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Searching for: Posts from darklightx.
Posted: Tue, 10/11/2015 05:57 (9 Years ago)

name : darklightx(darky)
pokemon you want me to hunt:furfro
Are you providing a pair yourself: yes
How do you want me to contact you:palpad
Do you agree with the terms and conditions:yes
What is the secret word? :voldemort

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Posted: Mon, 09/11/2015 16:13 (9 Years ago)
PennyThePokemon please use the form

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Posted: Mon, 09/11/2015 16:06 (9 Years ago)

Title: buying

Username: darklightx(admin)
Item or pokemon u are looking for: mew
u will pay payment in: pd,nuggets,items and pokemons
will u cooperate or bargain: bargain

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Posted: Mon, 09/11/2015 15:40 (9 Years ago)
okay seroiusly how many of u hate finding buyers and sellers of the item u want to sell or u are looking for it.It Is very difficult so it is special thread not for any profit purpose all u have to do is put the item u are selling or looking for and ur price and as this forum will became famous more people will come to buy or sell thier items and remember to add an title if u are buying add as buying and if u are selling add title as selling

if u are selling something the form is like this-

Item or pokemon:
u need payment in:
will u cooperate or bargain:

if u are buying something the form is like this-

Item or pokemon u are looking for:
u will pay payment in:
will u cooperate or bargain:

if u like my work please tell it to ur friends by using this link

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Posted: Mon, 09/11/2015 15:32 (9 Years ago)
why we need it when delibird delivery service is there

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Posted: Mon, 09/11/2015 14:38 (9 Years ago)
spidey u have to tell which currency u have to use pd or nuggets

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Posted: Mon, 09/11/2015 09:57 (9 Years ago)
sent and please send me one i don't have

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Posted: Mon, 09/11/2015 09:51 (9 Years ago)
i will like to buy 100 nuggets so 100k pd for them?

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Posted: Sun, 08/11/2015 13:55 (9 Years ago)
sent can the next user can gift me an missing plushie

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Posted: Fri, 30/10/2015 05:21 (9 Years ago)
Could I order firstone
Total Price: 1850

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Posted: Tue, 27/10/2015 11:47 (9 Years ago)

do you want the game center prizes but you are not having enough game chips to buy it ? then this
the right place for you here me and one of my best friend pokemonmaster133v2 work together
to help the people who are not good at game center we sell items as well pokemons and if we are
not having it at the moment you can even order them.

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1)all ph rules
2)you can pay pd as well as nuggets
3)you have to pay first
4) please try to maintain peace

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What do I want to buy:
What am I going to use to buy:
Have you read the rules?


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Moon Stone = 5k
Sun Stone = 5k
Burn Disk = 30k
Chill Drive = 30k
Shock Disk = 30k
Douse Drive= 30k
Great Ball = 600
Ultra Ball = 1200


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dratini = 8k
Meowth M.Mewoth = 30k
Raikou = 90k or 70 nuggets
Suicune = 140k or 90 nuggets
Entie = 185k or 130 nuggets
Manaphy = 430k or 280 nuggets


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Chikorita (Retro) = male 16k,female 22k
Cynadaquil (Retro) = male 16k,female 22k
Totodile (Retro) = male 16k, female 22k
Sentret (Retro) = male 13k, female 20k
Hoothoot (Retro) = male 13k, female 20k
Lugia Voucher = 50k

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Posted: Mon, 26/10/2015 11:20 (9 Years ago)
Username :darklightx
Do You have A Pokeradar ? :yup
Ditto ? : no
Why do you want to work here ? :Just to earn money X)
What are you Mainly Looking For :Pd and nuggets

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Posted: Sun, 18/10/2015 13:53 (9 Years ago)
How much does shock Drives Costs ?

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Posted: Mon, 12/10/2015 14:52 (9 Years ago)
Red : to prof rowans lab to protect him

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Posted: Mon, 12/10/2015 14:48 (9 Years ago)
REd :ricky is acting thier in team rocket as he is a memeber but in real he is on our side to help us and team rocket is going to kidnapp prof rowan

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Posted: Mon, 12/10/2015 14:43 (9 Years ago)
red : lugia use teleport to prof rowan lab

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Posted: Mon, 12/10/2015 14:42 (9 Years ago)
(running towards team rocket base )
Red : misty we have to save proffeser from team rocket he is kidnapped

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Posted: Mon, 12/10/2015 14:40 (9 Years ago)
red : no time to tell you just follow me

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Posted: Mon, 12/10/2015 14:37 (9 Years ago)
red : ok lets do fast come lugia
lugia : lluuuuuuuuuuuuuugiaaaaaaaaaa

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Posted: Mon, 12/10/2015 14:34 (9 Years ago)
RED : airport why ??????????? and where is proffeser

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