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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from FunnyWolf.
Posted: Tue, 24/02/2015 03:30 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 23/02/2015 23:14 (10 Years ago)
"Er.. No thanks" I said and then continue down the hall i finally find my room unlock the door and walk inside "Phew.." I looked around and everyone was inside resting i then walked over to my bed and sat down i noticed something... There was a pokeball in the transporter next to the PC "Huh?"

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Posted: Tue, 17/02/2015 15:39 (10 Years ago)
"Oh! Hey mark.. im going to my room I think its near.." i said

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Posted: Tue, 17/02/2015 14:22 (10 Years ago)
Traded a couple shinies for some other shinys!

Traded my shiny Serperior for Her

Traded my Shiny Kabuto for Him

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Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 18:18 (10 Years ago)
"Huh.." bill quickly went back to his office opening both doors "I wonder why they were attacking.."

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Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 18:14 (10 Years ago)
"Why are these things attacking! Ugh... Wait.. Force them open... HEY! YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING!" bill sits on the toy "Why does Mantra wanna get in.. and why show me to the basement? I'll be fine.. at 6 they'll find me.. and i'll report you stupid... things.. to the manager.."

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Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 18:10 (10 Years ago)
Bill leaves his office and goes to search for alicia he finds her and the rubber duck "Hmph.." He then starts to throw cupcakes at it "LEAVE YOU.. ROBOT OF DUCKS" bill yells

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Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 17:59 (10 Years ago)
"I know.. But you want to steal MY cupcakes.. dumb robots.. why do they make them.. I want the cupcakes ... not them" bill said then he stuffed a cupcake into his mouth

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Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 17:52 (10 Years ago)
"Hey.. Wait a minute.... How do you know my name.. Hm?" Bill started to walk back to his office once he got inside he closed both doors.

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Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 17:42 (10 Years ago)

Bill gets up "HEY! WHOS THERE.. Darn.. gotta go down the hall" He left his office with a cupcake and he ate it on the way down the hall.

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Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 17:13 (10 Years ago)
I dont think i ever did what i said i would 14 days ago..
OH well .. i dont care :3 (To lazy to look..)

Im gonna add my friends (That i talk to etc haven't unfriended me..) to a list where they will get a shiny weedle (IF this hunt goes well which means: I get premium many shinies and.. Thats it)

Show hidden content

Marky [1x Shiny and possibly 1x MEGA-able]
Oddballme [1x Shiny]
Carpetmonster [1x Shiny]
CometandAqua [1x Shiny]
Daycare_Owner [1x Shiny]
Dream_Cloud [1x Shiny]
Omega_thorn_Noivern [1x Shiny]
Shubhamsinha [1x Shiny]
Mangle [1x Shiny]

If you aren't added then
1. I probably forgot you (Sorry Dx I'll add you maybe..)
2. we dont talk or your not active
3. Your not a friend and only added me (But i didn't add you)
4. I've added you and you added me (Long ago) But then you unfriended me (Then i unfriend you.. so i shouldn't have forgotten anyone.. Today i got rid of a couple friends because they unfriended me so they probably didn't like me because of something x3)
5. you changed your name (So i might not remember you but feel free to PM/Palpad me your previous username(s)

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Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 17:06 (10 Years ago)
Hm.. haven't been in here a while..

I dont have much to add (I usually add stuff about shinys in my other journal sooo..)

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Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 13:22 (10 Years ago)
I decided to look at a sign "Rooms 50-150 --->" "Alright then.. maybe that way" i started walking where the sign's arrow had pointed

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Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 02:41 (10 Years ago)
(Accepted) I continued to walk and let darmanitan out of its ball.

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Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 21:18 (10 Years ago)
I walked down the long halls turning corners and getting lost "Oh great.. Where is my room.." then i felt the ship tilt a bit and i tripped falling on the floor "WHOAH!" I yelled then it stopped and i stood up and captain spoke on the speakers "Do not worry! It was only a wave from the storm we'll be fine.."

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Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 17:44 (10 Years ago)
Name : Bill
Appearance : A fat guy wearing a shirt with a cupcake blue jeans and a cap (Hat) That says "Night Guard" On it
Bio : He's never had a job and is afraid of getting one but hearing that he gets free cupcakes at this job made him decide to take it since he loves cupcakes cake ice cream etc
Gender : Male

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Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 17:18 (10 Years ago)
Bump :3

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Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 17:15 (10 Years ago)
"Oh.. Its funnywolf.. Though i usually go by fast" I said then walked down the stairs.

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Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 17:10 (10 Years ago)

Probably will expand the event hunt list later..

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Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 16:44 (10 Years ago)
"Hm.. alright" I walked away trying to get through the large crowds of pokemon and humans i came across a group of darumaka surrounding another pokemon "Hm.." I moved closer to find darmanitan i pulled out the pokeball and returned him then all the darumaka just stared at where darmanitan was standing "Daru darumaka!" One yelled then i tried to quickly get away from them i then walked down the stairs to the cabin area's

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