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Searching for: Posts from Vanished_Ash.
Posted: Mon, 18/09/2023 23:40 (1 Year ago)
Vaporeon and sylveon

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Posted: Mon, 18/09/2023 23:35 (1 Year ago)
come visit my shop i sell pokemon and shiny hunts(cost depends on the pokemon) first hunt is only 10k PD

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Posted: Mon, 18/09/2023 14:46 (1 Year ago)
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Posted: Sun, 17/09/2023 21:04 (1 Year ago)

Title: Tuesday discounts on tuesday

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Posted: Sun, 17/09/2023 15:02 (1 Year ago)
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HIRING PLAYERS!!! i am hiring 2 people to work for this job if you want to join pm me and fill this application. the pay is _____ a week so every monday you get the amount you asked for. please note there is a max and minimum becuse money doesnt grow on the honey tree. GET BECAUSE MONEY DOESN'T GROW ON TREES AND there is a... sorry.

Hi i want to work here because:
i only want________for my pay(money maximum is 1000 minimum is 1)
i think i can help with:
again you can pm me or just post for a job. if you don't use this application you will be rejected.

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Posted: Sun, 17/09/2023 14:23 (1 Year ago)
Welcome to my shop. If you work here welcome back! if you're new, welcome to this shack i call a shop! I'm excited for my reopening and i don't know how anyone will find this shop lol. If you are looking for pokes to buy look in my boxes. If you are looking for shiny hunts go to next spoiler. Feel free to look through and tell me what you want and send a price to place an order:

name and no of Pokémon:
total cost:

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everything in this box , this box and this box is for sale a few pokes are not, just ask

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Cheap shiny hunting shop.
you can pay daycare funds if you want to help with the hunt. the actual pay is a separate pay that is given at the end of a hunt.
if you would like to support or if you're greedy and want to speed you're hunt >:( you can pay any of the workers listed who don't have premium, premium!
Quote none, lol if you want to sign up tell me.
Easy: pay 50k daycare funds 5-10k keeping it cheap :') Meduim: pay: 40k daycare 10-15k. hard: 15-20k daycare: none :) legend 250k daycare 50k sorry. other 30k *i do not hunt event mons*
Done exploring? If you found nothing you like you can go back.
i would also like to thank the supporters of this shop
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Me:| what were you looking for here?

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Posted: Sun, 17/09/2023 14:09 (1 Year ago)

Title: wow i asked for 6 of em LOL

Pokemon : eevee(2) greninja talonflame archeops and orbeetle
Tips (Optional):500 PD

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Posted: Sun, 17/09/2023 14:05 (1 Year ago)
g-g-g-guys?... my fletchling and swablu just had and egg(lvl 3 and 16😳) and i wonder what will come out of the egg whats most scary is that it said they dont seem to get along so.. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!

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Posted: Sun, 17/09/2023 04:58 (1 Year ago)
If peole leave bred eggs in daycare for too long they go to wild.

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Posted: Sun, 17/09/2023 04:54 (1 Year ago)

Pokemon wanted:comebee, hoopa and retro cyndaquil
Tips (Optional):items
Notes:i really hope this isnt fake if not i will be here again soon LOL

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Posted: Sun, 17/09/2023 03:13 (1 Year ago)

Title: WHY

Me just posting to get a plushie lol(i dont even know what to do with them) but still pm me to trade i have for trade: Flareon
, pichu, swablu(or you can wait for altaria) ,wynaut, 2 seisemtoad for breed or seprate for 1 , pachirisu, minchino and lampent.

also pm me for the levels

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