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Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 16:42 (11 Years ago) |
I don't know if this is possible, or if there's a reason to not having it live, but I thought I would make the suggestion. [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 16:01 (11 Years ago) |
If it's possible, maybe there could be an option to send them to a user who recently completed their intro? So it's a new user, but some one who might stick around a bit and won't have them just pile up. [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 15:56 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 15:22 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 15:08 (11 Years ago) |
I just wanted to wish everyone luck, but I'm an honest (and competitive) person. I still would love the chance to be a Mod, doesn't mean I don't want the best people for the job to get the spot. I hope that makes sense. ^^U I didn't mean to cause an issue there. [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 14:59 (11 Years ago) |
Rey let Seether crawl up his arm and onto his shoulder, sitting there like a little chatot. Hungry, he decided to make for the cafeteria. "Bet you're hungry too, huh?" he asked his new partner. There was a little grumble by his ear. "Sniiiiii..." Seether groaned. Taking that as a yes, they both made for the cafeteria. "Ugh, there better be some good food," Rey grumbled. "Cafeteria food has a bad reputation." The little Snivy stuck out his tongue in disgust. "Heh, yeah, it's probably gonna be gross. Well, at least you'll be able to figure out what kind of berries you like." [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 13:45 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 05:30 (11 Years ago) |
Meanwhile, the human had found a large devise. The base was circular with computer after computer around it. The top of the base was flat, but up from it went a huge glass tube. Wires and tubes of all sorts hung down uselessly inside, looking well preserved from time. Everything, in fact, seemed like it would work with a little power. Maybe she could get an electric pokemon? No, there had to be a different way, one that the scientists used before... Something in a dark corner caught her eye. A little stand, holding a thick book. Papers of all kinds made it up, and they were all simply strung together with a thin vine. Getting closer, this was under a glass tube as well, saving it from decay and wear. "Sable?" The pokemon trotted over, and used it's brute strength to force the tube up. It was just enough for Seya to duck under, and luckily it stayed as Sable followed. Quickly flipping through, she immediately knew what this was. It was a history of the scientists. All their research, and everything they learned... Exactly what she needed. Quickly, she picked it up and found a large computer she had seen before. There was a small, almost unnoticable door where one could go beneath and see wires. Opening this, Sable took care if a few bug pokemon, but it was good enough for her to hide the book here. Standing up again, she went to the beds where Artemis had been before, laying down herself with Sable curling up on her stomach, looking inconspicuous to anyone who might cone looking. Di looked down on the haunted place. Now the building itself was easily hidden by her outstretched pinky finger, and the people were little specks. It was getting hot now, and she fanned herself with one hand. Her Oran berries were gone now, and she was considering turning back. Already she had gained several levels, though only barely. She'd eaten several berries on her own in the heat of battle. Her opponents were much higher leveled than her, which is why she never came this way usually. The forest and cave pokemon were much easier, even if it took a little longer. Just as she turned, she heard an angry roar behind her. Without even turning to face the Charzard, she started running as fast as she could. Already injured, this was not the ideal situation. The sound of wings close behind and above her let her know that it wasn't letting her escape the battle. Still, she pushed on faster, jumping rocks, sliding down slopes, and crashing through patches of dry grass. The dragon used Flamethrower, and she stayed just ahead of the attack, ending with it only singeing her bare heals. It roared with irritation and began flying lower after her. The best Di could thinknof was to drop. It zoomed over top of her, unable to stop or react fast enough. Grabbing onto it's tail, she scrambled onto it's back. Enraged, Charizard tried spiraling to get her off, but she only held on tighter to it's long neck. Desperate, she tried every strong move she knew. Crunch, DragonRage, Headbut... And all the while it flew higher. The ascent slowed as the beast tired. Finally, with one last Dragon Breath, her opponent was defeated. Unfortunately, she was also burned quite a bit, on bad health, and now several hundred feet above the ground on top of a fainted pokemon. Holding on for dear life, she did her best to keep it's wings open to slow their fall, but also braced for impact, her eyes tightly closed as they hit the volcano path. The poor creature had taken the brunt of the fall, but seemed fine. It was very sturdy. However, Di stumbled off and dragged herself back onto the path, wiping a small cut on her face with one sooty hand. Everything was sore. Right now she needed more than sleep. She should have brought rawst berries. Along she staggered wearily, headed back to the haunted place. Seeing her, the pokemon around backed off. Anything to approach quickly scrambled away, finding her as nasty as an injured Arcanine. Not to mention, she had earned the respect of many onlookers. ((To put this in non pokemon terms, to mess with Di right now would be like messing with a scared, injured Pit Bull who already didn't like you. Not a good idea. >.<U)) [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 04:39 (11 Years ago) |
"Hey little guy, nice going!" he told it. "I suppose you need a cool name, right?" The Snivy nodded seriously, standing intself up. "Well, then I'll call you Seether!" "Sni!" it recognized happily. Lyn used the restroom and had just washed her hands, when she came out to find the egg seeming to shiver. Quickly rushing to it, she picked it up and held it close. "I'm sorry, you were cold, huh? Let's get you warm~" she told it tenderly. Carrying it in two arms, she carefully grabbed her key and opened the door, walking with it out into the hallway, planning on standing outside in the hot sun with it. (Sorry guys, I keep finding myself quite suddenly busy... I got back from a dance and my ears are still ringing from the way too loud music. I'm probably not going to be up much longer.) [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 03:47 (11 Years ago) |
Title: Chapter 2Everything rushed back at once, and she tried to struggle. Her arms, though down near her sides, felt dead and useless, and her legs seemed to ignore every command. She got something to twitch though. Wait, what was that? It was like a foreign object connected to her. Confused, she instead looked at the world in front of her. Wires, and computers. It looked like various other glass tubes, but none that she saw had anyone in them. Her ears suddenly grew colder, as the gel drained to wear she was. Sucked down with it, her feet touched a cold metal bottom. Soon the cool air reached her forehead, and face. Something seemed out of order, though... As it continued, it was her support gave away. It was hard just to keep her head up, and as the gel sucked away from her arms, she tried to put them out against the glass to hold herself up. But once it past her knees, her legs began to shake against her will, quickly going from fine, to sore, to painful as they tried to support her. By the time it was gone, she'd fallen to her knees, and gave up trying to keep herself up at all. She leaned against the glass, and slowly slid just to laying on the cold metal floor, tired even though she had been sleeping not a full minute before. The glass slid up, and she felt arms lift her from her limp position and moving her dead wait to a smoother metal surface, and the feeling of a blanket covered her naked body. Around her were strange faces, none that she even faintly recognized. She must have been on a cart, because the world above her began to move, and below her she heard loud squeaking of wheels. In fact, every noise seemed painfully loud, like someone had cranked the volume of the world to ten times it's normal volume. Still, tired, it wasn't long before she was asleep again. [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 23:26 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 16:43 (11 Years ago) |
Title: Bellsprout![]() These things are weird. And I think they eat bugs... Nice 180! [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 16:41 (11 Years ago) |
Title: Caterpie![]() D'awww, the only bug type that I can ever call cute~ This is it for the bug types though, or at least the ones that are done and uploaded... [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 16:38 (11 Years ago) |
Title: Ledyba![]() Still on the theme of bugs! It looks like this thing is holding a bunch of balls, but apparently it's just part of it's feet, based on the footprint... [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 16:05 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 15:59 (11 Years ago) |
Seya followed Artemis out quietly, standing in the doorway of the haunted place quietly. Not far away, she saw that Eevee Gijinka with the Mightyena one from earlier. She could tell the Eevee didn't like her, no matter how friendly she had sounded. It was a vibe, and not to mention Sable's laugh after her little-miss-happy act. She'd mentioned a Deino Gijinka around here... She didn't see anyone else though. Sable hopped down and sniffed around, reading it's owner's mind. Looking back up, she shook her head. So the Deino was gone. It seemed Takumi was up now too. The place was coming to life now. It was quite the cute little scene. She'd have to keep an eye out, though. When people seemed to stop caring, she wanted to get back into the lab and figure out more about how it worked. [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 05:25 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 04:14 (11 Years ago) |
((Was Crystal talking to her, too? Sorry, I couldn't tell...)) [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 02:30 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 02:17 (11 Years ago) |
Di hiked further up the mountain than usual, having gathered a load of oran berries from the deino cave to keep herself and other pokemon she battled healthy. It wasn't long until she stumbled upon an unhappy looking Charmeleon. It snorted smoke, then charged her with a quick attack. Unable to react fast enough, she took the attack and stumbled back a step. She didn't waste time, though, quickly using a DragonRage. The Charmeleon flew back, and gave her the time to charge in and use Crunch, chomping onto it's arm. It used ember to get her off, and she stumbled away, rubbing the embers off of her face. It came in for a Scratch, but she dodged and Headbutted into it's stomach. Defeated, the pokemon fell back. Taking a deep breath, she felt her level go up. Happy, she dropped down to the pokemon and fed it one of her Oran berries. It struggled to it's feet, then nodded thankfully at her, also acknowledging her strength as it trotted away. The pokemon around her were getting stronger. The battles would get harder. Eating an Oran berry for herself, she climbed on. [Read more] |