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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 01:56 (11 Years ago)
Tsuki blinked before turning around in her seat. She looked at the girl who was staring intently at an egg. She smirked. "It calls to you doesn't it?" she asked, with a smirk.

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Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 01:52 (11 Years ago)
I CANNOT wait! My cousin and I were talking about it nonstop today! I think he's getting Chespin in Y, while I'm getting Fennekin in X! Ever since my friends told me about the game, I knew I was getting Fennekin and when they told me about what the legendary was like for X I knew what I was getting.

Thank GOD I wanted a 3DS last year for Christmas! lol Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to get this game!

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Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 01:47 (11 Years ago)
Akane watched her with narrowed eyes before the Mightyena growled calmly at her. She sighed before walking over to her, and sat down next to her. They instantly started to communicate in a series of growls and barks. After a little while Akane looked back up. "Rei and I already met up with the human. She's up to something. I think she wants to do something to us." she muttered quietly to Ichigo, before focusing back on the Mightyena.

Takumi watched them quietly. He continued to munch on the berry Kusa had given him, before he felt a weight settle at his side, a small blue head with furry Shinx ears landed on his arm. He smiled, ruffling the little boy's hair, watching as Hikaru tiredly munched on a Rawst berry.

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Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 01:43 (11 Years ago)
Hikaru looked up before standing up and heading towards the front. He went straight to the other side of the classroom and grabbed the egg that he saw earlier. He held it softly in one hand, petting it with the other. With that said and done, he didn't head back towards his seat, he left. Now that he had been called, he could go find that one boy.

Tsuki watched amused as the little boy walked off. She shook her head, trying to get her hair behind her shoulders. She kept her arms crossed, waiting to be called.

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Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 00:42 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 00:40 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 00:38 (11 Years ago)
Banned because I want more potato salad.
*goes and gets more*

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Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 00:37 (11 Years ago)
((Well I like to make the type of rich kid who could care less about everything, and just wants to have a companion.))

Hikaru sighed as he watched the boy walk away. He needed to wait until he was called, otherwise he'd hear about it from the Nanny, and he didn't feel like dealing with her. He already remembered his face, so he should be able to find him again later.

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Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 00:32 (11 Years ago)
((Dang it! I hit a button and I lost EVERYTHING! ugh! >.< *complete annoyed face*))

Yoru grinned as he dropped down into the base. "Done and done." he stated proudly to himself. As he listened to the conversation he remembered where he'd seen the Espeon. "The Espeon?" he asked. "I've seen her around before. It was shocking because she never attacks humans. Normally she just runs off, her being a psychic type and all. She must of been angry if she attacked them." he stated.

Tsuki looked around before finding a dark alley. "Come on, over here." she called, running towards the alley. She walked in deeper towards the darkest part, knowing Maggie would feel better.

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Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 00:29 (11 Years ago)
((And Hikaru has never had any real form of companionship. I think it'll be a great friendship! x3 I mean being stuck with rude Nannies who only want money isn't a form of friendship. lol))

Hikaru sighed looking away, before he turned to the boy again. He wondered what his name was....

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Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 00:21 (11 Years ago)
Rei looked up at Aramina and Rosanna. "We're going to be heading towards the haunted area. We're looking for a kid, I think he's a year older than Aramina. Hikaru, he's a Shinx gijinka. He wanders into trouble a lot, so we're going to find him." she stated. She looked over at Akane. "Go ahead if you want. I'll stay here with them."

Akane nodded before taking off. She'd scented a Mightyena fighting, and she wanted to know why.

After running for a couple of minutes she stopped, noticing Ichigo. Her eyes widened at the sight of the Mightyena on her back. "What the *censored* happened?!" she demanded.

Kyuzo watched Seya and Sable carefully from where he lay. He didn't like the scent of the girl. (I mean, they can scent fear and stuff, why not some weird emotions or whatever? x3) Looking over he nudged Takumi awake. He wanted him to be awake in case anything happened.

Kusa watched Sable with uninterested eyes. She could honestly careless. Her head rose when she heard Kyuzo shift. Meaning he was going to wake Takumi. She quickly ran outside, carrying a couple of berries.

Takumi blinked, groggily. He let out a tired yawn, before sitting upright, letting Rin get up and stretch. "Kyuzo? What is it?" he asked. He watched as Kusa ran out of a building holding a couple of berries for him and Kyuzo. He smiled at her. "Thank you Kusa." she gave him a bright smile. "Serv!" she cried happily.

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Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 00:07 (11 Years ago)
Tsuki watched everyone quietly, leaning back in her seat, her arms crossed over her chest. SO far no one had picked her egg. She could some how sense that that egg would be hers. She just had a feeling.

Hikaru yawned slightly, feeling slightly bored. He just wanted to do something interesting and sitting here doing nothing was boring. He found himself staring at the others in the room. His eyes landed on Harley and stayed there. He seemed lonely. Like him.

((Hikaru can be Harley's friend! lol He just doesn't talk much unless he's excited.))

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 14:12 (11 Years ago)
Tsuki sighed before spotting a door. "Aha!" she cried, running at it. She poked her head inside the door before grinning. Yup. She found the classroom. Walking inside she looked around at the other kids. So far she seemed to be one of the oldest, almost being 17. As she walked up to the line of eggs she scanned the row before she felt a dark feeling take over her as she stared at one egg in the middle of the line. Her eyes widened. Yes, she wanted this egg.

Hikaru yawned out a sigh before finally spotting an open door. Walking in, he figured he had the right room based on all of the people. There was a white haired girl in a black tank top and white shorts standing in front of a line of eggs. He scanned the row from a distance, while sitting down in a seat close to the door. His eyes stopped on one egg in particular on the other side of the room. "Huh..." he muttered.

((Sory, I forgot to mention that sometimes my post's will be long. Mituna and Death got me used to long posts. x3))

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 13:46 (11 Years ago)
((It was Kusa, the Servine, Hikaru is sleeping on Kyuzo's stomach. lol))

Kusa followed Ichigo, watching as she talked to Artemis, before spotting another bed. "Ser!" he cried, and jumped up on one, before moving in a circle for a couple moments before laying down, curling into a ball. The bed was hard, but it wasn't that bad.

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 03:57 (11 Years ago)
Kusa watched Ichigo before slowly walking up to her once she was asleep. She looked closely at the berries she gathered and grabbed a pecha berry. She looked at it before taking a bite, and smiled. "Ser!" she cried out softly in happiness. She continued over to Ichigo, munching on the berry, before curling up next to the gijinka and falling asleep.

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 03:41 (11 Years ago)
Hikaru blinked before looking up at the tall building. It reminded him of his parents house. He shrugged before continuing on. He hoped he'd find someone. He had no clue where he was.

Tsuki sighed, moving her white hair off of her shoulder. "Now where the heck am I supposed to go?" she asked aloud. She had no idea where she was at this point, and was hoping someone would find her to help her out.

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 03:40 (11 Years ago)
Tsuki snarled as she saw heard them recovering. She ducked when she saw the pokeball. WHile running she whirled around and used Confusion again, before taking off after Maggie. Hurrying, she quickly caught up to her. "We're almost there Maggie, hold on." she stated.

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 03:17 (11 Years ago)
Kyuzo watched as Hikaru yawned slightly. He shrugged. "Any...I just eat whatever I find." he said. He looked around and smiled sleepily at Kyuzo. "Hi!" he chirped. "Can I sleep on you?" he asked. Kyuzo let out a soft rumble that sounded like a chuckle and nodded. Hikaru grinned. "Thank you!" he said happily, before laying down and curling up into a ball on the Typhlosions stomach.

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 03:01 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 02:59 (11 Years ago)
Hikaru woke with a start and looked up at Ichigo. He shook his head. "Nuh-uh." he stated. "Rei-neechan and Akane-neechan find me when they're worried about me. If they're not here then nothing's wrong here. They also know when something is wrong!" he stated proudly.

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