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Posted: Mon, 07/09/2015 03:30 (9 Years ago)
Fuzzykit mews "Doesn't ShadowClan know where the borders are!"

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Posted: Mon, 07/09/2015 03:21 (9 Years ago)
What will you do with it if you win?: Keep it in my party for 1 month + the moment I hatch all my eggs
Username?: Zagisov
Other?: My second favorite Pokemon is Mareep

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Posted: Mon, 07/09/2015 03:18 (9 Years ago)
Fuzzykit listens to the conversation

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Posted: Mon, 07/09/2015 03:09 (9 Years ago)
I paw silverkit in a playful way

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Posted: Mon, 07/09/2015 03:02 (9 Years ago)
I roll over in my favorite spot in the nursery whil listening to the leader talking to the other cats and ask "Can I go on the adventure! Please!"

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Posted: Mon, 07/09/2015 02:50 (9 Years ago)
Can I join

Name: Fuzzykit
Age: 1 moon
Gender: female
Description: Very fuzzy orange and white kitten that's fur changes to a golden color when under sunlight

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Posted: Sun, 06/09/2015 22:41 (9 Years ago)
I got a shaymin 8)

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Posted: Fri, 04/09/2015 14:49 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 24/08/2015 22:25 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 24/08/2015 22:21 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 23/08/2015 12:46 (9 Years ago)
Username: zagisov
Number: 122
Password (please read the rules): Ponta Delgada
Anything else?: Good luck with your studies in Oxford!

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Posted: Thu, 20/08/2015 13:45 (9 Years ago)
132 cats will win!!!!!

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Posted: Wed, 19/08/2015 20:40 (9 Years ago)
135 cats always win

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Posted: Mon, 17/08/2015 17:49 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 14/08/2015 16:28 (9 Years ago)
146 cats are winnig by 104

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Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 18:17 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 17:09 (9 Years ago)
The shell of this egg is very cold. Do you want to warm it?
Sure why not? I love sunny side up pikachu!

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Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 16:54 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 16:52 (9 Years ago)
153 cats are winning by almost 100

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Posted: Tue, 11/08/2015 19:33 (9 Years ago)

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