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Searching for: Posts from RABAT8108.
Posted: Sun, 04/01/2015 15:33 (10 Years ago)
To Lovino vargas...
What Pokemon/item you want: Sky piller map
Offer: How much do u want? 85k is good right?
Other: Nothing...

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Posted: Sat, 03/01/2015 20:04 (10 Years ago)
Yeah if u can live without net and gaming then grats u r not addicted :)

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Posted: Sat, 03/01/2015 17:25 (10 Years ago)
Hmm well I see an exception here... Well I am not gonna say anymore, Just read this joke :P

A guy said to his friend.. "Hey If u can make me understand that 2+2=4 then i will give u 4 crore $." His friend said "Wow thats really cool"... Another guy was sitting there, He was listening and came to the guy and told him that "What r u doing? U r trying to lose 4 crore $??" Then the guy said... "If i keep saying I dont undersnatnd... He will never make me... He will put up logic, I will say I dont understand that... 2+2=5, and he will never make me understand"

And also note.. Doctors say that 8% Of a human's weight can be brought by him/her. Ur back pains are because u have carried more weight than that. Its not the book's fault, Its the teacher's unconcern and please try to change ur books and get some good books so that u can learn :)

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Posted: Sat, 03/01/2015 17:14 (10 Years ago)
@Angell, Thanks for the post atfirst, Now to say, I can say hundred demerits and hundred merits of gaming. The main thing is, We get to learn from comp while it damages our health. As u know, Once health is gone, its gone for ever... But if u just read a few cultural books or books which u like, then wont it be better? I know comp has lots of benifits, I am experiancing some as well, My english fluency has increased a lot, My memorization capability increased, But i damaged my Eyes and m brain is so fast now that i drop some letters while writting something at school. I also have a little pain at my shoulders and its all because of this. Our brain has 2 components, One helps to keep us punctual and another makes us tired, Playing comp transforms the punctual ones to the tired ones and we go to feel tired and sometimes sleep... Hope u will agree as well :)

And also to add, I didnt mention that u shouldnt be playing, I am talking about addict, U can play for 2 hrs and u rnt addict, But Angell Do u support playing games for so long? Just play for 2 hrs and like darkri said, work with it, Its a positive effect

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Posted: Sat, 03/01/2015 17:05 (10 Years ago)
its good to hear u r not an addict :)

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Posted: Sat, 03/01/2015 16:23 (10 Years ago)
Yes Darkri, A good point. If u r working with it, Its really something positive and not a waste of time, But the brain's shape changing still occurs, so please be careful. heres a good point, Just note down before u go to sleep that for how many hrs u have played on comp and then sum up the total at the end of a week or month and just see how much time u wasted and what u could have done at that time ;)

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Posted: Sat, 03/01/2015 14:54 (10 Years ago)
Hello everyone, I just wanted to start this thread to make ppl realize their real life... Lets see what we r in to in our daily life

Are you an internet addict? Or a game addict or maybe a social site addict? Check the following points and if they fit for u then u might be the correct person reading the correct thread...

i) You Like to play and think over a game almost always...
ii) You like to come from outside... Specially from cities or schools.. Come home and quickly take some food and then start ur comp to start playing
iii) Dont like to play with friends like u did before or dont like to attend any invitations... Like to play on comp more
iv) You like to think about the game even while u r not playing... think about what u will do while studying etc.
v) You do not spend much time with ur family.. Ur parents ur brothers and sisters...

I will keep adding the newer points i get. Did u know? If u keep playing for ten hours for 6 days a week, Ur brain's shape will change? its very very harmful. Games are a medium of enjoyment, so why will you be controlled by it? Just go with ur regular timing.

If You r an addict and want to get relieved, Then Just make a routine and follow it for 2 months... Make the routine such that u do all works including playing at fields.. Studying, Doing other jobs, Excersicing, Drawing etc. And when u r done will all of them, just play for 2 hrs :) Its good for u. And yeah if u keep thinking about the game, then just listen to some melodious musics, They will really help ur brain be calm and develop soundly. If u like it or have questions, just post and subscribe cause it will keep getting new things. Feel free to post any of ur ideas as well and post if u r an addict and how many points work for u. Have a nice day c:

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Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 06:58 (10 Years ago)
The winner of the New Year Raffle has been found.... Its Bulbasaur... Dukher bishoy kono item donate hoy ni tai kono 2nd prize chilo na... Good luck to all for the next raffle and the prize will be sent shortly.

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 12:40 (10 Years ago)
Me VS latias master : Latias won
Me Vs Latios Master : I won
Bulbasaur VS Sadman : Bulbasaur won
Me Vs Bulbasaur : ----
Latios VS Latias :---
Bulbasaur Vs Latias : ----
Bulbasaur Vs Latios :---
Sad man Vs me : ---
Sad man Vs Latios : ---
Sad man vs latias : ---

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 12:15 (10 Years ago)
Latias master Points Three
ME points One

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 11:54 (10 Years ago)
6v6 r jodi keu 5 mins er vetor acept na kore tahole she battle harbe r ta chara battle shuru hole r disconnect korle AI battle hobe kintu continue korte hobe

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 11:44 (10 Years ago)
post edited please check. Battle will take place after 20 mins... Prepare ur team

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 11:41 (10 Years ago)
@Prottoy age battle comp. Pore drawing

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 11:39 (10 Years ago)
Kishe join korba latiosmaster? Raffle na compitition?

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 11:37 (10 Years ago)
Thik ache tahole shuru kori....

Battle compition : Prize will be the money that everyone donates, Everyone to join has to give atleast 1k PD . Now Who wants to join? Battle charts will be made soon. r=red]

Donated PD: 5000

Battles will be comenced... The lucky numbers went by, Bulbasaur VS Sad Man... Me Vs latias

Auto Hundred AI on. All types of pkmn allowed. Each player will battle each opponent not only one... Everyone can battle one oppenent 2 times. 3 points for winning and 1 point for losing :D Each team may contain One legendary (Max) And one mega (Max)

Prizes will be handed over to the Top 2 players :)

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 11:34 (10 Years ago)
Valo kotha Tahole online kokhon thakba? Battle korte hobe to

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 11:31 (10 Years ago)
Achah... Tahole shuru kori... Ami Drawing compitition-e join korte parbo na, Tai battle tai shuru kori... K K online thakte parba kokhon ajke bolo.

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 10:50 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 30/12/2014 15:17 (10 Years ago)

Title: New Year Raffle

New Year... Notun Bochor... Yes puratai Foreign kajkormo... Tarporo amra to prithibir-e manush, Egula to kortey hobe Kintu nijeder Noboborsho bhule gele cholbe na, Tai request, Jodio eta shobar jonno, Erporo foreign kaj korte giye nijeder shob culture bhule gele to r hobe na.... Onek kotha bollam Keu poreche keu pore ni, Karor valo legeche karor mone hoyeche... ASTO PAGOL :P Kintu etai shotto...

Rules gulo pore nin:
Show hidden content
i) Each Ticket will cost 2k (2,000) PD.
ii) No Items will be taken instead of the following... [Leaf stone, Fire stone, Water stone, Thunder stone, Soothe bell, Reaper cloth, Weather balloon]
iii) Its Not compulsary (Must) to give Items, But giving items will boost ur chance of winning a bit.
iv) Each person can Donate 5 items from the list above and 5 tickets in total
v) Other PH rule goes on

Collected PD = 10,000

Items donated : None

Cute-Bird #23
Latias Master #54
$Bulbasaur$ #78
$Bulbasaur$ #49
Latios master #34

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Posted: Tue, 30/12/2014 15:06 (10 Years ago)
Thats soooo cool, Raffle shuru korchi

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