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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Voski.
Posted: Fri, 19/04/2019 11:00 (5 Years ago)
Noct, Draw this!: Hibiki
Payment: 100 Nuggets & 350k PD?
Other/Comments: //screeches//

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Posted: Wed, 17/04/2019 15:38 (5 Years ago)
Aaaa yes please ( ; o ; ) !!!!

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Posted: Wed, 17/04/2019 15:29 (5 Years ago)
Ijvxcvhv missed again. ;;

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Posted: Wed, 17/04/2019 15:18 (5 Years ago)
I'm not going to sound mean, but i think it's a bit unfair when others work on a colored reference/design and they just get a very dark photo of a not even colored pencil sketch back.
It's one of the reasons many don't use this thread anymore.
I'm not going to forbid some of you to do traditional art, thats not the point here. But please don't just give a quick pencil sketch back that you didn't even colored. Also try to scan/photograph the piece with more lightning so that it's actually useable with added colors in the end.
Some really try to put effort into their art, so try to give them at least something equally back.

Also, the thread-owner left the site so there is no use to contact them about it. That's why i write this here.

Also, it actually says in the rules to put effort into your work. And to NOT do pixelart as a claim. Please do still follow the thread-rules, even when the original owner left the site. Thank you.

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Posted: Wed, 10/04/2019 06:39 (5 Years ago)
Don't wanna burden with more art to do when there is lesser time, haha.

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Posted: Mon, 08/04/2019 14:22 (5 Years ago)
I'm not taking any side here, since that's a thing the affected people need to make out under theirself.

But i need to be honest here, because when you are a artist and publish your art somewhere then you need to expect some kind of critique. That's just fact. If you can't handle critique, then you shouldn't post your work anywhere, because that's going to happen sooner or later to anyone. (And yes, i know there is a difference between 'hating on someones art' and 'making critique on someones art'.)
And i can't see anything bad here, to be honest.
As a digital artist myself i would've been glad someone would take their actual time to show me what i did wrong or what i could improve, because yes, that's exactly what i want.

That discussion aside, to me, the guide would also be helpful (but that's just my opinion, i think for people that already started with pixeling i will be helpful for sure~) when i would know how to start as a beginner. What program i could use, how i should start at all, what "Beginner Mistakes" are, if multiple layers being used as well and so on. (Yes, i'm a noob in this, but pixeling sounds fun and i would love to try it out when i would actually know where to start, lol) I think that could be something nice as well.

And now, as Nino said, please let's just move on. Everyone is allowed to make guides here.

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Posted: Tue, 02/04/2019 23:08 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 22/03/2019 18:21 (5 Years ago)
I didn't read and saw that it's closed, sorry...
//hits own forehead

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Posted: Fri, 22/03/2019 18:12 (5 Years ago)
I want: Colored Sketch, Fullbody
I am paying: 300k + tip
Reference of my character: Any from my Mains
Comment (e.g. special wishes or custom adopt): I don't really care which obe you choose; it's literally up to you. Haha.

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Posted: Thu, 21/03/2019 22:58 (5 Years ago)
I thiiiiink...good? :0

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Posted: Thu, 21/03/2019 22:54 (5 Years ago)
Dark/Steel...kinda? :'D
(But amazing Avatar, though!)

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Posted: Thu, 21/03/2019 22:53 (5 Years ago)
Good :0

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Posted: Thu, 21/03/2019 22:52 (5 Years ago)
I mean... Lunala is a amazing Pokemon. But no. Really. lol

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Posted: Thu, 21/03/2019 18:44 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 20/03/2019 21:58 (5 Years ago)
Oh my god, that was fast!! Aaaaa-
I love it ❤
Thank you so much!! ( ; _ ; )

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Posted: Wed, 20/03/2019 20:26 (5 Years ago)
Thank you ❤
Are 300k fine for you?
Will also see what else i have for an extra tip (,,> w <,,)

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Posted: Wed, 20/03/2019 20:22 (5 Years ago)
Aaaaa your art is beautiful!!!

Could you do a fullbody of anyone here?
Nathan is preferred, honestly. But any of the others is fine as well, since i'm looking for art of any of them ❤

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Posted: Sat, 16/03/2019 16:23 (5 Years ago)
heya,me needs a dumb pixel halo avi bc i have nothing better to do with my money haha!!
my character: [x] & [x]? If i can't order two, just one of them (,,u w u,,)
how i am going to pay: Nuggets
the color of the halo that I want is: anything fitting!!

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Posted: Tue, 05/03/2019 15:22 (5 Years ago)
Claim ❤

Done ♥ PP'd to the new owner ♥

@ next; one of these:

-- A Spidersona
(Basically, design me a own spiderman ❤ Please do not copy any existing design or so. Be creative. I like hoodies, glowing things, black/turqoise/light blue/white/grey, piercings, mohawk haircuts, kind of edgy things. Can also be slightly animal themed (like a wolve, snake, cat or so).)

-- A Anthro/Furry
(Let it either be feline or canine; Please with clothes and male. Maybe with a mohawk? A bit rebellious and with piercings?
Or based off of one of these moodboards..)

-- A Murkrow, Espurr, Umbreon, Eevee or Pikachu based on one of these moodboards

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Posted: Sat, 02/02/2019 03:05 (5 Years ago)
Ahahah oh my god--
I love that so much!!
Thank you a ton!! ❤❤❤

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