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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 18:28 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

"Oh! Of- of course. I just, you know, I don't- like to assume or think badly of people. It just feels... Wrong or mean to me, you know? N-Not saying you're being that way! I mean- you're just trying to evaluate this, figure things out. Real detective work!"

I wanna read Sherlock Holmes again now.

"A... Vanilla universe? Like- vanilla Minecraft? Ah, um, you could say that. Yeah. Where did... You come from?"

He flinched. "If... That's not intrusive or weird or anything. Sorry."

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 18:17 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

Dorky gaped. "Whoawhoawhoawhoa. Wait. Magic is REAL?! I always suspected it might be! I mean, you never know! Ghosts could exist, monsters could exist, aliens could exist, parallel universes could exist, there might be a god, there might not be one--"

He stopped his babbling. "Erm... I-I mean..." He awkwardly rubbed his index finger against the side of his face. "S-sorry. I must sound crazy right now. I just- never gave up on the fact it might be possible. Or- maybe I'm dreaming right now?"

He'd always hoped life was less mundane than it seemed. Like maybe there were dinosaurs that were still alive, or time travel existed, or something!

But I mean... This was probably all a dream, right?

"Hope... What will work?"

This whole thing was perplexing.

"H-Hey! Nonono. No fighting. We shouldn't fight." He spread his arms out, waving his hands insistently, before hiding them behind his back upon realizing how stupid that must have looked.

"We... Need to figure this all out. Right?"

Fourth rodeo?...

As Paiyoon rambled about her experience with the game, Dorky's head spun with all this new information.

"So... This- is some kind of game people are summoned to play. Multiple times?"

His face reddened in embarrassment and he beamed. "Aw, th-thank you! I think I like you- too. And--"


"Oh my word, a conspiracy?! I wonder if it'll turn out to be true. I- guess we'll have to wait and see. But um, Paiyoon... Why would someone be statistically more likely to be evil? Everyone's innocent till proven guilty. Good till proven bad, not 100% bad or good, any of them. Right?"

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 17:47 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

"Right. Right. Sorry." He inhaled and exhaled sharply over and over again. Deep breaths! Right. Deep breaths. Okay, gosh, not that deep, you can barely breathe!

He blinked excessively. "In... Experienced?" A look of realization crossed his face. "Have you been here... Before? Is that possible? I'm so sorry, I'm very confused. I'm not even sure if this- this is all real, or just some strange dream my brain cooked up again, my dreams can be-- kinda weird. Like this- whole situation, y'know! I'm half-expecting to wake up and-- I'm so confused."

Died? Someone died?


"I mean, pirates are cool! Just super duper uh, dangerous. And deadly and stuff. They kill people and steal stuff. Without mercy. And dying-- kinda sucks. For some people."

Wow. Great job, genius. Nailed that.

"Maybe that's why?"

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 17:07 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

"!! Oh, my gosh!"

A lot of people falling today. Real Undertale day. Kersplat.

Or, I mean, Kirby, or Minecraft, or OMORI, or numerous other things, depending on how you looked at it. Dorky also found himself thinking This is Sparta, although he only had one post's worth of knowledge on the subject, and the offhanded meme reference.

Honestly, that was kinda how it was with him with a lot of things. Just knowing a little bit about everything, and usually not having an in-depth perception on... Basically anything. Unless he found it super interesting.

Wait. Right. A person just fell. He blinked back into reality.

"Hey! Are... You okay? Gosh. It's- like there's a clumsiness academic or something." As he said this, his legs swayed as though he might also fall over, sighing and reaching a hand out to Youngjin Choi, who, he did not know the name of yet.

"I mean- EPIDEMIC! Sorry. Sorry. Oh my goodness. Speech typo. You know, the- glitchy thing. When your brain means one word or name and says another?" He chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his head with his hand.

"Maybe it's... My fault. Did I pass on my clumsiness to you guys or something? Oh, sorry! I'm... Dorky. You are?"

Dang, this was awkward. Oh boy. This whole situation was stressful. Why couldn't you just go up to anybody and ask how they felt about doorknobs or portals or something and not have them think of it as weird?

Oh, Portal. God, he missed that game. He was missing video games already. But this was exciting! Why couldn't he just hocus focus? Argh, dang it. Was that ANOTHER reference?

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 16:25 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

"I-- no, I haven't, seen your- axe." He was a bit uneasy at the notion of one. But-- "I don't think I've ever seen one of those up close before! If you have one, I- I think it'd be fun to see! If you don't mind!"

He gave a smile that to his regret, came out very shakily at the girl.

"Oh! I'm- Dorky. Dorky Monroe. If you're wondering."

His eyes widened at the other peculiar girl who he didn't know the name of. "You know my name?! I'm flattered, honestly, I mean. I wouldn't think... Most people could bother."

I'm not really THAT interesting or important. Oh jeez...

So many people...

Wait, had that sounded rude? Ah, dang it.

There was another person here, who introduced themself as Paiyoon. Dorky blinked. They seemed calmer than the others here, with an energy that put him more at ease.

Dorky's head was kind of spinning. From all the noise from all the voices, all the... Names. Audio could be so overwhelming sometimes. If only there were subtitles, am I right?

He twisted a lock of hair around his finger. Tarik. Sylvie. Paiyoon. Luffy. And who knew who else?

"Hey, Paiyoon. This- this is pretty wild, isn't it? So many people... I'm honestly really not used to this." He laughed awkwardly. Oh gosh. "The thing I'm kinda worried about is- OH, sorry! Sorry. I just- overheard your name. I hope you don't mind. Umm... What was I saying?" He stirred into a blank and perplexed silence as he tried to remember what he was thinking about.

One in which he tried not to bite his finger nails, a persistent habit he found difficult to cure.

"Oh! Right! The thing... The thing I'm really, really-"

Dang it. Speech was so hard.

"The thing I'm really worried about is how we're going to- figure this whole thing out. You know. The game. That we're here for. I bet anything that, well, most people here will be... Difficult to read in that area. A-And well, gosh-"

He inhaled sharply.

Would they really be voting people to die, like some... Game of mafia? Was this really real? He tugged at the strings of his arm warmers, hugging his arms to his chest protectively. And he only just realized the entire time he had been talking to Paiyoon, he had been completely unable to make eye contact.

Can you fail any MORE at this?

"S-Sorry. This is dumb. I don't know what I'm saying."

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 08:32 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

So there were more others here! It seemed like... They knew each other? That was interesting. And well... Honestly nothing new. He didn't want to interrupt anything, and he was preoccupied with the mystery of the girl that had arrived here.

This whole situation was honestly so confusing. Was it all even real? Were any of these people... Real? Was it all in his head?

"...Hey, um, are you okay? Sorry. If I'm bothering you. You just- landed on your face, and- I thought I'd check on you, to, see if you're hurt or not but- if you want me to go away, that's okay too! That's fine. All part of the plan and stuff!"

Congratulations, Dorky. You're officially THE WORST at talking to other human beings.

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 07:37 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

A person!! There was someone else here!

Okay, okay. Be cool. Be cool.

"Greetings! Existent being. Person. Fellow person. I think?"

Great. Great job, genius.

Wait, she landed on her face. He facepalmed, and a moment of realization hit him.

He reached out a hand to her. "Ah! Gosh, sorry, sorry! I'm so sorry. I just realized your predicament! Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Almost kinda reminded him of a certain other two things, which he banished to the back of his mind. Now was not the time for references!

Or... Maybe it was?

Who knew anymore??

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 06:20 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV


Oh my word. My dude. Was this really real?

Dorky blinked awake into the building he now found himself in, extremely perplexed. He now found himself wondering if any thoughts he had previously had, in regards to reality itself being questionable, may have in fact, proven themselves to be true.

He never expected to wind up here in... Such a peculiar situation.

Well, he supposed he should probably... Talk to someone, right?

"Oh my goodness... Oh my goodness. Okay. Okay. Deep breaths."

He was in some kind of game right now, that would decide the fate of the Otherworld or something? Whatever this was, this was EPIC.

He got up, finding himself pacing back and forth, flapping his hands around, jumping up and down, and grinning like mad. He also found himself perspiring nervously, I mean, well...

Gosh. He'd have to--


Okay. Focus. The Otherworld is depending on you! Whether this is a dream or hallucination or something, just play along. This could be fun!

"Hey! I-Is anyone there?"

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 05:57 (1 Year ago)

Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy flinched and turned to Akari. At the slight anger in his voice.

Did I do... Something?

He shivered slightly. Darcy never liked the eyes of judgment. Nobody did, really. But...

He felt them everywhere he went. With everything he did. Everyone was constantly judging you. On if you could live up to their standards.

Silently. Evaluating. You.

Seeing if you could be perfect, or just another screw-up.

The perfect new doll or another battered toy to be thrown away. Forgotten. Left behind.

Clean up... Clean up...

Darcy froze up. Cleaning up... The blood, huh?

Just like the murderer had done...

Who that had been, no one could say for sure...

It was her, dammit. It was her.

Except it wasn't her. Not her with her sweet, sweet, beautiful pristine smile, the picture of innocence. Smiling. Laughing. The smile he knew and hated.

The smile that twisted his heart up in thorny vines of hatred and envy. That clawed at his throat and threatened to suffocate him. Threatened to swallow him whole.

But it had to be her.

It wasn't her. He knew that.

But she ruined everything. She--

He snapped back to reality. "You're... You're right. Yeah. They- probably tried to clean up. We should try and find them. Yeah. Good idea."

He cursed the slight wobble in his voice silently, doing his best not to show it. But oh god, did his knees shake as well.

Walking in heels or running in them was no easy task, and Darcy was feeling particularly shaky at the moment. Of course his ankles were getting a little wobbly.

Determination shot across his face, masking everything else with a shake of his head.

I'm not leaving you behind. Not again. Okay? You'll be okay. I know it.

"We have to find them. Let's go."

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Posted: Thu, 11/05/2023 05:27 (1 Year ago)
𝚄𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎 - Sawyer

𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 - Dorky Monroe

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙰𝚐𝚎 - 18 years old

𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 | 𝚂𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 - Male, He/Him/His | Homoromantic Homosexual / Gay

𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 | 𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚜 - A very excitable and enthusiastic person who is also just as easily very anxious. He's very socially awkward, and always tries his best to be kind to whoever he meets. However, he can wind up being quite oblivious. He's very imaginative, creative, and often says a lot of random things that don't make much sense to others. He's rather self-depricating, and says I'm sorry frequently, even when nothing has happened, he feels like he has something to apologize for. He finds other people to be far more important than himself, and wants to do his best to make everyone happy. He's quite lacking in self-confidence, often feeling that he has no idea what he is doing, but he tries to maintain optimism, something that often ends in plain defeatism. He is a very silly and goofy person who can come across as rather childish, but when he's uncomfortable around somebody or in a situation, he's very quiet. Dorky overidealizes other people, seeing good in them almost no matter what happens, while he would never forgive himself for anything. He's a super passionate person and a hopeless romantic, and he overthinks a lot about everything he says and does. But all in all, he does try his very best. -- if that matters.

| Likes: Drawing, playing piano, writing, roleplaying, reading, playing various games, socializing (sometimes), helping people, making others happy Dislikes: Himself, being alone, feeling trapped in negative thoughts

𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 - 5'6", 110-125 lbs, very slim and not very fit. Skin is extremely pale, and dotted in places, with acne in others. Especially has freckles upon his face. Despite his pale appearance, cheeks are almost always reddened for some unknown reason or other; constantly sweating. Wears many layers of clothing most of them not in bright colors, may be seen wearing button-up shirts, vests, hoodies, t-shirts, scarves, shorts, pants, and more. Quite commonly has mismatched socks. Shoes are quite commonly untied. Hair is medium-dark brown and dyed a more reddish color with dye that has since faded. Hair length is about halfway down the neck. Hair is extremely messy, never knows a comb, and honestly either straight or wavy in texture or some combination. Has wide brown eyes that often have bags under them, but sometimes don't depending on the day. Constantly wears arm warmers or gloves and hates taking them off. Body has some scarring in numerous places.

𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 (𝙾𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍) - Was raised in a household where he didn't feel like he was important. He often felt like he had to suppress his own issues and not bother anybody with them. He was often told and made to feel like nothing he did was ever enough. He wasn't exposed to socializing much in his life outside of his family, and because of it, often found himself lost in fantasy, wondering if reality is truly real. And honestly, after seeing how grim reality is... Who would want to live in it? He became unable to take the disdain of the mundane properties of life, and isolated himself from them, but he longed to also be a part of that. He grew up extremely lonely, and often felt like, and still feels like it doesn't matter that he exists, sometimes believing it would be better if he never existed altogether, and that it would make things easier for everyone. He adopted making other people happy as his reason for living, and doesn't know how to live for anything else. Was always something of a mediator growing up, and still sees himself in such a role.

𝚁𝚎𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚎 (𝙾𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍) - Here

𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 - Mastix

𝚆𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝?
(𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚎𝚝) None in particular!

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Posted: Mon, 08/05/2023 17:55 (1 Year ago)
Hey! Can I reserve a spot? ^^

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Posted: Thu, 04/05/2023 19:10 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

A sickening lurch of realization struck sharply into Lucian's chest. He hurriedly turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.


How could he have been such an idiot?! He hurriedly dried himself off, and hurriedly pulled his clothes back on. Well.

That was a waste. There'd barely been a point to this shower. Did they have spare clothes here? Was there a laundry system? Why did we never address the cartoon logic of this universe??


Lucian hurried out of the bathroom, not even noticing the watery blood on the floor that he accidentally stepped in, on the way back to the Nurse's Office. Holy hell.

Holy hell. Oh dear god. Kubo wasn't in here anymore.

The sickening feeling grew stronger.

Kubo... I'm so sorry. I promised you I'd be back, and... Now you're not even here anymore, oh my god... I f**ked up. Why do I keep f**king everything up?

He was supposed to help.

Mei was right Mei was right Mei was right Mei was right


He knocked on the dorm nearest to the Nurse's Office. Something... Told him Kubo was in there.

"...K-Kubo?" he stated, shakily. "are you in there? I'm so sorry... I-I promised you I'd be back, and... I forgot... I'm... So sorry..."


Is that your excuse? That you forgot?

Just kill yourself.


You just keep ruining everything, right? Just kill yourself. That'll fix it. Idris said you just made things worse. Mei said you're supposed to comfort people, and you weren't doing that at all.


The best thing you could do for everybody would be to just f**king die. YOU'RE a waste. Kill yourself. No one will miss you.

"...are... Are you okay?" he choked out. "...are... Are you there?"




You don't deserve him. Kill yourself.


That's so funny, isn't it? Leaving when people need you most. That's what you're best at. Just leave. Just die! You'll be doing everyone a favor. You'll make it clear you did it, no one else has to die at the trial... You'll just die. So kill yourself.


It'll make everything better.

"...I'm so, so sorry... I'm an idiot, Kubo... A f**king idiot. And... And if you don't want to open the door... I don't blame you."

You ruined everything, Lucian.


That's all you ever do. SO JUST DIE.


Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy came to the bathroom.

"What's this?" he whispered.


There was more blood on the floor of the bathroom. It looked watery.

"Was it... Washed away? Or did it fall onto the floor and-- there was a leak of water?"

He shuddered.

"Akari, I don't like this... What should we do?"

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Saeko may as well have not been there. They were alone. All alone.


They sat down on the floor, as drifting music seemed to encompass their mind. They did not know where it was coming from, nor what it was doing there.

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2023 20:09 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Idris had just left. Not even hearing a word of what he'd said.

Oh. Well... That was okay, he supposed. It wasn't like he could help him with anything.

It wasn't like his presence would make any reasonable difference. Just like his absence wouldn't make a difference either.


Jeez. He... Really was a wreck right now, wasn't he?

He needed a distraction of some kind. Maybe he could try and help someone out but that hadn't seemed to be going very well as of late.

He sighed.

...maybe Miyako was right.

Lucian headed off to the bathroom, to take a shower. Maybe it would somehow wash the whole nightmare away.

Although he had closed and locked the door, as he undressed, he couldn't help but feel self-conscious. Like someone was watching him. There was something about this room...

He shook the feeling away. What was he even thinking, anyway?

For a second, he thought he saw a message on the mirror. Written in blood. It looked rather nonsensical.

...no, he'd merely imagined that. But it freaked him out all the same.

Lucian carefully stepped into the shower, wincing slightly as the water hit his skin.


This was important for him to do, but... God, he didn't want to think about water.

Lucian didn't like showers much. The water reminded him of things he'd rather forget.

And he didn't like to see himself naked, either. With all his stupid patches and scars, just, ugh. He looked awful. He knew he looked awful.

All the kids had made sure he'd known it, too.

He only hoped that his heinous appearance didn't bother anybody too much. Like, yeah, pssh, he... Wished he looked okay, but...

He didn't.

And the clothes he wore, the fact he grew out his hair, and the hairclips that decorated it didn't help much.

He wasn't so sure why this bothered him.

Honestly, it just added on more to the inevitability of how much he didn't matter, really.

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Saeko was in the room with them. Saeko wasn't hearing them.

No one was hearing them.


Am I even real?


Is this real?

Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy was out in the hallways, with Akari, calling out, in hopes that Sawyer would answer.

"SAWYER? SAWYERRR! Where are you? Are you okay?!"

Dammit. Dammit. Where were they?...

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 16:58 (1 Year ago)

Darcy Harper's POV

"...Don't worry about me, Darcy."

That, was absolutely not an indication that Akari was alright. He was avoiding the question. Darcy suppressed a sigh.


There was something so worrying about him.

But maybe he was right. They had to go find Sawyer! What if they were hurt, or worse?

"Let's... just go find Sawyer, I guess..."

Darcy nodded insistently. "Yes. Let's go."


He couldn't think about cleaning up the blood right now, or how Akari might be doing. He'd figure that out later. If he got the chance...

Darcy remembered his conversation with Idris, suppressing a harsh flinch into only a mere shudder.


I'm sorry, Idris. I really ruined everything, didn't I?

He quickened his pace, doing everything he could to keep up with Akari. He couldn't think about Idris right now, or Mei. Even if he wanted to. No, he didn't want to, that was the thing.

But it was wrong not to think about it.

And Idris? He... He'd be okay. He was fine. Probably.

The question was... Where was Sawyer?

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Sawyer frowned, their brow furrowed. Feeling deeply perplexed. Every time they brought the sharp shiny object close to their eyes, they seemed to rapidly blink, and then their wrists would shake.

This was not how peeling an apple was supposed to go.

They were deeply confused also, by why they were ordered to stay inside of Miyako's dorm, with... Saeko? Was that their name?

That person never seemed to hear what they were saying. Which didn't seem all too unfamiliar, when they thought about it.

Maybe I didn't say it out loud?

"We've tried everything to get them to remember what happened. I don't even know what we should do at this point. If Sawyer can't even remember, they can't even learn from it."

"What's more... Recover from it. This-- suppression! This avoidance, whatever it is. To them, it's like it never even happened. They just go off about... About dinosaurs and ghosts! It's getting ridiculous. They're not five years old!"

"Do you think we should try running some... Different tests? Simulations, of what happened, perhaps? Maybe we need to trigger their memory."

"Maybe. But the strange thing is... It seems like it's just gone."



"Sawyer, please. Tell me. You remember what happened that day. You were on your way to the Aerospace Museum of California, right?"

"Space museum?" They blinked. There was no note of recognition in their eyes.

"Yes! You were headed there, in THIS car. With your parents. Do you remember?"

They stared at the car, but there still seemed to be recognition. It didn't seem like they'd just forgotten what had taken place, but they weren't even able to process anything regarding the events, either.

"Sawyer?! SAWYER!"

Sawyer didn't seem to hear. They knocked their knees together, while fiddling with the strings coming out of a teddy bear.

The teddy bear was smiling.


...oh. That bear was... Also smiling.

Sawyer paled.

Not a very friendly smile.

"When do we go home?..."

"Can I go home now? I still don't get why you won't just let them come and see me. At least!"

"...Sawyer. We can send you home after you're better, okay? We're trying to help you."

"This is better than the alternative. And we felt like we should avoid the alternative as much as possible."


Sawyer was reading The Hunger Games. Mockingjay, the third volume.


"Was I hijacked?" they asked suddenly.

"Hijacked? What do you mean, Sawyer?"

"Is that... Is that why I'm not telling you what I need to be? Is that what's wrong with me?"


"You want me to tell you I know what happened. What you're... Talking about. It's all... Blank."

A car screeching.

"I can't remember... I can't remember anything..."

Some kind of shout that you could never quite make out.

"I'm... sorry."

A deafening, shuddering stop.


A pounding heart.

"Stay close to me. Do... These look familiar to you? We thought you should see them. Up close."

Two... Tombstones.

Side by side.

Sawyer couldn't make out the names. Whose... Were these?

"Whose graves are these?"

"Just... Read the labels."

"I don't see anything."

"DAMMIT, Sawyer! It's right in front of your face! Just read it!"

"I don't see anything!" They shook their head.




They'd been seen reading at an earlier date. So the question of why they couldn't read it... Was an odd one.

"I think it was the trauma. They don't want to remember, and so their mind is telling them there's nothing there."

"...it isn't real. It never was."

[Author's note, I wanted to clarify in this flashback Sawyer was not able to remember those things at the time, inside italics in the second flashback sequence.That was just edgy hints about the event sishsj- -drops microphone-]

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Posted: Mon, 01/05/2023 17:24 (1 Year ago)

Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy blinked. His throat felt strangely dry, and not because he and literally everyone else in this roleplay is badly dehydrated. Looking at you, roleplayers, not just the cast! GO DRINK WATER YOU MUTTERFLIPPERS

"I... I'm fine. Absolutely fine."

Silently, he cursed the stutter in his voice, and shook his head.

"I... Don't know whose blood this is, but..."


It could be anyone's, but...

Darcy bent down and scraped the blood with his finger. There were slight traces of rainbow sprinkles in it.

"...goddammit, Sawyer."

It almost felt like something so NORMAL. For Sawyer, at least. The question was how the hell that even happened, and how the hell they were still alive, but honestly, Sawyer was constantly doing things that made you wonder how they were still alive.

Could someone have hurt Sawyer? Darcy couldn't think of anyone off the top of his head, but... It was possible.

But the most likely scenario was...

He sighed and put his hand to his face, which couldn't seem to decide whether to look done with this **** or alarmed. It settled for being a mixture of both.

...that they hurt themself.

He turned to look at Akari. "...Oh, dear God. I think... Sawyer hurt themself. Or worse. I mean... I think it was Sawyer, but I..."

He paused.


"Akari, are... YOU okay? You- you don't look well."


But... Was Akari okay? No, that guy was probably never okay.

Little did Darcy know, not only was Sawyer freaking bleeding out somewhere and probably about to take their eyes out, but there was a killer wandering the school.

...possibly two.

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Posted: Mon, 01/05/2023 15:30 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Now Playing - Monster by Meg & Dia

Violet wrists and then her ankles
Silent pain
Then he slowly saw their nightmares were his dreams

How should I feel?
Creatures lie here
Looking through the windows

I will
Hear their voices
I'm a glass child
I am Hannah's regrets

How should I feel?

Turn the sheets down!
Murder ears with pillow lace!
There's bath tubs
Full of glow flies
Bathe in kerosene
Their words tattooed in his veins...

Everything was ringing. Everything was flashing. The pounding of his own heart had never sounded louder than in that moment. Lucian felt as if he was frozen in place, tranquilized, he wanted to move, but he couldn't.

He went very, very still.


...you don't get it, do you, Lucian?

There's no good in me, or in Saeko.

Saeko's only dream...

The police...

No one. Nothing.

Dreams are insignificant.

Damn murder game.

Rambling on...

About dreams.


We're all gonna die here at some point.

Lucian felt as if someone had stuck a knife, cleanly, deeply through his throat, and the blood was spilling all over the place.

He tried to say... Something.

That's not true, Idris.

I'm sorry, Idris.

There's good in you there's good in them there's--


We're all gonna die.

But what if he was right?

The worst part was, that Idris could be right. In all his relentless pessimism and destruction of self and of others...

The things some people did when they had nothing left to lose.

But really...

The only difference...

Was that one of them had refused to let himself see the possible truth. One of them had allowed his rose-colored glasses to stay on. Even after everything that had happened.

But all Idris knew was hatred and bitterness, at all that had happened to him. He couldn't even be bothered to try and get better. To... Try and do better.

No. It wasn't supposed...

...To be that way.

And out of his mouth came the only words that could come out, in response.

Because, really... What else could he say?

"do you think... Mei wanted this for you?" he choked out, very quietly. He felt... Extremely nauseous. And numb. Everything was...

There was this white noise that just wouldn't go away. This piercing pain that was all too familiar.



What did they do?

What was their before...?

Criminals always had a before. Everyone always had a before.

They... Couldn't be... Completely bad.

He inhaled sharply. "...this isn't a murder game, Idris. Until someone made it that way."


"we were all just... Here. Maybe this was... O-Originally supposed to be a normal class but something happened, a-and..."


Oh god.

"...who am I kidding? Life itself is a murder game. It always has been."

"Thank goodness you worked that out. Everyone's gonna die and it's useless to avoid that fact."

"...I... Don't believe you understand. It's... Different." The beginnings of tears threatened to bubble over in his eyes. "...I guess... That makes two of us that don't understand."


"...I'm so sorry. Maybe I'm stupid, maybe I'm foolish, thinking the way I do, but... What good is it going to do if we just... Give up? If we just believe with absolute certainty we're all going to die? That none of us will make it? That there's no good in anyone?"

You're an IDIOT, Luke.

Always keep on believing in people not worth your time.



"I-- I..."


"I'll find peace when I murder that rat. You won't stop me Lucian. Your pathetic attempts at trying to 'help' just make things worse. I wish all of you were dead already, then I wouldn't have to die here surrounded by idiots."

A saddened, pitying look came upon Lucian's face.

"...that won't fix anything, Idris. It really won't."


You won't stop me, Lucian.

"...you can say that if you want to, but I'm going to at least try. Because I... Think there's still at least a little bit of hope. For everyone. N-N-No... No... Matter what... He's- they've done."

He was shaking now.

Your pathetic attempts at help just make things worse.

Lucian flinched.

Oh, would you look at that. Someone just stabbed him through his center coronary artery.

Pathetic. Help.

Things. Worse.

He wanted to say something.. something... ... But...

"...oh. I'm sorry. That's fun."

I wish all of you were dead already.

Then I wouldn't have to die, surrounded by idiots.


Saeko. A monster. Not even human.

Wish all of you were dead already.

Rat. Fish.

I wish all of you were dead already.

Then I wouldn't have to die, surrounded by idiots.


The pieces all clicked into place.

"...so... You're that type of person, Idris. The type that dehumanizes others. So that you can feel no guilt or shame in taking from or hurting them?"


"...that's... Not healthy. That's really not good for you."

Lucian almost wanted to laugh. It sounded so stupid when he said it out loud. You don't say? Of course it's not healthy.

"...you do need to be helped. Desperately. Sorry I seem to be useless at giving it to you."

Dammit. Don't cry.

"...I always did."

I just want to make you happy. I just want to make everyone happy. Please...


I can't... Why am I screwing this up? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's my fault, I ruined everything.

I should be dead.

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Posted: Thu, 27/04/2023 21:10 (1 Year ago)

Suzume Fujimori's POV

Coincidentally, a certain Ultimate Scientist also decided to look around for a pot of coffee. She relied on it quite commonly within her daily life, and having it in a difficult situation like this couldn't hurt. If, of course, this was real life.

This was a perplexing situation indeed. One would think it's an overly elaborate prank, or a test of some kind. Or maybe it was a dream. But somehow, this all felt quite strangely real. Maybe she was on drugs. Suzume shook her head.

...probably not. Probably.

She thought back to what she had said to Lucian. Had she been too harsh on him? No, of course not. He wasn't thinking about this the right way. She had only been trying to push him in the right direction. His first thought had been to put his own life on the line to help others, no matter the cost...

You couldn't afford that way of thinking.

He's going to die, she thought to herself, with a shake of her head and eerie certainty. If, this is indeed real, and any of us wind up killing one another... He's not going to make it with thoughts like that.

It almost slightly saddened her. He seemed like the type of person she would wish to ally herself with.

Suzume was so lost in her own troubled thoughts that she didn't realize she was inches away from another human being, who was also searching for a pot of coffee. She blinked, stepped back, and adjusted her glasses.

"Oh! Hello. I don't believe we've met. Sorry about that, I... Zoned out for a moment. My name is Suzume Fujimori. The Ultimate Scientist. And... You are?"

Dorky Monroe's POV

Dorky began to feel rather tense upon not receiving a response. Had he said something wrong? Why was Daiko so quiet?...

His shoulders hunched up slightly. No, it was alright. It was okay. Everything was okay. Or it would be.

He didn't want to leave the other person alone. I mean, unless they wanted him to leave. Was he... Burdening them? Well, maybe he was.

He kinda wanted to explore this place, find something to do. But he also wanted to talk to the other Ultimates. He was getting a lot of urges right now.

A lot.

Nailbiting urges, songwriting urges, poetry writing urges, story writing urges, writing in general urges, drawing urges, listening to music urges, playing music urges, playing video games urges, hair tugging urges, and also the urge to fiddle with whatever the hell he could get his hands on.

He had started blinking excessively now, and his feet seemed to be anxiously tapping on their own. Oh, drat.

He also kinda wanted to flop down somewhere and daydream about stuff for a while but like


He should talk to them, right?


Then again. Were they humans? Or... Was this whole thing... A scheme devised by the aliens?

Honestly, you never knew if reality was truly real. Those movies dismissed as mere fiction could potentially hold the truth.

Lucian Arbred's POV

...honestly. What was Suzume talking about?

That sort of every man for himself mentality was the sort of thing he wanted to get away from.

Still, he... Knew she had a point. And it wasn't like Lucian was just going to recklessly get himself killed without knowing that it would be the most beneficial course of action.


Well. Speaking of the most beneficial course of action...

They couldn't let themselves be divided from each other, could they? Maybe he should head back to the gym, and talk to the other students...

Question was, if that sort of thing would last.

Would it?

Was this even real?

Who would create such a thing?

Mika Uyehara's POV

Mika was off reading books that were totally not about suspicious things. He totally was not going to get anyone killed, or commit any crimes.


Mostly, he just wanted to get away from the people.

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Posted: Fri, 21/04/2023 21:17 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

"Not my sister, no. But my father....I'm not sure. If Saeko...didn't stick their rat-face into my family's business, maybe things would've been better."

Lucian paused. He gave Idris a gentle smile. "...Idris... You don't know that for sure. That's... Just the thing. 'Maybe'..."

He was mostly at a loss for words... He wasn't exactly sure... What Idris needed to hear. And it felt so hopeless.

"Yes. Yes it is. I don't have any dreams, no more family, no more friends. I don't care anymore. And Saeko? Dreams, really?"

Lucian's face became a strange entanglement... Of both anger and of sympathy.

"...Idris... I have almost no family left either. The family I do have left? Probably dead for all I know. And friends are something I've hardly known. I... Know how you feel, but..."


"...there's always hope. I know it's difficult to care anymore but... There are things worth caring about. Do you think your promises to Mei don't matter just because she's... She's..."


"...she wouldn't want this for you, Idris. And yes, really. No matter what Saeko has done, they have dreams too. And no one... No matter what they've done, or... What family they come from... Or... Anything of the like... Is irredeemable."


"everyone... Is human. Everyone has good in them. They just have to try to reach it."

"You don't get it, Lucian. You just don't get it. Don't try to help. I know you're a therapist and all that, but I don't need another one."


"I can't JUST NOT TRY. Do you expect me to just sit back and watch you destroy yourself?! Fine. If... If that's really what you want. Go ahead. Destroy everything. See if that brings you any sense of peace. Any sense of relief," he snapped.

But... He sounded more hurt than angry.

"...I just want you and everyone else to be happy. That's all I want."

That look, on Idris's face... That expression...

It felt all too familiar, sending a chill down his spine.

"They all wind up dead anyways."

A dark look came across his face.

"...I'm... Already going to die, Idris. Sooner or later. I might as well already have." He let out a little laugh, forcing himself not to let any tears betray him. "I'm only here for a little while... To help everyone. I don't even know how long I have. But, it always catches up to you in the end. Honestly, it's wild that I escaped it for sixteen years."

He shook his head rapidly, as if to shake the thought away.

"I just... Want to help you. And everyone, Idris. But... If you don't want that... Just... I..."

What the hell was he supposed to say? Please don't hurt yourself? Idris didn't even care...

"...I just hope you'll find peace with yourself. One way, or another."


"...I'm sorry."


Would you look at that? I really can't help anyone.

Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy was frozen in place, staring at the blood staining the floor. It was almost as though he was either so traumatized by the sight, or he had gotten a deadly case of T-Posing Syndrome.


This... Wasn't enough to have been from a murder, was it?

Akari and Shi seemed to also be in the kitchen. Should he talk to them about it...?

"Uhh... Hey. This is awkward. You guys... I think there might be a bit of a problem. I-- found some blood, on the floor here. I don't know where it's come from... I'm guessing someone got injured, rather than a murder, but it still seems to be a lot..."

He gestured to it, gnawing slightly at his nails, and receiving an annoying, scratchy taste of nail polish. Blech.

"Should we... Look into this? What if somebody is hurt, or worse?"

Darcy's chest tightened. He wasn't sure if it was the bandages, or something about the atmosphere, but it was feeling hard to breathe.

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Posted: Fri, 21/04/2023 16:42 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

". . ."

Akari... Wasn't going to make him anyways. Did... He not care? Did he just not want to intrude? Or...


He wasn't doing it for them.

Then... Who was he doing it for?

The more Lucian thought about it, the more of an enigma Akari became.


As he walked away, with that broken crack in his voice, Lucian felt a wave of sadness wash over him.

Maybe he'd been through something similar before... And he couldn't let it happen again.

He was roused from his thoughts by Idris, speaking once again. Sounding incredibly angry.

"Everything. They're the reason my life is f**ked up, the reason why I'm f**ked up. I hate them so goddamn much. Killing them wouldn't bring my dad, or my sister back, but it would make me feel a hell of a lot better about their deaths. It's all that rat's fault."

"...they... Killed your sister, and your father?" So Saeko was that kind of person then. He shook his head.


That must be hard.

To hold so much bitterness for someone who ruined your life.

Lucian wasn't even sure he could say that about his father. I mean, sure... He'd done many horrible things. He'd hurt their entire family so many times over, he'd just wanted Lucian to forget his mother ever existed...


Lucian wondered what Saeko could possibly have done to screw up Idris's life so much. That he was feeling this way.

"...Idris... I--"

What could he even say?

They were two very different people.

Lucian couldn't blame Idris if he was full of bitterness and hate about this.

"...I'm so, so sorry. But... Even so, Idris. If you kill them..." He lowered his head.

"...then... You'll die too. Do you want that too? And I know it's hard to think about, but... You both are people. With lives, and friends, and families, and dreams... I... Know they took so much from you, but, is this really worth it?"


"...there are other ways to heal than vengeance. It's not the way. Bloodshed just breeds bloodshed."

And I promised two very special people that I wouldn't let anyone else die... Is that even going to last here?


"...should we really make someone else hurt to make ourselves hurt less? You're right. It won't bring them back. Nothing will. But killing the one who caused it... Well... That won't change much either."

and maybe... I wonder if...

Could she?

Could Miyako... Let Idris speak to the dead?

It was a preposterous thought, wasn't it? But... If her talent was genuine, maybe... Ghosts really did exist. The thought lingered within his mind, but he was still unsure whether to grasp it.

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Posted: Thu, 20/04/2023 21:21 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian winced. "no, no, nonono. It wouldn't. Idris. Idris!"

He shook his head at Akari. "...if this keeps up, he's going to kill them."


"...we have to go after him."

I'm sorry, Kubo. This is more important right now.


Someone could die. Again.

Lucian gave Akari one last glance, as if to ask if he was coming, before darting after Idris.


"...Idris... What... Exactly did they do?" he asked very quietly. "...what could... Killing them solve?"


He seemed... So impossibly hurt... Right now.

Sawyer Laurens's POV

[Edgy flashback time for no reason]

"We just had to take them in here... There was no other way. I just hope this doesn't get leaked out to the public."

"Yeah. It could ruin the kid's reputation, maybe even their whole life."


"Do you think that they're ever going to get any better?"

"I don't know. They still don't know what happened."

"I've never seen denial this strong before."

Denial? Of what?

...why did everyone keep talking as though something had happened? Nothing happened. That was all there was to it.


"...why am I here? Am I sick?"


"In a way, yes."


"They just refuse to talk about it. Don't even seem to know what we're talking about."


"Their condition is worsening. I don't know what we should do."

"But we can't let anyone know."

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