on some important business right now...
(He glances over at a table with a lot of Pokeballs on it.)
PROF.'s ASSISTANT: Right! I was told you would come. Come let's choose your starter... *and then maybe you can go look for the Professor*

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Posted: Thu, 21/04/2022 14:35 (2 Years ago)
(As Ash walks through the desert, she encounters two Hippowdon fighting over territory)

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Posted: Wed, 20/04/2022 23:01 (2 Years ago)
[...That's just too OP... ... I'll let it slide this time... ...Not again tho]
(A wild Komala falls out of a tree and lands on Cream, but continues it's sleep-walking slumber.)

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