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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2019 03:13 (5 Years ago)
Melody stares at the sky

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2019 03:10 (5 Years ago)
“ ok have fun “ says Melody with a smile

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2019 03:07 (5 Years ago)
“ I just like high places like trees “ Melody responses to Cam

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2019 03:02 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2019 02:25 (5 Years ago)
Melody stares at cam

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2019 00:46 (5 Years ago)
Melody sits in a tree staring at the sky. She wondered about what to do.

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Posted: Wed, 17/04/2019 21:29 (5 Years ago)
Can I join owo )

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Posted: Wed, 17/04/2019 21:21 (5 Years ago)
Sould I go back to the other fourm? Uwu

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Posted: Wed, 17/04/2019 20:42 (5 Years ago)
Oh... can I change it to being able to pick up small pieces of metal ( like a magnet? )

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Posted: Wed, 17/04/2019 20:05 (5 Years ago)
Sure owo is calling bunny’s ok?

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Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 22:43 (5 Years ago)
Assassin's form
Name: Melody
Age (15+): 16
Gender: female
Appearance: https://imgur.com/a/g28pc7t a long black haired Girl with dark blue eyes she has a red shirt black bow tie black large coat Red boots white gloves. She has a dager
Personality: outgoing
Abilty/Power: Being able to lift small metal things

History (Optional):
Other: donut

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Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 07:46 (5 Years ago)
Thank you! :3

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Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 07:44 (5 Years ago)
Name: eve
Age: 14
Gender: girl
Description: a shiny eevee with a blue and red flower near her ear. She’s kind loving and caring.
Shadow bom

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Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 06:44 (5 Years ago)
Names of poke(s): Eve
Reference (optional):
Description: a eevee with some pink spots and a flower in her hair she’s 14
Genders: girl
Shiny?: no

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Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 06:08 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 06:01 (5 Years ago)
You need to keep them in the fishing box ^^

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Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 06:00 (5 Years ago)
Welcome a group of people are lost in a large forest.
Rules: all PH rules and no being OP
Are you a human or other:
Do you have a animal:
Here’s mine ^^
Name: Ali
Appearance: a 12 year old girl has Short brown hair with a few pink stripes. She wares a cut pink T shirt and black shiny under that and long jeans with a blue flannel around her waist she has dark blue shoes here eyes are a light blue she has a messaging bag that has a big pink and blue fake crystal.
Items: apples, dog plushie, soda, large stick.
Personality: happy creative out going
Human or other: human
Do you have an animal:

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Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 05:40 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 05:36 (5 Years ago)
If you want I can change them ^^

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Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 05:03 (5 Years ago)
Name: Melody
Human or monster?: Human
Soul type: kindness
(Monsters: Magic
Humans: Determination, patience, justice, perseverance, bravery, kindness, integrity)
Aperance: 12 year old girl with pink and blue fluffy hair that looks like Cotten candy! There eyes are a light grey. Wares a big hoodie with a wolf on it and some jeans that look really worn out. They have black tennis shoes. They have a cute dog backpack on it looks like a corgi!
Magic :none
Inventory: stick. Soda. Dog stuffed animal. A picture of a family the only faces not scratched out are a dogs and Melody’s. Apple slices. Locket with a boys face scratched out.
L.O.V.E level: 1
Theyhave a bad past but try’s to stay happy and kind! She used to own a dog!

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