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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Buizel1.
Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 18:37 (10 Years ago)
I took the wallet, and threw it into the void. "You gotta stop being evil," I said, "You might as well join our rescue team."

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 18:25 (10 Years ago)
(did you forget that Rick weilds fire?)

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 18:24 (10 Years ago)
I looked at Zap. "Why?" I said.

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 18:08 (10 Years ago)
"Ahh!" I exclaimed. I caught Zap just in time. "Are you trying to kill youself?" I asked.

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 17:58 (10 Years ago)
"Zap!" I exclaimed, "It's me, Rick!"

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 17:56 (10 Years ago)
(it's energy, it separates. it was separated when Aegis flew through it. Logic)
I was still hanging onto Aegis. "Calm down!" I exclaimed.

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 17:54 (10 Years ago)
(no, ALMOST dead. Ya know what? no more dying. It's depressing, and you cant die of starvation after 2 days)
I saw that Zap wasn't dying anymore, she was alive. "Zap! Are you okay?" I asked.

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 17:52 (10 Years ago)
I jumped back onto Aegis' back, holding onto he neck. I ducked, and tried to not get hit by the attack. It worked. "Yeah!" I exclaimed.

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 17:50 (10 Years ago)
(different worlds, same rules)\r\n"This place is really weird," I said. "I know right?" Static said. I found Zap. She was almost dead from dehydration. "Zap!" I yelled. I took a wooden bottle of water out of my bag, and gave it to Zap, so she could drink it. Then, I gave her a few oran berries.

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 17:45 (10 Years ago)
"Woah..." Static and I whispered, looking around.

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 17:44 (10 Years ago)
(have you SEEN the movie about Shaymin? you can enter the disortion world through mirrors and a lake has a reflection)

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 17:40 (10 Years ago)
Then, I looked in the lake. A portal had appeared. "Maybe not," I said, jumping through the portal.

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 17:36 (10 Years ago)
(is it gonna damage her?)

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 17:35 (10 Years ago)
"Shoot!" I said, and used my only escape orb. I was outside our house with Static. "At least we know where Moora is now," I said, "But how do we get up there..."

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 17:32 (10 Years ago)
I jumped off Aegis's back, and grabbed onto her tail. "Nope," I said, "Not getting thrown into an attack today."

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 17:24 (10 Years ago)
(okay I edited my last post...)

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 17:23 (10 Years ago)
(she's a dragon, right? so she has a tail)

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 17:20 (10 Years ago)
"Yipe!" I said, holding on, "She's gonna end up beating herself up!" Then, I had an idea. "That's it!" I exclaimed.

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 17:16 (10 Years ago)
(r u sure?)
I had barely held on, now on Aegis' back. "This is actually a pretty nice ride," I said.

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 17:14 (10 Years ago)
I jumped into the forest with Static. "Where's Moora!" I exclaimed. I noticed a cave, and I went inside. I saw a cage, with Zap, and many other pokemon, were in it.

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