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96XNeko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 71 |
Posted: Sat, 14/03/2020 11:24 (4 Years ago) |
![]() I'm a sucker for these two ~ Now if only she would actually confess to him in my RP with DiamondDust haha.. [Read more] |
96XNeko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 71 |
Posted: Sat, 14/03/2020 02:22 (4 Years ago) |
Ah hello there~ Thank you ever so much. It's greatly appreciated~ [Read more] |
96XNeko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 71 |
Posted: Sat, 14/03/2020 02:18 (4 Years ago) |
![]() [
96XNeko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 71 |
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2020 12:13 (5 Years ago) |
"Aww tanks, Shēnshì," She began before nodding to his comment about their 3 years together, "Oh yea! Time sure fly when you'r having fun with friends! I mean I wouldn't know myself seeing how I was born an' raised to be chef. But I sure it's nice." She gave another smirk to him before nodding a little then rested her free hand on her hip, playfully slapping his hat a little. "You be fine, Shēnshì! The kids are gonna love it! My food and your dancing is gonna bring down tha roof!" ---------------------------------------- Marcel lightly continued to shiver gently at whatever bad thing Sebastian was predicting would happen on the train ride. He really didn't want anything bad to happen, especially today of all days! It was their 3 year anniversary of being friends. He gently tugged on his neckerchief before he glanced over to see that Sebastian had come to him, holding out his wing. He gave a tearful look before he then gently gave a small sad smile and lightly took his wing, holding it as best as he could. "M-Merci, Sebastian.." Marcel said shakily before looking back outside to see Loki doing his tricks from a top the train. He then glanced back over to Sebastian with a shaky voice. "Y-Y-You think the train's gonna crash..? B-But it can't! N-Not today!" He tried to keep his voice hushed, trying to keep calm as well seeing as how he suffered from panic attacks from time to time. He started to shiver a little as he then gripped tightly to Sebastian. "P-Please tell me we'll be okay..P-Please...I-I..I don't want Elora to worry.." In the meanwhile while he was doing his tricks and showing off, Loki had half been paying attention to what Sebastian was saying, his cheerful demeanor started to fade away the more he listened to how scared Marcel had become. Now, he knew that Sobbles were naturally timid and frightened easily enough, but Marcel was the most non-Sobble he'd ever met, until something serious came up. He frowned a little and then lightly hung onto one of the rails, slinking his body so that he was in full view in the window. Gently tapping on the glass he looked to Marcel and Sebastian as best he could from his blurred vision between his bangs, "Ya sure ya don't think yer bein' paranoid this time, Sebastian..?" He frowned before tapping the glass again, wanting to be inside. "Ya think that the Wobbuffet didn't check anything befo' we left..? Yer gettin really worked up over this." He then glanced ahead, a small smile on his face, "Well! In otha' news we're almost at Nymphi Valley! So put ya smiles back on your faces before Elora sees!" [Read more] |
96XNeko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 71 |
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2020 10:36 (5 Years ago) |
"Heh! Well tanks toots." he smirked a little as he was about to say something before he flinched at Braxien's sudden bursted movement of getting up. Upon seeing her fall on her butt he quickly leapt off the bed and waddled to her side, holding his pants up with one of his hands before lightly resting his other hand on her head. "OI! Oi toots! Ya okay? Dat was kinda sudden of yous ta fall down..Yas ain't hurt, are yas?" He tilted his head a little, looking to her with a matching concerned look like Rouge and Maui were. "We's can get da guild'n crap set up in da mornin' afta' we's had a good rest...whatcha say, toots?" -------------------------------------- Lord Morgrem continued to climb the tree, he and his wife's matching hunger for anything drove him to go to the highest tops of the tree, he was always told that the best and sweetest berries were at the tops of the tree. He gently glanced down to Hatterene with a small happy glint in his crimson eye as he reached up and grabbed a Pecha Berry. "Ey, love! Hea'! Take this for now!" He then gently slid down the tree, sinking what little claws he had into the bark so he would stay tight onto the tree, but wanted to give his wife something to snack on before he would get more berries. "I'll try tuh be as quick as I can, love. But hea'." He playfully smirked and opened his mouth playfully, holding the berry in front of her face, wanting to be cheesy and feed her. "Heh! Ya could say I've had an eye fo' berries~ I am still a thief after all." He continued to hold the berry infront of her, chuckling the regular Morgrem style chuckle. "Now why don'tcha humor me an' eat the berry befo' some random pokemon comes an' swoops it from me hand~" He knew no pokemon could take anything from him, he just wanted to feed her and be playful for once. [Read more] |
96XNeko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 71 |
Posted: Wed, 11/03/2020 00:23 (5 Years ago) |
Yakuzo felt himself blush a little more as Braxien nuzzled deeper into him, he had never felt this kind of affection before. He wouldn't admit it in front of everyone but...he rather liked it. She was really warm, the comforting warm, and was about to stroke her head again, but immediately paused as her ear flickered and she woke up. Rather slowly waking up, but she woke up, to which he gave her a big smirk. "Mornin' toots!" he chimed to her as he rested his hands behind his head, leaning back a little on the bed, "You was out like a light when ya was layin' on me! Didn't tink I was dat comfy." He playfully shrugged before his eyes glanced up, watching her ears twitch. The urge to bat at them was great, but he held back, not wanting to either startle her, or start something. "It's tomorra' pretty much...I tink." He shrugged again, looking over to the three beside them, "Sos is it tomorra' or what?" He then looked back to Braixen. "We's bein' summoned for sometin', toots..Dunno what though." ------------------------------------------------ Morgrem lightly frowned as he looked up from his seated spot leaning against the tree. He had been searching for a while but didn't see anyone around that garden, but he knew it was a pokemon's garden, which he had never stolen from before. He scratched his head rather irritably before he sighed and stood back up, muttering to himself. "Crikey...Not only is thea' no human food tuh steal an' this place looks like no one's hea' right now...It's gettin' dark an' I can't leave Hatterene on her own." He started to strut his way back towards the willow tree where he last laid down his wife, mentally preparing himself for the upcoming consequence of his empty handed mission. He arrived a few minutes later to the willow tree that Hatterene was at, watching from a safe distance as she tried to get up, but ultimately had to sit back down due to her low energy. With a shakey breath he approached her, his red fangs lightly starting to shine in the upcoming moonlight. "E-Easy thea', love...Save whut ena'gy you can...." He didn't really want to make eye contact with her, knowing he would be punished for one thing or another. But he knew she meant well, she loved him and he knew that, but still, he knew she could technically beat him in a battle. He then gently sat on the same bench as her before his eyes happened to glance upward at the tree, spotting a much taller tree behind it. His eyes sparked a little before he caught sight of a few berries. He lept up a little and smirked. "Well Ripper, you little!" He exclaimed happily, "Ace! We'll be eatin'!" He quickly ran over to the tree and started to climb it, [Read more] |
96XNeko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 71 |
Posted: Wed, 11/03/2020 00:01 (5 Years ago) |
She gently stretched before giving a small yawn, her light blue eyes glancing up at the sky. "Today seems pretty chill...Ever since I became champion it's been pretty quiet..Probably for the better..Right guys?" She then looked back down to her Sobble and Inteleon, smiling as they both smiled back and nodded to her. [Read more] |
96XNeko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 71 |
Posted: Tue, 10/03/2020 09:43 (5 Years ago) |
Name: Amy Lee Nickname: "Lady Sobble" position:(E4, HoF, Champion) Champion of Galar Pokemon: Laquiox the shiny Inteleon, Rain the Sobble Description: Dark blue sidecut hair, a fluffy blue parka, deep blue jeans, her small bag containing many useful items, Rain usually sits on her head. She wears her number on her sleeve which is "816". Backstory: As a little girl she had dreamed of becoming a pokemon trainer. One day she was approached by a mysterious stranger who gave her a pokeball that he had received but didn't want, it was a Sobble, who would later be called Rain. Through her trials of defeating the gym challenges and leaders one by one with the help of her Inteleon, she finally became champion. Now she lives at her mansion with her many Sobbles and Inteleons. Region: Galar Other: Thank you~ [Read more] |
96XNeko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 71 |
Posted: Tue, 10/03/2020 05:00 (5 Years ago) |
Name: Vira Nickname: "Vi" PC: Free Species:(Specify if shiny or not): Shiny Female Inteleon other: Thank you for hosting the roleplay~ [Read more] |