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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from 20GayTeen.
Posted: Tue, 13/08/2019 13:42 (5 Years ago)
Welcome to the squad Tommy!

@All shiny Squirtle slots have been filled

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Posted: Tue, 13/08/2019 11:40 (5 Years ago)
Both added!
@All Mega-able Houndour slots have been taken!

Mew I sent you a PM ^^

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2019 14:54 (5 Years ago)
Mess up on my part, I didn't see Prinklix's post. Super sorry about that Yuki-Chan ;-;
I can put you down for Mega-able if you want?

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2019 14:41 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2019 14:27 (5 Years ago)

Yonji is opening up 3 more slots for Shiny Houndour and 3 more slots for Mega-able Houndour! Get them while they are hot ^^

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2019 13:40 (5 Years ago)
Of course! I wouldn't want anyone breeding here 24/7. It's good to take a break and enjoy other aspects of the game ^^

Welcome to the squad! I've updated your details to have MissingNo. as your placeholder because you are undecided. I don't know if taking over Pokichi's hunt is a good idea, but we can discuss that in PP/PM (might not answer right away because I'm busy).

Nooooo your fine lol. It's not considered spam if you have something important to say :)

Slots updated!

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2019 02:20 (5 Years ago)
Added both ^^

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Posted: Sat, 10/08/2019 16:36 (5 Years ago)
I'm sorry GoldenEagle17 and Shinymew3217 there were only three slots available so unfortunately you didn't get a spot, better luck next time!

@All shiny Vanillite slots have been filled

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Posted: Sat, 10/08/2019 15:40 (5 Years ago)
Yeah I...think it might be time.
It's getting harder for me to be online lately so this will be a huge help ;v;

Both xXMysticXx and Yonji are added to the shops moderator staff! As of now I'm going to close the mod application to see how this turns out, if we need more help I'll open it back up again ^^

In addition I'll remove AcryliCatUwU because they haven't been on in a very long time

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Posted: Sat, 10/08/2019 14:42 (5 Years ago)
You can quit the shop after you finish your hunt. If the rule is a bit confusing I'll update it (thank you for letting me know!)

You can choose to finish the slots by yourself or I can finish them ^^

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Posted: Sat, 10/08/2019 01:10 (5 Years ago)
Hello Chrissy!
Unfortunately the slots were filled for Mega-able Shinx but that is my fault because I didn't update it as 'slots full' ^^;

Shiny Megas do exist on the site! However it is rare and extremely time consuming to get one so we don't sell them here at the shop.

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Posted: Fri, 09/08/2019 23:52 (5 Years ago)
Slots updated!

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Posted: Mon, 05/08/2019 15:38 (5 Years ago)
Got it ^^

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Posted: Mon, 05/08/2019 02:55 (5 Years ago)
@All shiny Litten slots have been filled

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Posted: Mon, 05/08/2019 00:00 (5 Years ago)
Prinklix, Fiskerton52802, and Saph have all been added!

Sorry Fumiko you have filled out the form incorrectly so I am going to have to deny your request please copy and paste the form on the first post instead of someone else's

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Posted: Mon, 29/07/2019 19:56 (5 Years ago)
Basically what Mystic said ^

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 23:39 (5 Years ago)
Hello Maky!
Changing a hunt in the middle of hunting goes against rule 10.

"10. Breeders can change the Pokemon they will hunt for only after their previous hunt is finished."

Every breeder is required to read the rules and agree to them when they sign up. I will not allow you to quit your hunt. HOWEVER I am always available to help breeders with their hunts so I will take over your slots if your having to much trouble. This means that the Ralts hunt will be added to my queue and removed from yours. Thank you for understanding :)

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 19:24 (5 Years ago)
@All shiny Weedle slots have been filled

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Posted: Fri, 26/07/2019 14:56 (5 Years ago)
Sorry Xtreme_legends unfortunately there was one slot left open and because the shop goes by a first come first serve basis you did not get the slot. Better luck next time!

@All slots for shiny Audino have been filled!

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Posted: Fri, 26/07/2019 14:28 (5 Years ago)
Welcome to the squad Prinklix!
Slots have been updated~

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