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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 04:46 (7 Months ago)
"...I helped build this place, Leanne. This house- all of it- this is my handiwork."

Evan just sighed.

"All the magic, the weird happenings, it's all quirks of this place I built. There are things about this place no one- not even Aleks- has figure out yet."

He simply chuckled.

"...So, no. There was no house."

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 04:41 (7 Months ago)
"...Where would I go? I'm from a place called 'New Jersey'. My mom still lives there. But my real home was this little camp called Camp half Blood. it's where I met my best friends."

He sighed.

"I would go home to my mom, first, then back to Camp."

he laughed.

"I died before I entered this place. i was dead."

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 04:16 (7 Months ago)
"I was... editing a design I used to have. A design for a portal gun. From when i was still young, trying to get out of here."

Evan laughed.

"I couldn't figure it out. And I still can't. It... pisses me off."

Evan sighed,s lumping back into hsi chair.

"65 years of nothing but reading books, drawing up designs, building things, and zip."

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 04:01 (7 Months ago)
"Ah. It's... tiring."

Evan said, sighing.

"Aleksandr is my best friend, but... he went off the deep end."

Evan laughed quietly.

"Other than... my old best friends. I haven't seen them in decades."

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 03:21 (7 Months ago)
"...sure.W hatever. There are... plans. All around. I guess. Just... try to avoid those."

Evan was gripping the cracked picture in his hand, sighing.

"...I don't mean to act up, but I've been here for 6 and a half decades."

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 02:36 (7 Months ago)

He sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"...I have...episodes. sometimes."

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 22:51 (7 Months ago)
"Ah, no, you're not boring me, Miss! It's perfectly fine! I do love talking to people, and Mr. Aleksandr and Sir Evan are a bit... difficult."

Alyssa smiled brightly.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 21:55 (7 Months ago)
shuffling, heavy breathing, thudding footsteps.

Then, Evan opened the door. His hair was slightly more messy than usual a wild look in his eye.


he snapped, scowling.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 10:04 (7 Months ago)
"Wrong, tenant! This is not a world, rather the space between worlds!"

Aleksandr popped out of nowhere, and arm around Reshen's shoulder, his signature award winning smile ever present.

"This is my domain! This is no measly world, don't think of me as those measly gods who play by the rules!"

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 07:30 (7 Months ago)
"Hurt? No, mis.. It stops hurting after the first few. The trick is to make the first rune be a pain-nullification rune. Advice I should've had when I was young."

Alyssa sighed.


"Have a good nap, my friend. Don't disturb Evan. He might be having another episode. Best to lwave him alone, as he wants us to."

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 06:45 (7 Months ago)
"Look at Evan. That's what happens if you don't constantly work your mind in this place. Three weeks, I can do, but I'm saying this out of concern. Don't skip out on too many of these. You WILL go insane. And I don't want to deal with that."

Aleks smiled.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 06:24 (7 Months ago)
Meanwhile, Evan was angrily slamming his notebook into the wall, before just dropping it, and slamminghis fist into the desk angrily.

Slam. Slam. Slam.

"God- f- DAMN IT!"

He screamed, his throat raw.

He slumped back into the chair.

He stared at the picture on his desk, slumped over, now.

The glass was ever so slightly cracked.

He sighed.

"... F*ck."


"Oh, come now, Leanne! You're really no fun. Are you really that apathetic?"

Suddenly, Aleksandr stood before Leanne, his smirk gone.

"8 months here and you're like this already. How will you ever live past a few years?"

He chuckled.

"I am trying to keep you sane. Show some gratitude."

He simply smiled sweetly.


"Rune Magic? You just kinds... Draw, these, like, runes, on the ground or on yourself- wait, give me a moment-"

Alyssa rolled up her sleeves, revealing the scars, painted with red, carved out sigils into her skin.

"It makes your spells more powerful. Works less here, though..."

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 05:28 (7 Months ago)
"Oh, chief? What a wonderful nickname, my dear tenant! I promise you, we are simply taking a stroll, nothing more! Justa. stroll through the market!"

Aleksandr laughed.


Evan quietly ripped out a piece of paper from his notebook- another design, wasted, impossible to create. Sometimes, his mind was a curse.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 04:24 (7 Months ago)
"Tenant indeed. I suppose he is my friendd, but he rarely wishes to come down here and do things. He never has time for activities."

Aleksandr sighed melodramatically.

"I have many things planned, Leanne! One of which is a relaxing visit to the village!"

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 04:10 (7 Months ago)
"Oh, Evan will be fine! He's like that sometimes! he prefers to be left alone. I never interfere with my tenants' business!"

he laughed.

"Adventures galore, today, get ready, my friends!"

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 04:02 (7 Months ago)
"Oh, nobody is out of control, myd ear friend! Nobody can be out of control in my world! haha!"

Aleksandr laughed, glitching into existence behind leanne.

"There is tea on the counter! I must get started for a day of activities! How fun!"

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 02:56 (7 Months ago)
Evan trudged up the stairs silently, footsteps heavy.

he glanced at himself as he passed a mirror.

Nope. Still a cyborg.

he reached the top, pushing open the door to his room.

it was a rather messy room, but in a quaint way. Schematics for various devices, machines and weapons lay strewn across the floor, bed and desk, and the bed looked hardly unused. A cabinet on the far side of the room, under the window, ahd a note slapped on it, written in scrawled handwriting reading [MATERIALS, DO NOT TOUCH IF NOT EVAN].

A framed picture, the only pristine thing in this room, rested against the wall, on his desk.

Evan took a seat in his chair, before looking up, at Leanne.

"...Please leave."

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 00:35 (7 Months ago)
Evan quietly trudged up the stairs, passing Cass. he didn't even spare her a glance, head already back up in the clouds, off in his own fantasy world once more. He ran a gloved hand through his hair, sighing.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 00:23 (7 Months ago)
Evan stared after the girl, before turning away, sighing.


he clicked his tongue in disapproval.

aleksandr was still just eating. It was a slow process, mostly because of the fact that he was blinking in and out of existence every few moments.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 00:11 (7 Months ago)
Evan stared for a moment, before grabbing Emmie, lifting her up back to her feet.

"Be careful."

He patted her on the head one more time.

"Don't bother people like that. it's annoying."

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