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Posted: Fri, 01/09/2023 08:32 (1 Year ago)
*yawns* Heading to bed at 1 a.m. after two more hours of playing Genshin Impact. I've done sooo many storylines for Fontaine, but haven't met Furina and Neuvilette yet. Will meet Lyney and Lynette later today after finishing four more comms.

Might need to go to Annapousis (sp?) to see if the quests continue now that XXX has taken XXXXXXX to see XXXX-XXX. [Spoilering just in case others aren't that far]

Anyways. Good night! Blessed be! <3

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Posted: Wed, 30/08/2023 18:04 (1 Year ago)
Update regarding the heart problems.

Apparently, the hospital wasn't clear in that they didn't have a Cardiologist, so I was to call my primary and get an appointment to get a referral. Had that appointment today. Results?

My current doctor specializes in the heart field and agreed that I have Wolff-Parkinson-White. He has sent off for me to receive a Patch that I will wear for two weeks. So it will be about six weeks before I get to be seen by the Cardiologist. He is very glad I took the nurse's advice and headed to the ER a week ago, else this could have just kept progressing.

I got on Zoloft in Nov of 2020. My first visit for heart problems was in Jan of 2021. This makes me beyond grateful to those who harassed me so badly in 2020. If I'd never gotten on Zoloft, this heart issue wouldn't have flared, and wouldn't have ever been found.

That said, the doctor is weaning me off Zoloft because of the heart problems that it can cause, saying that it may be making things worse for me. I am to stay on Buspar because it's for Anxiety, but we will be finding another med to put me on for Depression.

Note that this also means I am going back on both meds, but it seems like the real reason I've been going off them every so often is the gut instinct I had that Zoloft was bad. Edit: Going back on just Buspar because apparently, since I've already cold-turkeyed it, it would be more dangerous to go back on.

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Posted: Wed, 30/08/2023 06:20 (1 Year ago)
For the last two weeks or so, I've been saying things that were probably better left unsaid. I know this wasn't the place, especially for one post a friend asked me to delete. But sometimes I need to know that people care about me. That my existence has meaning. I'd also hoped knowing a bit more about my situation would help people back off some. Seems like it only got me attacked more. I'll try to stay away from Tumblr, but I'm not real bright when it comes to some things.

Wanted to apologize if any of my posts made you uncomfortable. One of my support groups has convinced me that my rants/vents should stay in the personal areas that I feel safe in. And to thank those who have given me advice and supported and encouraged me. I'm not going to go back on my meds or seek therapy again. But I will be trying harder to start my own life, as well as trying to figure out how to deal with this all. Thank you to those defending me, even if you don't like me or think I deserve some of this. I might not be doing what you feel is enough, but I'm doing the best I can, and that's what really matters.

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Posted: Wed, 30/08/2023 05:57 (1 Year ago)
Before I head to bed, I just have to point out how much I love this picture of mom and I! <3

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Posted: Mon, 28/08/2023 20:47 (1 Year ago)
Oh! I've been talking a super lot with my brother. He's trying to find a job to help support mom and actually become a productive citizen. He's not only offered to teach me how to drive, but as soon as he gets a job, I can start looking for one as well.

Why wait? Because my brother would likely drop me off, come home, and then pick me up, which Dad would consider a waste of time and gas and never allow me to do. So if my brother is already going, it makes it easier.

At first, my brother was concerned about me having to wait for off work pickup in case our hours were a bit off (we're going to try to get similar timeframes, but we both know that doesn't always work out). I told him it was okay because I could bring my laptop or a book or walk (depending on how close my job is) to the library and sit there while I waited.

Dad's prob not going to like any of this, but *shrugs* Gotta do what's best for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAzFRfzwT-g. Yes. I loved those movies. Problem?

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Posted: Wed, 23/08/2023 17:24 (1 Year ago)
For two and a half years now, I've been randomly experiencing 8/10-10/10 pain in my chest and upper back between the shoulder blades. It is usually accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. These symptoms appear randomly and last up to ten minutes at their worst. I can go weeks without having an episode, and then I can get it three days in a row. Never seems to be more than once a day.

When I visited the doctor in June of 2021, I was told it was nothing more than heartburn from eating spicy foods. I accepted this diagnosis even though I didn't really feel it fit, but my mom, brother, and aunt all had gastrointestinal problems, so it made sense.

Fast forward to the last week, when I've recently been experiencing strange joint/nerve pain. I called my local doctor (now a different person), and she recommended that I go to the ER because she believed my symptoms over the last two years sounded more like a heart attack, stroke, or seizure type thing. So my mom and brother took me in.

After three hours, it was discovered that my EKG, bloodwork, and other tests looked normal. No signs of detrimental heart issues. However, they noticed something about the Delta Waves in my EKG and informed me that, based on that and my symptoms, I might have something called Wolff-Parkinson-White. It's a birth defect that typically shows up later in life. All it means is that I have a third nerve in my heart that sends electric signals to tell the heart when to beat and rest. Unfortunately, the third nerve makes the two that are supposed to be there more difficult to function. Their signals go faster and refuse to rest. This can even cause the signal to go backward in the heart, which can cause problems of its own.

I am waiting on a call from the Cardiologist to set up an appointment for them to get further testing done. If they agree with the WPW diagnosis, I shall be referred to a sub-specialist called an Electrocardiologist, and we'll discuss surgery to go in and burn off the third nerve. See. Although WPW itself is more annoying than life-threatening, because it messes with the natural electric signals, it can, on really rare occasions, be lethal.

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Posted: Wed, 23/08/2023 01:14 (1 Year ago)
Type of art: Plushie
Reference: Can you use this as a base to make a Plushie for my Wildfyre? If so, I'd like the tail at least up to the whiskers. And if possible, the head not as big, as it really seems disproportionate to the body.
Payment: 30k
Tip? Confidential
Other: Your artwork is amazing! And I'm very picky, so you can take that as a huge compliment! ^.^

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Posted: Mon, 21/08/2023 22:26 (1 Year ago)
Person: Asks if TTA for asking their roleplay partners on a child-friendly site that doesn't allow swearing to censor their words more.
Commentor: "yta i guess?? mostly just because i think its really silly to dislike swearing in general. especially if you arent like 12."

I'm almost 33, and I DESPISE swearing. I do still do it occasionally, usually during moments of extreme emotional distress. But I cannot stand it, and do NOT support the idea of "the more you swear, the more intelligent you are".

Yet, I remain friends with both people who swear rarely and often. Why? Because it's tolerable in moderation. And if you do it a lot, I will ask you to tone it down, especially if it's because I don't want you to get into trouble. But I won't end my friendship with you if you don't tone it down. Why? Because I've come to discover that people can't change their core personality. Besides, just because you swear a lot doesn't make you a bad person.

But the idea that you're silly if you're over 12 and dislike swearing? My dislike stems from nearly constantly being in temperamental situations. To me, swear words=anger=physical/emotional danger, which can set off my anxiety. Most days I can keep myself at ease, but there are many days when I experience sensory overload, and it's way too much for me to handle. There are MANY reasons why people would dislike swearing, and for you to dismiss their valid emotions like that? I would not want to be friends with someone like you because you seem like one who doesn't respect others' feelings or space.

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Posted: Fri, 18/08/2023 06:00 (1 Year ago)
*squeals* So I do have Twitch Drops (I'm SakuraWolf23) enabled for Genshin. But you might have more fun watching other people who are less squishy and undergeared/underleveled than I am.

Going to try to do at least ten hours a week in it for this event. Might even try to do an as-long-as-I-can session.

Heading to bed now, though. Good night! May the Force serve you well! ^.^

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Posted: Fri, 18/08/2023 01:51 (1 Year ago)
I definitely support this suggestion!

As a player who's still being stalked, harassed, and slandered by people for three years, it would be greatly beneficial to my mental/emotional health (especially with my current RL situation) to know that they can't see my things. Like. They saw a story I posted that my brother had written about a garden gnome that mentioned cannibalism and came to the conclusion that I supported that behavior. If they weren't able to see my posts (both on my wall and forums) they wouldn't be able to find new fuel for the fire.

Generally speaking, there's nothing wrong with visiting someone's profile. But when done repeatedly, it is considered stalking and harassment. But misclicks do happen. I know of many people who have said "I accidentally blocked or unfriended this person when trying to do x". So getting locked for accidentally going to the person's profile kinda sucks.

Accidental clicks and true stalking wouldn't ever be able to happen if there was no communication/interaction of any sort after blocking/being blocked. Both sides should be able to move on and live in peace and stress-free after one of them presses that button.

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Posted: Thu, 17/08/2023 17:07 (1 Year ago)

Can these random pains go away already?
I can go weeks without experiencing it, but then for one to three days in a row, once or twice a day, I

am extremely nauseous
have difficulty breathing
intense pain between my shoulder blades (both front and back)
Lasts anywhere from 2-15 minutes

Popping back or neck doesn't relieve
Taking Tums doesn't relieve
Taking Tylenol helps most of the time

And yet when I brought this up with my doctor, the only thing he did was say that it was heartburn from spicy foods. Which I don't eat. The only correlation I seem to have found is a specific sauce on spaghetti and pizza, but that could just be coincidentally happening at those times.

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Posted: Wed, 16/08/2023 23:47 (1 Year ago)
[Genshin Impact]

OMG! I randomly put in a 10-draw on the Standard banner, and pulled Diluc! Needless to say, I instantly leveled him to 50 and arties to Max. :O I forgot to put a weapon on him and level it. He's actually my first level 50! I also bought Keqing's costume because I really loved the way it looked.

Today's been a great day for streams. Did an hour in Diablo IV, and two and a half hours in FFXIV, and plan to do a few hours of Genshin as well.

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Posted: Mon, 14/08/2023 19:27 (1 Year ago)
Couldn't find a Shiny Sylveon, Sprigatito, or Alolan Vulpix plushie within the amount I wanted to spend on it, but...

My new set of the Inheritance Saga will arrive soon, along with $22 worth of toys for Ghost. And I pre-ordered a signed hardback of Murtagh from B&N, which will arrive in November! ^.^

The next set of money I earn is going to go toward a 6-month pass for Final Fantasy XIV. :D

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Posted: Mon, 14/08/2023 01:25 (1 Year ago)

Title: 14. Problematic Pidgeotto

Shadow Skill: Backup. Calls for the assistance of nearby nestlings but leaves them to fight alone as it flees.

Though Pidgeotto will claim a large area for their home, they will fiercely protect the nest, located in the center of the territory. Shadows, however, seem unconcerned about themselves and their brood and will not defend, even if their own life is in danger.

Angel could feel Faolan's gaze on her back as she walked off, and a part of her wondered if he was upset that she'd turned down his offer to go with her. They may have spoken a lot while incarcerated, but he knew little about her. If he knew even a tenth of what she'd been through throughout her life, he wouldn't be able to handle it. Few would. And she wasn't inclined to tell a stranger such aspects about herself. In honesty, not even Ally, Jenny, and Maya knew of a darker detail.

She'd learned the hard way so many times not to trust her thoughts and feelings to people. Even those she felt she could trust, as she wasn't a very good judge of character. It was disgusting how easily people could manipulate others for whatever reason, and then, once they got what they wanted or the person stopped being useful, cast them aside with no regard for the consequences.

Sylvie sounded concerned as he wrapped his ribbons around Angel's waist, but she just shook her head. "It would be nice to have human company, but I can't risk it. Besides, what I said did make sense. The more of us stopping Team Rocket and the others, the better. Yeah, it will be dangerous, but anyone Giratina has visited knows the future we're against. Others will fight."

Again, Sylvie commented, and Angel sighed as she rolled her eyes. "Alright, fine. I admit I do want him around. But is it because I think we could be friends? Or because I'd rather not be alone with my thoughts after all that's happened? The latter is selfish, and I don't want to use someone like that." Angel sighed again at Sylvie's response but said nothing, for she knew deep down Sylvie was right. But she didn't have the strength to argue or even think about it right now.

Rosie spoke up in response to the silence, and Angel smiled sadly as she reached down to pet Rosie and Sylvie's heads. "I know, I know. Just, I guess...Give me time. Becoming a better person is the true reason behind going on your journey. Everyone comes home changed in one way or another. Mostly in a good way. As much as I've wanted to, I won't give up on life simply because things are hard right now. Even though sometimes it seems like the storm is so powerful, it won't ever end. The way I see it, well...How to explain it?"

After a few seconds pause, she continued. "What do you do when you misplace or lose an item and can't find it? Eventually, you buy another to replace it. And what usually happens then?" Rosie cried out with a little hop, as if she was excited that she knew the answer. It caused Angel to chuckle before she continued. "That's right. You find the item the moment you bring the new one home. Life is like that, except it's the better days you've lost and can't see. It would be such a tragedy if one were to surrender, unaware that the storm was about to break."

Tragedy. Angel's thoughts turned to ten years ago when Cinnabar Island was decimated by a volcanic explosion. They moved the Gym to the Seafoam Islands and only began the rebuilding process a few years ago. Maya played a tremendous part in that. Her boat, The Swanna, was a freighter. Only those willing to carry their weight during the voyage could use her boat for passage. Not even Angel, her closest friend, was exempt from the rule. Due to most people being unwilling to lift a finger when it came to hard work, Maya could go about her business without too many problems.

As for Maya's contribution to the rebuilding of Cinnabar Island, she regularly traveled from the island to the mainland for building materials, as well as to pick up new people willing to work for a few weeks and drop off those who had gotten hurt or were no longer of the desire to continue. When she returned to Cinnabar Island, even she would stay and help until they were almost out of supplies.

Maya had found a home on Cinnabar Island and a family in Angel and Ally. If what Angel saw at the Silph Company was true...Maya was both alive and allied with Team Rocket...Then it stood to reason Maya would find another way to get the next shipment to the island. She wouldn't let someone like Giovanni dictate where she went when. And if he dared to stop her, he'd be in for a surprise. That was one thing Angel loved about Maya. The fact that she wouldn't let anything stop her from achieving her dreams. Angel found herself amused at the thought of Giovanni cowed by someone half his age.

The incident at Saffron City had only happened a couple of days ago. If Maya had stopped for more materials, it might be possible for Angel to make it to Cinnabar Island before her friend. And friends they still were. For now, at least. She knew what it was like to be judged without the chance to prove herself, and she refused to be that type of person. Thankfully, it was still early enough in the day for her to catch a boat out, so she began to walk down the wharf in search of a boat.

What she wasn't prepared for was the cold shoulders, snippy replies, glares, and other reactions that made it clear none on the wharf would help her. At first, she was confused, but then she remembered Jenny said that the person who'd burned The Swanna had silver hair. Jenny knew it wasn't her, but the information hadn't gotten to the public yet.

When Angel realized the wharf was a lost cause, she turned her gaze to the lake and thought about ways to reach her destination that wouldn't require her to make the longer journey around the lake on land. As she stood there in thought, she remembered a story she'd heard once about a Trainer who had used a Gyarados to traverse a lake to reach an island with a light tower.

She didn't know if Cinnabar Island was the same distance from her as that island was to the mainland. And even if she did, she'd be risking both herself and the Gyarados. Traveling that way without knowing how to swim was too risky for her. Not to mention the necessity to keep Gyarados existence secret. Angel had heard no conversation in passing on the wharf about an oddity, so she either assumed Gyarados hadn't been around the area for too long or there would be no discussion while she was present.

But why reveal himself to her? Had Giratina spoken to him to inform him of the safety she provided? Shadows seemed to understand human speech, but could they communicate with another Pokémon? At some point, she'd have to find that out, though she also figured her father, the scientist he was, would put that to the test himself. Still, curiosity now tugged at her.

Wait. Didn't Ally have a boat? Angel shook her head. Surely that wasn't a very good idea. Jenny would still be in the process of making a statement for the public regarding the situation, so Ally should still be in the dark about it all. Then again, aside from herself, Ally was probably the closest person to Maya and so would have warranted a personal visit ahead of any work done to ease the minds of everyone else.

Regardless. Not much time had passed since that day. Would Ally slam the door in her face or be willing to hear her out? She glanced down at Sylvie and Rosie, who merely stared at her, curious about what was on her mind. But they didn't say anything. Instead, they chose to be catty and nuzzled her as they walked in and around her legs. They continued until they got a chuckle out of her.

"Don't know how you two managed to talk me into this, but I can't just not try. Especially when so much is on the line." To be fair, she didn't understand why she was even doing as Giratina asked. One person couldn't possibly have the power to change the world. And she was just your run-of-the-mill wannabe Trainer with no useful skills who constantly messed things up for herself and others. What possible difference could she make? Especially without friends in high places?

Sure, Jenny was the second to the Chief of Police, but there was no way Angel would ask her to aid her more than she already had. Because of what she knew now, the more Jenny did for her, the higher the risk of being fired for her part in aiding and abetting a known criminal. Angel's father might be a well-known and trusted scientist, but he wasn't one of those people who had the money or favors to call in. Well. A few. But she'd much rather him use those to help further his research and not to bail her out of trouble yet again. Even though she felt that there wouldn't be another bailout for her, as it was long past time she learned about consequences and accountability.

When her mind returned to being unable to do anything due to only being one person, the lyrics to one of her favorite songs came to mind. It spoke of a key that each person held inside them and how they could unlock it with belief in something with all their heart and soul. The song encouraged you to chase that belief until you change the world. For people like herself, it was a song of empowerment.

A memory of one of her voyages with Maya came to mind. The two were on the ship's bow, and they headed past a beach covered in Staryu, Starmie, Clamperl, Shellder, Krabby, Kingler, and other Pokémon who made such areas their home. There was a single person who did nothing but walk up and down the beach, pick up beached Pokémon, and return them to the sea. Angel remembered that she'd asked Maya why the person wasted their time with that when there would be more to save later. She'd also questioned if the person knew they couldn't save them all.

Maya replied: "They know some won't make it, and the tide will wash more ashore. But just now, they gave those another chance to live. People say 'a drop in a bucket' like it's bad, but it's not. It takes a lot of time and patience to fill that bucket with water that way, but eventually, you see results. Life is all about the small things. The compliment you give someone, or the five seconds you pause to smell the flowers, each day avoiding a bad habit or doing a good one, or every time you see something and think of your friend, partner, or family member. All those small things add up."

After a short pause, Maya turned to face her and added. "I want you to remember something, Angie. Never forget that choosing to do something when you can't do much is far better than having the ability to do so much and choosing to do nothing. Or worse, making things harder on those trying to help."

Though her mind was now made up to go find and ask Ally for help, she didn't move. Couldn't. As her body was frozen due to the many possibilities of what could happen—all negative, naturally—going through her mind. By her side, her hands trembled, and she could feel her heart pound in her chest. She could feel the heat in her cheeks, and she could only breathe with rapid and shallow breaths. Tears filled her eyes as she hugged herself, though she knew it wouldn't do anything to calm her down. Arceus! It had been so long since she'd experienced an anxiety attack this bad.

She grunted as Sylvie pushed her forward slightly as he jumped onto her left shoulder and rubbed his face against hers. Due to the pressure on her shoulder, Angel lifted her arms to move him off and then held him against her chest slightly tighter than she should have, but he seemed to understand that she needed to figuratively squeeze the life out of him just then.

Rosie's next words instantly drew Angel out of her emotional state of mind, and she frowned as she looked around. Where had Anya and Dreamer gotten off to? "Anya! Dreamer!" Sylvie and Rosie quickly joined in to call for their friends, but there was no response. Surely, they couldn't have gotten that far. After a few minutes, they finally heard Dreamer's cries and Anya's yowls. Angel let Sylvie go, and the three took off toward the sound.

When they came across them, Angel temporarily froze at the sight she saw. Anya was in a tree before Pidgeotto, who appeared to be a Shadow. Dreamer stood his ground against a familiar outline at the tree's base: Mally. Notified of Angel's presence by the sound of her feet as she skidded to a halt just a few seconds before, Mally turned around...And smiled?

"Well. I'm surprised Jenny is still on your side. Then again, of course, she would be."

"What's that even supposed to mean?" Angel frowned, completely confused at the question.

A shake of the head was the only answer Angel got before Mally gestured with her hand toward Dreamer. "Remove this creature from my path unless you wish me to do so myself. Be warned, though. You definitely will not approve of how I do it."

"I will not." Dreamer growled, and she continued. "Neither Dreamer nor Anya seems inclined to let you have that Pidgeotto. We know your plans and'll stop at nothing to keep you from using the Shadows to create monstrosities."

Mally lifted a hand to her mouth and laughed. "Oh my. Seems you're not as oblivious as I thought you were. It's cute, though. How you think you can stop us. Everyone knows you. Always focusing too much on what others will think of you. We aren't scared of you because we know you will stop long before 'nothing'. After all, you're an overly emotional, desperate for cookies, scared little child whose very existence serves no purpose."

Angel couldn't help but back up a few steps when Mally approached, which only made the woman laugh again. "See what I mean? You're nothing to me. To us." Mally brought out a pokéball and enlarged it. "I'll have that Pidgeotto. And you know why? Because you'll call off your Pokémon to keep them from being hurt. That's just who you are."

Her hands clenched into fists at her sides at Mally's words, and she growled. Anger filled her, but she didn't do anything as the woman slowly turned around and walked back toward Dreamer and Anya, whose growls became louder and more threatening.

Giratina's voice echoed in her mind just then. "I came to you first because I sensed the potential within you. Great things the world will see from you. But you must believe in yourself wholeheartedly. If you can't do it for yourself, then do it for them. The Shadows need you. Without your help, well, I don't need to go into details about what they will experience. You. Are the girl with the power. Show the world who you are."

As if she felt a chill go down her spine, Mally turned to Angel and flinched when she saw the determination in her eyes. "Take her down!" were the only words Angel needed to say before Dreamer used Flamethrower and Anya Fire Fang. Sylvie unleashed Mystical Fire while Rosie let off her best Hyper Beam yet. Mally threw up a Protect Shield just in time, and then, with a look akin to surprise and anger, she fled.

Anya and Rosie shouted victory, whereas Dreamer and Sylvie focused on something different. Sylvie's attention was on the Pidgeotto in the tree and Dreamer's on an enlarged pokéball, very likely the one Mally had just held. Angel saw the pokéball but chose to ignore it, for now, what with Pidgeotto being more important. "Hey, darling. What seems to be the problem?"

Pidgeotto's answer surprised her. That there wasn't any problem. And even if there was, she didn't care. But when Angel realized there were no other Pidgeotto or its evolutions here, she knew those words were a lie. "Poor thing. You must be so lonely." At those words, Pidgeotto fluttered her wings and hopped toward her a few times. When Angel saw the interest, she brought a pokéball and held it to Pidgeotto. "If you want, I can help you not feel so alone."

A few seconds later, Pidgeotto flew down and touched the pokéball with her beak. Once safely inside, Angel turned her attention to the other pokéball, the one Dreamer held in his mouth. He dropped it into her hand once she knelt on the ground and placed the other in her pouch.

Angel gasped when she pressed the button to release the Pokémon inside as two Shiny Meowstic popped out. She wasn't aware that a pokéball could hold more than one Pokémon. "Heh. I guess that makes sense, though." Sylvie questioned what she meant, and Angel turned to look at her. "If a Pokémon can refuse to go into a pokéball at all, it stands to reason that there would be bonded pairs of Pokémon who refuse to be separate from each other."

She looked at the Meowstic, who seemed confused and scared. Angel didn't say anything. Nor did any of her Pokémon do anything. After a minute of crinkled noses that made it clear the Meowstic—one male and one female—were sniffing them out, they approached. The two then did something none had expected and pounced on Angel, who fell backward. But instead of being bitten like she half expected, the two covered her face in kisses and kneaded their claws on her skin. All she could do then was laugh and pet their heads.

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Posted: Sun, 13/08/2023 04:47 (1 Year ago)
*yawns* Guess I'm going to bed without streaming or working on Angel of the Shadows. I probably could've done both had I not used two hours worth of spoons for some more house cleaning. But I know dad would prefer me to be "useful" rather than "waste my time". Plus, the more I do, the less reason he has to yell at me for sitting in front of a computer screen all day even though that's what he does.

Have to get a yard sale ready by mid Sept, or else I'll regret it. Most likely, I'll have my internet taken away for a week if I fail to do so. Might be an adult living in his house, but if I don't do my fair share of work, I can't expect to share the benefits. And I agree with that except for the fact that being able to game and be online talking with people is a--most of the time--much needed stress reliever.

Anyways. I'll try to get stuff done for my writing, gaming, and streaming. Just don't know how much I'm going to be able to bring myself to care about any of it.

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Posted: Sat, 12/08/2023 16:50 (1 Year ago)
Something I was too tired to say last night, but...

I refined the newest chapter of Angel of the Shadows and added 700 words to it. It's still only about halfway done at 2900 words, though. :O

I'll be working on it more today, then I'm gonna stream some Genshin. I also registered for the Fontaine Drops streams. Hoping I make it in.

Also. I remembered I wanted Plooshies of Sprigatito and Shiny Sylveon. So now I'm trying to decide if I want those more than the Inheritance Saga and Murtagh by Christopher Paolini. Or if I want to continue saving for FFXIV, FFXVI, or FFR1-6. Or BG3.

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Posted: Sat, 12/08/2023 02:21 (1 Year ago)
I can't stop thinking about an interaction I had about a week ago.

My mom, brother, and I were in town shopping. As we were heading back to the car, I saw this really nice black car. It had a Japanese decal down the right side of the forward window and had Family and Dreams written on the bottom.

I approached the car to get a better look and saw the owner beginning to put the groceries into the back seat. He looked at me and tensed as if he expected a problem. Natural assumption based on our colors, I guess.

So I smiled and told him that I loved the decals on his car.
His response was "Oh, **** girl, thank you!"
Then I said, "I see the Japanese on the side. What does it mean?"
I'm pretty sure he answered "Love and Loyalty".
Told him "Cool! Have a nice day!" smiled, and skipped back to our car.

Really think I made his day. ^.^ So glad that I'm learning to speak to and compliment strangers more. You never know how much your words and actions could mean to them.

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Posted: Thu, 10/08/2023 15:13 (1 Year ago)

My brother (who had an epiphany and realized he needed to do something about his life) has been going on walks with me (we've been on four in the last week and a half) so we can both lose weight. My deep cleaning of the house has kept me from walking every day cause I don't always feel up to it. Plus the 90F(32C)+ degree temps.

Anyways. After I managed to fit into an older pair of my pants, I weighed myself this morning. 180.4 pounds! That's a loss of FOUR pounds! ^.^ I'm so happy!

It's making me even happier to know that I'll soon have enough hours put in to buy myself something. As much as I want FFXVI and a sub for FFXIV right now, I'm gonna spend $60 on the Eragon series and a signed copy of Murtagh (coming out later this year). I've needed a brand new set of the quadrilogy for a while now, as mine is tattered and falling apart.

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Posted: Tue, 08/08/2023 20:48 (1 Year ago)
Sometimes my mom frustrates me so much.

Me: Mom!
Mom: Yes?
Me: Can you take me to the clinic?
*no answer*
*five minutes later, I come out of my bedroom with socks in my hand*
Mom: I take it you need me to take you somewhere?
Me: I asked you like five minutes ago.
Mom: I thought you were talking to James.
Me: I literally said 'mom' and you responded.
Mom: Oh. Well let me get my stuff.

This is about five minutes after she said: I helped do some work from 2.10 to 2.20. That's 15 minutes, right?

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Posted: Tue, 08/08/2023 00:04 (1 Year ago)
I was outside sitting on the ledge trying to call someone so I could discuss something with them.

Inky jumped on the ledge and mrred as he walked toward me. After a few seconds, he jumped down. At first, I was confused. But at the same time I felt the pain, I saw the yellow jacket. Shook my arm to get it off, and then ran when I saw it and another come at me.

Came back outside to show dad, and freaked when I saw this. I had only been sitting like a foot away! I'm still shaking from this, but hey. At least I know I'm not allergic to yellow jacket stings.

Nest has been sprayed. Did not see more nests, but will definitely be keeping my eye out.

Picture of Nest

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