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Posted: Wed, 16/08/2023 19:31 (1 Year ago)
"Imma lay in my grave"

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Posted: Wed, 16/08/2023 19:30 (1 Year ago)
"rocznica" (Polish)

Whats "soup" in your launguage?

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Posted: Wed, 16/08/2023 15:56 (1 Year ago)


Dark green and red eyes as you requested! If you want to change the colour just say.



I did suicune :)



This fusion is so weird :0



Woah this one came out nice.

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Posted: Wed, 16/08/2023 08:44 (1 Year ago)
@Inteleon000 accepted! (Funny how I've never seen the pokemon you ordered)

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Posted: Wed, 16/08/2023 08:24 (1 Year ago)

Title: Update!

Time to REOPEN!!

YEP, that's right, this shop will now be open for users to order!
And everyone will get a 50% off their orders until the end of this week :D

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Posted: Mon, 07/08/2023 18:35 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Mon, 07/08/2023 18:33 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Mon, 07/08/2023 18:33 (1 Year ago)
No sorry

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Posted: Mon, 07/08/2023 09:02 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Sun, 06/08/2023 08:18 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Sun, 06/08/2023 06:38 (1 Year ago)
Cat with flowers

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Posted: Sun, 06/08/2023 06:05 (1 Year ago)
@All accepted!

I'm really sorry on what happened earlier on today/yesterday. I wasn't purposefully trying to heavily reference art that I made, i just didn't think it through properly and caused problems for myself. I didn't realize how serious it was, and so I am sorry for this. Moving forward i will be making art that is entirely my own–no heavy references and trying my hardest to improve. If anyone would like a full refund I am happy to do so, just PM me and I will send it. I am quite a new digital artist (I started when I opened this shop) so I didn't realize how strict people are.

Thank you.

I will also close this shop for some time as i wanna go away from Pokeheroes and learn how to make art properly. All orders that are in the slots will be done once I'm back and the shop is open again. Cya :)

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Posted: Sat, 05/08/2023 14:31 (1 Year ago)
@GlitchMode accepted! I actually hadn't finished making the form (new one) so let me finish it and then could you edit you post with the finished one. Thanks :D

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Posted: Fri, 04/08/2023 19:38 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Fri, 04/08/2023 19:34 (1 Year ago)

Title: Notice

QuoteI have updated the form, payment, examples and other things. Please be aware that you must use the new form to order. Old orders that have not been completed still keep their forms :)

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Posted: Fri, 04/08/2023 15:36 (1 Year ago)
@Purple_Guy accepted!

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Posted: Fri, 04/08/2023 14:59 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Fri, 04/08/2023 08:54 (1 Year ago)
-Username: glitchly
-Type: bust
-Shading Type: Fully Shaded
-Bg Type: Simple bg
-Preferences (Pose,Expression): Any will do :D
-Link/Image of Character Ref: him if he's too complicated then I can give you another character
-Would you like WIPs?: Yes please!
-Type of Payment: pd (105kpd in total)
-Other: your art is amazing :0

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Posted: Thu, 03/08/2023 19:51 (1 Year ago)
Once used you can only speak to Gekkos for 3 hours (no other creature can understand you)


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Posted: Thu, 03/08/2023 18:42 (1 Year ago)

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