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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Intak.
Posted: Fri, 29/07/2016 15:43 (8 Years ago)
(Oh, sorry for spoiling then x3 I actually got to it today and I still haven't finished the game tho. You are probably not that far away. In which part are you? Just so I know so I won't spoil anything else)

Ethan was struggling to stand up, so Oddish went and helped him. "Sorry, I just had to. The only thing I was thinking at that moment was your safety." Oddy said while hugging Amy. "Also, it wasn't that big of a deal, Mina wasn't that scary." He added, as he finally found something to brag about. "Boo." Oddish said and Oddy jumped at behind a bush. Ethan tried to laugh, but his mouth was full of blood, so all he did was spit some of it

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Posted: Fri, 29/07/2016 15:04 (8 Years ago)
Oddy looked to his right. The guild members had left to evacuate the guild and take the villagers to a safer place. "Ethan. If this is our final minute, I want to tell you that-" He said and started crying. Suddenly, Kadabra appeared and teleported them in the forest. "You are safe now." Kadabra said, in a way that made him seem wiser than usual and teleported back to Druddigon's lab.

(I don't know if you get where I'm getting to, but in Super Mystery Dungeon it was Mew that sent the human in the Pokemon world. Get it? ;D)

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Posted: Fri, 29/07/2016 14:40 (8 Years ago)
While his Mega Evolution had been shut down from the damage, Ethan was looking at the spheres that were heading to Amy. "Th-That's it. There's nothing else I can do. I can't even move." He thought and spit some blood that was on his mouth. Oddy noticed that Ethan couldn't do anything and looked at the spheres that were heading to his friends. "Mina, you monster, I won't let you hurt my feelings anymore, that's it!" He shouted and, when the spheres where about to hit them, he headbutted Amy and Oddish, throwing them at the danger exit, which automatically started closing. Thankfully, the spheres didn't hit him. "Save yourselfes!" He shouted at his friends, and the doors shut.

Ethan looked at the doors and then at Oddy. "Thanks, he nodded, even though he could barely be heard.

(Sorry, I just had to XD I don't think I've give any heroic moment to Oddy, so now was his chance :> Also, if you ever see some of my posts being this big, blame my RP partners in Furvilla)

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Posted: Thu, 28/07/2016 17:38 (8 Years ago)
Hello :> Thanks for sending that many Gems! Unfortunately, I accepted without writing them first, so I don't remember how many you sent exactly, but I am 100% sure that the Ghost Gems where 2150-2200, so I'll count them as 2200, the Poison Gems were about 170-200, so I'll count them as 200 and the Water Gems I think where 91 :> Sorry for my mistake, adding you with these numbers~

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Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 07:30 (8 Years ago)
Username; -Oddy
What would you do with the shiny if you won?; I will keep since it would be a really good additiong in my Shiny Event Collection
What shiny would you want me to give away next?; Poliwrath please :o

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Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 07:25 (8 Years ago)
Hey, Cynda, I changed my username (long ago) :> Also, I can still teach here, don't think that I am inactive, I just don't have students ^^ Btw, I will finish the exams you gave me for the things I wanted to teach when I have time~ (Will probably start them now though)

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Posted: Mon, 25/07/2016 08:21 (8 Years ago)
Added you, thanks~

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Posted: Mon, 25/07/2016 07:10 (8 Years ago)
Added you :>

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Posted: Tue, 19/07/2016 09:52 (8 Years ago)
Added you, sorry for my inactivity ^^'

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Posted: Mon, 11/07/2016 19:33 (8 Years ago)
Bump ^^'

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Posted: Tue, 05/07/2016 07:07 (8 Years ago)
Bump :>

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Posted: Mon, 04/07/2016 12:26 (8 Years ago)
Well, if you can only get it after beating Rowan's quest, then yes, I support too :>

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Posted: Mon, 04/07/2016 10:35 (8 Years ago)
In my opinion, Retro Magikarps are meant to be harder to be earned by other Retros, so making them the same rare in the Beach as Retro Tentacool is right now, would pretty much make Rowan's Challenge pointless to exist.

I agree that it is unfair for players who got their Retro Magikarp before Retros could hatch/be caught Shinies, I myself am one, but making them a whole lot easier to get wouldn't make sense. Then, everybody who used money to beat Rowan's Karp Challenge would feel that it was unfair for them, like you feel now.

Imagine if someone has spent a ton of Rare Candies they were collecting to beat this challenge and then see that they can easily get one from the beach. I don't know about others, but I would definetely scream.

That still is and will be my opinion and everyone is granted to their own opinion, so thanks for for your time. So, no support from me.

But, if they were as rare (or even rarer) as Shinies, then I would definetely support, because I am also collecting Shiny Retros myself.

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Posted: Mon, 04/07/2016 06:28 (8 Years ago)
Ethan used Protect. He was weak at the moment from Mina's Hyper Beam, so some of the spheres hit him. "Step back." He said to Amy, Oddy, Oddish and the Guild guys. Oddy pushed Amy and Oddish back. Then, Ethan used discharge to find out who the real Mina is.

(Feel free to make Mina more powerful than Ethan, since she already kinda is :>)

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Posted: Mon, 04/07/2016 06:07 (8 Years ago)
(Ok, thanks for answering :>)

Ethan used Thunder on Mina, but missed Druddigon. He laughed a bit. "Hit me with your best shot, Mina." He said.

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Posted: Sun, 03/07/2016 21:12 (8 Years ago)
(Important Question: It would be too much if Ethan knew Thunder, right? XD)

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Posted: Sun, 03/07/2016 20:59 (8 Years ago)
Ethan tried to stand up. "I - I need t-to protect m-my f-f-friends." Ethan said and walked in front of Oddy and Amy. Ethan looked at Amy and Oddish. He turned his face to Mina. "This won't go through Mina!" He shouted and mega evolved (into Mega Houndeon?).

(It's ok, you can just make a new one :>)

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Posted: Sat, 02/07/2016 11:36 (8 Years ago)
Slurpuff, Spritzee and Noctowl entered the room. "What's going on in here?" Spritzee shouted. "We are under attack by Druddigon and.... the ones who used to be Mina." Oddy answered and looked down once again.

His minions were following him.

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Posted: Sat, 02/07/2016 11:31 (8 Years ago)
A bit of the beam passed through Ethan, who was now unconcious, and when it was about to hit Oddish, Ethan woke up and jumped infront of it, protecting it from getting seriously hurt.

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Posted: Sat, 02/07/2016 10:40 (8 Years ago)
Oddy was overjoyed. "Mina! Finally, you are free." He said and started running towards Mina. Ethan pulled him back. "No, Oddy, snap out of it, that's not our Mina. Druddigon's controlling her." He told him. Oddish hid behind Ethan.

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