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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Fri, 06/02/2015 12:16 (10 Years ago)
"Er.. No thanks" Kyle said to eulad "I dont need any gold coins right now.." then i went off back into the forest with the gryphon

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Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 18:33 (10 Years ago)
(Prof.Ginco either makes an antidote or you can still be pokemon in the next one too x3 maybe we can cure you then)

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Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 17:48 (10 Years ago)
(Some of these storys are really scary at least to me because nothing really bad happened to me yet)

Im a kid thats really careful x3 Im afraid of shots and extremely afraid of having surgery.. it sounds scary D:

This is probably the worst injury i've gotten

So i was playing with my dad (When i was younger.. 4-5?) and he was tickling me (We liked playing that XD) But then he had accidentally held onto my arm and pulled it out of socket (Or something like that) And so then we had to go to the hospital and only bend it a certain way or something then it was fine
But i remember my arm hurting if i moved it
I dont remember which arm though (I forgot most of the details)

Then 2-3 weeks ago i was playing with one of my cats and i decided to Be an idiot act like it was spidercat From the simpsons.. Spider pig spider pig! XD so i held onto it and had acted like it was climbing a wall but then it turned and kinda jumped from my hands and clawed a little under my right eye so that bled for a little bit (It wasn't That bad though)

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Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 17:18 (10 Years ago)

Title: END

"Oh im still here" Rayquaza said "But dont tell ginco!"

"Hm.. most likely not! But we'll get the police to take care of them you enjoy your vacation in sinnoh!" Ginco said then i looked around "Wh-" "Im still here! Hah.. im staying for this vacation!" Groudon said in my mind

(The end? I think i'll make a sequel x3)

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Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 17:05 (10 Years ago)
I started untying everyone on the boat including ginco "They had found me and .. well... i was hiding a chip with me thats why they needed to find me.. it had coordinates to the place where kyogre is.. though they dont know that hes crumbled and fallen.. kinda like rayquaza and grou- Wait a minute.. I saw a groudon thing attack darkemeralds ship.. He must've awoken with the island! That means.. rayquaza's up too! Aha! So much to research about on this island.. Anyway" He handed me several tickets saying "SINNOH REGION BOAT TICKETS" "These are for you and your friends.. Go take a trip to sinnoh! Heheh.. we'll stay here and make peace with the tribe and research more on the is land" Ginco said

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Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 16:54 (10 Years ago)
In front of marks face green and black appeared then it grew and aura rayquaza appeared "HAAAAAAHAHAH.." the aura laughed and because of it growing bigger a chunk of the ship was gone and the ship went swirling down to the ocean but then a whirlpool appeared and it grew wider down to the ocean floor it then opened up something and the ship when swirling down into their then the whirlpool stopped and the thing that opened up closed

"That must've been their base" Rayquaza said controlling the aura and flying back to the island

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Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 16:37 (10 Years ago)
"Fine.." The leader tossed another pokeball and a mega houndoom came out he tossed a couple more pokeballs and a couple other houndooms came out "Return.. houndor" he returned them "Doctor" he looked over at the doctor "Ah yes.. sir" he came to the guy with red and yellow hair (The leader) with a box the leader opened it and pulled out a complete black mega-stone "Now.." He pulled out a couple others and made the 3 houndooms swallow one each then they soon merged and it was one houndoom with three heads The mega in the middle "RAHOUNDOOOOOOM" It howled echoing off the metal walls of the ship "Now leave.. or i'll send Him at you" The leader said.

i swam over to the boat and climbed up a ladder "GINCO?" i yelled.

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Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 16:23 (10 Years ago)
"Fools!" The guy with red and yellow hair said "Let me handle this!" He threw 3 pokeballs and a mega Lucario sensei and 2 houndours came out "Alright.. Now... Get them!" He pointed at mark and his pokemon the mega lucario sensei tossed a smoke bomb on the ground then ran around the room when the smoke cleared he was behind mark.

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Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 16:02 (10 Years ago)
The aura groudon i was inside smashed a hole in the top of the team darkemerald ship "GRRRRRRROUDON" The aura yelled and people were running everywhere screaming

"Hm.. What do we do sir?" A guy asked the man with red and yellow hair "We retreat.. Lets head for kyogre Let them explore this island.. and make peace with the tribe.. but if i have kyogre.. Then... It begins" He said then walked away

The ship started flying into the air knocking the aura groudon off balance it fell into the water the aura form disappearing and fast sinking down "Come on lets go!" The voice in fasts head said I then tried swimming to the surface the ship flew off and fast returned to the surface of the water.

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Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 12:09 (10 Years ago)
No thanks

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Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 02:43 (10 Years ago)
"Hm.." The leader sighed then continued talking with the higher up and royal people around the table

Kyle tossed the saddle onto the gryphon "Im wondering if i should sale you to the clan or keep you.." Kyle said and tried to be able to ride the gryphon it tossed him off "Ugh.. im gonna make you ride-able.. then if i do sale you you'll be worth more" kyle hopped on the gryphon again and it tossed him down once more.

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Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 00:13 (10 Years ago)
"Thanks!" Kyle said then started washing his dagger

"We cannot.. i must get creatures train people it'll take at least a week most likely 2 and the fireclan must train and raise there own people and dragons.. so they might take 3 weeks" the leader said.

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Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 00:07 (10 Years ago)
April 1st

Nope no jokes ^^

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Posted: Wed, 04/02/2015 23:22 (10 Years ago)
"Mhm.. We know and i plan on taking my clan and fire clan into a large battle against them soon.." The leader said

(Since your character is the healer of animal clan uh.. you have to heal kyles gryphon x3)

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Posted: Wed, 04/02/2015 23:07 (10 Years ago)
Erm.. were you talking to jackal or me? x/ (Im confused..)

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Posted: Wed, 04/02/2015 22:46 (10 Years ago)
Er are you going to respond to my offer?
And blueabsol asked too >.>

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Posted: Wed, 04/02/2015 22:37 (10 Years ago)
A few scientists were in a lab hidden on a jungle island far where noone would find them they tested on pokemon and humans with a strange virus they had found hidden in a fossil in the other half of the lab building they messed around with snow along with humans and pokemon one day they finally had a remarkable discovery in both labs but then something went wrong and the lab blew up along with half the island the remarkable discovery in the snow lab was a way to make an eternal winter then all around the world that happened the other discovery was even worse... They had made zombie humans and pokemon a random amount of people and pokemon in each region became infected and it spread like fire now many humans and pokemon fight and kill to survive both the zombies and eternal winter some have built groups of people and made homes but some live alone...

A Note: () Is for OOC = Out of character "" Is for talking
1. No godmodding
2. Avoid swearing? (Its also in the PH rules..)
3. Try to spell correctly ^^
4. No killing other peoples characters (WITHOUT there permission)
5. Try to avoid getting op stuff (Such as a lot of a certain item Real easily. Food should be scarce and hard to get And shiny pokemon should be rarer then here on PH/In the pokemon games due to a lot of zombies killing and infecting)


If pokemon Do you have a trainer or are you wild?:
Home:(Everyones in hoenn right now its easier if we're all in 1 region ^^)
Pokemon (If your a trainer you can add the pokemons nickname or gender if you wish too you may have up to 1 at the start):
Living alone or with a group of survivors?:
Weapons?: (Max is 4)
Inventory: (Up to 8 items this does not count for your weapons)

My form

If pokemon Do you have a trainer or are you wild?:BLANK
Home: Nowhere
Pokemon: An egg
Living alone or with a group of survivors?:Alone
Weapons?: a sword and a handmade spear
Inventory: A wool blanket a can of soda and a bag of beef jerky (From tauros)

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Posted: Wed, 04/02/2015 22:19 (10 Years ago)
The two that had freed virtua went back into the forest to continue searching for creatures

Kyle went to the medicine tent "Uh.. Hey" he looked around and saw medical supplies including a strange potion that was blue-green colored "Can you take a look at my gryphon?" Kyle said to the healer "When i was catching it i had to... Well.. throw my dagger at it.. It made it easier for me to catch it though"

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Posted: Wed, 04/02/2015 21:35 (10 Years ago)
I hovered with mega char X Over the boat far up in the sky i then jumped down off of charizard transforming in mid air into aura groudon and landing on top of team DarkEmeralds sky ship

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Posted: Wed, 04/02/2015 21:11 (10 Years ago)
a soldier in leather armor with a short sword talked to the leader "Here comes someone from bug clan.." he said to the leader the leader looked over at dela "Ah.. Hello!"

Kyle walked back into camp bringing the gryphon to the tree he slept the night before he tied the lead around the tree

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