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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 23:44 (11 Years ago)
Okay~ Would you like me to pay you before or after? (Don't worry, I don't plan to cheat you or anything, but I understand if you want me to prepay. ^-^)

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 23:43 (11 Years ago)
Lein had returned later to watch the humans, but found the Eevee girl swimming around with one, and the Shinx seemed just as carefree. Well, the human didn't look bad with his shirt off. But really, could he let himself get shown up by some weird creature?

"Hey, mind if I join?" he asked casually, approaching the pond with a small wave to the group. Inside his head, he justified it because it meant he could keep closer to this threat, although if he was honest, he just wanted to join in the fun. "It's been a while since I had a good swim," he told them with a friendly smile.

Now Di had reached the base of the Volcano. As she'd come down, a few small pokemon had thought to be brave and shoot small attacks at her, nicking her down a few health points at a time. Now she could barely stay awake. It would have been smart to get to the cave with the other Deinos, but it would require more work, and going up again in a different direction than she had come down. Rounding the haunted place, she gave up at the corner between the side and the front, sitting down in the shade and wiping the blood running from the cut on her face with the back of her hand.

"Damn Charizard..." she muttered to herself, breathing heavy. "So tired..." With her legs pulled up into almost a fetal position and hugging her knees loosely, she leaned her head back against the cold metal of the building. There was a passing thought that there might still be some berries around that Ichigo had gathered, but now she couldn't even bring herself to stand up again. Now she really wished she could learn Rest, or Roost, or Moonlight, or Aquaring, or one of those healing moves. Unfortunately, Deino's were made for destroying things, not helping them.

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 23:27 (11 Years ago)
Mikan, design me a trainer!
Username: Mituna
Trainer sprite: Here. It's a girl, though, and no pokeball, please. Really I just want that basic type of pose.
About my trainer: Will an image do? Technically she's a gijinka, but there's not any special Deino parts on her.
Payement: Um... I have 7 small nuggets and about 10,000 poke to offer, but I'd rather not pay everything I have. What would you like for this?
Password: Apple cider

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 21:57 (11 Years ago)
(Kk, should we copy any irrelevant OOC stuff in the posts too, or just the basic content and any authors notes on the actual post?)

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 21:38 (11 Years ago)
(Would you be copying the posts from the teacher then? And I don't know if Odd's other character had any major interactions that would need to be copied...)

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 21:28 (11 Years ago)
((Woah, does this mean we should redo all our posts, or just keep going there so you can keep it better? I'm posting here until I find out, then I'll copy my posts if needed. Oh, and Rini, it's not a pokemon RP, so if you just click the Roleplay link under the Index, it's the only nonpokemon one, last I checked.))

Lyn nodded considerately. She would need heating, or maybe a fire type that could keep a building warm without burning it down. Otherwise, it could take a lot of blankets, and she didn't know how pokemon not use to cold weather would take to breeding in it...

"I-I'm not really hungry. I'm use to just one or two meals a day..." she excused herself. Putting the egg back in her messenger bag, she made sure to keep her arm resting on it lightly. Quietly, she wondered if they made bags for carrying eggs around in. She'd make one for herself, if she could get material, thread, and a sewing machine...

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 21:02 (11 Years ago)
((D@mn, what did I come back to?! I leave to go to the dentist, take a nap, and shop to walk of the novacane and find out that in the few hours I was gone the most active roleplay on the site nearly closed?! And I don't know if it matters anymore, but I have two roleplays here. One hasn't found enough members yet, and the other is a bit slow, but otherwise I've managed pretty well. I'm using to running multiple roleplays at a time, though...))

Still furious but seeing the conversation was over, Rey and Seether exited the cafeteria via a different route. "You have plenty of fun, right Seether?" he asked.

"Sni!" it nodded. It jumped on top of his head, doing a balancing act, then onto his other shoulder. Trying to repeat the act, he ended of falling. Rey quickly caught him, though, laughing a little.

"See, that doesn't cause any uproar. A furball like her will disrupt the entire lunch room acting like that. And if the food wasn't bad already, it probably got it's dirty fur all over." Rey stuck his tongue out a little in disgust. Seether imitated, though his tongue was much longer in proportion. "Let's head back to the dorm and see if there's anything better to do before next period..."

Lyn thought back to when she made her schedule. "I-I'm doing breeding and battling... I kind of want to be a breeder, but if I go back home, it might be a little too cold for anything but ice type eggs, so I want a back up plan..." she explained. "Maybe that's why I'm being so careful with this one, I want to make sure I raise it right." Nodding to the egg in her arms now, she rubbed it gently, keeping the shell just warm enough.

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 14:38 (11 Years ago)
Casting my vote for 2x a month with some randomness. :3

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 05:14 (11 Years ago)
"Forgive me, I don't think I properly introduced myself. My name is Rinny, but please call me Rin." Following her lead, he peaked out the hole. "Yes, that looks like the Dragonair from before as well. Those three must have found their way here running from the humans. But... Someone else is there too. Another pokemon." Looking at the Gardevoir, he gave a short nod. "I'm sure you already knew. My skills aren't nearly as sharp as a psychic type. It's more just an ability to sense living things. It's what makes my reactions so good, I can sense things and people without actually seeing them. I can only tell for sure where anything is if it's close, though. All I can tell you is our fourth guest is pokemon, and somewhere not too terribly far."

During this little explanation, he had his eyes closed and arms crossed, trying to figure out where that fourth energy was, but it was like trying to listen to a radio very poorly tuned and getting an earful of static.

Maggie snoopped a little more while her sisters discussed the pokemon they didn't recognize. The subject bored her, so she simply drifted deeper in, which actually went closer to the main road as well, though. She stayed well out of sight, but she really hoped to find something for her burn, as it still stung considerably. There really wasn't anything here, though... Disappointed, she looked instead for a clean puddle to clean it in, and saw a bit of ground shimmer. Approaching, though, it looked solid. As she was turning away, it seemed to shimmer again. Really confused now, she floated close. There didn't seem to be anything sparkly there... So why did the ground seem so shimmery, like a puddle of stone... She heard voices, and looked up at the other two female pokemon. "Did sisters say something?" she asked, still puzzled by everything.

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 04:24 (11 Years ago)
((Oh snap, going Disney!))


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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 04:21 (11 Years ago)
It's okay, I know what you meant. ^-^ I just like to be difficult sometimes. But it is a valid point that being able to select who they go to specifically might not be a good idea, namely for the loophole I mentioned earlier. However, to make them purely random gifting would mean you might as well just be able to open them, because your chances of finding would probably be about the same as receiving one. All that finding would effect is how many are in circuit to other users in any one day.

Maybe you could have an option to increase chances of a group of users receiving one? Like, a button where a newbie will likely get one, or an online user will probably be the recipient, or even that your friend's will get an increase chance of getting that box from you. At that point, though, I think things are getting a bit complicated, and you miss the point of what the boxes were for in the game anyway.

((Autumn got to posting before I did, but that is a valid point that boxes could become currency as well.))

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 04:10 (11 Years ago)
Lyn giggled at the excited little Vulpix. "Sh-shouldn't you make sure she's careful? If she knocks something over, she could hurt herself..." she noted awkwardly. "But... I don't really know what to expect. I would think it was water or ice type, but I'd be happy with anything that hatches from here~" It always seemed to glimmer like ice, but maybe that was because it was white. She'd seen an ocean with the same kind of pretty glimmer in it. All she knew was that she already loved her little unhatched pokemon.

((Oooo... Rey ain't gonna take that sass. O_o))

Angered at her attitude and thought that she could simply walk away, Rey caught the girl by the shoulder to spin her around and face him. "Hey! Don't just walk away!" ((*sings* pretendin' everything's okay and you don't care about it~ *shot*)) he growled. "I can be plenty happy, but I don't run across tables and barge into people when I am! I don't see how that would make me a dull and dark idiot. At least I'd be civilized!" he raged. "You must obviously be the small minded one if you think that letting your filthy pokemon run loose in public is just normal and perfectly okay to do!" From his should, Seether growled angrily, immitating his partner.

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 03:55 (11 Years ago)
To be the devil's advocate for HeavyRain: just because it's random, doesn't guarantee that everyone will get one at some point. It could very well end up that certain users that never show up again after completing the tutorial end up with good luck and rack them up, while a few people never see them. Like the Shaymin event: some got very lucky and found eggs after a few hundred clicks, others went through thousands and never saw it once.

Just so you know, I support the only gifting one to the same person once per x amount of time (or even that you can only receive one once per day or per x amount of time.

My only fear with this too is asking friend's to open boxes for you and having them send you the contents, or one could easily sell these to users who don't have a lot of friend's that would try to gift these to them. It might just be pretty easy to work around the "only others can open it" thing, not to say that I distrust everyone on here, but just stating a loophole that I just noticed.

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 03:32 (11 Years ago)
Lyn smiled up Ruby. "It's doing fine. It already seems to understand a lot even though it hasn't hatched. I want it to take it's time, though, so the baby pokemon is strong and healthy!" She giggled as she pet the Vulpix. Taking the glittering white egg our of the bag, she showed it to Rose. "I bet you two will be good friend's when you meet one day, right?" she asked the Vulpix. In her hands the egg was a comforting cool temperature, nothing like how hot they had both been outside. It was a little odd, feeling like the egg already understood so much, even though the pokemon was still not hatched...

Seeing the Eevee leaping across tables, Rey rolled his eyes... But when it came skidding at Seether, he quickly picked up his pokemon before they could collide. Seeing the girl rush over, he placed the Snivy on his shoulder. "Keep a better watch on that pokemon. How irresponsible to let it be running so wild, and it nearly hurt my pokemon in the process!" he sneered. Seether hopped back down onto the table and trotted right up to where the Eevee was in the other girl's arms.

"Sni!" he chimed angrily, it's little hands at it's sides. After a bit more scolding in poke-talk, it jumped up and lightly bopped the Eevee on the head, before turning around and marching in a very dignified way back to his owner.

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 03:05 (11 Years ago)
So amazing! .3.

I really like Carnicroak. They seem so complex!

If you don't mind, I'd like to make another request, this time for the Missing Link ;3

Base pokemon: Dragonair
Pokemon 2: Dragonite
Colour: Dragonite


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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 02:45 (11 Years ago)
((Lyn's Seel hasn't hatched yet. I'm planning on drawing this one out. ^_~))

Lyn nodded at Ruby, giving her a small smile. "I-I don't really know anybody in Water Dorms, b-but you can come see me if you like... I'm room five," she offered, pushing a little bit of hair out of her face and shrugging her shoulders in. Offering her hand to Rose again, she just wanted to play with the cute little pokemon. It was hard for her to imagine the cute little pokemon she saw wandering around with their partners as strong fighters. Of course, she saw the potential in each, but she often wanted to just stop and play with them. For her, this school wasn't about strength, but about making friends and building a bond with pokemon that would last forever. The arm she didn't extend to the Vulpix remained resting lightly on her messenger bag, always aware of the fragile egg there.

Both Seether and Rey stared at their food, a bit disgusted. "How could you be a picky eater if you haven't tried anything yet?" Rey looked at the pokemon. It turned it's nose up and picked up a random berry, pointing to a bad spot on it. Not to mention, when Seether held it to Rey's nose, the smell wasn't exactly pleasing. "Ugh, okay that's understandable. And what are they trying to feed us here?" he picked up a wilted peice of lettuce with his fork, revealing a little bit of ice still on the leaves below it. "I don't think any amount of dressing will fix this." Sighing, he looked at the berries, picking up a blue Chesto berry. It was dry, and crumbled apart in his mouth.

"Well, these aren't terrible. You should at least try them. You haven't eaten... Well, ever." Rey's eyes shifted around warily, before he continued in a whisper. "And if you find what you like now, we can sneak off campus later, and find some real food!" Seether gave a small "Sni!" of conspiratorial agreement before taking a bite of each berry. After, he tossed the Chesto berry behind him onto the floor and finished off his Aspear berry.

"There. Now we can find a pokemart and get a real meal later," Rey nodded with satisfaction.

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 00:20 (11 Years ago)
I like Kevin's idea. I want to interact with the people who are online who may or may not interact back a bit faster. It would be a great option to add all unclicked party pokemon of online users to a clicklist.

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Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 23:58 (11 Years ago)
Maggie floated around nervously. "Neither good... I don't like either..." she grumbled. "Go away, go away, come again another day~" the ghost pokemon sang in an eerie sing song voice. Drifting around, she examined the ally, looking for any signs that a human had been around recently, but found only cobwebs. "No human. I don't think it's human." Thinking hard about all the pokemon she knew, she couldn't come up with match for the brief form she saw. It was obviously not one that wandered into her home very often.

Rin shrugged. "Well, she looked really POed. I'm not sure I would have messed with her just by the look on her face." Brushing himself off as he stood up, he looked up through the hole. "Nice thinking though... Paige, right? I'd have been caught back there without you. Thanks, guess that's twice you've save me now." Rinny smiled genuinely, not liking the idea of what would have happened if he was caught.

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Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 23:35 (11 Years ago)
I'm giving my support. I haven't received or sent money gifts (that I know of, at least...) but I know it would make stores for spriting and art a lot easier.

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Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 23:27 (11 Years ago)
Agreed. I'm glad the bids come up real time, but it doesn't help if you have no idea that you only have half a second to come up with a number to add.

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