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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Uchiha_Sasuke.
Posted: Wed, 30/07/2014 22:27 (10 Years ago)
Lol I remember thinking that 2,000 interactions to get a cuddlithe was so much. *cracks knuckles* Well then, I'm ready for this! xD

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Posted: Thu, 24/07/2014 03:40 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 23/07/2014 20:15 (10 Years ago)
I still can't believe it's been a year since we had the shaymin event >w<
//prays I'm gonna be lucky enough to finally get one

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Posted: Mon, 21/07/2014 19:01 (10 Years ago)
I only have apple stuff ;w;
Maybe I should "lose" it and ask for an android

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Posted: Sun, 20/07/2014 15:31 (10 Years ago)
Username: Uchiha_Sasuke
Number: 22 please!
Other: Thank you for doing this! >w<

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Posted: Sun, 20/07/2014 00:54 (10 Years ago)
I'm not sure if I'm looking at the right link or not, but you've been posting the same link, and they all look like your avatar...

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Posted: Sun, 20/07/2014 00:15 (10 Years ago)
@blue9087- Dialga & Palkia aren't available yet. All the legendaries will be released sooner or later, so just be patient and wait a bit~

EDIT: Riako, I think you should also include that Mew was also available for a limited time for having a Mew plushie >w<

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Posted: Fri, 18/07/2014 21:00 (10 Years ago)
I'd like to enter please!

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Posted: Thu, 17/07/2014 21:22 (10 Years ago)
Username: Uchiha_Sasuke
Number: 62!
Password: 966078746

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Posted: Wed, 16/07/2014 22:34 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 14/07/2014 01:10 (10 Years ago)
167 maybe? C:

good luck on the hunt! ^^

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Posted: Tue, 08/07/2014 22:26 (10 Years ago)
@Sylvia- Thank you for telling me! I copied most of the stuff from my previous giveaway, but I must have missed that >_<

@everyone else- Your Gulpins are in the GTS~

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Posted: Mon, 07/07/2014 06:40 (10 Years ago)
@Dutch_Tigress & MexicanLapras- Your gulpins are in the gts~

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Posted: Sun, 06/07/2014 15:18 (10 Years ago)
Always been a cat lover, always will :3

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Posted: Sun, 06/07/2014 06:01 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 05/07/2014 05:05 (10 Years ago)
@Ash_Ketchum- No problem, and I'd never link anything to any kind of spam website. That's a horrible thing to do. D:< Your gulpins are in the gts!

@Oddballme- They're in the gts~

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Posted: Sat, 05/07/2014 04:57 (10 Years ago)
Your gulpin is in the gts!

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Posted: Sat, 05/07/2014 04:51 (10 Years ago)
@Ash_Ketchum- Not accepted, reread EVERYTHING in the post -_-

@BiglittleHalfEon- Your gulpin is in the GTS!

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Posted: Sat, 05/07/2014 04:28 (10 Years ago)
•I just finished hunting for a shiny Gulpin, so now I have a bunch of them.•
•I need to give them away!•

•If you've participated in my Chatot giveaway before, you'll know that this will be the exact same thing, except with Gulpins.•
•ALL of these Gulpins are holding an everstone so if you want them to evolve just take it from them!•

- You only have 10 DAYS to accept the trade, or else I'll cancel it and you will not be able to ask again! After 7 days I'll send you a PM reminding you about the trade and you will have 3 days to accept it after that.
- Do not PM/pal pad me asking for a Gulpin. There's a reason why I made this thread in the first place!
- No spamming! This includes double posting or one-word posts.
- Use the form below!
- Read everything in the post.
- I am NOT giving away any pokemon other than GULPINS. That is final.
- You can ask for 1 or 2 Gulpins. If you ask for two, they will be different genders.
- I am a busy person. So if I am not on at the time, do not spam/ bother me for one.
- This is a first come, first serve basis.

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Sasuke! I want a Gulpin!
How many?:
What Gender?: (ONLY write gender if you want 1, otherwise leave blank)

- I'd greatly appreciate it if you could please feed my Swinub a berry! Need to beat Prof. Oak.

- And I'm also hoarding Leafeons! If you could offer a Leafeon for the Gulpin, I'd be happy.

Again, these are completely optional and you do not have to do this.

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Posted: Sun, 29/06/2014 17:02 (10 Years ago)
May I join as well?

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