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Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 13:38 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt scoffed, " For some reason, I doubt that Duskwind was taking it into his own paws to investigate for rogues, " she said, looking away. " I think there's something going on between him and the Pineclan warrior. Hawkpool, I believe her name is. " she said, shifting on her paws.

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Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 13:05 (7 Years ago)
Inktober Day 20/31

Inktober Day 21/31

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Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 12:33 (7 Years ago)
Duskwind nodded and got his paws as the other Pineclan warriors joined him, " I guess I'll see you later. Save some fresh-kill for me, would you?," he mewed. Duskwind gave Hawkpool a longing glance before padding back out through the bramble tunnel into Desertclan territory.

Dawnpelt sighed, clearly exasperated, and sat down next to Ashpelt. " I just yelled at Duskwind for wandering off during a patrol. He was with one of the Pineclan warriors, " she mewed, shaking her head. "I told him to go out on another patrol and he agreed with me, with no argument," she said.

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Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 03:55 (7 Years ago)
Duskwind let out a small breath as his sister walked away from him, and gave Hawkpool an apologetic smile. " Could've been worse, " he said simply.

Dawnpelt walked towards the medicine cat's den, wishing to vent and check up on her mate. She stuck her head into the den and saw the Ashpelt was awake, " Hello, " she mewed, stepping fully into the den.

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Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 03:41 (7 Years ago)
Duskwind seemed like he wanted to argue, with a biting look in his eye, but he held his tongue. He sat back a little, his fur relaxing. " Fine, " he said simply, looking his sister in the eye. " I'll wait here for the rest of the patrol,"

Dawnpelt gave Duskwind a funny look and nodded. " Don't do that again, " she meowed, padding away to find other warriors for the evening patrol. That was odd..., Dawnpelt thought to herself. She shook her head, not having time to worry about Duskwind's motivations. She found some of the other Pineclan warriors and asked them to go on the patrol with Duskwind, and to meet him by the entrance after they had eaten.

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Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 03:25 (7 Years ago)
Duskwind followed Hawkpool into the Desertclan camp entrance, keeping his head low with his ears back. He had hoped to avoid his sister's gaze for as long as possible. " Duskwind!" A yowl sounded from beside the camp entrance, just out of sight. Duskwind jumped and turned around.

" I really thought better of you, " Dawnpelt scolded. She looked from Duskwind to Hawkpool, giving them equally disapproving looks. " Desertclan is in danger, and you choose now to wander off? " she asked. Duskwind opened his mouth to replay but Dawnpelt cut him off with a flick of her tail. " You are going on the evening patrol, as well. You do not eat until you return, " she meowed seriously. She looked to Hawkpool. " I do not command you, " she began. " But, I would prefer you to stay here. We need more warriors to guard the camp, " she said.

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Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 03:17 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt nodded, but still had a stern expression. " But will we be strong enough? " she said, not exactly looking for an answer. " I'm sorry, you're right. Just have to keep training, and hope for the best, " she mewed apologetically. Her ears flicked as she heard the mid day patrol returning. " I'll leave you to your duties for now, thank you for talking with me, " she said, dipping her head to Tigerstripe.

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Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 02:48 (7 Years ago)
Sunkit smiled, happy to hear her brother's words. " So, why don't we pick up that game of moss ball?" she said, eager to do something fun and light hearted.

Dawnpelt considered the thought for a moment, " Well. I'm sure they would speak to you if they had anything to say, " she mewed softly, looking away.

Duskwind rolled his eyes, " Yes yes, I know. Don't lose your fur, we were just on our way back, " he said, gesturing towards the camp with his tail.

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Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 02:31 (7 Years ago)
( haha its okay, we got lots of cats in play )

Sunkit purred as her brother comforted her, but she had many thoughts bouncing around in her head. What if I did want to be a medicine cat?, she wondered. " Thanks, Bramblekit. It's still so many moons before we become apprentices. Who knows what things will be like then, " she mewed.

Dawnpelt nodded as Tigerstripe spoke, " It's a tricky situation. I'll have to talk with Flamestar about it as soon as I can...," she meowed, her tail swishing the ground slightly as she spoke. "Has Starclan spoken with you? I know you would've told me, but I had to ask..."

Duskwind jumped at the sound of Feathercloud's voice. Turning to face her, he smiled, " Well, I do live here you see..." he began.

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Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 02:12 (7 Years ago)
Sunkit looked taken aback, " I didn't even know I had another choice, " she said. Sunkit looked down at her paws for a moment, " Why would Dawnpelt not want that for me?" she wondered, looking to her brother for reassurance.

Duskwind pushed through a clump of bracken, his paws scuffing the ground softly. " I wonder what those rogue cats do all day, " he mewed absentmindedly. " Just sit around all day...plotting?"

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Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 00:27 (7 Years ago)
Kara shrugged, " Hopefully a nice window, and a soft bed, " she said quietly. Honestly, I want to know if this place has wifi..., she thought. An internet connection would be a nice piece of normalcy in this strange situation.

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Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 00:22 (7 Years ago)
Sunkit gave Bramblekit an unsettled look. " What's wrong? What happened?," Sunkit couldn't imagine a game of moss ball being that upsetting. There must be something else on his mind..., she thought.

Duskwind purred, his tail curling around Hawkwind's. " Come on, can't linger much longer, " he said, as he walked into the tree line.

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Posted: Wed, 25/10/2017 15:42 (7 Years ago)
Inktober Day 17/31

Inktober Day 18/31

Inktober Day 19/31

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Posted: Wed, 25/10/2017 14:06 (7 Years ago)
Sunkit smiled, settling down in the moss. " Did you get up to any fun while I was gone?." she asked, wondering about her brother's well being.

Dawnpelt glanced at Tigerstripe, " No, just the usual worrisome and brooding thoughts, " she said, giving a small smile. " I was thinking about the rogues, and what more we could do in defense against them, " Dawnpelt meowed, confiding in the medicine cat. Perhaps Tigerstripe would have suggestions for me..., she thought.

Duskwind smiled, " See then? Everything will be fine." Duskwind walked close to Hawkpool as then began to get closer to the forest. The ground had become slightly softer and more vegetation was appearing around them, although much of the greenery had since disappeared since leaf fall.

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Posted: Wed, 25/10/2017 13:47 (7 Years ago)
Sunkit licked her paw and cleaned the bits of honey from her muzzle. " I think it went alright, Tigerstripe had me put new cobwebs on Ashpelt, and I didn't even make a mistake, " she mewed, enjoying recounting the memory in her mind. " Perhaps tomorrow, Ashpelt will be well enough to come to us for a visit, "

Duskwind sighed, changing his course slightly to walk around a large rock. " We don't have to think about that just yet...you'll be here a few days, right?, " he meowed, his eyes looking hopeful. " After that...well, I always enjoyed our nocturnal meetings, " he smiled at the thought.

Dawnpelt had sent out another patrol and walking around the camp, inspecting the new repairs that had been done. Nursery reinforced, walls by the apprentice den repaired..., she listed in her mind. What else could we do?, she sat down in the center of the camp, thinking, her tail tapping lightly. She tried to imagine what it was like to see the rogue cats coming through the walls and shuddered slightly. Maybe we should secure a way to escape as well..., she thought as she mulled the idea over in her mind.

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Posted: Wed, 25/10/2017 11:25 (7 Years ago)
Kara watched curiously, impressed by Z’s strength. I hope Aeryn is alright..., she thought as she stood in the hallway with Aria.

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Posted: Wed, 25/10/2017 11:08 (7 Years ago)
“ Oh!,” Sunkit purred. She had forgotten about the honeycomb that Tigerstripe brought for them earlier. “ Thank you, Bramblekit,” She mewed as she ate her portion of the sweet treat. “ I got to help make Ashpelt get all better,” she said, proudly, after finishing the honey.

Duskwind purred as Hawkpool came close to him, twisting his tail into hers. “ I’ll be sad to see you go back up the mountain. It’s nice spending the day with you,” he mewed as they walked through the desert.

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Posted: Wed, 25/10/2017 02:44 (7 Years ago)
Sunkit smiled and looked up at Tigerstripe, her tail high, “ I know you’ll make him better, “ she said, heading into the nursery. She was excited to tell Bramblekit all about her day.

Duskwind laughed a beat as he lead the way through the desert. He passed by a tumbleweed, brushing it lightly with his tail. “ I like your positive attitude,” he meowed.

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Posted: Wed, 25/10/2017 02:22 (7 Years ago)
Sunkit's expression brightened slightly, and she got to her paws. " I hope he'll be better soon, " she mewed, looking at her father while he slept.

Duskwind laughed, " Oh she will. But, I think she always does? It's a kin thing, I think," he meowed, starting to walk away from the cave camp. He shook his paws slightly as he walked, ridding them of the river water. He hadn't intended to skirt his duties this long, but the time had flown quickly. Ah well, at least there's lots of warriors to help out, Duskwind assured himself.

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Posted: Wed, 25/10/2017 02:06 (7 Years ago)
(woah your other reply snuck by me, ninja, sorry!)

Dawnpelt flicked an ear in annoyance, feeling that her brother should know better. " If you see him, clot him behind the ear and tell him to come back to camp, " she mewed. She nodded in thanks to Fallentree, trusting him to lead the hunting patrol.

Sunkit took the cobweb in her mouth and paws and her best to wrap Ashpelt's wound on his flank. " That's harder than it looks, " she said, slightly dismayed at her work.

Duskwind shrugged, " I suppose we should start heading back. " he meowed, seeming to just notice how late in the day it was becoming. " But, we could walk slowly, " he mewed.

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