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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from 96XNeko.
Posted: Tue, 11/02/2020 02:59 (5 Years ago)
"Hmm hmm~ Of course, Madame Raichu." Rouge nodded before taking the final sip of her tea, gently setting the cup down, lightly watering the cup to make sure the tea didn't stain the cup. She then grabbed a napkin after draining the cup and started to dry it before her attention went back to Raichu as her ear perked.

"Hmm..?" Rouge set the cup back down on the table before she gave a small eager nod. Her mood had changed now in hoping that she would see Maui once more, using the tip of her tail like a spring she got to her feet, looking down to Raichu as she took her hand, Rouge smiling lowly as she gently grasped Raichu's hand back, gently making her way outside.

"Madame Braxien..? Yakuzo...? Are you two alr--" She immediately cut herself off as her lemon eyes glanced over to the familiar Rillaboom who was towards the cafe wall. Her pupils shrank a little as she examined the pokemon. Her hands started to quiver, still grasping hold of Raichu's hand.

"M....Maui..? Is......Is that....you?" She could feel tears start to stream down her face, really wanting to believe the Rillaboom that stood before her, was the same Grookey that she grew up with. Her only friend, and the only pokemon she ever wanted in her life.

Yakuzo continued to grasp Braxien tightly as she continued to run, but then bumped his head against hers as she came to a complete stop.
"Crap! Braxien you okay, toots?" He tilted his head a little, knowing that his head was a lot tougher than hers. He then blinked twice as she plopped down and then smirked a little as he felt her lean against him. He lightly reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a spare twig, gently reaching around and placing it gently in her mouth.

"Hea toots, have dis for your efforts heh!" He then lightly started to chew on his own stick. He then looked back to Braxien before his eyes glanced up to see Raichu and Rouge walk out towards them, seeing Rouge's reaction before he chuckled lowly and looked back to Braixen, resting his arms behind his head.

"I tink we'll be fine toots~"

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Posted: Tue, 11/02/2020 01:56 (5 Years ago)
"It's no problem, Madame Raichu." Rouge smiled lowly and continued to hug her as she felt Raichu nuzzle her. She nodded gently and then lightly kissed her cheek before releasing her embrace from Raichu.

"More than likely though she's probably watching you." she nodded lightly and crossed her arms. "You don't need to thank me. I know you would do the same for me." She then sat back down in her seat and took another small sip of her tea, not wanting it to go to waste.
Yakuzo sighed playfully at Maui's laugh before he then nodded in agreeance with Braxien's comment. "Yea! Sos we can't keep the lady waitin' much longer!" He continued to hang onto Braxien as she ran towards Akai village.

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Posted: Mon, 10/02/2020 10:42 (5 Years ago)
Rouge took another small sip of her tea before glancing back up to Raichu from the brim of the cup, listening intently before she frowned a little at Raichu's memory. she gently set her cup down, gasping lightly.

"Madame Raichu...I'm...so sorry to hear that." She lightly stood up and walked over to Raichu as she finished her story, gently kneeling down so that she could wrap her arms around the surfer, gently holding her close and tightly.

"If I could bring her back to you, Madame Raichu...You know I would in a heartbeat..." She gently shook her head a little before lightly using her finger to wipe some of the stray tears off Raichu's face.

"Would she have liked to see you cry, Madame Raichu..? I know that it hurts...But I think she would like you to be strong....For both of you." Rouge gave a gentle motherly smile. "Don't you think?"
Yakuzo smirked a little as he and Braxien had caught Maui's attention, his twig lightly dangled from his lower lip as he spoke.

"Eh yeah? And if it i--" he was cut off as Braxien had commented that it was her, lightly sweatdropping a little before he lowered his head with a small smirk and chuckle. "Well sos much for the suspense of it all!" He then smirked wider and looked up.

"Yeh, pretty spot on with Lizard Lady dea'. You gots ta be dis Maui guy she keeps faunin' about an' crap!" He then frowned a little before shrugging, "Look buddy! I may be a deliquint, but I ain't no liar! If we says we gots the Lizard Lady den we gots the Lizard Lady!" He then blinked a little, realizing he and Braxien pretty much said the same thing about not lying, which caused him to laugh a little before looking back to Braxien with a double blink before feeling his arm wrapped around her.

"Ah! HA! I'll be sures ta hang on, toots! Ya can't gets rid of me dat easily!"

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Posted: Mon, 10/02/2020 09:36 (5 Years ago)
Rouge thought she knew Maui better than anyone else, even his own tribe members, and she firmly believed that's how he would respond. She gently chuckled and ran her fingers through her frill, lightly sighing quietly before she looked back to Raichu with a small raised brow.

"Did you....have someone you missed, Madame Raichu...? Back on Melemele...?" This question caused Rouge to tilt her head slightly before her eyes gently glanced towards the tea cup that was being handed to her. She took it and went back to watching Raichu, frowning a little at her sad smile.

"I do know how children can be...Oui Madame Raichu but I just....." She silenced herself as she took a sip of her tea once more, not wanting to argue with someone she looked up to. She sighed once more before lightly smiling as she looked down at her tea.

"Wonderful tea, Madame Raichu.."
Yakuzo nodded as they ran towards the Rillaboom, still holding onto his pants the best he could before he looked down at their hands as she grabbed his, causing him to smirk playfully, "Ha! I know, toots! Dat's why we can't waste no more time talkin'!" He smiled with a dopey grin to her before lightly looking up to Maui, secretly wishing he had muscles like Maui did, and those cool tattoos! But he digressed and lightly did a small flip, landing on Braxien's tail. He leaned back against her back and glanced to Maui from the corner of his eye.

"Listen bub! We's aint hea to listen to ya play ya island-y guitar! We's want to know if you's dis Maui guy that Lizard lady keeps talkin' about!" He gently crossed his arms with a gentle huff. "Hopefully ya is 'cuz she's pretty sad that chu ain't with her." His eyes then glanced down to the berries before he lightly stood up on her tail and whispered to her ear so only she would hear hopefully.

"Braxien lookit! Dose berries are the Nanab berries dat was stolen from Raichu! Ain't dose also Lizard lady's favorite berries? I really tink he's da guy!"

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Posted: Sat, 08/02/2020 08:47 (5 Years ago)
Rouge lightly rubbed the back of her head as she continued talking. She felt it really easy to talk to Raichu, probably due to they looked up to her as an awesome pokemon, despite 'legend' status or no, she was genuinely nice to them. She then lightly nodded a little and rested her hands back in her lap. "Oui..And if you wish to do so...But don't expect a uhh...playful answer..He'll probably say something along the lines of 'my tribe was full of imbeciles' or somezing." She chuckled a little, remembering when she first met them as a Sobble and how rude they were to pokemon that weren't a Grookey or it's evolutions. But she didn't really care, Maui was different, he was her Maui and she wanted to be by him forever.

"Hmm?" Rouge tilted her head a little, resting her hand on her hip with a disgruntled sigh, "As...much as I would love to let them play..I will. I just.....I just really miss Maui and Madame Braxien knows where he is. Could I at least just ask her before they leave? Or have they already left...?" She then sighed rather annoyedly before she then gave in and took her seat back, hanging her head in defeat. "Oui, Madame Raichu...je suis désolé once more...Tea it is then." She leaned back a little and took in a small breath. She was growing impatient, everyone kept telling her he was near, but she had the hardest time believing them since he wasn't here with her. She was being moody and selfish and she knew it. This made her frown a little before looking to the side before closing her eyes.

"je suis désolé...je suis désolé."

Yakuzo smirked again and lightly pointed to himself as he looked back to Braxien. "Jus stick wit me, Foxy!" he chuckled, "I'll teach yas the ropes wit puns an' crap! You'll be a masta' in no time!" His eyes too wandered to the sea, it was really nice to look at, it wasn't his sort of thing to normally look at, but he would for the time, it was a nice change of scenery. That, and, the other view was nice too. His eyes had wandered over to Braxien as she was staring out into the sea, her eyes sparkling like the stars above, it caught him off guard a little, to know that that mushy book-like scenes existed, but he paid it no mind and shrugged it off before smirking again.

"I know I said it!" He laughed a little as he was now being dragged once again, seemingly giving up at this point, but he didn't mind. "Makes sense then! I--Aaaahhhnn?"

His attention wavered towards where he and Braxien heard the Ukelele sound, his brow raised a little as he looked over to where the palm trees are at, staring at the pokemon who was playing it. He looked back to Braxien and lightly pulled up his pants again with his free hand before lightly blinking.

"Sos....Is that the guy we're lookin' for, toots? He's got the tattoos an' crap AND all of Raichu's Nanab Berries...Ya tink he's da one?"

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2020 21:06 (5 Years ago)
Rouge lightly lowered her head with a light chuckle as she was listening to Raichu talk about them. She found it nice that they had a guardian of sorts watching them, and she found it funny that everything she said was true. They were never apart unless it was for bathroom breaks or he would go somewhere where she couldn't, but he was never actually very far regardless.

"Ah..Oui, Madame Raichu,"she began,still trying to keep herself together as memories kept flashing back to her of her childhood with him, "He did have a tribe...But I am not surprised you didn't see them. They were indeed deep in the forests and they didn't like to be seen by other pokemon or humans." She lightly brushed her frills aside.

She didn't mean to sound rude if she did, she was never the best at trying to portray her thoughts in a friendly manor. She really did like Braxien, her cheerful demeanor and go get 'em attitude was refreshing to her, but Raichu was right. She just needed a mature adult to confide into after her small breakdown earlier.

"Merci, Madame Raichu." Rouge said lightly, gently resting her hands back in her lap. "I do not wish for her to change...What you said was perfectly what I wanted to. She is still a child and I just needed a more mature pokemon to talk to about zis sort of thing."

Rouge blinked a little as she watched Raichu's eyes change to the more serious look, this slightly caught her off guard, not ever thinking that Raichu had an expression other than motherly or carefree. She gently chuckled lightly poked Raichu in the nose before nodding.

"Oui, Madame Raichu. If I ever need anything..Especially the consolement from a motherly figure...I will definitely come to you." She smiled gently before standing up, gently brushing her back frills to her sides.

"So zen..." she began, "I guess I shouldn't keep Braxien and Yakuzo waiting for too much longer..I should probably rejoin them in trying to find Maui."
Yakuzo smirked wide as he crossed his arms and laughed a little as well. "Toldja you missed a pun-ny opportunity thea, toots!" he smirked more, loved being complimented by one of the prettiest ladies he'd ever met. He continued to waddle his way with her to the beach, using his free hand to keep his pants up so they wouldn't fall down.

"Well...yeah on all accounts thea. But no one ever said Scraggys an' Scraftys was the smartest when it came ta praticality an' crap!" He laughed a little at his own comment, he would have been the only one in his guild to call it like it is. He shrugged playfully as best he could before snickering as Braxien was trying to fathom what she was trying to say to him.

"Don't hurtcha self thea, toots." He laughed again before smirking once more, feeling his ego grow bigger with each compliment she got from him. "It ain't notin'" he grinned as he then shook his head playfully, lightly shurgging, "Ha! tanks for that. We ain't all built wit nice legs like you an' Lizard lady are." He listened intently to what a Rillaboom was like, raising a brow as he tried to envision a leafy Slaking, which only left him to wonder how a Slaking could stay in a tree for so long and the branch not fall off and hurt itself. He shrugged it off and just went with it, nodding a little.

"Sounds aahhh...like an interesting guy thea." Yakuzo lightly blinked before looking around. "I'll be sure ta keep an eye out for Mr. Tattoo Guy." He used his pants hand to pull his jacket closer to him before resting it back on his pants.

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2020 20:09 (5 Years ago)
Wonderful. Thank you~ I would like to join then if I may.

Username: Thereckoningcatrina
Name: Julie-Su
Nickname: "Su"
Animal: Pink Echidna
Best Friend: None
Crush: King Shadow
Ability: "Soultouch" the ability to detect true love for herself or for others.

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2020 19:56 (5 Years ago)
AH. <3

I love it~ They are just so precious..

Thank you ever so much for drawing them for me ~

Payment has been sent. :)

Can't wait go order again soon~

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2020 13:22 (5 Years ago)
Rouge lightly sighed as she rested upon the soft seat Raichu had placed her upon, gently crossing her legs and resting her hands in her lap. She listened to Raichu and then thought about it. She was right, they pretty much were inseperable back then. It was hard for her to get any alone time, even when it came to bathing. But she never really minded his company, she loved it, even if all she ever did was cry back then. It brought a gentle smile to her face.

"Oui..It does...hurt...alot." Rouge began, taking in a quivering breath before she then leaned back a little, "I hadn't thought about how much I needed him to be with me...Ever since I could remember when I went to Alola he was always there..." she chuckled softly, "Even if I didn't want him to be...I...really liked that about him." She looked down and gently took the tissue from Raichu, lightly wiping her eyes before she placed it in the trash bin. "Merci boucoup." she replied.

"...You really think so..?" Rouge asked a little confused, but then lightly rested her hand on her cheek before she smiled lowly again and chuckled, "Well..now that you mention it..Oui...he did try and go out of his way to get them for me...even if it caused him to get in trouble with his tribe for stealing AND aiding one who wasn't their kind." She shrugged a little, so thankful Maui wasn't like his fellow tribe members.

"Merci again, Madame Raichu..It feels nice to talk to...ermm...an adult." She lightly looked away for a moment. "I know Madame Braxien means well...However it just feels..I'm not sure how to put it i'm afraid.."
"Well, ya coulda said fur-frou again instead uh frou-frou-y ya coulda said 'fur-frou-y'! Ya dig?" Yakuzo then lightly sneered and shook his head, his hand waving in the air slightly before resting back on his pants.

"HA! We ain't here for any fancy schmancy pokemon! Well..unless they need help or somethin' yeh?" He chuckled again before watching her tail wag more, this causing him to grin wider as he went on.

"Oh yeah! You try wrestlin' 'bout 4 Mandibuzzes an' 2 Bouffalants at once! ALL while protectin your guild from the opposin' Toxicroaks an' crap! Wasn't easy I tell yas! But someone had ta do it!" He wasn't wrong, in the most part, he did fight about 3 Mandibuzzes AND 2 Bouffalants nearly the same time all while keeping his guild safe from the Toxicroak who wanted to take over. But he digressed and rested his hands back on his pants after the fist bump.

"Eh. Can't say I've eva done any uh dat stuff..But it does sound nice! and sappy." He chuckled lowly once more before he felt his wrist be grabbed, still tightly holding onto his pants as he was dragged out from the cafe.

"YA GOT IT, TOOTS!" he shouted playfully as he tried to keep up with her pace, running as fast as his stubby legs would carry him.

"AHN?????" he raised a brow, "What in Arceus' name is a Rillaboom? Relative uh Electrode or somethin'? Ya're gonna have ta enlighten me on whats were lookin for, toots."

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2020 12:42 (5 Years ago)
Rouge lightly blinked as Raichu rested her paw on her shoulder, lightly starting to give a genuine smile and not a forced one. It was nice to have some contact with nice pokemon rather than the pokemon who hired her just shaking her hand for doing a great job. She looked back to Raichu after wiping her eyes again before she lightly sighed a little.

"I....didn't mean to leave...I just.." she then paused a moment before gently flinching as Raichu rested her paw on her cheek. It felt so nice. She lightly shrugged a little. "But I just...I know I miss him...But it just...reminiscing on my youth...your wonderful smoothies...I guess it just...set something off within me that made me cry..." She lightly pouted to herself before gently brushing her frills from her eye. "I haven't cried since I was still a Sobble..it's so different now that i'm evolved.." She listened carefully to Raichu's words, her eyes welling up again with tears. Raichu was right, she wasn't as assassin anymore, she was a free pokemon, free to do what she wanted, when she wanted. It was wonderful to have that refreshed in her memory. She uncharacteristically wrapped her arms around Raichu, releasing her tears.

"M-Merci Boucoup....." she whimpered softly before releasing her embrace from Raichu. She then paused a minute before blinking twice, wiping away the final tear strands that stained her face. "N-Nanab berries...Those are my favorite kind of berries..." she lightly rested her hand on her hip before shaking her head.

"He doesn't care for bitter things..Why would he be collecting them?" She then shook her head a little once again. "Everyone says he's nearby....I just...I don't believe it..."
"HA! Pity..you missed an opportunity for a pun dea' toots!" he snickered before lightly stretching a little, sitting back up in his seat as he finished his smoothie and cake piece. "Ya forgot how they're betta than everyone else too..even da legendaries themselves!"

He then smirked once again, hamming up the fact that she called him strong, playfully flexing his free arm as he winked to her. "Yeah ya could say dat! It was crazy I tell yas, fightin off them Mandibuzzes who wanted ya heads, the Bouffalants that tried ta kill ya if yas looked at em funny. It was crazy." he remembered when he was a Scraggy, actually looking at one of the Bouffalant funny. He remembered grabbing his pants and leaping up, riding the pokemon before he was bucked off into a bush. He still think he won to this day.

"Ya do? Great! Let's--Ah!" He watched her leap up from her seat before he lightly slid down from his own seat, gently grabbing onto his pants.

"Sunset Beach, eh? What a sappy sounding place, " he murmured under his breath before lightly chuckling and looking back to Braxien, "But that sounds great ta me, toots! A surprise mission an crap!" He nodded and then gently grabbed her paw, turning it into a fist and gently bumping it against his so that they could fist bump each other.

"Great! Now dat we got that outta da way, let's bring back da lizard's mate!"

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2020 11:44 (5 Years ago)
Rouge gave a small nod once again as she watched Raichu do her little weaves from the corner of her eye. It really did remind her of when she and Maui would stop everything they were doing just to watch her surf on the crystal clear blue waters back on Melemele island. She reached to take another shakey sip from her smoothie, memories flushing back to her of when she was a Sobble and he was a Grooky, just taking her everywhere to explore and making her feel like she was more than just an assassin with nothing at all. He made her feel like she belonged. She kept her hand towards her lips, gently biting down on her finger, not quite understanding why she couldn't keep herself together all of a sudden. She knew she missed Maui, but she didn't think she'd miss him that much, what could have been wrong? Was it perhaps more than just a kinship with him, did she feel something more and she just never realized until recently?

Whatever it was, her train of thought was brushed aside as she sensed Raichu behind her. She glanced to her from the corner of her eye before lightly looking away.

"Ah...Madame Raichu..je suis désolé." she began, quickly wiping her eyes from the tears that were starting to burn from being held in. "What can I do for you..?" she forced a smile towards her.
Yakuzo started to laugh loudly as he envisioned Braxien wearing some frilly outfits, he really couldn't see it and that made him smile.

"Honestly, toots, I can't see you sportin' any uh dat frills an' crap! No one would take you seriously!" he then pondered about it before shrugging playfully. "Well I mean..Unless yous was a guild master for Furfrous or somthin...But they'd prolly run circles around ya!" He then lightly leaned back in his chair before looking back towards Braxien as she asked where he came from. He smirked lowly before starting to chew a little on the twig in his mouth.

"Eh..Can't remember much, toots. It's been years!" he began, lightly cricking his neck a little before he closed his eyes and smirked. "I know it's somewhea in da Unova region, far away from here. Kinda uh desert-y area wit lots of Vullabys an' Mandibuzzes. Bad place.." he then chucked lowly before they were ceased as he watched Raichu follow Rouge outside, his demeanor changed as he saw Rouge's expression. He gave a light glance towards Braxien before he looked up at the ceiling.

"I've seen dat face before...She's in love.." he sighed a little, "I tink after we finish here it'd be in our best interest if we went to finds her mate or somethin' yeah?" he gave a small smirk towards Braxien before holding out his hand in a fist, hoping she would bump his fist with hers.

"No one should be sad at dis guild, yeah? Sos lets start wit finding her mate!"

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2020 11:06 (5 Years ago)
Rouge gently nodded before taking another sip of the smoothie. "Had I known that I would have come to save you, Madame Raichu..." she then lightly sighed a little with a small smile, "I figured you never did make it back to ze island, but again, it is good to know you are safe and well here in zis new place." she then turned her attention towards Braxien, a small chuckle escaping her lips.

"I never did say you were a proper lady..now did I, ma chérie?" she lightly poked Braxien on her nose before taking another small sip of her smoothie, she could feel some tears start to well up in her eyes, but she shook it off. "You could be if you wanted...But I'll take a guess and say you don't want to." she gave another quiet chuckle before gently standing up in her seat, her hand gently covering her mouth as in the camp animation.

"If..you'll excuse me..." she gently turned away and headed outside.

Yakuzo continued to scarf down his food before he paused a moment and raised his hand, lightly pointing at Raichu.

"Tanks for dat, Raichu!" he smirked as he finished his food, "Eh, yeah, it just don't sit right wit me since I grew up in a hot joint an' all.." He lightly rested his arms behind his head as he leaned back in his seat, nearly falling out of it as Raichu started to talk to him via Telepathy. This caused him to flinch a little again before he shrugged it off before attempting to speak back to her.

~'Ehhhh yeah you could say dat..Can't say I eva would though haha! Too much blubba' an' crap.'~

He then raised a small brow as he watched Rouge leave, lightly tilting his head a little. "Wonder wassup wit' her?" he asked, lightly shrugging again before he smirked over to Braxien. "I'd have to agree there, toots! Dis food is freakin awesome!"

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2020 09:49 (5 Years ago)
Are we allowed to use Archie characters or AU? If so I would love to join~

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Posted: Wed, 05/02/2020 07:42 (5 Years ago)
Rouge nodded towards her and then gently crossed her arms, shaking her head gently, "You are fine, Madame Raichu..You had your reasons i'm quite sure." she gently put her hand to her mouth like in Pokemon Camp. "Well...some of them did, ma chérie..However I am glad that you didn't set sail towards the big blue just yet."

She lightly raised a brow at Raichu's comment towards Yakuzo before she then lightly hid a small chuckle, she used to know what that was like. Her attention then went towards Braxien with another quiet chuckle.

"Ah, but you are a fox pokemon, are you not, Madame Braxien?" she tilted her head gently before her attention went to the treats that came to them as well, the scents of the berries almost brought a tear to her eye due to the nostalgia of her and Maui's time in Alola. Her hand lightly quivered as it reached for the smoothie. She gently took a sip, her tail instinctively made the little heart at the tip. She then gently placed the smoothie back on the table. Her eyes tearing up slightly.

"This...This is tres bon, ma chérie...I-It truly reminds me of Alola..." She took another sip with a wavering hand, happiness and sadness were both present.
Yakuzo flinched a little as he heard Raichu mention something about a Wailord's call, knowing it was directed towards him. He wondered if his stomach did growl and either A, he didn't notice, or B, they noticed but said nothing, or both. But he was the cool tough guy, he couldn't let his stomach get in the way of his image.

"Heh! Thanks toots! I am kinda hungry." He smirked a little before raising a small brow towards Rouge as she picked up the smoothie, but then shrugged it off as a 'girl thing' before he took his smoothie and piece of cake. Upon picking his items he instantly started to scarf down the cake, unable to speak at the moment before his train of thought was interrupted as Raichu asked about the door.

He swallowed his food before he nodded a little and looked away rather annoyed and shyly.

"If ya could,toots. The cold an I don't get along so great."

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Posted: Wed, 05/02/2020 07:23 (5 Years ago)
Thank you kindly. Take your time, no rush :)

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Posted: Wed, 05/02/2020 06:57 (5 Years ago)
Rouge lowered her head gently as she listened to Raichu, a small smile crept up her face before looking back up to her with a cheerful expression. "Ah. I thought so," she gently gave a low head bow to Raichu, "I am glad you are alright however, ma cherie. After the accident my friend and I did worry about you. We used to watch you on the shore of the little island just outside of the main shoreline. You and her just had such a similar demeanor I couldn't help but ask. merci beaucoup for answering me."

Rouge chuckled silently as she watched Braxien get riled up from meeting a legend even though she's known her for a while. It was nice to see that Raichu had found a nice new place to call her home. This left her to ponder if Raichu had ever found her soul mate. She knew of one pokemon back on Melemele who was always there for her, but this pokemon wasn't how it should have looked, it was more...elegant and refined, much like a maiden, not like a surfer or anything befitting the island. But she shrugged it off and smiled back to the other two, lightly poking Braxien again.

"Hmm hmm...He's calling you that, ma chérie."

Yakuzo continued to laugh along with Raichu and Rouge before he lightly shook it off and leaned far back into the chair, he could feel his stomach wanting to tell the world what the mating call of a Wailord would sound like. He still kept his composure, however, wanting to stave off the hunger as long as he needed to. This was the most fun he had had in several years, even in his guild he had never laughed so much, it was nice.

"Eeeeehhhh!" He playfully waved his hand as Rouge had told Braxien what he meant, "Ya never know, toots! It could be an after hours drink an' crap." He then lightly pulled his jacket a little closer to him as a small breeze started to drift inside, he was never much for the cold.

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Posted: Wed, 05/02/2020 06:19 (5 Years ago)
Rouge lightly chuckled once more and then watched as the Raichu floated back to their table. She then glanced over to Braxien's tail, lightly poking at it with a faint smile.

"Zere is no off switch I see.." she shook her head playfully and poked it once more before she looked back to Raichu, lightly resting her hand under her chin. "If you would please tell zis 'mysterious foreign stranger' something, Madame Raichu.." she then lightly removed her hand from her chin and placed in in her lap.

"Do you happen to be, or know, the surfing legend Raichu of Melemele island, ma chérie?" She tilted her head slightly, gently leaning against the chair before she then gently chuckled and waved her hand a little.

"I do thank you, Madame Braxien but I think the smoothie will be enough for me~" she smiled lowly again before her tail started to lightly curl around her leg.
Yakuzo lightly yawned again and then glanced over to Raichu, his jacket lightly wafting in the slight breeze again as he smirked a little. "Troublemaker? Ha! I invented trouble, toots! Yakuzo's the name an' trouble's the game!" he gently tapped the bat on his shoulders before waving his hand.

"Nah don't sweat it, babe! This bat's for bad guys an' bullies! You ain't got nutin' ta worry about unless yous a bad guy." He then laughed a little before he slunk down in his seat, looking back towards Braxien.

"Heh! Unless Foxy lady is on the menu then nah, i'm good, toots! Thanks~" He winked towards Braxien as he saw Rouge quietly chuckle from the corner of his eye.

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Posted: Wed, 05/02/2020 05:05 (5 Years ago)
Ooh. I would love to join this RP if I may~

Name: Amy Lee
Nickname: "Aqua"
Age:(13-30) 16
Pokemon Species &Appearance: She is a shiny Sobble with the fluffy blue parka from the game
Human Appearance: She has slightly below shoulder length blue hair, dark blue eyes, and wears the blue parka, a fancy blue dress, and blue loafers.
Personality: She is very shy at first and will be formal, but once she gets to know you she will open up to you and be more outgoing
Other: Thank you for hosting this type of RP~

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Posted: Wed, 05/02/2020 04:42 (5 Years ago)
Rouge smiled lowly as she took a seat at the table, her tail gently flickering back and forth before she looked up and gently took a whiff of the air inside the cafe. Soon enough the tip of her tail formed into a little heart, the scents of the berries in this cafe reminded her so much of Alola. She couldn't help but smile a little more as she glanced at Raichu who was approaching them, lightly blinking a little, this Raichu reminded her of the surfing legend Raichu back at Melemele. She gently cleared her throat and wanted to ask the Raichu if they were one in the same, but the Raichu had left for the counter before she could. She shook her head playfully before gently crossing her legs and taking a look at the menu.

"Ooh la la~ They all sound so lovely. I'll definitely have to go with the Sunrise Hula smoothie." She lightly placed the menu back down on the table, her lemon eyes gently glancing outside, a small yearning in her look to try and find Maui as soon as she could.
"Hah! Thanks toots!" Yakuzo smirked as he took his seat, one of his feet on the table. He lightly took the menu that Braxien had handed him. "Lessee..." He nodded at the Raichu as he continued to look through the menu, he could feel his stomach wanting to eat him alive. It had been a week since he'd eaten anything and this smoothie place was great for him.

He paused looking a moment before looking over to Braxien with a small raised brow, lightly waving a free hand to her. "Don't worry about it, babe." Yakuzo smirked to her, lightly stretching a little. "It was a good run and I did have fun, but times are changin' and yas gots ta move on an' crap." He and Rouge then blinked twice upon watching her paw, but he then laughed happily, enjoying Braxien's enthusiasm.

"Ha! That's what I like ta see in a guild master! I think yas got what it takes tuh makes the best guild!" He flashed her a peace sign before looking back to the menu.

"I think i'll just have whateva' yous havin', Braxien. I don't know what's the best ta order."

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Posted: Wed, 05/02/2020 03:35 (5 Years ago)
Rouge blinked twice before raising a brow towards Braxien as she asked. "I desire an att--" She then paused a moment and laughed again, lightly resting her hand under her chin before removing it and placing it back on her hip.

"Non non, Madame Braxien. I do not desire an attendant." she lightly ran her fingers down her frill again before watching Braxien skip more. She nodded lowly before tilting her head. "You've met more assassins hmm? Zat is rather interesting..." She chuckled lowly before nodding again towards Braxien. "Zen just continue doing what you do, as you were, and everything should be fine."

She smiled lowly again remembering her times with Maui in Alola, the tip of her tail lightly flickered as she remembered the sunsets on the beach, her eyes lit by the tiki torches as she watched Maui do his drumming. She closed her eyes, reminiscing on those days before she snapped back to reality. "I look forward to these smoothies then." she gave a small smile before she rested her hand on her hip, continuing to watch the Scrafty, trying to ponder how the bat came out from nowhere.


"Tch. Braxien eh? Nice ta meetcha, toots!" Yakuzo smirked as he tapped the bat against his shoulder. "I look forward ta workin' wit yas." He snickered lightly as he shook his head a little, "Well I don't know much about it, but one uv the legends got mad an' pretty much banned the guilds an some crap...least that's what I heard." he lightly squatted down again. "Glad they ain't all banned. I know mine was..lost my friends after that.." he frowned before quickly smirking again as he looked back to Braxien. "Ha! You ain't gonna let me down, are ya toots? I hope not! I've taken a shine to yas!" He nodded before he blinked a little as he was dragged towards the cafe, a smirk spread across his face.

"Well ain't this a quaint little joint." Yakuzo said, tapping his baton his shoulders, "Ain't bad at all. Smells nice, looks good. Tch! Much better than what I had back then! I dig it!"

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