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Posted: Sun, 12/05/2024 13:03 (4 Months ago)
Kendo Satou | Court Cases

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He stepped out into the parking lot, hands swinging idly by his sides. In his hand he held a cell-phone(7 years outdated), and a notebook.

A blue haired man sat in a black pickup truck, a pink-haired lady beside him in the shotgun seat.

The driver looked up, sunglasses reflecting the sun.


The driver said, quietly.

He smiled.

“Hey guys. It's been a long time, huh?”

Emma looked up, smiling brightly.

“If it isn't Satou. Get in, we're getting you home.”

Artemis nodded solemnly.

“Come on. You can sit in the back if you want.”

He said, rather quietly.

Kendo Satou, 32 years old, grinned.


He ran a hand through his hair- shorter than he'd like it to be.

“Nice to see you guys.”

“Of the 21 charges put against the defendant, he is found guilty of 3.

the judge slammed his gavel.

“As we have witnessed, from the countless testimonies that speak to his character, to his nature, and the extensive information proving that he was, in fact, forced into his actions by situations he had no control over. In case of the murders he has committed, it is unsavory to call them murders at all, as he acted simply in self-defense, and nothing less. In the criminal actions he has been implicated in, it has been proven that most, if not all were committed under duress, as such, the defendant is sentenced to 25 years in federal prison, with a chance of parole after 7 years served.”


He sat in the back of a black pick-up truck, staring out the window.

Emma turned to look at him, smiling warmly.

“How've you been, giraffe?”

She asked, reaching out to tilt his head up. Artemis's gaze was obscured by his sunglasses, but it was clear his gaze was on Kendo.

“I dunno. How've you been, pinkie?”

He asked, smirking.

She huffed, turning her hand. Her ring glinted in the light.

“I got married. How do you think I'm feeling, prick?”

Artemis smiled faintly.

“She's been rather giddy recently.”

He said, lowering his sunglasses.

Kendo smiled.

And then, he didn't.


Emma’s smile faded.

“She got married, Kendo.”

Kendo took a sharp breath in.

“You didn't know?

Artemis asked, his eyes following him.

Kendo closed his eyes.

“...No. She stopped visiting 6 years ago. Stopped writing 5 years ago.”

He said, softly.

“...Do you want to see her?”

Artemis asked.


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Posted: Sun, 05/05/2024 14:33 (4 Months ago)

"What does that word mean to you?"

"Perhaps to the erudite scholar, it means high renown or honor won by notable achievements, as the dictionary so clearly states."

A man stands in an empty tunnel, that stretches far, far away in a crossroads, dimly lit by a single flickering lightbulb.

"But in the case of this horrible, unfortunate story, GLORY refers to a small orphanage on the countryside of Whoknowswheresvilleavakia, a rather bleak European country in an indiscriminate location, as it was wiped off the map a long, long time ago."

His fingers are steepled together, as if forming an odd pyramid, or imitating Dr. Evil from the 1997 movie The Spy Who Shagged Me.

"Good evening, everyone. My name is Atlas Williams, and I am here today to tell you a most unfortunate story."

He reaches down to his side, where a book hangs from a chain.

"This horrible story has haunted me for many, many years, and will be separated into 6 parts as I tell it, because six is the smallest perfect number, and we all need a little more perfection in our lives, no matter how small, especially after hearing this horrible series of haunting horrors."

"Allow me to lay out the plan. And, ah. Remember. Codes are everywhere."

1. The Deadly Dawn - Glory to the volkovs
2. The Sinister Surplus - praise fOr the children
3. The Terrible Tertiary - home is where you hang your hAt
4. The Queer Quatern - love is Where the heart is.
5. The Preposterous Penultimate - the greAtest motto, memento mori
6. The Foul Finale - remember, You will die.

"I shall advise all you unlucky readers."

"Please, look away now, and you may be saved this horrible haunting of the soul I myself have experienced."

"Look away."



Name :

Age : (15-19)

Description :

Personality :

Special Abilities? (Things this person is unusually and remarkably talented at)

Backstory : (These people are all orphans.)

Relationships : (To be updated. All people involved in this story were raised in the same terrible, terrible orphanage.)

Other : (Extraneous Details)



Name : Lydia [L]

Age : 16

Description :

Personality :

Special Abilities? A wisecracking brat with a knack for destruction.

Backstory : (These people are all orphans.)

Relationships : (To be updated. All people involved in this story were raised in the same terrible, terrible orphanage.)

Other :



Name : Jacob [O]

Age : 18

Description :

Personality :

Special Abilities? A ingenious inventor witha. heart of gold

Backstory : (These people are all orphans.)

Relationships : (To be updated. All people involved in this story were raised in the same terrible, terrible orphanage.)

Other :



Name : Artemis [A]

Age : 17

Description :

Personality :

Special Abilities? An Erudite scholar with a silent mouth and a screaming mind.

Backstory :

Relationships :

Other :

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Posted: Wed, 01/05/2024 14:15 (4 Months ago)

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Posted: Thu, 14/03/2024 13:12 (6 Months ago)

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Posted: Mon, 11/03/2024 13:04 (6 Months ago)
"Great ideas, Adalia!"

Connor's cheerful smile was back on full display, as he started to flick through the papers on his clipboard.

"Let's see... My schedule seems empty enough, I should be able to get the list done if I just... hm... No, not that."

He scrawled something onto the paper, before nodding to himself.

"I'll get the list done in an hour and ten minutes. In the meantime, you are probably correct once more, Adalia, we really should be getting to class. Don't overwork yourself, sir! If you send yourself to the great beyond, who else will lead us?"


The door to the classroom slammed open as brooke strolled in, casually, as if he hadn't just kicked the door open. He absently walked over to the seats, taking a seat at the very back of the room, kicking his feet up, absently chewing on his gum as he flicked through his phone.

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Posted: Thu, 07/03/2024 09:26 (6 Months ago)
Connor quietly dropped a mint into Pyry's hand, smiling kindly. he jumped slightly when the sudden rush of heavy danger fell over him. he took an unconscious step back, rubbing the back of his neck.

"'Ah' indeed, sir."

he muttered quietly, glancing down at his clipboard.

"The vice-president does not seem to be in a good mood today," He said, stating the obvious. He did that a lot.

Connor popped a mint into his own mouth, quietly glancing away.


he tapped his pen on his clipboard.

"What are we doing today? Anything out of the ordinary you need me to do?"

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Posted: Thu, 29/02/2024 13:18 (6 Months ago)
The first thing Seraphina did was burst into the dining room and attack the food. For a girl of her small stature, it was a wonder- or perhaps expected, really- she managed to move so swiftly across the room.

She had no interest in the other tribute- just another lamb who would be slaughtered within a month or two either way.

Sos he spent her time focusing on important things.

Like food.


Aleksandr blacked out for a good 10 minutes.

When he returned to a complete state on consciousness, he was standing in the hallway of the train to the capitol, swaying with the train's movement, his throat suddenly very, very dry.

he took a deep breath in, then out.

Patterns. Look for patterns. Calm down.

He tapped his finger against teh wall beside him.

Wood. How many planks? Sh*t. I can't-

He took a deep breath in.

Then out.


Then out.

He closed hsi eyes for a moment, before opening them, pale bleu eyes darting around the train as he took a shaky step forward.

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Posted: Thu, 29/02/2024 13:09 (6 Months ago)

He sighed.


Another normal day.

Connor stared at himself in the mirror, one hand to his face, the other holding the razor, the blade pressed against the porcelain sink, as his eyes stared straight at his reflection.

He put a hand to the scar on his neck, flinching ever so slightly.

He stared at himself for a moment longer, spotting the fading streak of white through his dark brown hair.

He closed his eyes, and sighed, before straightening his back, flashing a sunny smile at himself in the mirror.

“Looking good, Murphy!”

He said to himself, putting away the razor and walking out the bathroom, humming quietly.

He passed the window, taking a moment to absently brush his fingers across the glass of the framed picture of his family.

He grabbed his jacket off the coat rack, pulling it around himself, sighing, before he opened the door.

School wasn’t all that great, honestly, but he found joy in the little things. He uttered soft greetings to everyone who bothered to say hi to the walking advertisement, humming a cheery tune, a bright smile on his face as he casually walked through the halls. A clipboard in hand, he calmly walked out of the school buildings, into the courtyard, taking the path up to the Institute of Infinity, a cheerful bounce in his step.

Per usual.

“Sir, alcoholism is a vice you may not want to get into.”

Connor was writing down a checklist in neat, perfect handwriting on his clipboard.

“And, as Adalia stated, you seem quite insane at the moment. Would you like a mint?”

He asked that last question rather cheerfully.
Bubble gum and depression. Those things summed up Brooke Hollis pretty well.

Fruity and depressed.

Brooke chuckled to himself, flicking through his phone, calmly weaving his way through the halls of the campus, heading for his first class of the day, the hand not holding his phone keeping a bag slung over his shoulder by the straps.

It was chaotic and orderly at the same time.

A walking paradox. Brooke quite liked this place.

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Posted: Mon, 19/02/2024 12:46 (6 Months ago)
The City of God

"What a cesspit, eh?"

he chuckled lowly, slowly tapping the desk.

"Hate this place. I'm sure you do too. You... Heroes. You street rats. You civilians. all of you in this damned place."

The man reached upwards, pulling on the chain that turned on the light. His hair was long and messy, a dark shade of brown, his heterochromatic eyes a deep crimson and a bright blue.

"Hi. I'm Abyss. And welcome to my... game.

He smiled calmly, resting his palms on the desk.

"This is a message to those bastards up in the Agency."

He picked up a pen, pointing it at the camera.

"Ready to die?"

He laughed, a loud, maniacal sound.

"Get ready. I'm coming for you. we're coming for you."

The Villain's League
[The villains of this story, loosely connected to each other and definitely not a working team, but they're incredibly powerful. Some fight for change, some kill for sport. They're all under the same umbrella. VILLAINS.]

Agency of Superhuman Protection
[The heroes of our story. The heroes, the good, the just, the ones who fight for the law and to keep order in this flawed society. They try their best. but they are wrong. They think they are the HEROES. But are they?]
[Evan Warner(#1)]
Age- (18+)
Which Side- (Heroes, villains)
background- (optional, heavily suggested)

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Posted: Mon, 19/02/2024 06:45 (7 Months ago)
"of course! Lety us get going! HAha, what an exciting adventure!"

Aleksandr laughed.

"Wait,- hold one for a moment-!"

Alyssa said, pulling her jacket on, as she rushed after Aleks, who was already out the door.


"Good morning, Evan."

"Hey, Connor."

Evan took a seat on the plush chair, across from the therapist.

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Posted: Mon, 19/02/2024 02:57 (7 Months ago)
finished second form, will add some more on later

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Posted: Sat, 17/02/2024 02:38 (7 Months ago)

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 08:24 (7 Months ago)
"Truth is an often tiring thing, but it is necessary for us to grow."

Username: M3m3ntoM0r1(Kendo)

Character Name: Connor Murphy
Gender & Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Age: 26, far more mature than many of his age. Most mistake him for being in his 30's.
Year: 2nd
Council Member & Position: If I could, I'd like to grab Event Coordinator?

Appearance: dark brown hair, rather long and straight. Forest-green eyes. Stubble. Of rather average height.

Personality: Connor is a rather straightforward man. He hides very little and shows himself fully to the world, while ignoring those who dislike him simply for who he is. He's caring, and kind, but very blunt. He will consistently do whatever he feels is in the best intrests of the people he cares for. He rarely talks about himself and his life. He's something of a perfectionist, which leads to some getting frustrated with him, but most understand he tries to make everything perfect out of a place of love.
Fears: failure, physical contact
Relationships: (It is the people around us that so often form our self. Who forms your character?) (Optional)

Other: distrustful of most people deep down, grew up in a broken home, harsh environment.

Pal Pad Group:

"I dunno who th' hell you think you are, punk. You wanna go for a round or two?"

Username: M3m3ntoM0r1

Character Name: Brooke Hollis
Gender & Pronouns: Genderfluid, he/him/she/her/They/Them
Age: 19
Year: 1st
Council Member & Position: (y/n)

Appearance: 5'10, bright green hair.

Personality: a bombastic, flamboyant, rather sarcastic person, Brooke does NOT get along with people, simply due to their cynical outlook on life and flamboyant, rather self-centered nature.
Fears: Attachment, caring

Other: (What other secrets do they hide? Go wild)

Pal Pad Group:

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 06:37 (7 Months ago)
Evan was taking a stroll through the village.

He hated and loved this place at the same time.

Faces of friends, people he knew from the house, now nothing more than apparations, fake, ghostly mirages of themselves, populated this place.

And Evan just walked through, quietly.


"Everyone! Who's ready for a little walk through the marketplace?"

Aleksandr laughed.

Alyssa perked up.

"Ooh! That sounds fun!"

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 06:09 (7 Months ago)
"Sure you won't."

Evan smiled.

"Even Aleks forgets. You'll forget."

Evan just sighed, glancing out the window, before standing up.

"It's time for my Weekly therapy session. Please excuse me."

he picked a remote control up from his desk, before pressing a button. The wall of his room opened up, revealing a staircase downwards.

"Excuse me."

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 05:54 (7 Months ago)
"You've come here 24 times, Leanne."

he gestured to the talley count on the wall.

The one taht read Aleksandr had millions of talley marks, rounding the far edge of the wall. A few other names littered the wall, some unintelligable, only a few clear enough to read.

[Aurora] [-en-o] [-era--na] [Co-nor] [Z--h-rias]

He pointed at Leanne's name, exactly 24 tallies on the wall.

He pulled a knife out, carving another talley into the wall.

"You usually forget after a day or two."

He smiled.

"and... well, I don't know why I can't forget."

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 05:30 (7 Months ago)
"...How many times have we talked, Leanne?"

Evan smiled calmly.

he folded his hands over his lap.

"Do you know?"

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 05:22 (7 Months ago)
"Don't forget, leanne."

Evan smiled tiredly.

"We're all trapped. Nobody here is free."

he chuckled.

"it could be described as a sort of purgatory. But the food is good."

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 05:00 (7 Months ago)
"When you forget everything, you disappear. The only thing keeping you grounded in existence, is the fact that you remmeber. when you finally don't?"

he made a little explosion with his hands.

"You crumble to dust and disappear. You end up in the village."

Evan sighed.

"You end up in the village, where you're stuck for eternity, not as the person you were, but as another person in this realm, without your memories of anything outside this place."

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 04:53 (7 Months ago)
"he was there. he's always been here. he tells me he doesn't remember how he got here. He just did, one day."

Evan sighed.

"I lasted the longest. I'm just tired, now, honestly."

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