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piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Thu, 04/09/2014 21:39 (10 Years ago) |
IMA SAY HOWEVER MANY I WANT Rosex10 (cannon! ) Doctor Who Leco (LeoxNico) HoO [Read more] |
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Thu, 04/09/2014 00:27 (10 Years ago) |
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 22:33 (10 Years ago) |
Username?:piggylover29 Other?:ZEBRA Password: [
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 21:14 (10 Years ago) |
Pokemon:Shiny Blitzle Username:piggylover29 [
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 18:44 (10 Years ago) |
Trainer:Pick a trainer here name and region (Not Needed) no Pokemon: If you could, i would like 3 Pokemon If you cant, two pokemon, if you really Cant 1 3: ShinyMew,ShinyZigzagoon,ShinyBlitzle 2:ShinyZigzagoon ShinyBlitzle 1 ShinyBlitzle Username:piggylover29 Fusion-(Not needed) Pokemon 1: Body All three/two//1 Pokemon 2: Color and Details Shiny Pokemon 3: Details Mew Looking confused Pokemon 4: Details Zigzagoon Ready to battle Pokemon 5: Details Blitzle Sitting Text:(This is Needed) piggy [Read more] |
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Sun, 31/08/2014 17:16 (10 Years ago) |
link : @Fujiwa Link : [
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Sun, 31/08/2014 15:52 (10 Years ago) |
Pokemon: Celebi Username:piggylover29 Text: [
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 23:42 (10 Years ago) |
Nickname(s):piggy Favorite Doctor: I cant decide between 9 and 10... Favorite Companion: Again Cant decide between Rose Or The Ponds... Favorite Enemy: Empty Child Favorite Episode: oh Gods.. Never thought of this... um.... The Idiot's Lantern... and Fear her and Silence in the Library /Forest of the dead (2- Parter kinda) Favorite Series: 1 And 5 And 6 Are bowties cool?: OH HECK YEA. Anything else to add?: Im indecisive. [Read more] |
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 22:35 (10 Years ago) | [Read more] |
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 21:44 (10 Years ago) |
Pokemon:ZigZagoon Username:piggylover29 Text: [
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 17:06 (10 Years ago) |
Ok, so RULES: 1.You need 3 Bird pokemon 2. All pokemon must be confirmed by me That it is a Bird Pokemon before you can enter. 3. They CAN be Shiny 4. You MUST Add Every Friend Code of anyone Entering 5. Legendaries are NOT allowed 6. No Mega-Evolved pokemon allowed So You Must put your Freind Code And The Three Pokemon In a forum post here We Will be able to Start once we have 2 or 4 Players! Participants: piggylover29 FC: 3454-1409-1250 Team: Please Advertize [Read more] |
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 03:52 (10 Years ago) |
Link [
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Fri, 29/08/2014 21:11 (10 Years ago) |
Welcome to piggy's Sprite Shop! {Updates/Bulletin board} ~ Transparent! ~ Data Can Now Be Shaded! ~ Will Take Pallets! Its Free but You can tip me! Will Take Tips In Plushies So right now i have These open (Will Add More) : Data: A pokemon Turned Black and Red/Blue/Green Form: Data Pokemon: B/R/G: With Shading?: Username: Shadow/Shineless A Pokemon Without Shade Or Shine Form:S/S Pokemon: Username: Lineless A Pokemon Without Lines Form:Lineless Pokemon: Username: Recolor A Recolored Pokemon Form: Recolor Pokemon: Colors (Please tell me specifically) : Username: Aura A pokemon with a Aura Form Aura Pokemon: Colors (Up to 10. Tell me in the order, If its a pattern say something like Green Blue x2): Username: Pokeball A Pokeball That looks like a pokemon Form: PKB Pokemon: Username: Paper A Pokemon with just lines and black eyes Form: paper Pokemon: Username: Rainbow A pokemon with A Rainbow somewere Form: Rainbow Pokemon: Username: Flag A Pokemon WIth specific Flag, Holidays, Or Place themed Colors Form: Flag Pokemon: Place/THing/Day: Username: DiStOrTiOn A dIsToRtEd PoKeMoN oR PiCtUrE FoRm:DiStOrTiOn PiCtUrE/pOkEmOn: HoW DiStOrTeD? 1/10 (10=wOrSt): UsErNaMe: TO MUCH PIXEL! (No image yet) A Very BADLY Pixelated pokemon Form:TMP Pokemon: How Badly Pixelated? 1/10 (10=worst): Username: REMEMBER! This is a WIP Shop, Please Critique( if you wish )by Pal Pad Also I might take awhile But this service is free so Forms now accepted!!! [Read more] |
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Fri, 29/08/2014 21:00 (10 Years ago) |
Form:Recolor Pokemon:ZigZagoon (Because i'm obsessed.) Colors: (if you want but specific details of where you want the colors):Teal For Brown Black For White Purple For BLack Line Stripe thingy Username:piggylover29 Text: [Read more] |
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Fri, 29/08/2014 01:53 (10 Years ago) |
Pokemon:Zigzagoon Usename:piggylover29 Text: [
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Thu, 28/08/2014 23:55 (10 Years ago) |
Form:Wrong Pokemon!!! Pokemon 1:(Body) Mew Pokemon 2:(Color)Zigzagoon (OMG THIS WILL BE TERRIFYING) Username:piggylover29 Text: Bloops =3 [Read more] |
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Thu, 28/08/2014 18:31 (10 Years ago) |
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Wed, 27/08/2014 22:51 (10 Years ago) |
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Wed, 27/08/2014 22:43 (10 Years ago) |
piggylover29 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 102 |
Posted: Wed, 27/08/2014 22:36 (10 Years ago) |