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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 02:02 (8 Years ago)
Eddie blushed a bit. "Hm, well, I suppose..." He said.

The man squinted even more, his eyes slits. "You are right. I should kill you and your pets." He said, bringing his whip back up.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 01:47 (8 Years ago)
The man sighed. "Because I am in danger. Everyone is out to kill me." He said. It is now clear that he's paranoid. Jeremy blinked, now more intrigued then confused.

Eddie shrugged. "Where is there to go where I won't 'accidentally' kill a civilian?" He asked.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 01:40 (8 Years ago)
The man let out an angry breath. "He intruded my home, like the guards did. I do not allow anyone to get close to my living areas. They were not supposed to know about me." He said gravely.

Eddie perked up and nodded. "Alright~ Just let me do something." He said, calling for Miles, who appeared and groaned sleepily. "What...?" He grunted. "Please take Violet back home, Walrider, or I'll be coming to your living quarters and making you my bride." He purred happily. Miles frowned, but nodded and took the sleeping girl back home to her crib. Eddie folded his arms and looked at Monster.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 01:30 (8 Years ago)
Eddie eyed him, still a sly smirk on his face.

The man stopped, his hands to his sides. "Pet? Oh, I see, the large one... Apologies, but I am going to spill his blood, so you cannot have him." He stated.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 01:24 (8 Years ago)
Eddie chuckled. "No worries." He said, smirking a bit.

The man stalked closer to the group. Jeremy looked a tad frightened of this tall man with weird tattoos. "Are you here to take my living area over like the other guards were?? I will not let that happen." The man stated in a cold tone, bringing out a whip and showing his clawed gloves. He looked at Insanity's eyes and squinted, seeing they were not normal human eyes.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 01:17 (8 Years ago)
Eddie smiled cheerfully at him.

The man turned his head like an owl towards Insanity. "I see! More people to interrogate!" He growled in a low voice.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 01:11 (8 Years ago)
Eddie raised a brow and blushed very brightly. "Well, um, I was not expecting that, as a matter of fact." He said, keeping his cool.

A tall man was standing in front of a tied up TT, his arms folded and his back straight as if he were a soldier. TT was half knocked out as the man paced around him like a wildcat.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 00:13 (8 Years ago)
Voices are heard as they go down the hall. One is an unfamiliar voice, cold and firm. "Why have you intruded my home?? Remember that I could scatter your intestines across the floor with a flick of my wrist, big man." It said.

Eddie perked up, trying to hear him. "Hm??" He questioned, tilting his head.

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Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 23:59 (8 Years ago)
Jeremy nodded. "I'll follow. I'm curious as hell." He said. Martin followed Insanity.

Eddie waited for a response, very self conscious about him being awkward or something.

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Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 23:54 (8 Years ago)
Martin frowned and nodded. "Alright." He simply said, following Jeremy. Jeremy stopped and looked down the hallway, which was very long and dark. "Here. Something, or someone, took him down here. The taller one." He said. Martin peered down the hallway. "I don't hear anything..."

Eddie perked up. "Did I do something wrong?? I apologize, I am awkward at times..."

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Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 23:49 (8 Years ago)
Martin rushed to her side, looking concerned. "Yes, Insanity?" He questioned calmly. Jeremy led the way into a dark hall that was deadly quiet.

"Well, you are quite red and pouty... I'm just making sure." Eddie said.

Chris let Robin down and looked at his two kids. "You guys did great, you'll be running around screaming in no time." He chuckled.

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Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 23:34 (8 Years ago)
Jeremy looked up at her. "One of the twins was dragged away into one of the halls, and I can't find him." He panted, catching his breath. "I have no idea what it is..."

Eddie smirked, very amused with Monster's reaction. "Anything wrong?" He asked in a silky voice.

Chris beamed, proud of his son.

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Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 15:44 (8 Years ago)
Eddie looked at him and raised a brow. "Hm, alright..." he said, holding back his urge to laugh.

Trager soon fell asleep, tired from all the day's events.

Chris held him up as he did, patient with him. "Good job, you're doi g great!" He said with a smile.

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Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 06:23 (8 Years ago)
Eddie couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Why such a face, Monster?" He asked him.

Trager blushed and perked up, snuggling up to Trager.

Chris helped him up onto his feet. "Alright, careful steps..."

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Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 06:07 (8 Years ago)
"Ah, yes, I find you entertaining and generally fun to be around." Eddie said, tilting his head at Monster as he saw his red face. "You are an interesting fellow."

Trager laid next to him, yawning.

Chris smiled and chuckled, letting her down to let Robin have a turn. "Ready, Rob?" He asmed him, holding his large hands out to his son sitting on the floor.

Jeremy came running up to Insanity, looking concerned. "Erm, Insanity, we have a bit of a problem here." He said, breathing heavily.

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Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 05:55 (8 Years ago)
Eddie rolled his eyes. "Well, I find you somewhat amusing and entertaining to socialize with." He explained.

Trager smiled and went to his crib, putting him down for a nap.

Chris was sitting on the floor with Robin and Rose in their room, trying to teach them how to walk a little bit. He held Rose's hands as he let her walk around.

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Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 05:46 (8 Years ago)
Eddie stopped and raised a brow at him. "Oh, nothing, don't mind me." He said. He was starting to become entertained by Monster's personality quite a bit.

Trager looked at their boy and tilted his head. "Sleepy, bud?" He asked.

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Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 05:27 (8 Years ago)
Eddie snickered with amusement at Monster's expression.

Trager looked around at his place, looking at the new baby stuff. "Wow... This'll be quite the adventure." He chuckled.

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Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 05:35 (8 Years ago)
Eddie shrugged. "I think everyone has the potential to not be so soft, don't you think? I don't the the men who I mutilated thought I was very soft, really."

Trager looked to her. "We'd like to get home, please." He said.

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Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 05:04 (8 Years ago)
Eddie blushed even brighter and blinked. "Um, yes." He said.

Trager hugged his little son and looked to Slasher. "Is it alright for us all to go home, now? This place isn't too cozy." He said with a snort.

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