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Posted: Fri, 21/02/2020 01:26 (5 Years ago)
Yes~ I edited my post since i didn't make it clear , so you weren't in the wrong.

Basic pokemon please :) im editing my first post now.

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Posted: Fri, 21/02/2020 01:23 (5 Years ago)

Of course. Welcome to the RP~

Carrot is accepted, however I cannot accept Night because he is an evolution..

Edit: my mistake on the rules..Umbreon is technically a first evolution..so again, my mistake. In this RP I'm looking for basic pokemon pretty much. But Umbreon could not have been accepted anyway because he is 3'03", which goes over the height limit.

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Posted: Thu, 20/02/2020 15:59 (5 Years ago)
I like your idea..however I think it'd be a little difficult to try and get a rare pokemon in the tall grass without being able to see or suggest what you want.

That and if I'm being 100% honest the tall grass rather annoys me..

If they implemented a "shelter" of sorts I think it would go better.

Also I'm pretty sure you can get events in the event shop..but I can understand for the not wanting to pay to get an event.

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Posted: Thu, 20/02/2020 15:12 (5 Years ago)
Rouge lightly brushed her eyes again before they widened as Maui claimed that she was the most important pokemon in his life. Her eyes started to become hazy as tears once again gently strewn down her face, she really was a Sobble when it came to him, and as usual, he was the only one to make her cry. But again, this time was different. She didn't deserve this wonderful Rillaboom in her life, but she thanked Arceus every day that she remembered him despite her harsh training.

She gave a playful chuckle at Maui's thinking face, watching him go crosseyed and think hard, she had to hold in her laugh because it was so cute to her. It reminded her when he was a Grookey and he would always give a similar puzzled look, which was really cute on a Grookey, but seeing that same expression on a fully evolved Rillaboom, she gave in and laughed a little.

"O-Oui, Maui." she gently caught her breath and wiped her eyes again, "It took me a while to realize that I do...I thought at first it was just friendship....But later on I discovered that...It really was love.."

She loved how eager he looked towards her when he asked her the question. As she was about to say something she was immediately cut off by her lips locking with his, causing her eyes to widen and her face to turn the color of a Cherubi red. Her hands quivered as she reached up and gently rested them on his cheeks, kissing him deeper. She pulled away slightly to catch her breath,

"Je t'aime, Maui" she whispered to him before kissing him once more.
The Morgrem lightly rested his hands on his hips as he watched his wife weave through the trees, she really was a sight to behold, at least to his standards. What a beautiful Hatterene. He then frowned lightly before he playfully shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeh I guess so..If your inta that sort of look. Kinda reminds me of a more bright pink version of our old home." He then started to laugh at his remark about the quick claw, but was quickly interupted by his wife's hat hand grabbing at him, causing him to squeak lightly. His grin faded slightly as he was now eye to eye with her, knowing full well if she dropped him it wouldn't be pretty, seeing the pretty much 4 foot difference between the two.

"Aahhahahah c'mon, love you know I was kiddin' ya! Ah've seen ya in battle an' I know how fast you are! I was just pullin ya chain izall!" He nervously rubbed the back of his head, his headtail lightly wafting as he was set back down. A small sigh of relief escaped him before he looked back up to her.

"It's fine~ Ah know you can't help your speed, love." He rested his arms behind his head with a playful wink. "Can't really afford ta be fast when beauty's on the line, eh?" He then blinked twice and chuckled lowly to himself. "Honestly..Forgot that ya feet don't touch the ground with your hairdress uh yours."

He watched her sit down beside him before he smiled his toothy grin once more, lightly shrugging again before he smiled to her.

"Eh, sure, why not?" he lightly looked towards Kinto Grove again, "Ah could really use somethin tuh eat anyway." He shook his head, "Nah, wasn't no where specific! Just wanted ta leave the Tangle."

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Posted: Thu, 20/02/2020 13:25 (5 Years ago)
My favorite has to be Lilithmon~

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Posted: Thu, 20/02/2020 12:32 (5 Years ago)
Welcome to my first RP. It is a casual RP so nothing big or exciting will be happening. So if you're looking for that you might want to try elsewhere. I want to try an RP where pokemon can just co-mingle with others and make friends, (and perhaps even some romance along the way~)

This RP will be modded by myself and DiamondDust.

However there are a few rules to this RP, not many, but a few regardless..
1. All PH rules apply
2. BASIC POKEMON ONLY under 2'05"
3. Absolutely no legendaries.
4. Please try not to go overboard with one liners...I'd rather not see 3 pages of just 2 people conversing..Please wait a while before posting again so others get a chance and none of us will have to keep track of one conversation.

If you'd like to join in please fill the form below~ Up to 3 pokemon max please

Picture if applicable:
Romantic Interest (If any):

Let's make some friendship happen! Welcome to Nymphi Valley, a small place for small pokemon, we join our friend Elora, a young Eevee, on her casual days with her friends. Come and join the fun in this casual style RP!
Here are my characters:

Username: Thereckoningcatrina
Pokemon:Shiny Toxel (Female)
Name: Cera
Picture if applicable: Will provide later, but has spikes similar to her parents around her neck and backside
Personality: Snooty and always gets what she wants,and if she doesn't she'll throw a tantrum. Very uppity and thinks she can do what she wants
Likes: Music, her parents, getting her way
Romantic Interest (If any): None
Hobbies: Playing music with her parents and hanging out with her friends
Other: Cera is a young Toxel born to rock legend Axl and his partner Rose. One of her most favorite things in the world is listening to her parents play music for her. She aspires to be a rock star like her father.

Username: Thereckoningcatrina
Pokemon: Shiny Impidimp (Male)
Name: Loki
Picture if applicable: Will provide later, He has hair that covers his eyes mostly.
Personality: He's a trickster by nature, loves pranks and usually gets himself in trouble. He also likes hanging out with his friends, even if he sometimes takes things without asking.
Likes: Playing pranks and tricks, berries, and running around
Romantic Interest (If any): None
Hobbies: Pranking pokemon and adults
Other: Loki is the son of a Morgrem and a Hatterne. Not much is known about him since he and his parents had never strayed far from Glimwood Tangle. He and his parents found their way to Nymphi Valley and loved the outdoorsy open space and made their home there. Loki can usually be seen stealing from various shops to get things he wants, but usually will turn them in in the end or else he faces his mother's scoldings!

Username: Thereckoningcatrina
Pokemon: Half-shiny Sobble (Male)
Name: Marcel
Picture if applicable: Will provide later, a half shiny Sobble with some Drizzile frill parts on his head.
Personality: He's very outgoing towards his friends, but might shy away with new pokemon unless he feels that you won't hurt him. He can act a little timid however, when around various female pokemon, but will always act like a gentleman.
Likes: Selling sweet berry treats and swimming, hanging with his friends
Romantic Interest (If any): Elora
Hobbies: Baking and swimming
Other: Marcel is one of the twins born to famous assassin Laquiox and a mysterious Drizzile, but later found a father figure in Laquiox's husband Ishida. He is the more outgoing and adventurous than his brother Antione. His main days usually consist of baking and swimming. He can usually be seen hanging out with Elora when they're at the Nymphi Valley play area.

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Posted: Wed, 19/02/2020 06:47 (5 Years ago)
Ah! My apologies for the late replies, everyone. I have been at work until recently so I will respond as followed. Thank you all for your consideration :)


I appreciate the half support~

Ouch, double and nothing. I'm sorry to hear about that. That sounded like me when I was breeding my Sobbles, I log off, no eggs, I log back on next morning, 7. SEVEN eggs. A little ridiculous.

I can understand that, I was just throwing out a number that I think everyone here can relate to clicking wise. I know not all of us are mass clickers ( I mean I am, but I know of some who are not). Thank you for your suggestion to add onto mine :)

What is the maximum egg count? I've never seen it lol. Appreciated definitely, thank you kindly :)


Thank you kindly for your support, my friend~

Understandably so, but with how the clicking style is I think 1000 isn't too bad of a start either. All in all if this idea WAS implemented it would be up to staff to decide.

5-7 thousand and still no eggs? That's mean and I'm sorry you went through that. Truly I am, I felt that way with my Sobbles a lot. So I gave up clicking too and then suddenly I got eggs. It's kinda playing off of they'll have eggs if and when they want to me, which I get, but when you're shiny hunting I can't find a single person that's THAT patient. If you are one of those extremely patient people I applaud you, because I am certainly not that. No sarcasm, I truly mean that.

Yeaaaaahhhhh...I never understood WHY we had to pay for them to watch our pokemon...I mean I know in the games you did, so I guess I can understand that coming from THAT perspective, but to me it seems like you run out of money really fast to keep them in it almost isn't worth it. I mean I put in 7000 PD and in just one day I was down to 1500..Greedy much? It was only a day!

Thank you for that~ That pretty much is what I wanted to get across with my message here, but I'm not good with words.

Very true, thank you again for adding on~ :)


Thank you so much for your support~ Love your avatar BTW...Espurr is such a cutie.

Again, I was just throwing out a number givin on people's click ratios haha. But given the clicking style of Pokeheroes I definitely agree now that the minimum amount of clicks should at least be 1000.

I guess we will see if the staff decides~

Thank you again so much to everyone so far~

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Posted: Wed, 19/02/2020 01:06 (5 Years ago)
..Forgive me if this was already posted..I didn't see it anywhere.

Granted I did hatch a shiny Sobble and i'm very pleased...But I wanted to perhaps suggest a new method to obtaining eggs in the daycare?

I've kept track of when I got eggs and it would vary day by day...Sometimes I went 2 days without a single egg..making the shiny hunt a little...less than thrilling to say the least.

This is a clicking site, no? Perhaps instead of praying that your perfect pair might give you an egg the same day, perhaps make it that it'll be something like:

500+ clicks= 50/50 of 1-3 eggs? That way it would encourage clicking and you'd be getting eggs in the process rather than hoping you'd get some.
•Pros: You would get eggs based on number of clicks and it'd still be a 50/50 if you get eggs.
•Cons: If you click A LOT then you would be getting a lot of eggs and if you don't hatch or get them then they'd be released to the wild and you might not want that.

What do you guys think?

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Posted: Tue, 18/02/2020 23:28 (5 Years ago)
She watched as Maui pulled out the old charm she had made for him as a Sobble, remembering how it took her so long to try and put that together with a lack of fingers, she worked really hard on trying to make it perfect because she loved that Maui was her friend and wanted him to remember her after she went to training.

"M-Maui.." She then blinked a little before lightly sighing playfully, "Well...normally I'm not but I...I really missed you...I don't know what's come over me." she then smiled again, nodding a little before she embraced him once more. "Th-that's why I made that charm..So that you wouldn't forget me when I went to my training...." She wiped her tears away quickly before nodding, it was indeed the same Madame Raichu. She chuckled cutely at Maui's sing-song of 'You're Welcome' towards Raichu, looking towards Raichu herself with a low nervous smile.

"M-Merci, Madame Raichu." Rouge smiled lowly as she looked up to Maui before looking back to Raichu, gently tilting her head a little before she giggled cutely as Maui was being 'scolded'. She then gently attempted to hide her face behind her frill as Raichu made notion for Maui to take care of her.

She then unhid her face as Raichu's scoldings were over, thankful that Raichu was being merciful on Maui. She was glad that Raichu was understanding of what was going on. "Maui...." she listened to him before lightly wrapping her tail around his leg once more, resting her head on his chest. She squeaked quietly as she felt his arm wrap around her, lightly smiling again before she looked back up to him, gently licking his cheek. "Je t'aime tellement, Maui ... Ne change jamais..<3"

"Aaaaahhhhhh love i'm pretteh sure we'a lost now." came a small raspy voice from the trees of Kinto Grove, lightly resting his hands on his hips as he awaited for his wife to catch up. He frowned a little as she gave a small look around with his light crimson eye. He glanced over his shoulder towards his wife, who was still a good distance away, sighing playfully before he started to lightly walk towards her to meet her halfway.

"Heh...eva thought about investin' in a Quick Claw or somethin', love??" He tilted his head with a cheeky toothy grin, his head tail lightly swaying back and forth behind him.

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Posted: Mon, 17/02/2020 21:55 (5 Years ago)

Made myself a pokesona~

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Posted: Mon, 17/02/2020 08:03 (5 Years ago)

Drew her today because Lampents were a plenty for me lol.

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Posted: Sat, 15/02/2020 08:26 (5 Years ago)

Just finished this one of a Grimmsnarl and a shiny female Boltund

Why you ask? My brain.

For some reason it thought it would be cute...and I would have to agree~

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Posted: Sat, 15/02/2020 05:55 (5 Years ago)
Nothing special haha. It's mostly like an art storage because Deviantart is full of jerks.

created this banner for the Alastor fan club

Below are my RP characters~
Rouge my shiny Inteleon
Yakuzo my Scrafty
Laquiox my shiny Inteleon
Lord Morgrem my half shiny Morgrem
Princess Amaranth my shiny Decidueye
Ravyne my Amped Toxtricity
Not an RP character, but I really love Flapples~

Worked on these two today~

Uncle Chandelure "Chan-chan" and young Umi the shiny Scorbunny

My HB/HH OC Mitsy with the son of Prince Stolas (No name yet)

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Posted: Sat, 15/02/2020 05:48 (5 Years ago)
My best pokemon would have to be Laquiox my shiny female Inteleon~

Crit every single on of the league's pokemon minus Raihan's Duruladon.

Good times haha.

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Posted: Wed, 12/02/2020 21:30 (5 Years ago)
Rouge couldn't stop herself from smiling as she continued to be in Maui's arms. She had literally waited years to be with him again, and she, like Maui, didn't want to lose the feeling. It made her nuzzle more into him, lightly looking up crosseyed a little at the stray leafy bang that rested over Maui's head. She uncharacteristically batted at it like a cat before she looked back to Maui with a gentle smile.

"Ah..<3" She smiled more and then gently embraced him as best she could before she paused a minute and pulled away before chuckling a little. "Still? that old charm with the leaf and teardrop gem?" She then smiled more, her tail gently curling around Maui's waist as she gently raised her arm over her eyes to shield her eyes from him due to her tearing up once more. "Maui...M-Merci.." She loved the cheesy romance type of stuff, made even better since Maui played it perfectly.

She gently removed her arm before she playfully rolled her eye, gently crossing her arms before sticking her tongue out a little. "Well there is only ONE Madame Raichu we know, Mon amour." she lightly rested her head back on his chest.

"Best not to anger her, right~?"
Yakuzo lightly blinked as he looked back over to Raichu, watching her sway back and forth a little before gently leaning back a little, resting his arms behind his head. "Heh." He then looked back to Raichu at eye level, listening intently to what she was saying as he nodded a little and continued to lightly chew the twig that was in his mouth, lightly glancing down to Braxien who slept with him,gently running his hand along her head, gently petting her ear fluff before he gave a small sincere smirk.

"Sheesh, sounds like the toots has been trou' the distortion world an' back." He then looked back towards Raichu, flinching a little as she went to pat his head, he wasn't used to all the affection that he was getting from here. When he was a Scraggy he was pretty much left to his own devices despite being in a guild. He loved his friends and family, but they weren't really the affectionate types, so this new feeling was different, but certainly not unwelcome.

"Heh. Tanks Raichu." He lightly smirked to her before it quickly left as he tilted his head, wondering what she just said. "Uhhhh....yeha.you...too?" He then nodded slightly as he rested his head onto Braxien's, falling asleep shortly afterwards.

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Posted: Wed, 12/02/2020 20:56 (5 Years ago)
Julie-Su continued to look down at her phone, scrolling through her newsfeed about any new information around Mobius, moreover if Mina was performing and if King Shadow was making a move to reshape Mobius.

"Well...That's a first," she chuckled lowly before placing her phone away, continuing to walk, "There's nothing on my newsfeed." As she continued her walk she glanced towards Acorn Castle, a light smirk spread across her face, knowing very well who resided in there.

"I look forward to what you can accomplish here in Mobius, my king." Her hand lightly rested on her hip where her gun holster was, "And I won't let anyone stand in your way. Not even Sonic himself."

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Posted: Wed, 12/02/2020 07:43 (5 Years ago)
Julie-Su lightly sat up in her chair and stretched a little, gently cricking her neck before she stood up and lightly rested her hand on her hip.

"Tch. Least that idiot Knuckles isn't bugging me anymore about things." she grumbled to herself, lightly grabbing at the gun she kept near her hip. "Well..Guess I should go outside and see if anything's going on." She gently ran her fingers through her bangs and made her way outside, gently looking down at her phone.

"Huh..Wonder if Mina is performing tonight..?"

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Posted: Tue, 11/02/2020 20:38 (5 Years ago)
Rouge chuckled lowly once again as she looked to Maui's nervous pout, it was cute to her how he would get whenever she mentioned that he made her cry. She always knew that it wasn't intentional, but when you're a Sobble you're a Sobble and sobbing is just kinda something you do. She then nuzzled him once more seeing his grin return. As he said that she was very tempted to just say a whole line in French, but digressed and all she wanted was to just be close to him. There was no denying her feelings, she was in love.

"Ah..!" she lightly gasped as she was picked up and placed in Maui's arm, but smiled instantly as she felt his hand on her face once more. Listening to him just made her so happy. "M-Merci..Maui." she gently rested her hand on his chest. "I've missed you too....Far more than you know...." She then watched him curiously, tilting her head a bit as she watched him pull out something from his leafy hair.

"Hmm hmm....They are, yes." she said quietly, gently reaching out to take the berry before she paused a little bit and looked up to him with a playful expression.

"However..You might want to think about how you're going to pay for those Nanab berries you stole from Madame Raichu."
"Heh. Tanks." Yakuzo whispered a little, as to not wake up Braxien or interupt the moment between Rouge and Maui. He blinked a little as he watched as Braxien and himself were being picked up. He wasn't used to floating so it was kinda fun to him. He couldn't help but find himself gently running his little hand on her head fur, it was really soft. His train of thought interupted once Raichu spoke to him.

"Tanks again, Raichu!" Yakuzo took his hand back and rested it behind his head, "I'm sure she'll tank you too when she ain't sleepin' on da cold ground!" He then flinched slightly after being placed on the pillow as Braxien had curled up to him, nuzzling against his chest, which caused him to blush faintly.

"Uhh...Does dis normally happen when she sleeps?" He wondered aloud before he then shook it off and nodded towards Raichu. "Will do! Tanks for everything!"

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Posted: Tue, 11/02/2020 20:21 (5 Years ago)
Somewhere within Mobius a familiar pink Echidna was sitting at the table within her home, her fingers gently laced together as she rested her chin on her hands, wondering to herself what she should do next.

"His reign will start soon...I know it." she lightly muttered to herself, a small smirk appeared on her face. "Surely now things will get interesting."

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Posted: Tue, 11/02/2020 05:16 (5 Years ago)
Rouge gave Raichu a 'thank you' style nod before she looked back at the Rillaboom, her hands still quivering a little as she went to reach out to him. It had been years since she last saw him, and here he was, right infront of her. She couldn't contain her tears as they just kept on streaming the moment he recognized her. She felt her tail flicker impatiently before she nodded and lightly yelled to him.

"MAUI!! MAUI! TU M'AS TELLEMENT MANQUÉ!" She continued to cry as she felt his arms wrap around her thin body, the same warmth that she had felt long ago back on Melemele, was now here with her once again. "I-I'm so glad th-that y-you-you're alright!" she said, her voice lightly shaking as she tried to speak, but her tears kept her from keeping her composure.

"M-Maui..." She gently spoke as she felt his hand brush her cheeks to rid the tears before lightly chuckling, gently resting her head on his chest before playfully poking his nose, "It's always you....who makes me cry." She gently glanced up to his grin, lightly crying more with a smile.

Yakuzo lightly tilted his head as he watched her, lightly rubbing the back of his. "Ehhh..Sorry toots! Shoulda toldja that I have an iron head an' crap." He then smirked again as she thanked him for the twig, lightly holding up his hand in the 'no problem' style way.

"Heh! Anyting for you, toots!" The nuzzle she gave him caused him to flinch a little, unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome. He felt himself start to melt in the warmth of her tail, he always loved being around fire types, the warmth was so nice and comforting to him.

"Heh...sleep well, toots." He then gave a small glance to Raichu before lightly shrugging.

"Sos ah...Raichu? Can ya help a fella out hea? I don't want toots to be sleepin' out hea in the dirt. Tanks."

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