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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Emil_.
Posted: Thu, 03/05/2018 00:28 (6 Years ago)
"I'm taking him in." Makoto said, looking right at Nagito. "He needs to be taken care of... considering... that he's domesticated. He won't be able to make it...' he patted carlita, ignoring the pain as the bird nipped his free hand angrily. "As for who killed them... There's time to investigate. I can... try to help..." He nodded. "Kyoko would know... but we don't have her. So I'll try my best..." he stared at the monokuma file, reaching out to take it, observing it.

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Posted: Thu, 03/05/2018 00:23 (6 Years ago)
"How could you joke about this!" Makoto cried out, still at the wall. He rubbed his eye quickly, shaking his head. "I don't know, Roslyn..." He was shaking- he had hoped that this wouldn't happen. He didn't care if his secret would've gotten out- it would've been better than this .
He gently called Carlita over, pulling the bird close. Despite everything, he wanted to calm the bird down, at least...

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Posted: Thu, 03/05/2018 00:17 (6 Years ago)
(The bathhouse is at a distance where you can hear the scream, from what I've observed. Even if it was far, you'd be able to faintly hear it)

Makoto quickly whipped his head around to look to the door, a look of pure fear and desperation on his face. "I... Rory..." He glanced back to the body, stepping closer. He noticed the raptor claw... Rory's precious raptor claw... it appeared to be the weapon used.
He bit his lip, stepping back and sliding against the wall, going down. They were going so well... so well...

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Posted: Thu, 03/05/2018 00:07 (6 Years ago)
Makoto had been wandering- glancing around, searching for some sign that Rory just walked away. Walked off, and not died... He expected to see the coot, at the very least. But nothing.
He made it to the bathhouse, and kicked the side of it in frustration. After a brief yell of pain, Makoto fell silent. He could've sworn he heard something... he stopped moving, determined to find out what it was.
There it was again. A soft noise- barely heard from through the walls- and he quickly went to the entrance- and stopped at the door again... oh, how he wasn't ready...
He threw the door open.
And his heart plummeted.
He didn't even realize he screamed.
Laying there, on the floor, was the Ultimate Paleontologist, Rory Wilson. Carlita was nudging his hand, desperately cooing. He was clearly trying to get him to wake up... but he wouldn't again...
There were scratch marks on Rory's face, a couple on his legs, and multiple along his fingers. and some guitaur strings on the floor next to Rory.

(LONG Post, I'm sorry! Told you it'd be long and dramatic.)

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Posted: Wed, 02/05/2018 23:47 (6 Years ago)
"Rory probably wandered off, knowing him." Makoto shook his head, looking around. "I'm gonna take a walk, try to shake off this feeling." He looked down, slightly guilty. "I'd like to go alone, as well..."

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Posted: Wed, 02/05/2018 23:13 (6 Years ago)
Makoto was looking around, his heart starting to race. His only thought was that Rory was a late sleeper- he was a late sleeper, and he was just sleeping in. No need to worry! He shook his head again, before calling out. "Is everybody... alright...?"

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Posted: Wed, 02/05/2018 22:59 (6 Years ago)
(Woah it happened. Time to write Makoto waking up and then a huge paragraph because he's the first to discover what's wrong)

Makoto rubbed his head as he sat up and yawned. He noticed it was awfully... quiet, somehow. He rubbed his chin, wondering what was wrong, as he put on his jacket, shaking out the sand, and stepping outside. Something felt off. And he couldn't figure it out. He wondered if it was Rory- but he knew Rory was the kind of guy to sleep in.

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Posted: Wed, 02/05/2018 01:14 (6 Years ago)
Makoto moved his fingers in a waving motion- as best he could. He stopped quickly. "Moving it won't mess it up, right? They're pretty tight, so I'm not sure..." He glanced away, embarassed. "I'm bad with this stuff-"


"Okay... good. Because I care about Carlita. A lot..." He huffed stubbornly, patting Carlita's head. The waterbird made a sort of quick squeaking noise. which is normal for coots

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Posted: Tue, 01/05/2018 19:48 (6 Years ago)
Makoto stared at the wrapping, thinking. "Ah- Thank you-" was all he could say as he shook his head.


Rory went silent, unable to think of what to say. Scared to speak, more like... He instead focused on Carlita, checking to make sure he actually was okay.

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Posted: Tue, 01/05/2018 02:28 (6 Years ago)
Makoto just stared at Bakura, confused and a little startled by their statement. He looked back to his hand, rubbing his lip with his free hand.


Rory scoffed again more like ruining his throat, he does it so often. "I'd like to see you carry out that threat..." He couldn't hide the slightest tinge of fear in his voice- of course he was scared! Why wouldn't he be-

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Posted: Tue, 01/05/2018 02:09 (6 Years ago)
Makoto held out his hand to Roslyn, huffing again. "Er- here. It's a little beat up." He chuckled, coughing slightly. Random cough? Kinda normal. He probably choked on air knowing his luck


Rory started to tap his foot. "Soo! I was wrong, it seems somebody has some care for Lucky Doofus!" He walked over, picking up Rory, glaring at Makoto and Roslyn furiously. "Don't touch Carlita again."

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Posted: Tue, 01/05/2018 01:45 (6 Years ago)
Makoto huffed. "Carlita is fine. My hand, on the other... hand. Heh... anyways, my hand isn't exactly okay!"


Rory began to grin again. "Glad to know he's okay. Didn't realize. And really, who cares about your hand? It's just a hand." He shrugged, putting his hands in the pockets of his vest. because vests have pockets.

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Posted: Tue, 01/05/2018 00:18 (6 Years ago)
"I'd assume so." Makoto said with a chuckle, seeing Carlita's reaction. The waterbird was still moving their legs, as if he was swimming.


Rory made his way to the beach, before seeing Roslyn with Carlita. He bagan to rush over. "What are you doing with him! I swear if you hurt him-"

(Aaaa me and Rory's murderer have a plan but sofkgmb)

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Posted: Mon, 30/04/2018 23:44 (6 Years ago)
Makoto moved his hand away, staring at the bird, attempting to help shoo it away as it walked off in search of Rory.


Rory had taken to the forest, and had begun to walk back, after tripping accidentally on a stone he didn't see. He shook it off quickly- after all, nothing was broken.

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Posted: Mon, 30/04/2018 21:43 (6 Years ago)
Makoto smiled again- directed both to Roslyn and the progress they were making. "We're doing great!" He winced again as Carlita nipped his hand, harder than usual.


Rory scoffed again on his way to the tent, removing his hat and smoothing out his hair. He was mumbling to himself by the time he put his hat on the peg and stepped out again.

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Posted: Mon, 30/04/2018 01:11 (6 Years ago)
(Rip took me 17 minutes to start replying)

Makoto looked to the coot, before going back to the pile, ignoring the bird. The only time he really cared was when it bit a spot it had already nipped many times- resulting in a hiss of pain from him.


Rory glanced away. "Now it seems that all of you are putting in effort... at least..." He stepped away. "I'm going to my tent, gonna take off my hat. Don't need it much..." he mumbled, walking the short distance to the tents.

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Posted: Mon, 30/04/2018 00:45 (6 Years ago)
(Monokuma is releasing secrets if somebody doesn't get killed)

Makoto smiled again, finally looking back at the pile. "Hmm..." he pursed his lips, wondering how he'd do this.


Rory looked around suspiciously, before glancing over as he heard Carlita walk ashore. The coot went over to Makoto, and started nipping his hand. Again. That bird, I swear.

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Posted: Mon, 30/04/2018 00:04 (6 Years ago)
"I mean... if you really want, you can." He said, patting his legs, which were partially covered in sand. "This is gonna be a doozy to clean off."


Rory squared his shoulders, getting defensive. "There's no hurting Carlita! If any of you lay a finger on him intending to hurt then I'll-"

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Posted: Sun, 29/04/2018 23:53 (6 Years ago)
Makoto smiled up at Roslyn, patting the castle again. "I'm not sure if I need help yet. I'm probably gonna lose-" He shrugged, glancing around.


Rory shrugged himself. "I wouldn't mind if you lost. Carlita is practically targetting you already." His grin grew wide again.

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Posted: Sun, 29/04/2018 23:42 (6 Years ago)
Makoto stared down at his pile, simply patting it. Did he know what to do? Not at all. Did he know how to make a good sandcastle? Nope! Was he gonna lose? He sure thought he would. All he had was a pile of sand.


Rory tapped his foot, getting impatient. "Good thing some of you are trying! Or else you'd all lose, no question."

(Gosp! Henlo! We're all at the beach at the moment. Or, most of us...)

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