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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Sabito.
Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 23:36 (3 Years ago)
Moon growled and lunged for her no mercy in her eyes

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 23:29 (3 Years ago)
Moon dodged and used hyper beam

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 23:18 (3 Years ago)
Moon strugled but ran behind April and used double kick on her

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 23:06 (3 Years ago)
Moon shoots a shadowball at her

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 22:59 (3 Years ago)
nightmare mangle watched them

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 22:54 (3 Years ago)
Moon got on the feild in a fighting stance " ill let you go first"

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 22:49 (3 Years ago)
" Hello there " Moon said and smiled

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 22:48 (3 Years ago)
Nightmare Mangle went closer to the bookself.

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 22:47 (3 Years ago)
The aireon was setting up the feilds foe the students to battle

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 22:39 (3 Years ago)
" your gonna battle Charlie " she said

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 22:32 (3 Years ago)
" timothy and Emma will battle " she said

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 22:21 (3 Years ago)
Sky saw the new student and walked over to them

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 22:11 (3 Years ago)
Nightmare mangle powered on and looks around to see the bookself

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 22:08 (3 Years ago)
Moon waved to her

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 21:39 (3 Years ago)
" your going yo battle Moon" she said

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 21:23 (3 Years ago)
" yes you are excused " she said

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 19:16 (3 Years ago)
“ Alright battle begin” said sky

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 13:23 (3 Years ago)
Sky nodded and lead them to a battle feild

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 13:08 (3 Years ago)
Alright fixed !

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 13:01 (3 Years ago)
“ of course it’s a traditional battle “ sky said

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