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Posted: Sat, 23/09/2023 16:30 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Sat, 23/09/2023 00:39 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Thu, 21/09/2023 16:43 (1 Year ago)
Well. Having a pulse meter for the last few days has been really helpful. Mostly to Dad though.

Not much wrong with me. My O2 is around 96-98%, but my heart rate is between 120 and 135 from 88-90 after a few minutes of walking around. Which, from what I see, is normal. Still. If I did inherit something from Dad, best to know now. As for him...

He spent most of yesterday sitting and relaxing to gain the spoons to go to his appointment today. Even with Abutrol and Advair, his oxygen was 85-90. After his shower, however, his oxygen immediately after was 74, while his heart rate was 140. He spent the next several hours looking things up and feels he might have Hypoxia. Either way, I'm making sure he brings this up today.

As for me, my heart monitor has been sent off, but I'm freaking out at all consistency of my symptoms (sinus/flu-like with no vomiting or true fever), particularly the temperature fluctuations of 97.4 to 101.4 means I might have an autoimmune disorder. I really hope that once things are ruled out or an answer is given, I can relax some. This stress isn't good.

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Posted: Thu, 21/09/2023 03:26 (1 Year ago)
Another four episodes down in One Piece, and had to share this part:

Don: "Hold your place!"
Pirate: "But Don Kreig! He can't say that!"
Don: "You only prove his point when you lose control or whine like little babies. Do you see me trembling with anger? Only the weak react to mere words."

Because it made me realize that I've been acting like those pirates. A picture is worth a thousand words. Proving someone right or wrong with your actions goes a much further way than just standing your ground and arguing with words.

It only serves to harm your mental and emotional health and well-being. Why continuously place yourself in the very flames you are trying to escape from? Crash and burn in their words, then, like a phoenix, rise from the ashes and soar above them.

I'm reminded now (and should remind myself of this each time) of one of my favorite quotes from Tyrion Lannister. "If they wish to give you a name, take it. Make it your own. Then they can't hurt you with it anymore."

You see me as arrogant and egotistical, but what I see is someone who places herself on a pedestal because she has such low self-esteem that she believes if she pretends to be better than she is, eventually, she'll be the person she knows she can be. Someone who sees herself as worthless for various reasons, and who struggles to, at the very least, see her dreams achieved.

You see me as attention-seeking and someone who regularly "plays" the victim and mental health cards. What I see is someone who has rarely been heard, seen, or understood, and who just wants people to take the time to get to know the real her without basing their opinion on the words of others or the one or two incidences they've encountered that don't define who I truly am.

You see me as holier-than-thou when I see myself as inferior. I feel everything I say or do causes problems. That the world would be better off without me. It's less me trying to convince myself that I'm better than YOU, so much as trying to convince myself that my existence has worth.

Do I have flaws? Yes. I'm petty, selfish, vindictive, and several other things. But aren't we all a bit of those at times? Believe what you will. Say what you must to make yourself feel better or more powerful than me.

Bullies are bullies for reasons, typically because they're lashing out at others due to the environment they live in. The temporary feel of being in control of something, anything, means the world to them. But. As one of my friends told me once: "There is NEVER an excuse to hurt another human being." So whatever's going on in your life that makes you lash out like this, I hope things get better for you. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'll help out the best I can.

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Posted: Tue, 19/09/2023 22:02 (1 Year ago)
Want to say that my dad, brother, and friends have been a great help in pushing through recent events and figuring out how to handle these people from PFQ. I've also been doing a lot of thinking on it, and I want to apologize. Some of the statements toward me were true, whether partially or completely. Thank you for pointing out flaws for me to work on. Knowing that some of this was brought on by my own words and actions has helped, and it has decided me on a few courses of action. (I know that last sentence is worded wrong, but for the life of me, I can't figure out why it sounds off)

-I will return to and stay on PH when the Halloween event starts. This gives me little over two weeks of time away for my mental health.

-I won't be returning to PFQ. My last little bits of time there have only made clear to me how annoying and tedious it is to hunt for Specials now. Can't even get a Shiny in 150 eggs anymore. :( And it takes 200+ for an Albino. So, that, in addition to not being allowed a journal there, and due to the toxicity of some members of the userbase, I feel it best that I limit my time there to business or to helping out friends.

-Tumblr has been blocked on my PC, but cannot find a free (with good reviews and lots of downloads) app to block the website from my phone. Which means a lesson in self-control.

-Any of my pages on Facebook will have future posts made with comments turned off for non-followers. I've also turned off the ability to message said pages. My own posts will remain set to Friends Only, with as much privacy as I can to protect me from the toxicity.

-Many of the things I've said over the last while never needed to be said to begin with. Or at least, not in a public space. Perhaps I was doing it for attention. Or perhaps I felt unheard and wanted people to take a walk in my shoes and know what I was going through. But I've learned the hard way that the world doesn't care about my problems. So the best thing for me is to focus on the people who do and limit the information I reveal and to whom.

-I shall not hide the means with which to contact me because I shouldn't have to make out-of-the-way accommodations and/or change the way I go about things just to keep my environment pure. Instead, I shall choose the path of ignorance and silence. Think, feel, speak whatever you want. I don't care. Anyone who chooses not to be friends with me based on rumors and hearsay is the one missing out and not someone I would want to be friends with anyway. So I guess I should thank you for helping me keep my garden clean of weeds that could choke the growth out of me.

Anyways. Just wanted to give you an update on my thought processes and stuff. I took Hydrozxyine half an hour ago, so very sleepy right now. But. Gonna fight through and play Genshin. I'm at like 60 Wishes since my last 5*, and I really want Zhongli before his banner ends.

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Posted: Tue, 19/09/2023 21:29 (1 Year ago)
Just got back from my appointment and had a coughing fit. That raised my heart rate. Sheesh. Anyways.

Due to the meds for my ears not working, I have not only been referred to an Ear/Nose/Throat specialist but have been recommended to get Ear Ache Drops, an over-the-counter med. Because without an infection of some kind, it was strange what I was experiencing. But I know from Monsters Inside Me, that one woman once had a hole between her brain and ear cavities, and her brain was leaking into the ear canal, so I know that weird things can happen.

I've been prescribed an Abutrol Inhaler and sent off approval for an MRI to see my lungs after he listened to them and said that he heard wheezing on my exhale. According to him, this could be a result of scarring due to the intensity of it after coming down with COVID last August. But it could also be due to being subjected to 33 years of secondhand smoke from both parents.

As for the referral to the Cardiologist. They actually turned me down until they get the results for this Patch. The doctor apologized for that, but I told him that it was okay. I understand that I'm not a priority right now, and there are people with diagnosed and/or worse heart problems than me. I can wait until they have the proof. But two more days for the monitor, and then two weeks before I get results.

He also submitted me to a Sleep Study to see why I've had problems sleeping at night ever since I was a child. Told me he thought it might be sleep apnea, and suggested a CPAP machine, which I vehemently denied because I tried it before, and I freaked out at it being so tight on my face. Made me feel like I couldn't breathe. But I did tell him I could probably try the nose ones.

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Posted: Mon, 18/09/2023 01:14 (1 Year ago)
As requested, Dad has blocked Tumblr in its entirety.

I would like to focus on my health problems and focus on writing, roleplaying, and building my gaming community. This cannot be done while also dealing with all the toxicity. My relationship with my parents and brother is by far better than they have been in a long while. The key to it all was communication and understanding, or rather, my lack thereof.

I was recently told by a hater that I needed to stop going off my meds because it was bad for me. Well. My doctor took me off Zoloft because he felt it could have been what activated my WPW. I only got on medication due to the events of Sept-Dec of 2020. Without your horrid actions, I would not have needed to seek help in the first place, nor would I have needed to continue to take anxiety/depression meds except for your continued attacks over the last three years. It’s amusing and confusing that you, who pushed me to this point to begin with, would tell me to stop going off my meds.

This brings me to the need to apologize for my wording. Several times, I left the games for my own mental health and well-being and said that I would never return. The real reason I left each time was because I knew I needed the space. I wanted time to refocus myself, reprioritize my life, and revitalize my energy. And yet, each time I returned after looking after my mental health, I was nearly instantly attacked for every trivial thing I said. Even though, for extended periods of time, I was silent, did not react, and did not say a word to you. Just let you talk poorly about me, thinking—hoping—that you would leave me alone once you got it out of your system.

So…After a discussion with my dad, brother, and several friends, at some point, I learned a few things. First and foremost being that you are horrid people, attacking others for the mere sake of it. You call me names and say that I have a holier-than-thou attitude, and yet, I live in your head rent-free. You hate me so much that you take every opportunity to badmouth and judge me. That you would go out of your way to stalk my Facebook and write a dissertation about me on the blog. I’m always in your heart and on your mind.

Not giving you the reaction, you want only allows you to refocus your energy on other people. And as much as I want to be a shield for those not as brave as I am, there is simply no way that I can handle it. I’ve apologized so many times for what I said and believed. I’ve tried to make it clear that I’ve changed. You don’t want to believe it, that’s on you. You continue to read my words, take the meaning out of them that YOU WANT to see/believe, and refuse to see me for who I really am. I might always be in your sights, but I won’t be the perfect target anymore.

I’m going to take another hiatus for my mental health, and when I return, I’ll be better than ever! You’ll see me around for the Halloween Event on PokeHeroes. At least until the new Pokes/Items have been obtained. Other than that, I probably won’t be back until Kyurem, though I’m hoping I’m feeling much better by November.

Again. Thank you to everyone who continues to give me support, advice, and encouragement. It means a lot. *The wolfcat with reddish-gold fur purrs as she rubs against your legs, tail straight up and twitching with happiness* Love you awesomesauce people! <3

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Posted: Wed, 13/09/2023 04:58 (1 Year ago)
I'm sorry. I really wanted to stream with my webcam active today, but I felt feverish. I ran a lot of errands today and spent two hours with a family discussion between my parents, brother, and I, and all of that itself took a lot of spoons out of me. Then I had a minor anxiety attack over the previous post. Managed to play Genshin for about an hour, but couldn't enjoy it at all.

Need to find out how to get 5* Weapons and Arties so I can make my teams even stronger. And need to get enough Primos for at least two more pulls on Zhongli before his banner ends. If I don't get him, hopefully, I get Neuvilette or Wriothesley or *looks* Huh? Where/What's Khaenri'ah?

10 pm now, so I'm just gonna write up a roleplay post and call it a night. :(

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Posted: Wed, 13/09/2023 01:14 (1 Year ago)
Was just informed of something.

Remind me why I want to build a database and help guide for a game whose userbase does nothing but attack me? Barely returned to the game four days ago, and its drama blog is already on my case, taking something I said that was so trivial and irrelevant, and turning it into some big offense.

*shakes head* It's things like this that make me insanely proud of being as mature and respectful as I am. I'm willing to give back to a community where a few players have chosen to be nothing but toxic to me for THREE years because I loved the game so much and want to provide easy-to-find-and-navigate information for anyone who plays the game.

Who ASKS to be constantly demeaned, attacked, harassed, slandered, and put down like this? Oh, I'm sorry. Guess I'm "on another she's so much better than us kick". Not. I am and always will be. Anyone who spends their time doing nothing but tearing others down will NEVER be someone worth knowing/being friends with.

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Posted: Tue, 12/09/2023 18:20 (1 Year ago)
I really wish I could figure out why I've been sleeping in until 10-11am every day for the last two months. Like. Even if I go to bed at 9-10p instead of 11p-2a, I wake up that late. :( Don't know if it's just my depression or something new that's medically wrong with me. Either way, it's very annoying. Mostly because I'm mad at myself for wasting three hours every day.

Actually, I do have that one sleep problem I've brought up regularly. The one about how I wake up super often during the night. I wonder if, with the heart problem, the sleep problem has gotten worse, and it should be next on my list of things to inquire about. Because I swear to Arceus, I'd freaking LOVE to be able to sleep through the entire night on even a semi-regular basis.

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Posted: Tue, 12/09/2023 05:21 (1 Year ago)
Whoa. Did I seriously spend ten hours playing Genshin today?
Exhausted and annoyed at all this bs I gotta do to get to Inazuma. I chased down who I thought would be Beidou (because I knew from reading up on how to get to Inazuma that I needed to complete the boat stuff), but it was Shenhe.

Uhm. She was how old when she did what now?! :O *shocked Paimon face* Oh! But I did just meet Beidou. Ahh! Didn't expect her to be dressed like a pirate. Like. Knew she was a pirate, but for some reason expected something different from her. Kinda wanna get her now.

Anyways. After leaving you with a link to Secret Message I'm heading to bed now. Good night! May the Force serve you well!

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Posted: Mon, 11/09/2023 23:16 (1 Year ago)
Ohh!!! My cams for PC and PS5 came in! Dad bought them for me since I'd kept at the streaming thing for longer than two months, making it clear it was something I wanted to do.

Ahh! [Probs TMI *shrugs*] Can't take one right now because it's time to make dinner, but I'll jump in the shower tonight so I can do a reveal when I go live tomorrow. Haven't taken one for a week due to depression and the heart monitor, but apparently, I could've if I stayed on the outer edge of the water.

In other news, I'm chasing down Beidou now in Genshin. So close to finally being able to go to Inazuma!! <3 Also unlocked the Serenitea Pot and ahh! Why do they have to have a place that I can make look pretty?! I spend so much time on customization in games that have it.

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Posted: Mon, 11/09/2023 06:31 (1 Year ago)
[PokeFarm Q]

Whaa? The Shelter is closed for 5 minutes at reset? I know from the drama blog that there was a lot of hate for the Shelter recently, as well as a few problems. Was this something that was done to resolve it? Oh. Didn't work at 1.05, but did at 2.45. So not five whole minutes. But still found it interesting.

[PokeFarm Q]

I'm looking at Finizen, Nymble, and Flamigo and all I can see are
Blophin, a mix of Minibbit and Phastix, and the Faemueño Line.
What are the odds that the Pokemon Company would create designs so similar to PFQ's Exclusives?

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Posted: Sun, 10/09/2023 23:18 (1 Year ago)

Title: Click Encounter Shiny Chance

Was it really that impossible to code it to two percent per Plushie?
Or to have a So Far on the Event Page to show you
Plushies This Event: XX Current Shiny Chance: XX.XX%

1: 0.04%
2: 0.16%
3: 0.36%
4: 0.64%
5: 1%
6: 1.44%
7: 1.96%
8: 2.56%
9: 3.24%
10: 4%
11: 4.84%
12: 5.76%
13: 6.76%
14: 7.84%
15: 9%
16: 10.24%
17: 11.56%
18: 12.96%
19: 14.44%
20: 16%
21: 17.64%
22: 19.36%
23: 21.16%
24: 23.04%
25: 25%
26: 27.04%
27: 29.16%
28: 31.36%
29: 33.64%
30: 36%
31: 38.44%
32: 40.96%
33: 43.56%
34: 46.24%
35: 49%
36: 51.84%
37: 54.76%
38: 57.76%
39: 60.84%
40: 64%
41: 67.24%
42: 70.56%
43: 73.96%
44: 77.44%
45: 81%
46: 84.64%
47: 88.36%
48: 92.16%
49: 96.04%
50: 100%

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Posted: Sun, 10/09/2023 00:47 (1 Year ago)
2023 Sky Gifts

29x Poké Ball
12x Great Ball
8x Ultra Ball
4858x Game Chips
4x Gracidea
Retro Egg
7x Honey
2x Iron
6750x Event Points
75x Figy Berries
19x Hondew Berries
56x Nanab Berries
19x Hondew Berries
29x Rawst Berries
27x Bluk Berries
10x Durin Berries
29x Persim Berries
12x Kelpsy Berries
26x Aspear Berries
6x Normal Gem
12x Flying Gem
28x Water Gem
10x Grass Gem
4x Bug Gem
3x Ground Gem
5x Electric Gem
6x Poison Gem

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Posted: Sat, 09/09/2023 07:55 (1 Year ago)
The story behind Zoro and Kuina made me cry. Especially how her dream lives on in the sword he uses.

Yes. I'm watching this finally. Still not entirely sure where I stand on it, but interesting and funny enough to keep watching.


One Piece so far.

Best Personality: Sanji
Cutest: Hawkeye Mihawk

Also...After 24 episodes, I'm starting to like it, despite it not really being my style


One Piece so far.

Best Personality: Sanji
Cutest: Hawkeye Mihawk

Also...After 24 episodes, I'm starting to like it, despite it not really being my style



Got the heart monitor today. The tape is very annoying, and I have to wear this thing for 14 days. That's not what I'm sighing about, though.

I'm going to have to set up an appointment to discuss my difficulty breathing. Ever since I recovered from COVID last August, I've had problems catching my breath after exerting myself or just breathing starting at about 9 at night. Was definitely noticeable during the recent smoke and the last two occurrences of 100+ degree days. Keeps getting worse, so probably time I see what can be done.

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Posted: Fri, 08/09/2023 17:58 (1 Year ago)
I have 22 Boxes and am trying to get onto the Ranklist for Most Pokemon.

The newest box goes to the bottom of the list, which means I have to click it 21 times to get it up to the top so it's quicker to move the Pokemon in, and then 21 times to move it back down to the bottom once it's full.

I know it's just a bunch of clicks once every two weeks or so, but it's still super annoying, and there are times when I accidentally move the one above or below because my eyes can't line them up properly.

I feel like a drag/drop function for the Storage Boxes would be very helpful.
Though I don't feel I would benefit from changing to drag/drop in the Party and Profile Page, I'm sure that others would find it beneficial.

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Posted: Fri, 08/09/2023 07:29 (1 Year ago)
[Genshin Impact]

Used my five pulls so far on Zhongli's banner. Got

Freminet x3
Sayu [2nd one]

I'm about 800 away from another pull. Zhongli and Childe are on different banners. I didn't quite like Childe in the Test Run, so I won't pull for him.


Phone Calendar: Judith's birthday is tomorrow. Would you like to plan something special?

Me: *cries* I wish I could. I miss you so much. You're a huge reason I keep going. I wish I could talk to you again. To hear your voice. To wake up to a random noti-spam or an "I love you" on my profile.

Nine years you've been gone. And it sometimes hurts as much as the moment I found out about your passing. I hope you're proud of me.



I bought a lunch of Nashville Spicy Chicken to try. Yeah. I bet y'all already know where this is going.

Dad is the first to take a bite, and says "This is spicier than usual."

Told him that it wasn't the Buffalo-style Mac n Cheese that I love so much (which I also complain about being spicy). I finally got around to taking a bit and am now crying. "I didn't expect this to be this much hotter than the Buffalo Style."

"It's from Nashville. When someone from the South tells you something is spicy, you damn well better believe it."

Noted. Needless to say, this is an item that will not be gotten again. Nor am I going to complain about the Buffalo Style being spicy again.


*squeals loudly* FFXVI and BG3 have been bought! Now to save money up to visit my sister in December for my birthday since we haven't seen each other in 7 years.


The story behind Zoro and Kuina made me cry. Especially how her dream lives on in the sword he uses.

Yes. I'm watching this finally. Still not entirely sure where I stand on it, but interesting and funny enough to keep watching.


*crying* Why is it so gd difficult to figure out how to code a blog site? Like. I know that once I get it, I got it. But it's so freaking frustrating to not have a friendly UI and to have to go down a rabbit hole just to fix something like moving the nav bar from horizontally top right to vertically mid left.


Google: Yu Yu Hakusho 30th Anniversary Box Set now available!

*screams* Need, need, NEED! Now to find a copy for about $75, which is what I had originally paid for the full set like ten years ago. Really wish I hadn't sold it for emergency money, and especially NOT for the $10 that pawn shop offered because I was an idiot.

Also... PLEASE GIVE US YOKO AND KURONAE! I know that was a fan film and not really canon [which explains why Hiei never went green and covered in eyeballs in the Anime], but I MUST know more about Kurama's Bandit days!

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Posted: Sat, 02/09/2023 23:50 (1 Year ago)
I've met Fischl and Oz in Genshin Impact, and OMG. Her arrogance and personality. I love her as much as I love Childe, and so want both of them.

Feel sick enough that I want to lay down and take a nap (can't do so now as it's too late in the day), but the thermometer says my temp is 98.4 despite my forehead feeling sweaty to the touch and the fact that I just wrapped myself in my Akatsuki throw because I'm freezing. Hoping I didn't pick something up from when I had to go to the ER ten days ago. :(

Also. I've managed to get two Shiny Charmander so far from the PoGo event. Several 3* Normals, but no 100%s. :( Ohhh! Just got a normal 3* 2 max! [2087 0333 2452 for PoGo.]

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Posted: Fri, 01/09/2023 23:56 (1 Year ago)
[Genshin Impact]

Got the 3rd key to unlock Lyney's story, but then discovered I needed to be Adventure Rank 40 first. I was only 35 and had been for a week because I couldn't get through the Ascension Dungeon.

So I spent most of my time today getting Diluc and Keqing up to Level 60 and finally beat the dungeon. Now halfway through AR 37, but should be able to reach AR 40 by the time the Event ends with as much as I've been playing.

I have 5200 Primogems saved up for Xhongli and Childe's banner, in 4 days but since I did wind up with 10 Intertwined Fate, I dropped a wish on the Standard. Got YaoYao. Haven't met her yet, so don't know anything about her.

Oh! This event got me the last Bennett I needed to 6C him. I'll try him out at some point to see how good he is.

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