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MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sun, 29/06/2014 18:11 (10 Years ago) |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sun, 29/06/2014 18:05 (10 Years ago) |
Username: MrChiwiWolf Pokemon: Luxray To what:(can be to another pokemons colors or just a differnt color) Like Absol other: I saw your other works and I like them very much but could you please do the background transparent and give me the img url, I mean this [IMG*][/IMG]. I would send a tip anyway but if you do the last 2 things I would send a good tip xD Thanks! [Read more] |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sun, 29/06/2014 17:31 (10 Years ago) |
Just a little thing, could you please give me the img url as your partner, I mean this [IMG*][/IMG] if not it's ok anyway . Thanks!! [Read more] |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sun, 29/06/2014 17:06 (10 Years ago) |
username: MrChiwiWolf pokemon 1: Arcanine pokemon 2: Salamence background: Could it be transparent? If not black it's ok other: Thanks ! [Read more] |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sun, 29/06/2014 12:41 (10 Years ago) |
Mine wasn't Moltres it was Arcanine lol xD I am a bird I can only be male I'm from the 5th gen I'm a second evolution who I am? [Read more] |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sun, 29/06/2014 00:55 (10 Years ago) |
I appear with the 3 legendary birds I'm a Fire type I'm from the first generation I am the legendary pokemon And I'm a second evolution Who I am? Really easy xD [Read more] |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sat, 28/06/2014 21:51 (10 Years ago) |
I have red wings but I'm mostly blue I'm from the 3rd generation I have 3 evolutions My name come from salamander Who I am? [Read more] |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sat, 28/06/2014 19:57 (10 Years ago) |
Username: MrChiwiWolf Trainer Gender: Male Trainer Sprite (optional): Your option Pokemon: Luxray Other: Thanks !! [Read more] |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sat, 28/06/2014 16:28 (10 Years ago) |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sat, 28/06/2014 15:43 (10 Years ago) |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sat, 28/06/2014 11:42 (10 Years ago) |
Fruits, Let's Make a Pokemon Makeover! Username: Mrchiwiwolf Trainer Gender: Male Trainer Sprite (optional): whatever Pokemon: Arcanine Other: Thanks I will send a tip when i get enough DP [Read more] |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sat, 28/06/2014 00:13 (10 Years ago) |
Supongo que ya lo sabras pero por si acaso el shiny hunt consiste en eclosionar un buen numero de pokemon de la misma especie hasta encontrar el shiny, para ello tienes varios modos de conseguir los huevos de los Pokemon. 1- en la guarderia ( el mas rapido, bueno, a veces) poniendo pokemon de distinto sexo y cada x tiempo te dan huevos ( hay veces que se tiran hasta un dia sin darte ) 2- tall grass a veces puedes conseguir ahi tmbn los huevos 3- gem collector, para pokemon que ya tienes puedes usar las gemas para crear huevos suyos. A los 40 pokemon eclosionados alcanzas el maximo porcentaje para conseguir shiny 1,25%, aun asi es muy pequeño asi que tardaras en encontrar el shiny, o tal vez no, cuestion de suerte. Pero recuerda, si eclosionas un huevo que no es de los que estas buscando se rompera la cadena y tendras que volver a cargar el radar y volver a empezar. [ Huevos que no cuentan para la cadena o que puedes eclosionar incluso cuando estas en un shiny hunt: Harvest Sprites, Event Distribution y cualquiera del Game Center] Uff, me siento como un profesor espero haberte ayudado. :) [Read more] |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Fri, 27/06/2014 23:38 (10 Years ago) |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Fri, 27/06/2014 19:53 (10 Years ago) |
Username:MrChiwiWolf Pokemon: Arcanine Colors You Want: Like This Other: Thanks! [Read more] |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Fri, 27/06/2014 00:42 (10 Years ago) |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Wed, 25/06/2014 13:28 (10 Years ago) |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Wed, 25/06/2014 12:19 (10 Years ago) |
iom cvool! Well.. Not bad. My sister was watching me while I do this, she thinks I'm Crazy xD [Read more] |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Wed, 25/06/2014 12:03 (10 Years ago) |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Mon, 23/06/2014 23:50 (10 Years ago) |
That's it. When I copy that? Dunno Why I copy that? Dunno D: #MemoryProblems [Read more] |
MrChiwiWolf OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sun, 22/06/2014 19:46 (10 Years ago) |
Thanks !! (Y) [