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Posted: Sat, 06/05/2023 01:51 (1 Year ago)
"You tried to hurt the baby!" He summoned the vines again, thicker this time. When he thought there were enough, he threw (yeet) his trident at Scara. If this short person was a human, they'd just respawn so that's okay.

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Posted: Sat, 06/05/2023 01:36 (1 Year ago)
There was a small man fighting the baby! He summoned his trident and slashed it down. Vines leapt from the ground and pulled Scara to the ground. He shifted through his inventory, wondering if he should pull out his crossbow.

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Posted: Sat, 06/05/2023 01:24 (1 Year ago)
The bushes near Caspian ruffled and a pumpkin head popped up. "Hi baby! Was that your mommy? And your daddy? They seem nice." He was referring to Mercy and Kendo of course. He made a croaking noise when Caspian disappeared. "Wha! Baby?"

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Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 04:41 (1 Year ago)
"Hallo!" He tilted his head again, the other way this time. "Are you lost?" He sat down like a frog, his tail swishing around his legs. "You're too small to be on your own. Where is your mom?"

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Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 04:37 (1 Year ago)
In the trees, a pair of purple eyes watched the snake boy(beby) with curiosity. Lightning that could revert age! How bizarre. He crept closer to the clearing, careful to stay out of the light. He tilted his head at the snaky boy and then waved, trying his best not to look dangerous.

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Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 02:13 (1 Year ago)
Eye took Grimm's hand, a grin appeared on his face. He was trying his best to be supportive, it seemed. Now, you hold still. It'll be a bit cold for a while but then you'll be all good again! Red glowing lines coursed up Grimm's forearm, fixing everything that was damaged. It spread across her body and did the same. Ta da!!

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Posted: Thu, 04/05/2023 14:10 (1 Year ago)
"No clue from me either. But hey-" Yumine gestured towards Grimm. "I found her outside the cottage, she's pretty banged up. Should I bring her to the workshop to get her fixed? I mean- I have no idea." He tapped his foot and Eye rolled his eye (singular. I'm right here ya knowww I could fix her! If she's a robot like you, that is. Yumine looked from Eye to Grimm and sighed. "Okay, but be gentle." Hooray!

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Posted: Thu, 04/05/2023 03:11 (1 Year ago)
"Uh!" Yumine opened the door for Grimm. "Oh my god! What happened to you? Alright, come here. I don't think I'm allowed for this but you're not looking so swell." He lead her to the living room, sitting her down. He surveyed Grimm's body, trying to find a way to help her.


Well, a lot of people had come this wa. The Enderman stood in the forest, his bright purple eyes glowing through the dark. Anyone far away enough would've seen only that. A man went in the house, a woman went into the house and now another woman went in the house. Or was it someone like Rex? Curiously, he crouched down. Maybe it'd be best to watch from the dark.

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2023 13:07 (1 Year ago)
Yumine stared out the door and sighed before sitting down on the couch. He leaned into the cushions so only a part of his face would be seen. Eye and Ivis were watching Moon and Lydia and betting on what would happen. They whispered into each others ears and giggled.

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2023 12:27 (1 Year ago)
"I- It takes a lot more than rain, let alone a storm, to kill me, Merc'. Trust me." He laughed dryly "I could Vine Teleport back too.." He looked at the others and pursed his lips. "Mmmmmm. Okay, okay. I'll stay. But if anything gets rough outside I'm immediately racing after you." Yumine sighed. "Alright, Iteral. But if Lydia is anything like Kendo, it's probably going to take more than Duct tape to quiet her."

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2023 12:13 (1 Year ago)
"Iiiii uh I'm not staying with Kendo in charge, no offense Kendo." Yumine made a grimacing face and stood up slowly. "I'll come along with you. In case the storm does start writhing again, I can fly you home."

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2023 00:16 (1 Year ago)
Yumine blinked at the occurrences around him, unsure what you make of them. He sat down on one side of the couch and just started tapping on his phone. Why does a Robot have a phone, I have no idea. He seemed to be playing a whale game. Eye and X sat on his shoulders again spouting violent nonsense.

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 14:26 (1 Year ago)
"Well, usually. But it's been taking a bit longer than it has been usually. Like," he counted with his fingers, "six to five years late. It's come to the point where I'm suspicious when something bad hasn't happened. Then it'd be up to me to start the problems." He laughed but sighed when X and Eye made faces at him. "Not funny?" Nuh uh. You're doing it again.Leave that behind, baby. He sighed again. "Okay, okay. Sorryy." He shook his head. "Right, Makoto. Did he... run away? At a time like this? What caused him to do that!"

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 14:11 (1 Year ago)
"Hey there, Moon. It's nice to see you. I'm Yumine, and Eye and X." We're a WackDonalds Meal combo! B) Mh hm! "Guys, not the time." Yumine made a face at the wall and then turned back to the sky outside. "... So... big baddie about to ruin our lives again? Or is the weather just, a little humid."

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 13:55 (1 Year ago)
Yumine screamed as they got pulled. I mean, who wouldn't? He let go of the chain and wrapped his arms around Mercy to soften the impact of when they hit the ground. He groaned and sat up. Instantly the cracks along his body glowed red before disappearing. "Whoo, thanks Eye." He turned to Iteral and Mercy. "You guys okay? I- oh!" His eyes landed on Moon. "Oh, hello!"

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 13:49 (1 Year ago)
"Itty?!!" Yumine's mouth hung open at her sudden appearance but he snapped it shut immediately. He gripped Mercy's hand and grabbed the chain with the other. "Hey, wherever Makoto is, he'll live. He's a uhhh pretty tough headed boy."

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 13:23 (1 Year ago)
"Mercy! Makoto!" Yumine landed softly, wings folding into his back. He ran up to- well, just Mercy. "What's going on?! Why'd you guys run off all of a sudden? Um..." He gazed at the sky, gritting his teeth. He swallowed his thought before turning back to Mercy. "We should go back, its not looking too good outside."

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 12:54 (1 Year ago)
Yumine scrunched his nose at the sky above before slamming the window shut. "Ah great. Whenever this happens, someone's going to die or get kidnapped." He noticed Mercy and Makoto in the distance. Hm Yumine opened the window again and slipped out, unfolding his wings and leaping into the air before he hit the ground. With a fewflaps, he started following after the two.

The Enderman hurried back home with his armful of sand. Only then did he look up. What's wrong with the sky? Was it angry or something? He croaked and shoved the sand into a chest, closing the door of his makeshift house afterwards. It'd be better to stay indoors, in case it rained that is.

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 10:04 (1 Year ago)
"Hah, right Itty..." Yumine smiled for a moment before opening the door for Kendo. With his other hand, he reached into his pocket. His hand closed around what he was looking for and he sighed. He waited for Kendo to leave before exiting and going to the back of the house.

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 09:22 (1 Year ago)
"Woah, you're a professor now?" He sighed. "It has been a lot of years. Alright then, it was nice of you to drop on by for a while, Kendo. I've gotta go. I assume you've gotta go too?"

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