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~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Fri, 24/02/2023 13:39 (1 Year ago) |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Fri, 24/02/2023 13:02 (1 Year ago) |
"I- well, it can't really be... broken in any way at the moment, but... if freeing me WAS an option, that would be 'very stupid'. The Upended is a doomsday machine, and I would basically use it to destroy universes. [Read more] |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Fri, 24/02/2023 12:32 (1 Year ago) |
"Fine. Only if you don't go do anything... stupid. That means playing Uno with the Scorn." [Read more] |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Fri, 24/02/2023 00:25 (1 Year ago) |
"Our love binds us... it makes us share our feelings, so we know how we feel. Example, we would know if we are sad... or happy or angry... we know it, no matter how far we are from one another. We share a commonality, in a way. Auspice can leave the Pyramid no problem, due to it getting used to her presence, and it will open its labyrinths for her. The Scorn and Taken make way. She has been here for so long, she got used to her surroundings, even with this Pyramid being one of the largest areas you may ever see." "When we kiss, well, we don't... well... normally look in each others eyes as we are doing so, but if we do, then I look at the bottom row." "Children? Possibly. Though, we have no idea if it will work though. Lubraeans, like me, have litters of 3-5 'pups' (as we call them) no bigger than the palm of your hand. They start off extremely small, and they can grow to be large, like me. If we try and it doesn't work, it doesn't matter much. That just leaves me with a whole 'nother set of possibilities and things to try." "Tea parties? Well, it doesn't seem bad, and I don't see why not, so maybe! I guess we could have some tea. After all, the last time we had tea, we quite enjoyed it~ and... not him. He hasn't seen much outside of his Pyramid after being locked away, and so have I. I usually stick with him." "Which means we have no favorite or least favorite." [Read more] |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 22:33 (1 Year ago) |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 22:24 (1 Year ago) |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 22:13 (1 Year ago) |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 22:06 (1 Year ago) |
Auspice opened her eyes again, looking down at Iteral, having a small smirk. "Heh, you are short! I'm taller than you now~" She spoke playfully as Rhulk held her, making Auspice taller than Iteral. She was teasing about it since she was taller than her when put down, so Auspice wanted to look like the boss. [Read more] |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 21:26 (1 Year ago) |
"Hmm... Iteral, hm? I know many witches. I hope you are unlike Savathun, the Witch Queen. The one that cursed me into imprisonment..." His last words came off as a hiss. "And yes. FOr many years we have been together. A long time." [Read more] |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 19:56 (1 Year ago) |
"This is my new friend, Iteral, the Rulebreaker! She is really nice, so please don't hurt her! I'm tired of you killing strangers without them having a chance to explain." Auspice's tone in her voice was quite literally joyful now. It seemed that her cold personality just went away in a flash if she was in the presence of Rhulk. "Hmmm... I see. Welcome to my Pyramid, Iteral. I assume you are named the 'Rulebreaker' for a reason, but I wouldn't go breaking rules around here, if I were you." He let out a low, dark chuckle. His voice was so intimating and deep, his thorax rumbled as he spoke. [Read more] |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 19:45 (1 Year ago) |
"Who do we have here?" He asked, slightly tilting his head in curiosity. [Read more] |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 19:36 (1 Year ago) |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 19:24 (1 Year ago) |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 18:46 (1 Year ago) |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 18:32 (1 Year ago) |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 18:25 (1 Year ago) |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 18:12 (1 Year ago) |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 18:04 (1 Year ago) |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 17:47 (1 Year ago) |
~My_Witness~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 151 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 17:44 (1 Year ago) |