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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 08:13 (3 Months ago)
"Cause a riot? Why'd she cause a riot, huh, kiddo?"

He looked over at Athena, an eyebrow raised.

"Cause I'm "picking" her?"

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 06:42 (3 Months ago)
"Something like that, yes."

He smirked.

"Cause you're adorable when you blush. If you didn't know."

He laughed cheerily.

"I have a few things to say. But not right now."

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 06:29 (3 Months ago)
"Oh, I know. No need to remind me."

He laughed at the kiss on the cheek.

"You really want me to choose a certain person, huh?"

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 04:20 (3 Months ago)
"Charming? Ruggedly handsome? Just handsome?"

He laughed.

"I know, I know. No more teasing. I get it."

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 03:57 (3 Months ago)
"Mm. I just don't feel like it, I guess."

Kendo shrugged, leaning back slightly.

"Why, do you wanna know right now? I'm sure you'll find out."

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 03:24 (3 Months ago)
"Elona? She's way too busy. And Athena... She has guys coming after her left right and center. Don't need her (self-proclaimed)big brother mucking things up, do we?"

He laughed.

"I'll tell you in a bit."

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 03:00 (3 Months ago)
"Oh, pish posh. I got it all under control, Mona. I promise. Have I ever lied to you before?"

Yes. Yes he has.

"And you already know who I'm asking out. Right?"

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 02:53 (3 Months ago)
"Hey, hey. Chill out, princess."

He smiled kindly at her.

"I would never rip it up. The real invite. The one that I edited.... We'll, that's different."

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 02:26 (3 Months ago)
Kendo chuckled as Leonidas left.

"What a wonderfully quaint interaction."

He said to himself. He glanced around, before making his way to the dining hall. He searched the room, before his gaze landed on two girls sitting together. With a rather calm stride, he made his way over, sitting down, next to Athena. He grinned, ruffling Athena's hair affectionately.

"Sup, kiddo?"

He looked up from her.

"Hey, Mona."
Trixie looked away from Ayran with a barely noticeable sigh, but continued smiling.

"Hi! Leonidas, right? What is it?"

She beamed up at him with the most adorable smile she could muster.

Then she went back to focusing on Ayran.

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Posted: Tue, 11/06/2024 11:41 (3 Months ago)
He rolled his eyes, glancing away.

"Yeah, yeah. I swear, I swear. Don't be such a killjoy. I promise I'm not up to anything. Ona different note, did you know that coconuts actually kill more people a year than sharks? How high up do you reckon one has to be to knock someone out?"

He took a step back, hands still in his pockets.

"Asking for a friend."

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Posted: Tue, 11/06/2024 11:16 (3 Months ago)
Kendo laughed. He just. Laughed. He paused mid stride to turn on his heel, facing Leonidas.

“me? Lil’ ol’ me? What did I do- Ooooh. You’re talking about the paper? Who cares. Boring old junk anyways. You like my edits?”

His grin reached his ears, his eyes full of mischief. He leaned back a little.

“Finger pointing? A little rude, don’tcha think? And- ruin? I would never! I don’t have anything planned today.”

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Posted: Tue, 11/06/2024 10:58 (3 Months ago)
“Of course I haven’t. I’m a model student, you know?”

She giggled when he smiled down at her. Of course, not that it was real. She was just bored.

“You’re such a Gentleman, aren’t you? Even remembered my name? That’s sweet.”

She upped the sunniness in her smile.

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Posted: Tue, 11/06/2024 10:45 (3 Months ago)
Trixie slipped through the crowd with practiced ease, until she stopped in front of Ayran. The tips of her fingers pressed against his chest, as she tilted her head.

“Hi~! You’re Ayran right? Why’d you throw the letter away?”

Immediately, she bombarded him with questions, smiling up at him innocently. She swayed lightly.

“I mean, I’m sure it had something important to say. Why’d you throw away someone’s hard work? A little rude, right?”

She hadn’t even read it. But no one needed to know that.
Kendo yawned.

“Geez~ Such a ruckus? From this early in the morning?”

He sighed, stuffing his hands back into his pockets with a grin.

“Seems like everyone’s feelin’ pretty crash today.”

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Posted: Tue, 11/06/2024 10:25 (3 Months ago)
Kendo was overall having a wonderful day.

I mean, who wouldn’t be? He was finally getting out of school, out of this stuffy old place, out of the watchful gaze of that annoyingly uptight headmaster. He let out a yawn, stretching rather lazily as he did so. He sighed, as his hands dropped the his sides, absently fiddling with the ends of his jacket.

He kicked the door to his dorm open, yawning as he exited.

Absently, he ripped the paper into tiny little shreds and made them disappear- into the trash, that is, and started to get along with his day. He was a busy man, after all. Many people to see. Many little girls named Athena to be a general nuisance towards. Or, well. Maybe not many. Just the one, actually.

What a nice day.
Trixie hadn’t even bothered the read the letter. It was probably some boring old words from that boring old man in this boring old school. She hummed as she skipped down the halls.

Where were all of her classmates?

She scoffed to herself. All her friends weren’t here. So little old Trix was on her own.

She sighed melodramatically, peering through the halls. Surely there had to be someone to mess with?

She turned the corner, spotting metallic golden locks and a paper being tossed into the trash.

Oh, well. That would do.

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Posted: Mon, 10/06/2024 09:51 (3 Months ago)
Ignore this

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Posted: Sun, 09/06/2024 02:08 (3 Months ago)
I know what I'm doing

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Posted: Sun, 09/06/2024 00:11 (3 Months ago)

Kendo Satou


He/him, Male, Straight

Shoulder-length golden-broan hair, about 6'2. Blue eyes, tan skin, usually has shades on. Usually wears sandals.

A rather relaxed man with a sharp intellect and a knack for procrastination and chaos, Kendo tends to break the rules more often than he enforces them. He's kind, but hides it behind a veneer of aloofness.

They call him The Trickster. The Loki within a group of Aesirs. He may not follow rules to a te, bit he's smart. Really smart. Really, really damn smart. There's not a puzzle that could ever stop him, no mystery left unsolved. Not even the mystery of his mother's death. Nor his sister's disappearance. Or what his dad was doing, cooped up in that dark basement. It wasn't the science experiments or philanthropy he was known for anyways. Well, I guess it was a science experiment. If you count his sister's anesthesized and half-limbless, barely-alive body a science experiment.

Spatial Distortion. Portals, teleportation, Gojo's Domain Expansion, etc.
kendo’s form of spatial distortion is a interesting one. The name may be a little misleading, as it’s not really Spatial ‘distortion’ so much as Spatial Manipulation. Kendo has the ability to freely manipulate space to his whims, albeit all space within a 50-mile radius. He can open portals that lead to anywhere within his range, can effectively use short-range teleportation, and make it so that his opponents feel as though the space between him and them is infinite. He can use portals as weapons to, slicing off limbs by closing the portals he. Creates as his opponents move through them.

If he uses his powers too much he goes at risk of overheating. When he overheats too much, he ends up spontaneously combusting.

Selineile - The Cunning


Previous Misdeeds:
Pranks, fights, duels, unauthorized snooping, property damage, cause of 12 different teachers quitting, inciting a rebellion, unionizing the workers, playing the devil's squeezebox at 2 am in the morning, cause of the expulsion of 22 star students in the year below, slipping peppers into the professor's coffee on a semi-weekly basis, breaking and entering, accidentally knocking the secretary writing these reports on the head so hard they have occasional lapses in memory, playing the devil's squeezebox at 2 am in the morning, swapped the test papers of multiple different teachers with prank papers with different questions and incorrect grading, all with horrible handwriting.

Other: a light british accent
Trixie Thatcher, "Trix"


She/her, female, Pan

Depends. Always 5'5. Most of the time, she's in her "Trix" form, a rather petite girl with platinum-blonde hair tied into twintails and forest-green eyes. Her skin is rather fair. In her true form, her hair's a shade darker, straighter, and longer, and her eyes are a dark orange-red.

Trixie pretends to be a cheerful, bubbly, and somewhat- to put it kindly- dumb- girl. She acts rather air-headed and mindlessly cheerful. But under that, is a Flirty, bold, highly intelligent manipulator, who pretends to be dumb to absolve herself of any misdoings. She also thinks it's funny to shift into her normal form to mess with the boys.

Information not available. Try again later.

Appearance shift
Trixie is able to completely change her appearance, posture, etc, at the drop of a hat. It only takes a few seconds for a full body transformation.

Height and weight doesn't shift.

Selineile - The Cunning


Previous Misdeeds:
Caught doing? None. Actually done? Many.


Other: NYC accent, has a complicated relationship with Kendo Satou(they're cousins)

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Posted: Thu, 06/06/2024 02:21 (3 Months ago)
Shaye's leaving.

Lucas and Rachel left last month. And now, Shaye is, too.

You wake up to th sound of rustling, the sound of rummaging and moving. You get out of bed, swinging your legs over the side of the bed.

You exit your room, pushing the door open, to find Shaye awkwardly tying her shoes. She paused to stare up at you.


You say, hands in your pockets.

She seems distraught.

"Z! you're-"

"Awake. Yes. You have to leave?"

Shaye winces.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

You respond.

"I have to go. I'll try to protect you."

"It's okay."

Shaye shifts uncomfortably. Your gaze hurts her. Your gaze is distrusting. Colder than usual.

"It's not my choice, Z."

"I know. Just go."

Shaye winces.

"I was drafted. It's not-"

"Just go. I'll need to find a new place. I can't pay for this place on my salary..."

You sigh.
Shaye pauses.

You just turn away.

"Come back soon, Shaye. I'll text you my new place when I find one. Okay?"

You sigh, shoving your hands in yoru pockets.

"...Why'd all of you have to get such cool powers?"

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Posted: Mon, 03/06/2024 02:05 (3 Months ago)
Your best friends have always been cooler than you. You don't mind much. But the fact that they all got cool superpowers while you got limited telekinesis… It only slightly irked you.

Luke got power absorption. Rachel got metal manipulation. And Shaye... Shaye got the best of them all.

Time manipulation.

And you started to notice things. How Shaye's appearance shifted suddenly, why, sometimes, you couldn't remember the details of events you knew had happened. Photos disappeared. The layout of the house shifted.

And then, Shaye told you.

"Look, Z, I- you don't understand. It's been... I've been fixing things. Stopping things from happening. I- the original timeline, you'd been dead for 18 years before I got my powers. And ever since then..."

Shaye paused. She continued.

"I've been manipulating every event we've found ourselves in, watched as the world constantly beats you guys down, constantly tries to kill you. I'm fixing it. Fixing it all."

You dip a chip into the guacamole.


She stared at you for a moment.

“That’s it? You’re not… weirded out about the fact that I’ve been changing the past every single time you or either of those two die?”

You shrugged.

“Not really.”

Shaye let out a strangled laugh.

“Wow. You really don’t care.”

“Yep. Don’t care at all.”

“You’re something else, Z.”

“I know.”

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Posted: Sat, 01/06/2024 08:10 (3 Months ago)
Shaye is untangling her hair at the dinner table. It's rude, but when you've been through as much as she has, you get certain privilege- ope, there went the hair. What a shame. Her long hair looked nice.

Luke is on the couch, staring at the television. His brown hair is shorter than you remember. It happens. Rachel is beside him, head on his shoulder. At least she looks the same.

You went back to your bowl of nachos, taking a chip, dipping it in the guacamole and popping it in your mouth. You legs are kicked up on the table, watching Shaye's appearance flicker back and forth.

"You gonna tell me how you got that this time?"

You ask absently, gesturing at the brand new scar over Shaye's right eyebrow, which definitely wasn't there a moment prior.

Shaye glances up at you.

She looks tired, like she always does these days.

"Car crash."

You have the feeling you knew that. Huh. Oh well. You continue shoveling nachos into your mouth.

"Must be exhausting."

You say rather calmly. You sigh, resting your chin on your hand.

Shaye laughs.

"It is. At least you're alive."

You stare at her for a moment more.

"That's true."

You go back to your nachos.

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