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Searching for: Posts from Khuzdul.
Posted: Sat, 03/12/2016 07:50 (7 Years ago)
Added all ^^

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Posted: Sat, 26/11/2016 04:02 (7 Years ago)
Alright, I think I got everyone.

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Posted: Tue, 22/11/2016 06:19 (7 Years ago)
Added all ^^

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Posted: Sun, 20/11/2016 08:16 (7 Years ago)
Sorry I've been busy all day >>

Added ^^

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Posted: Sat, 19/11/2016 20:29 (7 Years ago)
Added both ^^

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Posted: Fri, 18/11/2016 04:08 (7 Years ago)
Order up!


Here's your Ziggy Raccoon ^3^ Hope you like it. Raccoons are a little lighter in RL.. I made a mistake on that >> Sorry about that..

Annd here's your avatar. I kept with the blue, since Greninja is blue, and your character(Pokesona?) looks like a Wizard. I can change anything you want. Add text, find a different picture, etc.
Just tell me and I'll try my best :}

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Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 00:19 (7 Years ago)
Im'a just bump this.

Though I won't be able to get orders out till after my class, and I'm gonna have to close the shop tomorrow due to a scheduled power outage.
Sorry about this!

(And sorry for not bumping it earlier.. I've been busy with college >.<)


And we're back open! The power outage was shorter than expected, but I had some work to work on, so I just left it closed. But now the shops back open ^^

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Posted: Mon, 14/11/2016 06:52 (7 Years ago)
List has been updated ^^

Yea, I never thought about making a Chinese Zodiac list >>
I think that one's a little harder to do due to them being a year, I'd have to add all the years >> But I guess if you guys want a Chinese Zodiac one I can make one owo?

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Posted: Fri, 04/11/2016 04:57 (7 Years ago)
Added ^^

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Posted: Tue, 25/10/2016 03:09 (7 Years ago)
List updated ^^

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Posted: Mon, 24/10/2016 18:56 (7 Years ago)
Order up!


Alright, so I haven't made a Flagmon in forever >.< The flag pole kinda sucks..
Hope you like it? I can try to fix it if you want.

And here's your avatar :}
Hope you like it!

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Posted: Mon, 24/10/2016 04:40 (7 Years ago)
Order up!

So, I don't know what the rules are on creepy stuff (If there even is one. I couldn't exactly see any rules on the matter..) but I made two, because the Pokemon kinda took away from the "creepiness"
Show hidden content

No Pokemon

And sorry it's not really banner-y.. I couldn't work out the dimensions right enough with out it looking weird >>


Is the color of the words ok? I wanted to keep it bright kinda like the photo itself owo

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Posted: Mon, 24/10/2016 03:38 (7 Years ago)
Order up!


Oh man, I really tried with the Morning Dove.. I could not for the life of me find any good clip art and or transparent images >.< If you want I can redo it without it? And if you want the actual banner small I can do that to ^^


Here's your cute little Spider <3
I tried to do the hourglass marking but uh.. That didn't work out very well >>

And I'll get yours done soon CreepyJoker ^^

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Posted: Mon, 24/10/2016 02:43 (7 Years ago)
W E L C O M E !


Hello and welcome to my Art Shop!
Here, you can order avatars/banners/gifs, sprites, and doodles!
But first, let's go over some rules yeah?


Show hidden content
-Please, follow all PH rules!
-Please be patient. I'm currently in college, and you know how that goes. Loads of work and stuff.
-Please do not use anything in the examples without my permission first. Chances are they were made as a request.
-Please note, I am not very good with scratching (making a completely new sprite/pixel art). I'll try my best to add on what ever you want into a sprite, but please don't be angry with me if I can't do what you asked >>
-I will do three slots per section ONLY. Unless two people post within seconds (maybe within a minute) of each other, then I'll add another special slot.
-This shop is free. Yes, even the doodles. You may tip if you wish, however ^^
-Credit isn't necessary, unless you use it on another site. You can credit me on here if you wish ^^
-Open or Closed will be bolded according to status. When Closed is bolded, please don't post!
-I can't do animated stuff. The program I use doesn't support gifs and what not, and I don't know how to animate drawings >> I'm not that far along xD.. Sorry about that! (Gifs are obviously excluded from this.)

Regarding doodle stuff.
-Please don't remove signature. I'll make it as small as I can.
-I WON'T draw:
>Adult themed drawings
>Gore (Not that I can't handle it, I just don't think I can do it xD Blood's fine.)
>Anything offensive. This includes, but not limited to: Racial slurs/other things offensive
like that, bullying, politics sorry, not a big politic fan, and lets face it, it can be offensive, and just rude things.
-If you want to resize it, that's a-ok!
-If you want to edit anything of it, just let me know, so that I know you or someone else "used" it..
-I'm not.. The best at humans/humanoids.. But I'm not opposed to trying! Practice makes perfect right?? (Sorry if it comes out horrible though >>)

I think that's it for now.. I'll add more as time goes by

So, now with the art :}

G R A P H I C S:

Show hidden content

*Results will be different as above, as I'm using a different program (see last example for new program)*

[center][b]Hey Four, I want an Avatar![/b]
[b]Pokemon/person/animal/etc.[/b]: (You can provide a picture, or I can find one for you!)
[b]Any text?[/b]:
[b]Any add ons?[/b]: (Like sprites for example)
[b]Rounded Corners/Frame?[/b]: (If rounded, tell me what corners you want rounded (Bottom left/right top let/right) and frames are kinda weird, I'm still trying to figure it out)
[b]Style of Font?[/b]: (Ex: Elegant, pretty, creepy, casual, etc.) [If any text!]


*Results will be different from above, as I'm using a different program*

[center][b]Four, I'd love a Banner![/b]
[b]Pokemon/person/animal/etc.[/b]: (You can provide a picture, or I can find one for you!)
[b]Rounded corners? Frames?[/b]: (If rounded, tell me what corners you want rounded (Bottom left/right top let/right) and frames are kinda weird, I'm still trying to figure it out)
[b]Style of font?[/b]: (Ex: elegant, pretty, creepy, casual, etc.) [If any text!]
[b]Any add ons?[/b]: (Like sprites for example)


*Results will be different from above, as I'm using a different program*

[center][b]Four, can you send me a Text?[/b]
[b]Text[/b]: (What you want written!)
[b]Font color[/b]:
[b]Any add-ons?[/b]: (Like a sprite(s), small picture, etc.)
[b]Other[/b]: [/center]

(Let me know if I missed anything..)





[center][b]Hey Four! Make me a gif?[/b]
[b]Banner or Avatar?[/b]:
[b]Gif you want to use[/b]: (Provide a gif, or tell me something you want a gif of!)
[b]B/W, Sepia, Mono?[/b]: (See examples)
[b]Border?[/b]: (Yes/No, can be any color!)
[b]Other?[/b]: [/center]


[center][b]Hey Four! Make my image invisible![/b]
[b]Photo you want transparent[/b]:
[b]Anything specific?[/b]: [/center]



Show hidden content

(Put Pokemon you want fused in the Pokemon spot! Also include which one you want as the base. If no base is given, I will use the first Pokemon listed as the base.)


(For this one, please tell me which animal you want, and which Pokemon you want me to turn into the animal. [Put in the Pokemon part of the form!])


Can do reversed colors as well! (Emolga ex.)


(Sorry for the lack of examples..)



(If you want this one, please tell me if you want a big flag (Like Ho-oh) or a littler flag (Like Garchomp) and if you want a "shirt" and face paint.) [Put in other please!]


(Again, sorry for the lack of examples)


(Can do different colors.)


(Can add Pokemon in with Ginjika.) [Put in with Pokemon! Just say you want it in, or not]
Say if you want a female or male base! (You can provide or I can find one for you) (Put in "Pokemon" part of form)


(Minimon are usually shiny, but I can do custom recolors as well. Such as a Pokesona, or just a recolor)
Here are all the shiny (plus custom) Minimon I have done.


[Put in "Pokemon" slot which gender (if any) you want. You can provide a trainer base, or I can find one for you (also put in "Pokemon" slot)! Put hair/hair color, skin color, clothes color, etc. in "Colors," and put what clothes, accessories, etc. in "Other!"

[center][b]Hey Four, make me a sprite?[/b]
[b]Type of sprite[/b]:
[b]Colors[/b]: (If a recolor, Minimon, or Rubbermon. If reverse, just state "Reverse colors." If you want a shiny Minimon, just say shiny)
[b]Other[/b]: [/center]

If I missed something in the form, please tell me!




Show hidden content

Please note*
I am pretty new to digital art. So I'm not the best.

[center][b]Hey Four, make me a Doodle![/b]
[b]What/who am I drawing?[/b]: (Please provide a reference, or a detailed description of what you want. If it's just a normal Pokemon, then just say so!)
[b]Colored or Line art?[/b]:
[b]Line color[/b]: (If just line art)
[b]Transparent? BG color?[/b]:

*Standard size I'm making these will be 400x___. If you want it larger, or smaller, just tell me!*


Thank you for stopping by!
Feel free to stop by my Deviantart for more Sprite examples!

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Posted: Sun, 23/10/2016 07:40 (7 Years ago)
Ah man.. I was hoping for a male Imp accent >>
But in other news~
I hatched these little cute Bogsneks

Little cuties <33

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Posted: Sat, 22/10/2016 22:47 (7 Years ago)
Ok I really suck at updating this thing.
The mods probably hate me xD
I'm going to try and start updating it every Saturday. Maybe once I have a schedule to do it I might remember xD
And I'm gonna stop listing things with -. Just gonna start writing stuff out ^^

What happened in the two months..
Well, for starters I started college. It's been a ride so far man. My math class is stuff I kinda already know. Which sucks >> Art is easy. English and History are a bit.. Boring to say the least >> But hey! Gotta get education somehow right?

I changed my username to Corvid (I'll probably change it again after this tbh).
I'm contemplating opening an Avatar/Sprite shop.. I really want to, but always forget about them -n-

I got to play with the band one last time yesterday at the high schools Homecoming :} Good times good times.. I was a bit rusty, but soon got back into the jist of playing a freezing instrument ^^
I got two Guinea pigs :o

Roxy Lee

They're so cute <3 But they like to bite my thumbs :U..

So yea.. That's pretty much it >>

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Posted: Sat, 22/10/2016 22:27 (7 Years ago)
Added ^^
I just put you down for Leo, unless you want me to put you down as Cancer?

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Posted: Sat, 22/10/2016 21:56 (7 Years ago)
Hello : D
Added ^^

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Posted: Sat, 22/10/2016 21:46 (7 Years ago)
Added ^^
And nice to meet you to : D

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Posted: Sat, 22/10/2016 06:21 (7 Years ago)
Sorry guys I've been busy the last week xD Mid terms for college..

But, I think I got everyone.. Correct me if I'm wrong >>

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